Don't tase me bro!

you are a moron, and no matter how many times you call me a troll, it doesn't make me one
you, however, will still be a moron

Any point of this debate has long been made. There is no reason for you to continue tossing out insults and side track arguments except that you are trolling for an argument, just to be arguing. That's what trolling is. If you have anything further to add to the conversation about tasers, speech, law enofrcement, etc., the floor is still open. However, if you expect that after investing my time and thoughts into this argument and demonstrating a reasonable position in the debate, I will concede the thread to end with you calling me a moron, you are sorely mistaken. I would expect that others of modest integrity and an interest in a modest amount of integrity for the debate here, would come along sooner or later and ask you stop with your trolling. It's only a matter of time before they too will have to put up with your nonsense in a reasonable debate.
wow, you are one to talk about integrity

Are there specific examples you can cite for us?

Is this an argument that can be supported with specifics, anything worthy of an actual debate?

Please provide details of your position that I am not one to speak to integrity.

Or are you just trolling? Posting unsupported, random insults and accusations just because you enjoy provoking people for the sole reason of provoking them. Trolling.
Any point of this debate has long been made. There is no reason for you to continue tossing out insults and side track arguments except that you are trolling for an argument, just to be arguing. That's what trolling is. If you have anything further to add to the conversation about tasers, speech, law enofrcement, etc., the floor is still open. However, if you expect that after investing my time and thoughts into this argument and demonstrating a reasonable position in the debate, I will concede the thread to end with you calling me a moron, you are sorely mistaken. I would expect that others of modest integrity and an interest in a modest amount of integrity for the debate here, would come along sooner or later and ask you stop with your trolling. It's only a matter of time before they too will have to put up with your nonsense in a reasonable debate.
wow, you are one to talk about integrity

Are there specific examples you can cite for us?

Is this an argument that can be supported with specifics, anything worthy of an actual debate?

Please provide details of your position that I am not one to speak to integrity.

Or are you just trolling? Posting unsupported, random insults and accusations just because you enjoy provoking people for the sole reason of provoking them. Trolling.
you support those breaking the law
that shows a lack of integrity

and again
you are a fucking moron so your calling me a troll is of no significance to me
wow, you are one to talk about integrity

Are there specific examples you can cite for us?

Is this an argument that can be supported with specifics, anything worthy of an actual debate?

Please provide details of your position that I am not one to speak to integrity.

Or are you just trolling? Posting unsupported, random insults and accusations just because you enjoy provoking people for the sole reason of provoking them. Trolling.
you support those breaking the law
that shows a lack of integrity

and again
you are a fucking moron so your calling me a troll is of no significance to me

That is a false statement.

Have you any evidence to support your claim that I support people breaking the law?

In fact, my central argument is that the law was broken when police officers enforced traffic law on private property. I have supported that fact with Texas code and the available facts of the incident.

The integrity of my postition is supported by the law of the State of Texas, where the incident occured.

Can you provide any support for you assertions?

Or are you just trolling? Arguing without a specific stated or supported position, make vague accusations and calling names for the purpose of instigating further uneeded arguments?

You are invited to make a case to support yourself.
Are there specific examples you can cite for us?

Is this an argument that can be supported with specifics, anything worthy of an actual debate?

Please provide details of your position that I am not one to speak to integrity.

Or are you just trolling? Posting unsupported, random insults and accusations just because you enjoy provoking people for the sole reason of provoking them. Trolling.
you support those breaking the law
that shows a lack of integrity

and again
you are a fucking moron so your calling me a troll is of no significance to me

That is a false statement.

Have you any evidence to support your claim that I support people breaking the law?

In fact, my central argument is that the law was broken when police officers enforced traffic law on private property. I have supported that fact with Texas code and the available facts of the incident.

The integrity of my postition is supported by the law of the State of Texas, where the incident occured.

Can you provide any support for you assertions?

Or are you just trolling? Arguing without a specific stated or supported position, make vague accusations and calling names for the purpose of instigating further uneeded arguments?

You are invited to make a case to support yourself.
no, it isn't
you have stated that you support resisting arrest if you dont think the crime was serious enough
that is supporting law breakers
that is exactly what you are advocating

and every post you have made in this thread supports what i said
you support those breaking the law
that shows a lack of integrity

and again
you are a fucking moron so your calling me a troll is of no significance to me

That is a false statement.

Have you any evidence to support your claim that I support people breaking the law?

In fact, my central argument is that the law was broken when police officers enforced traffic law on private property. I have supported that fact with Texas code and the available facts of the incident.

The integrity of my postition is supported by the law of the State of Texas, where the incident occured.

Can you provide any support for you assertions?

Or are you just trolling? Arguing without a specific stated or supported position, make vague accusations and calling names for the purpose of instigating further uneeded arguments?

You are invited to make a case to support yourself.
no, it isn't
you have stated that you support resisting arrest if you dont think the crime was serious enough
that is supporting law breakers
that is exactly what you are advocating

and every post you have made in this thread supports what i said

It is perfectly legal to resist arrest if the arrest is unlawful according to the Constitution. However, it's never a good idea because you usually end up hurt or worse.
I cliam only the level of freedom allowed by this private forum. Haven't clamied otherwise. My claim was to the "freedom of speech exercised here."

We are free, to some degree, to speak here.

Are you really making this as a serious argument? You look like a troll.
no, you are the one looking like a FOOL
you claimed "freedom of speech here"
you DONT have it

There is freedom of speech here. You are an idiot.

It may not match the limits set by the United States but this place obviously allows a degree of free speech.

You're a troll, just looking for a fight for the sake of fighting. There is no issue here.

As with all privately owned and operated websites and forums, freedom of speech extends only as far as the established rules (which can be changed by the owners and head moderators at any time) and as long as said owners wish it to be. Here, we are very lightly moderated and allow a lot of freedom in speech, but there are still rules and regulations, read them and follow the few established rules and there is no problem, break them then you force us to do our jobs and that will tend to make us grumpy a bit. ;)

So no, freedom of speech in the US is only for publicly or federally funded places online and real life. A business owner can even bar you from their store just for saying a word they don't want to here.
no, you are the one looking like a FOOL
you claimed "freedom of speech here"
you DONT have it

There is freedom of speech here. You are an idiot.

It may not match the limits set by the United States but this place obviously allows a degree of free speech.

You're a troll, just looking for a fight for the sake of fighting. There is no issue here.

As with all privately owned and operated websites and forums, freedom of speech extends only as far as the established rules (which can be changed by the owners and head moderators at any time) and as long as said owners wish it to be. Here, we are very lightly moderated and allow a lot of freedom in speech, but there are still rules and regulations, read them and follow the few established rules and there is no problem, break them then you force us to do our jobs and that will tend to make us grumpy a bit. ;)

So no, freedom of speech in the US is only for publicly or federally funded places online and real life. A business owner can even bar you from their store just for saying a word they don't want to here.
thank you
That is a false statement.

Have you any evidence to support your claim that I support people breaking the law?

In fact, my central argument is that the law was broken when police officers enforced traffic law on private property. I have supported that fact with Texas code and the available facts of the incident.

The integrity of my postition is supported by the law of the State of Texas, where the incident occured.

Can you provide any support for you assertions?

Or are you just trolling? Arguing without a specific stated or supported position, make vague accusations and calling names for the purpose of instigating further uneeded arguments?

You are invited to make a case to support yourself.
no, it isn't
you have stated that you support resisting arrest if you dont think the crime was serious enough
that is supporting law breakers
that is exactly what you are advocating

and every post you have made in this thread supports what i said

It is perfectly legal to resist arrest if the arrest is unlawful according to the Constitution. However, it's never a good idea because you usually end up hurt or worse.
it is a crime to resist arrest
thus it is not your right
You're a troll. You don't even know how to accept valid reason and gracefully or at least quietly, remove yourself from a useless and untenable position.

LOL so says the moron

If the US Message Board didn't value speech over it's own interest, you'd be among the first posters censored or run off the board. Trolling and personal insults aren't tolerated on many boards. There are many intelligent posters that will not suffer fools, such as yourself. It leads to a lower threshold of intelligent exchange, which leads to the level of garbage you have to wade through to get to anything of substance here.

Not that I mind. I'll exchange tolerating your trolling for affording me the broader priviledge of speaking to the fact that you are a troll.

Actually, we do still have to uphold the law, judging from you clear hatred for law enforcers and Dives repect for said law and enforces ... chances are higher of the reverse happening without our choice in the matter ... :eusa_whistle:

Juz sayin'.
no, it isn't
you have stated that you support resisting arrest if you dont think the crime was serious enough
that is supporting law breakers
that is exactly what you are advocating

and every post you have made in this thread supports what i said

It is perfectly legal to resist arrest if the arrest is unlawful according to the Constitution. However, it's never a good idea because you usually end up hurt or worse.
it is a crime to resist arrest
thus it is not your right

No, Dive it is a crime to resist a lawful arrest. It is not a crime to resist an unlawful arrest. I have been through it and I know first hand. It is your Fourth Amendment right to resist an unlawful arrest.
It is perfectly legal to resist arrest if the arrest is unlawful according to the Constitution. However, it's never a good idea because you usually end up hurt or worse.
it is a crime to resist arrest
thus it is not your right

No, Dive it is a crime to resist a lawful arrest. It is not a crime to resist an unlawful arrest. I have been through it and I know first hand. It is your Fourth Amendment right to resist an unlawful arrest.
you might not be found guilty of it if you were arrested unlawfully, but it is still a crime
It is perfectly legal to resist arrest if the arrest is unlawful according to the Constitution. However, it's never a good idea because you usually end up hurt or worse.
it is a crime to resist arrest
thus it is not your right

No, Dive it is a crime to resist a lawful arrest. It is not a crime to resist an unlawful arrest. I have been through it and I know first hand. It is your Fourth Amendment right to resist an unlawful arrest.

Spirit of the law verses letter of the law.

Resisting arrest can be done within legal confines, thus why you are allowed the "one phone call" ... however, once you violently resist you are breaking more laws and instantly become a criminal, if you evade the law there is another set of laws being broken which again makes you a criminal instantly. Use your one phone call wisely and you can resist arrest legally.
There is freedom of speech here. You are an idiot.

It may not match the limits set by the United States but this place obviously allows a degree of free speech.

You're a troll, just looking for a fight for the sake of fighting. There is no issue here.

As with all privately owned and operated websites and forums, freedom of speech extends only as far as the established rules (which can be changed by the owners and head moderators at any time) and as long as said owners wish it to be. Here, we are very lightly moderated and allow a lot of freedom in speech, but there are still rules and regulations, read them and follow the few established rules and there is no problem, break them then you force us to do our jobs and that will tend to make us grumpy a bit. ;)

So no, freedom of speech in the US is only for publicly or federally funded places online and real life. A business owner can even bar you from their store just for saying a word they don't want to here.
thank you

You're both wrong. Absolutely and on a very fundamental level.

The US Government is not the sole provider of free speech. They are only one of many that PROTECT free speech.

Kitten, you're trolling for a fight too because you got your ass handed to you again.

You agree that we do enjoy a lot of freedom of speech here, at the pleasure of the owners. Then you try to place the sole authority to freedom of speech with the government. You are absolutely wrong. They merely insure it, they don't own, didn't invent it and are not the only people who insure it.

You somehow whole heartedly believe that the governments rules on speech are indeed "freedom of speech" but the admittedly loose regulations, lawfully imposed by this board are not priviledges to free speech.

Completely understandable, knowing your weak mindset. You have already surrendered your personal freedoms to others. You reatain no authority over yourself. You give it up to anyone. Your just a fearful type. And that's OK. But I am not. My freedom to speak here is not influenced by your fear. The regualtions are clear, my positions are well articulated and supported. My speech practically frees itself.

But hey, if you need that feeling of authority over you to keep yourself in check, that's all good. Some of us have the composure to use our freedom responsibly.
As with all privately owned and operated websites and forums, freedom of speech extends only as far as the established rules (which can be changed by the owners and head moderators at any time) and as long as said owners wish it to be. Here, we are very lightly moderated and allow a lot of freedom in speech, but there are still rules and regulations, read them and follow the few established rules and there is no problem, break them then you force us to do our jobs and that will tend to make us grumpy a bit. ;)

So no, freedom of speech in the US is only for publicly or federally funded places online and real life. A business owner can even bar you from their store just for saying a word they don't want to here.
thank you

You're both wrong. Absolutely and on a very fundamental level.

The US Government is not the sole provider of free speech. They are only one of many that PROTECT free speech.

Kitten, you're trolling for a fight too because you got your ass handed to you again.

You agree that we do enjoy a lot of freedom of speech here, at the pleasure of the owners. Then you try to place the sole authority to freedom of speech with the government. You are absolutely wrong. They merely insure it, they don't own, didn't invent it and are not the only people who insure it.

You somehow whole heartedly believe that the governments rules on speech are indeed "freedom of speech" but the admittedly loose regulations, lawfully imposed by this board are not priviledges to free speech.

Completely understandable, knowing your weak mindset. You have already surrendered your personal freedoms to others. You reatain no authority over yourself. You give it up to anyone. Your just a fearful type. And that's OK. But I am not. My freedom to speak here is not influenced by your fear. The regualtions are clear, my positions are well articulated and supported. My speech practically frees itself.

But hey, if you need that feeling of authority over you to keep yourself in check, that's all good. Some of us have the composure to use our freedom responsibly.

:eusa_eh: You are an idiot, really, learn more about the laws you voted for.
it is a crime to resist arrest
thus it is not your right

No, Dive it is a crime to resist a lawful arrest. It is not a crime to resist an unlawful arrest. I have been through it and I know first hand. It is your Fourth Amendment right to resist an unlawful arrest.
you might not be found guilty of it if you were arrested unlawfully, but it is still a crime

It cannot even be considered and has to be dropped. I'm not talking about charges being dropped on a technicality because you can still be charged with resisting arrest.

Prime example, an arrest warrant has been issued for someone for murder. The suspect knows that he didn't murder anyone so he resists arrest because he feels he is within his rights and he was out of the country at the time of the murder. Well, even though the murder charge can be dropped, the resisting arrest charge can't because the warrant is what made the arrest lawful. If there was no warrant issued, then he has every right to resist arrest and the resisting arrest charge would also be dropped.

Spirit of the law verses letter of the law.

Resisting arrest can be done within legal confines, thus why you are allowed the "one phone call" ... however, once you violently resist you are breaking more laws and instantly become a criminal, if you evade the law there is another set of laws being broken which again makes you a criminal instantly. Use your one phone call wisely and you can resist arrest legally.

You are allowed to resist an unlawful arrest, period. Key word is unlawful. You are not considered resisting arrest if you are being arrested unlawfully. Who said anything about evading arrest? Phone calls? Once again, resisting an unlawful arrest is your Fourth Amendment right. And no policeman or policewoman can take that away from you.
no, it isn't
you have stated that you support resisting arrest if you dont think the crime was serious enough
that is supporting law breakers
that is exactly what you are advocating

and every post you have made in this thread supports what i said

It is perfectly legal to resist arrest if the arrest is unlawful according to the Constitution. However, it's never a good idea because you usually end up hurt or worse.
it is a crime to resist arrest
thus it is not your right

Resisting arrest is not always a crime. resisting an UNLAWFUL order or arrest is perfectly legal. In fact, the Supreme Court has ruled that I may resist unlawful arrest all the way up to taking the officers life. I can KILL a police officer attempting to enforce an unlawful arrest.

However, nonviolent resistance of arrest is viewed a lot more favorably.

In any case, as usual, you are displaying an argument for which you have bo support.

Citizens may resist unlawful arrest to the point of taking an arresting officer's life if necessary.” Plummer v. State, 136 Ind. 306. This premise was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States in the case: John Bad Elk v. U.S., 177 U.S. 529. The Court stated: “Where the officer is killed in the course of the disorder which naturally accompanies an attempted arrest that is resisted, the law looks with very different eyes upon the transaction, when the officer had the right to make the arrest, from what it does if the officer had no right. What may be murder in the first case might be nothing more than manslaughter in the other, or the facts might show that no offense had been committed.”
Your Right of Defense Against Unlawful Arrest

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