Don't think we live in a police state?

Guilty till proven Innocent. That's life in the Police State. Is this really what Americans want? Looks like it i guess.

And Anarchists don't want them.......except for themselves of course......

You stupid old man. This has nothing whatsoever to do with anarchy. Go wave your flag now.

You stupid fuck, when you have people who hate the Pigs and wouldn't call them yet are talking about a judgement day for them, That is Anarchy....

Of course he's only a wannabe anarchist because he also says he'll take them to court....

But you are just hatred for anything with common sense attached...Do rant on.....

The Simple fact that he intentionally mentioned his constitutional rights probably triggered the policeman. The police simply do not like when civilians do this, and sure they have every right to react, wouldn't you? But although he may react with disregard he still should not have searched the vehicle at all. It being a DUI checkpoint the policeman had no cause to bring the situation any further than where it began initially. This is America, and it is definitely not perfect, but problems like this shouldn't have to be an issue. Our police protect us and our rights, not obstruct them and unlawfully treat anyone who knows their rights like a criminal. I hope that man pressed charges against this officer.

I hope so to. By failing to abide a simple request as "roll your window down" he automatically gave Probable cause that he may be hiding something.
"Roll your window down!" is a command, not a request.

If you are stopped at a roadblock where a police officer tells you to roll your window down, and you ask why, that is probable cause to believe you are aware of your rights and nothing more.

If the officer has a legitimate and lawful reason to stop you and to have you roll your window down, and he has no substantial cause to suspect you of a criminal offense, he is obliged to tell you why he's doing it. If in fact it is a legal roadblock and he is appropriately authorized to inspect for indications of DUI, and you then refuse to roll your window down, then the officer has some basis for reasonable suspicion that you might be DUI and assert his authority to compel compliance. But not before he informs you of the reason for the stop!

In the video example, the cop failed to explain the reason for stopping the driver and commanding him to roll his window down. He failed to inform the driver why he was being detained and proceeded to search his car without any reasonable suspicion of criminal activity.

Now, you can either thank me for educating you or you can continue believing what best suits your indoctrinated authoritarian mindset.
Mr. Beale,

What and where are the circumstances for this aggressive take-down? I will appreciate anything you can tell me about it.

'Probable Cause' is a scam at this point. It has been used & abused for many years by our Police. It has to be more specific. It's time to re-examine and clearly define 'Probable Cause.' There has to be more strict guidelines on its use. The Police are clearly abusing it.
The Simple fact that he intentionally mentioned his constitutional rights probably triggered the policeman. The police simply do not like when civilians do this, and sure they have every right to react, wouldn't you? But although he may react with disregard he still should not have searched the vehicle at all. It being a DUI checkpoint the policeman had no cause to bring the situation any further than where it began initially. This is America, and it is definitely not perfect, but problems like this shouldn't have to be an issue. Our police protect us and our rights, not obstruct them and unlawfully treat anyone who knows their rights like a criminal. I hope that man pressed charges against this officer.

I agree. And mentioning your Constitutional Rights shouldn't trigger anger with our Police. Neither should filming them. They should instead embrace both.
Guess you conveniently missed the part where I said the insurance companies should do these things...No one should be forced but the insurance companies should enact things like that and the bars and places that serve alcohol can choose to abide or not...

So you don't give a shit about drunk drivers on the streets either....o you care about anything other than your own little self?
I care for my self and family first....seeing how government of all kinds affects our lives every day they are a threat and must be done away with...Sure I am worried about drunk drivers so I stay very alert and usually have no reason to drive at night...unless wife gets off work late...

So now the wannabe anarchist wants to do away with all government.....You need to move to a private island somewhere...It's the only place on earth you will be happy...
Mr. Beale,

What and where are the circumstances for this aggressive take-down? I will appreciate anything you can tell me about it.

That's Las Vegas. Not sure about why he was taken down.
So you don't give a shit about drunk drivers on the streets either....o you care about anything other than your own little self?
I care for my self and family first....seeing how government of all kinds affects our lives every day they are a threat and must be done away with...Sure I am worried about drunk drivers so I stay very alert and usually have no reason to drive at night...unless wife gets off work late...

So now the wannabe anarchist wants to do away with all government.....You need to move to a private island somewhere...It's the only place on earth you will be happy...

If you knew the true meaning of anarchism then you would have already realized that.Oh and no I don't need to move to an Island but that would be awesome...tell the world to just fuck off but ya see that won't happen because no matter where you move some government or thug with a badge will try to push their will on you or force you to pay for their government etc.
Then suck it up and put on your big boy pants...The black copters are coming for you....

Cry some more about how mean the cops are....But by all means, never ever call them or 911 a cop might show up before the ambulance.
Then suck it up and put on your big boy pants...The black copters are coming for you....

Cry some more about how mean the cops are....But by all means, never ever call them or 911 a cop might show up before the ambulance.

You must be off your meds this one here was ever crying but you do seem to be getting mighty desperate to prove your side since its all been refuted...I don't call 911...never have...its called being an adult and dealing with problems your self.
Really, I've called 911 plenty of times. Around here when you need medical attention you call 911, the first responder to show up is normally a Police officer. Followed soon after by our local first responders and then finally the ambulance.

But of course you being a 28 year old superman you have no need of such help.....

When you grow up, you will learn.........
The Simple fact that he intentionally mentioned his constitutional rights probably triggered the policeman. The police simply do not like when civilians do this, and sure they have every right to react, wouldn't you? But although he may react with disregard he still should not have searched the vehicle at all. It being a DUI checkpoint the policeman had no cause to bring the situation any further than where it began initially. This is America, and it is definitely not perfect, but problems like this shouldn't have to be an issue. Our police protect us and our rights, not obstruct them and unlawfully treat anyone who knows their rights like a criminal. I hope that man pressed charges against this officer.

I agree. And mentioning your Constitutional Rights shouldn't trigger anger with our Police. Neither should filming them. They should instead embrace both.

Your right, the police should not be angered by it. Someone who knows their rights shouldn't have to put up with this kind of behavior also. But then again it is like telling the police how to do their job, in a way. I just hope this isn't the direction america is going, meaning that the police have a complete disregard to what is constitutionally right and wrong.
The Simple fact that he intentionally mentioned his constitutional rights probably triggered the policeman. The police simply do not like when civilians do this, and sure they have every right to react, wouldn't you? But although he may react with disregard he still should not have searched the vehicle at all. It being a DUI checkpoint the policeman had no cause to bring the situation any further than where it began initially. This is America, and it is definitely not perfect, but problems like this shouldn't have to be an issue. Our police protect us and our rights, not obstruct them and unlawfully treat anyone who knows their rights like a criminal. I hope that man pressed charges against this officer.

I agree. And mentioning your Constitutional Rights shouldn't trigger anger with our Police. Neither should filming them. They should instead embrace both.

Your right, the police should not be angered by it. Someone who knows their rights shouldn't have to put up with this kind of behavior also. But then again it is like telling the police how to do their job, in a way. I just hope this isn't the direction america is going, meaning that the police have a complete disregard to what is constitutionally right and wrong.

It is entirely possible and routinely happens that police follow the Constitution and trample civil rights all at the same time. It is called "interpreting" the Constitution. Political extremists routinely quote theories like "public safety" and "if you're doing nothing wrong why do you need civil rights" to support such practices. If you can be frightened into pleading guilty the courts never hear about what police do, so police have great incentive to lie and bully.
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FBI interrogated man after comment about American “Police State” on Facebook
HUMBOLDT, AZ — A man says that within hours of making an impassioned post on Facebook, he was being interrogated by police and the FBI.

Blaine Cooper, 33, contacted with a concerning story about how his sentiments posted on Facebook had drawn the attention of the federal government. He showed me the comment and told me that within 24-hours of posting it, he was being contacted by the police and FBI.

His colorful comment was in reference to what he believes is an “American Police State,” in which the power of the federal government is growing in a direction which may one day lead people to fight back.


Cooper’s Facebook comment which got him Federal attention within hours.

There is a link further down in this article that links to Cooper's YouTube account. His account has now been deactivated. Who knows why. However, someone has made a mirror to the video he made shortly before he went into be questioned by the FBI.

I've stated far worse than that. Good for him. I wouldn't want to be a pig when this shit falls apart. Plenty of payback for those who have earned it, mostly politicians.

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