Don't think we live in a police state?

So you really are this stupid. Wow.
You're the idiot if you think a cop is going to be there to prevent someone from breaking into your house.

People who dont work in law enforcement truly have no clue.

You cant count how many murders are prevented.
Or how many burglaries are prevented.

Because they are prevented.

When a cop stops a druggie with a gun in the car, and arrests him for weed, or a warrant, do they KNOW if the guy was planning to break into a home later, or kill a rival gang member? No.

If you can't show quantifiable results then what's your point?

You only have conjecture that some guy holding a joint might maybe possibly someday in the near or distant future rob someone.

How many guns that were possessed illegally by criminals have been taken during arrests? Of those, how many would've been used in a murder later if not taken?

Again someday maybe possibly is all you got.

The average American........if I can borrow a line from a famous Tom Cruise/Jack Nicklaus movie.............has the luxury of not knowing what cops know and see.


I can say it. Every cop in your city can say it. But you'll never believe it. You cant know what you dont know. And the average American has absolutely NO CLUE what the reality of society around them is, what goes on at night on their streets, and just exactly what it takes to keep a society in such a state of ignorance of reality.

You don't have to tell me the horrors that people commit. I know. Get off your high horse for a minute.

And I have lived in big cities and no cop ever prevented anyone from stealing my car or breaking into my home.

Sure they showed up an hour later and then proceeded to ask me if I was a drug dealer.

Now I live in the country in a town with one or two state troopers that are stationed at the town hall and I know they are not going to prevent any crime from being committed.

If you were honest you'd admit it. Cops show up after the fact not before.
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.

DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

So you really have no problem with a police state, you just want it aimed at someone besides you. That kind of anarchist.
If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.

DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

So you really have no problem with a police state, you just want it aimed at someone besides you. That kind of anarchist.

Oh I do have a problem with it. But by going into a private business and doing business there you abide by their rules...So if they have a rule that you must be tested to see if you are drunk before leaving then that's their right.
These checkpoints are disgusting. They should have never been allowed. You don't have to give up your rights in the name of 'Safety.' So shame on the court jesters who ruled these checkpoints legal. And it's time to start training our Police differently. We need to end this Militarization. Today's Police feel they have unlimited powers. They feel they're untouchable. And they feel that way for good reason. They actually do have unlimited powers at this point. They can do almost anything and get away with it. The whole System is corrupt. The System's main function is to protect them.

Like our Government, our Police have gone rogue. I mean, what is 'probable cause' at this point? It seems they can claim 'probable cause' anytime and at their convenience. We need to tighten the Laws and restrictions on their 'probable cause' tactics. It just isn't clearly defined at this point. The way it's being used now, gives Police unlimited authority to harass at will. And someone made a great point earlier in the thread. Why do they hate it when Citizens know their rights and when they're being filmed? That's something to think about. They shouldn't hate or fear either one. People just need to keep in mind, our Police being out of control is a direct result of becoming a Police State. So it's time to fight to end the Police State. I hope more Americans join that fight.
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DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

So you really have no problem with a police state, you just want it aimed at someone besides you. That kind of anarchist.

Oh I do have a problem with it. But by going into a private business and doing business there you abide by their rules...So if they have a rule that you must be tested to see if you are drunk before leaving then that's their right.

So when you said we should make the bars check alsohol levels, make them keep car keys, make the insurance companies require certain things - you didn't actually mean the government should make them do it. Who was going to be doing all of this making?
Let the insurance companies make it a requirement to insure the bars. Let the bar patrons know upon entering if you intend to drink you are going to be tested and your keys are going to be locked up.
I think it's a safe supposition to state that the U.S. has:

1. Militarized it's police to a large degree via DHS etc.
2. The infrastructure is in place to make this country a turn key police state overnight
3. Cops are getting out of control while crime is actually down.
4. The SCOTUS has enabled them further.

I find these facts irrefutable.

I can't wait for the day of judgement to come...bastards would be stupid to be walking or driving around in those uniforms.

"Day of judgement"!? The police are not the enemy, regardless of what a few asshole cops may make you think.

The last thing we want is to view our police officers, or any other government employees, as enemies. But when we foolishly grant government the power to violate our rights, we set them up to be seen that way.
Let the insurance companies make it a requirement to insure the bars. Let the bar patrons know upon entering if you intend to drink you are going to be tested and your keys are going to be locked up.

Ah, so now we will let them do it, not make them do it. And suppose they don't do it? Then what? We don't want some nasty police state forcing this on anyone. Do we?
Lesson learned here, always record encounters with the Police. Their stories often change. And Judges usually side with their stories. Protect yourself by always recording the encounters.
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.

DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

And this is different how? You want to treat every person who goes into an establishment that sells alcohol like a criminal yet don't give a rats ass about the real ones that are out there on the streets....
Guilty till proven Innocent. That's life in the Police State. Is this really what Americans want? Looks like it i guess.
Guilty till proven Innocent. That's life in the Police State. Is this really what Americans want? Looks like it i guess.

Terrorist don't deserve rights.


Knowing your rights and filming them, does seem to agitate our Police. Why is that? I think it's important we discuss that answer. Those things shouldn't agitate our Police. But clearly they do.
Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

No one here has said or suggested ". . . the only good cop is a dead cop." That notion occurs in your mind, where much of the fantastic perceptions of yourself and the world around you originate.
Let the insurance companies make it a requirement to insure the bars. Let the bar patrons know upon entering if you intend to drink you are going to be tested and your keys are going to be locked up.

And who will enforce these rules? You don't like authority figures.......

As for me I love bureaucrats.

I will be glad when they park two officers at my house to make sure I am behaving.

As a matter of fact I am a member of the neighborhood stazi detail.

Long live fascism, long live communism, long live idiotism.


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