Don't think we live in a police state?

Ok. So I just posted a thread asking why pro-cop threads are moved, and anti-cop threads are allowed to stay in "politics".

THAT thread itself just got moved. Yet, this cop-hate thread remains in the most populated forum on USMB.


That would be a question for a Mod in private....Not on the open board.....
4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, Rights Taken Away, while Innocent - YouTube

Let me guess...he should have done as the nazi with the badge said eh? I can imagine the statists saying that...


The kid made a good point about the dog's "alert". What jurisdiction was this in? Notice what happened when they realized that there was a potential video camera there?

I will say that the driver could have handled the situation in a manner that could have avoided what's in the video, he did start giving the PO some "flags". I do think that the driver has a potential case against the PO.
LMAO...the hell they aren't. I have yet in my 28 years on this earth met 1 cop I wouldn't mind shaking hands with much less being friends with..they are all assholes,thugs,criminals,rapists,murderers and just fucking little tyrants little pricks who were bullied in school who became cops because it makes them feel big and bad with that piece of shit badge on their chest....

And in 'all that time' it never occurred to you, junior, that the problem might be YOU?

Are you sure you didn't mean 18 years instead of 28? Or maybe just 8? You seem severely developmentally challenged.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes you did just reveal entirely too much about yourself and your school-boy years. I'm sure it was quite traumatic for you, but nobody fucking cares, so keep it to yourself, junior.
Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
4th of July DUI Checkpoint - Drug Dogs, Searched without Consent, Rights Taken Away, while Innocent - YouTube

Let me guess...he should have done as the nazi with the badge said eh? I can imagine the statists saying that...

This bullshit is going on with regularity. These little liberal punks drive around with their recording devices, either getting pulled over deliberately or seeking out DWI or license checkpoints.
The driver or occupants then deliberately antagonize and waste the police officer's time.
Most of these punks are "toilet bowl attorneys"..In other words they read basic stuff about the law and things they can do to push the envelope with the police while taking a dump and then thinking they know the law better than the police.
The most common misconception is that the police cannot demand that a motorist identify themselves by showing their driver's license or other document.
If the police stop you and you come across as a wise ass, you get what you deserve.
Having to stop and show your driver's license,registration and proof of insurance is nothing new.
These assholes are trying to set up the cops...It's interference with the sworn duties of a law enforcement officer. Which is illegal in every state.
I agree, to a point. I, too, know what a "police state" looks like. Moscow - 1981 Gdansk - 1982

We are not there yet, however, at the rate we are going in America, it is not far off.

Take a couple of minutes and read. Yes, this was 2011, however, coupled with the ever-increasing stories of abuse by "law enforcement" how can one NOT make the logical assumption that we are headed more and more to a police state every day.

But also note that; those people you put the link up are in a "court" where they may or may not receive some justice.

In moscow however, when they take you, as I said before, you don't know why, where nor for how long, let alone being able to complain to any institution that is available to you.

So I find claiming US being a police state a big exaggeration, considering the world we are living in.

Again, I never made the statement that "we live in a police state". I said that at the rate we are going, it's not a stretch to imagine what America might look like in another 20-30-40 years.


All Americans enjoy greater freedom and liberty today than at anytime in this great Nation’s history – and at the rate we’re going the best America is yet to come.
Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!
I can't wait for the day of judgement to come...bastards would be stupid to be walking or driving around in those uniforms.
Typical lib ass hat. Every law enforcement officer is a jack booted thug, right?

Tell ya what genius. Don't come crying to everyone else when you become a crime victim because after all, you would not want one these 'nazi's' anywhere near your hovel.
It is my hop you get stranded on a remote road and the cops ignore your ungrateful anarchistic ass.
Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

How can you believe in the courts when you think all Police officers are pigs that should be slaughtered?
You're an ass and a fake wannabe anarchist, you prove it continuously. I suggest you go get a life...
I can't wait for the day of judgement to come...bastards would be stupid to be walking or driving around in those uniforms.
Typical lib ass hat. Every law enforcement officer is a jack booted thug, right?

Tell ya what genius. Don't come crying to everyone else when you become a crime victim because after all, you would not want one these 'nazi's' anywhere near your hovel.
It is my hop you get stranded on a remote road and the cops ignore your ungrateful anarchistic ass.
Lol..damn now I am being insulted by being called a liberal...damn....Oh why would I call the cops to help me if I was broke down? I carry everywhere I go so I am not afraid to ask for a ride from someone or I just whip out my cell phone call the NSA and they help me. :D No seriously I call my insurance company when that happens...pays to be prepared!

Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

How can you believe in the courts when you think all Police officers are pigs that should be slaughtered?
You're an ass and a fake wannabe anarchist, you prove it continuously. I suggest you go get a life...

That's because you don't understand the kind of anarchist I seem to think anarchist is these morons out throwing molotov cocktails at people and that's not me...I am an anarchist who just wants freedom from government that's all.
Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
Thanks for saying a bunch of nothing.
Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.
If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying I have absolutely no problem with properly conducted DUI checks. And I reject the notion that those who resent overly-assertive authoritarian/dominant cops, such as the goon in the video, are cop-haters. While some people are intimidated by police and expect to be routinely treated like crime suspects by them, not everyone is going to tolerate it but will make waves. I believe that especially applies to law students.
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Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.

DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.
Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

Fact is I met our newest full time officer earlier this evening, A rather lovely young woman and I'm glad she was hired. As a part time rookie she had a few tough moments...but she pulled together... She had one call while we talked about a garden being vandalized... Real exiting stuff here in the ville....

The kid in the video was wrong. He was looking for a confrontation and he wasted my tax dollars to do it.
He gave the officers probable cause for a search. Even if he was within his rights so were they....

And i don't give a rats ass how many times some ass says he said he was wrong....

I would love to see this go to court....
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

How can you believe in the courts when you think all Police officers are pigs that should be slaughtered?
You're an ass and a fake wannabe anarchist, you prove it continuously. I suggest you go get a life...


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