Don't think we live in a police state?

Hmmm. Since you hate the "police state" ideal so much, why are you assuming guilt with only a "claim" and "allegation"???? Wouldnt that be the same guilty-til-proven-innocent attitude you so strongly protest?

And, why are these anti-cop threads allowed to stay on politics? My pro-cop ones always get moved. Hmmmm.:confused:
How many times have cops stopped someone from breaking into my home?


How many times have they caught the guys?


How many murders have cops actually prevented compared to those committed?

All cops can do is react after the fact. To think otherwise is stupid.

So you really are this stupid. Wow.
You're the idiot if you think a cop is going to be there to prevent someone from breaking into your house.

People who dont work in law enforcement truly have no clue.

You cant count how many murders are prevented.
Or how many burglaries are prevented.

Because they are prevented.

When a cop stops a druggie with a gun in the car, and arrests him for weed, or a warrant, do they KNOW if the guy was planning to break into a home later, or kill a rival gang member? No.

How many guns that were possessed illegally by criminals have been taken during arrests? Of those, how many would've been used in a murder later if not taken?

The average American........if I can borrow a line from a famous Tom Cruise/Jack Nicklaus movie.............has the luxury of not knowing what cops know and see.

I can say it. Every cop in your city can say it. But you'll never believe it. You cant know what you dont know. And the average American has absolutely NO CLUE what the reality of society around them is, what goes on at night on their streets, and just exactly what it takes to keep a society in such a state of ignorance of reality.

Hmmm. Since you hate the "police state" ideal so much, why are you assuming guilt with only a "claim" and "allegation"???? Wouldnt that be the same guilty-til-proven-innocent attitude you so strongly protest?

And, why are these anti-cop threads allowed to stay on politics? My pro-cop ones always get moved. Hmmmm.:confused:
Watch the video shit for brains...go be a buddhist somewhere else...god damn statist.

Hmmm. Since you hate the "police state" ideal so much, why are you assuming guilt with only a "claim" and "allegation"???? Wouldnt that be the same guilty-til-proven-innocent attitude you so strongly protest?

And, why are these anti-cop threads allowed to stay on politics? My pro-cop ones always get moved. Hmmmm.:confused:
Watch the video shit for brains...go be a buddhist somewhere else...god damn statist.

Intelligent response.

Have you seen the Supreme Court case law that says if a cop tells you to get out of the car, you have to? For NO reason? Its there. Read up on it. If you are legally stopped, and yes a DUI checkpoint is a LEGAL action, and they ask you to exit the vehicle OR roll down your window, you have to according to the Supreme Court. Well, he could refuse the window, but then would be required to exit the vehicle, and that would be legal.

You cop haters watch too much TV, and believe your college professors too much. You dont have to be read your rights unless you are being interrogated. NOT for being "investigated" or interviewed. Until they have fully reached "probable cause" your Miranda Rights haven't kicked in yet. And after PC is reached, you only have to be read them if they are going to interrogate you.

AND EVEN THEN........if they interrogate you, and didnt read you your rights, all it means is they can use THAT evidence in court. All the rest, before the PC, they can still use.

You guys get yourselves into more trouble by trying to outsmart the law than just simply following it.

And calling me a "Buddhist" and a "Statist" is quite a sign of intellect. I am neither, and those two could never coexist if you read up on them.
Ok. So I just posted a thread asking why pro-cop threads are moved, and anti-cop threads are allowed to stay in "politics".

THAT thread itself just got moved. Yet, this cop-hate thread remains in the most populated forum on USMB.


Hmmm. Since you hate the "police state" ideal so much, why are you assuming guilt with only a "claim" and "allegation"???? Wouldnt that be the same guilty-til-proven-innocent attitude you so strongly protest?

And, why are these anti-cop threads allowed to stay on politics? My pro-cop ones always get moved. Hmmmm.:confused:

They’re not ‘anti-cop’ threads per se, they’re instead failed attempts to make a political ‘argument’ that the United States has become a ‘police state.’

Needless to say the notion is ignorant idiocy – the OP clearly has no idea as to what actually constitutes a police state, such as existed in the DDR.

With each inane thread the OP also commits a hasty generalization fallacy, as isolated and anecdotal incidents of alleged law enforcement ‘abuse’ are not representative of all law enforcement agencies, and are not an accurate sampling of law enforcement overall.
Hmmm. Since you hate the "police state" ideal so much, why are you assuming guilt with only a "claim" and "allegation"???? Wouldnt that be the same guilty-til-proven-innocent attitude you so strongly protest?

And, why are these anti-cop threads allowed to stay on politics? My pro-cop ones always get moved. Hmmmm.:confused:
Watch the video shit for brains...go be a buddhist somewhere else...god damn statist.

Intelligent response.

Have you seen the Supreme Court case law that says if a cop tells you to get out of the car, you have to? For NO reason? Its there. Read up on it. If you are legally stopped, and yes a DUI checkpoint is a LEGAL action, and they ask you to exit the vehicle OR roll down your window, you have to according to the Supreme Court. Well, he could refuse the window, but then would be required to exit the vehicle, and that would be legal.

You cop haters watch too much TV, and believe your college professors too much. You dont have to be read your rights unless you are being interrogated. NOT for being "investigated" or interviewed. Until they have fully reached "probable cause" your Miranda Rights haven't kicked in yet. And after PC is reached, you only have to be read them if they are going to interrogate you.

AND EVEN THEN........if they interrogate you, and didnt read you your rights, all it means is they can use THAT evidence in court. All the rest, before the PC, they can still use.

You guys get yourselves into more trouble by trying to outsmart the law than just simply following it.

And calling me a "Buddhist" and a "Statist" is quite a sign of intellect. I am neither, and those two could never coexist if you read up on them.

Good luck with all that...I don't care..some nazi with a badge wants to harm me go ahead...I am a big guy I can take it...hell kill me my wife and kids will live high on the hog rest of their lives...I video tape EVERY interaction with pigs.Oh and that is also legal. :razz:

Ok. So I just posted a thread asking why pro-cop threads are moved, and anti-cop threads are allowed to stay in "politics".

THAT thread itself just got moved. Yet, this cop-hate thread remains in the most populated forum on USMB.

Holy shit you sure do whine alot..did you do it that much before you became a buddhist or is this new?
How many times have cops stopped someone from breaking into my home?


How many times have they caught the guys?


How many murders have cops actually prevented compared to those committed?

All cops can do is react after the fact. To think otherwise is stupid.

So you really are this stupid. Wow.
You're the idiot if you think a cop is going to be there to prevent someone from breaking into your house.

You really can't think beyond the end of your nose, can you?
Watch the video shit for brains...go be a buddhist somewhere else...god damn statist.

Intelligent response.

Have you seen the Supreme Court case law that says if a cop tells you to get out of the car, you have to? For NO reason? Its there. Read up on it. If you are legally stopped, and yes a DUI checkpoint is a LEGAL action, and they ask you to exit the vehicle OR roll down your window, you have to according to the Supreme Court. Well, he could refuse the window, but then would be required to exit the vehicle, and that would be legal.

You cop haters watch too much TV, and believe your college professors too much. You dont have to be read your rights unless you are being interrogated. NOT for being "investigated" or interviewed. Until they have fully reached "probable cause" your Miranda Rights haven't kicked in yet. And after PC is reached, you only have to be read them if they are going to interrogate you.

AND EVEN THEN........if they interrogate you, and didnt read you your rights, all it means is they can use THAT evidence in court. All the rest, before the PC, they can still use.

You guys get yourselves into more trouble by trying to outsmart the law than just simply following it.

And calling me a "Buddhist" and a "Statist" is quite a sign of intellect. I am neither, and those two could never coexist if you read up on them.

Good luck with all that...I don't care..some nazi with a badge wants to harm me go ahead...I am a big guy I can take it...

You can take it... :rolleyes: I'm sure you "take it" all the time. Your repeated use of anachronistic insults like "pig" and unbelievably offensive and inapplicable terms like "Nazi" serve to demonstrate that you are the greasy little punk-bitch big mouth I had you pegged for from the get-go. It's almost a shame that one of the reasons POLICE OFFICERS go to work each day is to protect little maggots like you from getting what you so obviously deserve. I'm glad - for the sake of society - that they do so, but you are unworthy of such efforts from your betters.
I think it's a safe supposition to state that the U.S. has:

1. Militarized it's police to a large degree via DHS etc.
2. The infrastructure is in place to make this country a turn key police state overnight
3. Cops are getting out of control while crime is actually down.
4. The SCOTUS has enabled them further.

I find these facts irrefutable.
and remembering that you have done so next time your house or car get robbed, so you don't complain ;)

The cops don't stop crime. All they do is show up after the fact.

They barely even do that now...heck, they will only take a stolen car report over the phone here! They won't even send an officer in person...either you go to the station or make the report on the phone.

Hold on a sec... So now you guys want cops to wait in front of your houses 24\7, since this is the only way to stop a crime happening, while it is happening.

So the main complain here is that there are too many or too few cops around???

I am all confused now. Someone should specify how many cops in a square mile is ok, so we are sure this is not a police state.
LMAO...the hell they aren't. I have yet in my 28 years on this earth met 1 cop I wouldn't mind shaking hands with much less being friends with..they are all assholes,thugs,criminals,rapists,murderers and just fucking little tyrants little pricks who were bullied in school who became cops because it makes them feel big and bad with that piece of shit badge on their chest...

I have... In fact, I've met some that are quite "revolutionary" you might say. I have, on the other hand, also met a few that wouldn't hesitate to violate your rights.
They barely even do that now...heck, they will only take a stolen car report over the phone here! They won't even send an officer in person...either you go to the station or make the report on the phone.

Investigating a stolen car generates no revenue. Now busting a drug ring means they get to keep cash, houses, cars, all sorts of stuff - MILLIONS of dollars a year, right in the PD treasury. Of course tickets are just basically armed robbery - a cop pulls you over to take your money - and he has a gun.

You're right, cops can't be bothered with crime, they are just another street gang rooting around for what they can steal. Another benefit of our drug war.
People who dont work in law enforcement truly have no clue.

You cant count how many murders are prevented.
Or how many burglaries are prevented.

Because they are prevented.

When a cop stops a druggie with a gun in the car, and arrests him for weed, or a warrant, do they KNOW if the guy was planning to break into a home later, or kill a rival gang member? No.

And they don't care.

What they know, is that they just got the dude's car. Even if the case is dismissed, the cop has a new car for the department (gang) to either use or sell.

How many guns that were possessed illegally by criminals have been taken during arrests? Of those, how many would've been used in a murder later if not taken?

How many were resold by the cops to other gangs, the way LAPD did with the Rampart division?

The average American........if I can borrow a line from a famous Tom Cruise/Jack Nicklaus movie.............has the luxury of not knowing what cops know and see.

Good thing too - because if we did, we'd shoot cops dead on sight.

I can say it. Every cop in your city can say it. But you'll never believe it. You cant know what you dont know. And the average American has absolutely NO CLUE what the reality of society around them is, what goes on at night on their streets, and just exactly what it takes to keep a society in such a state of ignorance of reality.

Sadly Bucs, most of us DO know what the cops are, another vicious and violent street gang.

It can be done, at least at the local level.

This happy news from the CATO Institute

Title: Easton, PA Dissolves Its SWAT Team

Type: Other examples of paramilitary police excess.

State: PA

Description: The small town of Easton, Pennsylvania decides to disband its SWAT team after a series of incidents, including the shooting death of one SWAT team member. An editorial in the Allentown Morning Call praises the decision, noting that the SWAT team had become "rude, arrogant, and disrespectful," and had "lost the confidence of the civilians who supervise them and sign their paychecks." The decision is also based on a $2.5 million court settlement from a police brutality lawsuit. Source: "Easton SWAT team's behavior: Further evidence it deserved dismantling," editorial, Allentown Morning Call, July 29, 2005, p. A10.

Date: Jul 20, 2005
LMAO...the hell they aren't. I have yet in my 28 years on this earth met 1 cop I wouldn't mind shaking hands with much less being friends with..they are all assholes,thugs,criminals,rapists,murderers and just fucking little tyrants little pricks who were bullied in school who became cops because it makes them feel big and bad with that piece of shit badge on their chest....

And in 'all that time' it never occurred to you, junior, that the problem might be YOU?

Are you sure you didn't mean 18 years instead of 28? Or maybe just 8? You seem severely developmentally challenged.

Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes you did just reveal entirely too much about yourself and your school-boy years. I'm sure it was quite traumatic for you, but nobody fucking cares, so keep it to yourself, junior.
The flip side of ^^ is that the police have to justify their new toys. To do that they use SWAT teams in situations they normally wouldn't be used.
The size of the police force is not the problem, it's the attitude.

Part of it is attributed to time in service. After dealing with criminals, dumbasses, and people who seem to be trying to piss you off, some officers lose all patience. Rotating positions between the regular beat and a less stressful position would be a huge help.

A little training in constitutional rights would help a lot as well.

Weeding out asshole cops should be a priority as well, but that would involve fighting the police unions so I doubt that would ever happen.

And just to go back to the kid in the video. If I was a cop at a DUI checkpoint and someone refused to roll down their window, I would tell them to pull over too. Why? Because the first thought that would run through my head is "He's been drinking and doesn't want me to smell his breath".

Exactly, it gives probable cause.......


Seriously how motherfucking retarded are you people?

I mean holy fucking shit

And any good lawyer will press the case that he gave probable cause for a search...At a minimum a breathalyzer test.........

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