Don't think we live in a police state?

Big Brother has to take your rights away, in order to preserve them. It's all for your own good. So just shut up and do what you're told...Or else.
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I only breaks laws that are immoral,illegal or illogical or they go against the constitution. When you put on a uniform of a cop you become my enemy plain and simple. I don't care if you are a damn pacifist that uniform is the uniform of the enemy.

Awww.. he thinks so highly in his divinity that he gets to be the end-all-be-all of what laws need to be followed... ain't that cute


Time for another bong hit on the couch in mommy's basement.. like the rest of his little anarchist friends
It's very sad to see how quickly they resorted to despicable Gestapo tactics. But that's our Police today. Always be recording when stopped by the Gestapo. You never know what they'll do. They've been granted special and unlimited powers. Recording their abuses of power is the only way you stand a chance in court. Judges are on their side. They're not on yours.
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This is what's wrong with Militarizing our Police Force. The officer was being vindictive. He was intentionally abusing a fellow Citizen. And that's the last thing Citizens expect from their Police. The officers involved should be punished. Personally, i don't think they should continue being Police Officers. They clearly cannot be trusted.
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You do realize A LOT of towns have defunded their police departments correct?

Because they've gone broke, thanks to liberal cow-towing to unions, not because they are greasy little punks like you who are frightened of authority until you need it.
and remembering that you have done so next time your house or car get robbed, so you don't complain ;)

The cops don't stop crime. All they do is show up after the fact.

Are you really this stupid, or is it all some kind of act?

How many times have cops stopped someone from breaking into my home?


How many times have they caught the guys?


How many murders have cops actually prevented compared to those committed?

All cops can do is react after the fact. To think otherwise is stupid.
LMAO some yes..most no. LOL greasy little punk...are you scared little boy? I don't want or need pigs around..I avoid them at all costs...I don't call them either...
"Your Constitutional Rights don't matter when it comes to safety."

Gee, thanks officer. I feel much safer now. :(
Ignorant Mongoloids with buzzcuts and guns. My God, what has happened to our Country?
Police Officers hate it when Citizens know their rights. What does that say about them? This Officer was clearly being bitter & vindictive. He did not behave as a professional. He did not protect or serve his fellow Citizen. Therefore, he should be punished. We have to balance the scales again. Our Police Force has become Militarized and has been granted too much power. It's time to give some power back to the People.
LMAO some yes..most no. LOL greasy little punk...are you scared little boy? I don't want or need pigs around..I avoid them at all costs...I don't call them either...

So, are you one of those "don't be a snitch" wannabe gangstas who wouldn't alert the cops if there was a mass murderer living next door?
You do realize A LOT of towns have defunded their police departments correct?

Because they've gone broke, thanks to liberal cow-towing to unions, not because they are greasy little punks like you who are frightened of authority until you need it.

I cannot resist... look! Liburrul cow-towing!

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Our Police shouldn't get angry because Citizens know their rights. They should instead embrace it. People who watch this video have to ask themselves, did these Police Officers protect and serve this fellow Citizen?
LMAO some yes..most no. LOL greasy little punk...are you scared little boy? I don't want or need pigs around..I avoid them at all costs...I don't call them either...

So, are you one of those "don't be a snitch" wannabe gangstas who wouldn't alert the cops if there was a mass murderer living next door?

LOL...not sure...depends he killing people I don't like? LOL I live in a small town of 5k people no mass murderers here...if there was well when the time came I would figure it out. I don't like involving pigs in anything...
The SOLUTION to the growth of your local police state is DEFUNDING your local police.

The size of the police force is not the problem, it's the attitude.

Part of it is attributed to time in service. After dealing with criminals, dumbasses, and people who seem to be trying to piss you off, some officers lose all patience. Rotating positions between the regular beat and a less stressful position would be a huge help.

A little training in constitutional rights would help a lot as well.

Weeding out asshole cops should be a priority as well, but that would involve fighting the police unions so I doubt that would ever happen.

And just to go back to the kid in the video. If I was a cop at a DUI checkpoint and someone refused to roll down their window, I would tell them to pull over too. Why? Because the first thought that would run through my head is "He's been drinking and doesn't want me to smell his breath".

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