Don't think we live in a police state?

Cops need to be kept in check. Sometimes the only way to do that is by doing what this kid did. He knew EXACTLY what he was getting into, and lets face it, in the post 911 world cops are out of control so what this kid did took guts.
if it makes you feel better then go ahead and believe what you want....

Thanks, I will. I think you are a fraud and a pussy who only even manages to have a big mouth when the words are coming out of your keyboard instead of behind your dashboard. I think you are a developmentally-arrested idiot who never got over some childhood trauma and is begging to relive it for some reason. I hope you don't eventually get what you're asking for, I really do.
The kid sacrificed his liberty for detainment, harrasment, and a scratched up hood.

Not too smart.

I understand you saying that if you are a federal government employee or an avowed socialist.

Those of us who appreciate the Constitution and individual liberty applaud his decision.


Well good for you.

As for me, as a reasonable, mature adult, I'd rather be on my way in under 10 seconds then to spend an hour of my time with a bunch of asshole, redneck cops busting my balls.

Libertarians are irked by tyranny. We are going to get on their face.

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught
To say the things he truly feels and not the words of one who kneels
The record shows I took the blows and did it my way

if it makes you feel better then go ahead and believe what you want....

Thanks, I will. I think you are a fraud and a pussy who only even manages to have a big mouth when the words are coming out of your keyboard instead of behind your dashboard. I think you are a developmentally-arrested idiot who never got over some childhood trauma and is begging to relive it for some reason. I hope you don't eventually get what you're asking for, I really do.

OK....whatever suits you. You are wrong of course I had a pretty normal traumatic events or any such shit....but I have seen the course we are on and I don't like it one damn leads no where good.
I am so fucking tired of assholes telling me how I am conditioned and how I think. Starting right now every one who does so is an automatic Neg. Not a one of you has the right or the intelligence to tell me either.
The fact that you believe others here have no right to tell you what they think speaks for itself. And it really doesn't take a Ph.D. to understand you are the product of 20+ years of indoctrination which you are incapable of separating yourself from. You are a textbook example of the authoritarian/submissive personality. And the truth of that is what you are foot-stomping mad about.

This boy wanted a confrontation, I don't care how much you deny it you know damned well he did it all on purpose. probably for no other reason than to make a youtube video.
If testing the strength of his rights under the Constitution and the Common Law is what you think of as confrontation, then you're right. But because you obviously can't separate yourself from your UCMJ orientation I believe the concept is beyond your understanding. The simple fact is in spite of what you think of yourself that boy is a much better American than you are -- because he understands what being American is about and you obviously do not. For your information it extends well beyond instinctual compliance with orders rudely issued by exalted hillbillies in uniform.

I have zero respect for him and little for those who want to make him a hero.
Of course you don't -- because you're incapable of understanding what that boy did occurs in your interest as well as his own. And that's a damn shame.
When I was a child i was taught by my parents that the police officer was one of the good guys. Until they proved themselves otherwise. And If not for that police officer who else would place their life on the line for you every time they went to work.

You anarchists are simply nuts.

Without Police we would have what? Your dream state? Where you would be free to do what you wanted no matter what else?

Your anger (I have to assume that is what makes you so blind) is misdirected.

Now I've been called a statist and a boot licker. I've been told I am brainwashed by the system.

Yet not one of you knows what I have done; when or where I have done it. Nor can even one of you imagine the way I think or the reasons I think that way.

The Police are not your enemy......If anything else they are the closest thing in the Government you have as a friend. Unless you are on the wrong side of the law. Which I'm certain some folks here are..

The enemy to your freedom today is some hidden court in the Washington DC area giving false permission to listen to every conversation you have. You want to prove that you care about freedom? Leave the underpaid cop alone and go after your congress critters.........

And If you want to continue to be ignorant and think for me as you pretend to be an Anarchist...Well, fuck you.....Fuck you very much.........
The Police are not your enemy......If anything else they are the closest thing in the Government you have as a friend. Unless you are on the wrong side of the law. Which I'm certain some folks here are..

I see, so you were an MP in the army and now work as police officer where? Or are you kissing ass because you are on probation?

And the truth shall set you free.

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The Police are not your enemy......If anything else they are the closest thing in the Government you have as a friend. Unless you are on the wrong side of the law. Which I'm certain some folks here are..

I see, so you were an MP in the army and now work as police officer where? Or are you kissing ass because you are on probation?

And the truth shall set you free.


None of the above......
The Police are not your enemy......If anything else they are the closest thing in the Government you have as a friend. Unless you are on the wrong side of the law. Which I'm certain some folks here are..

I see, so you were an MP in the army and now work as police officer where? Or are you kissing ass because you are on probation?

And the truth shall set you free.


None of the above......

Just a socialist lackey.

It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....
Ollie, this is a controversy concerning Law in the civilian sector. If you were defending these cops in a civil trial, which is where this incident is likely heading, how would you go about it? I don't think you would refer to the plaintiff's conduct as "being an asshole" -- because the video clearly shows that boy as being perfectly respectful. He was within his rights to ask why he was stopped and being questioned and whether he was being detained. Instead, his car was subjected to a search.

What the video shows is that the kid wanted to cause a confrontation.

And I make no claims on being a lawyer. but I know what i would have to say as a juror...

When you appear to be hiding something, yes I would say the Police would have reasonable cause to ask for a search, and when he refused the search then they were within their rights to bring in a Dog, and whoever it was who claimed the dog was trained to hit on something when the officer wanted it to is another idiot...It's not a game. These officers never know what they are going to walk into every time they stop a car.... Too many times they are met with a gun. And certain people call them the enemy....

I don't think so........

The officer said he was right. The officer said he was right. The officer said he was right.

How many fucking times do you need to be told this. Regardless if he wanted to confront the cop, he was right with knowing his legal rights.

Its embarrassing you fought for this country and are acting like this.
And he was wrong for distracting the officers on purpose while they were on duty.

But as i said, you chumps play with the wannabe anarchy, Real Americans will worry about the big stuff that is going know the stuff that actually is eroding your rights....
After looking over several responses to this post I just had to log on and give a piece of my mind.
It DOESN'T matter what they do in other countries, be them democratic or not. What does matter is that in this country we have the bill of rights, and clearly the police in this video abused this young mans rights. The abuse of Government and all of its subsidiaries is the MOST important issue facing all Americans at the time. It's time to stand up America! It's YOUR life, YOUR republic, YOUR choice.

[ame=]The StashMan Report - Your Country Is Calling You! - YouTube[/ame]
So anarchist means small time criminal noW? And you don't know what a police state IS lol....Hint: No juries, secret police everywhere, etc. There are too many angry gop cops, and anti-DUI nuts...I'm against checkpoints- DUI's are no more dangerous than texters....
And he was wrong for distracting the officers on purpose while they were on duty.

But as i said, you chumps play with the wannabe anarchy, Real Americans will worry about the big stuff that is going know the stuff that actually is eroding your rights....

Look at you decided who is a real american or its like 2003 all over again.
How about you bend over and enjoy that cop dick.
Here's the difference:

In a real police state, everyone would have gotten the same treatment as our little constitutional scholar got at that DUI stop.

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