Don't think we live in a police state?

LMAO...the hell they aren't. I have yet in my 28 years on this earth met 1 cop I wouldn't mind shaking hands with much less being friends with..they are all assholes,thugs,criminals,rapists,murderers and just fucking little tyrants little pricks who were bullied in school who became cops because it makes them feel big and bad with that piece of shit badge on their chest...

Bad personal experiences do not make a police state.

I agree. I had a cop in Houston sexually harass me in 1980 and a cop in New Jersey escort me to an ATM machine so I could withdraw $300 cash, and hand it to her after she claimed I bumped her patrol car while trying to parallel park in front of the Elizabeth court house. That was in 1997. So sue? Yeah, this is New Jersey and there's no judge who is going to go against a cop in a situation like that.

But I agree with ACA that most police are assholes and basically authority insecure who have an inherent need to bully others.
In a police state when police takes you, you don't know why, you don't know where and you don't know for how long. A country doesn't become a police state just because someone got a cavity search. In a police state, they push you in a 1 by 1 concrete room that you will be spending your god knows how many days, make you shit on the floor and make you eat it.

I don't know where you are from or what you have experienced in the way of political oppression, and I don't know how long you've been living in America, but it's time for you to supply some specifics. And if you've lived in the kind of tyrannical military dictatorship where people are forced to eat their own shit, how did you manage to move about so freely from place to place?

I happen to know someone who lived in East Germany ever since the end of WW-II. East Germany had been the epitome of a police state, but it was not a tyrannical military dictatorship -- and prisoners were not required to eat their own shit. So let's understand the difference between a dictatatorship in some little hell=hole country and a police state in a fully developed nation.

And I'm glad your previous experience has been such that you feel really free here in America, which is a relatively free country. But unless you've lived in such countries as Costa Rica, Iceland, The Netherlands, and some of the Scandinavian nations, you really don't know what you're talking about. But one thing I can tell you for sure, if you had lived in America back in the fifties and sixties you would be conscious of some of today's rather intimidating differences.
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As usual, both people involved were acting like idiots. While it's true that the kid didn't have to roll his window down, it's common courtesy if you're talking to someone outside of your car. And of course, the cop flying into a hissy fit because a civilian didn't do what they were told was an idiot.

Exercising your constitutional rights doesn't mean being belligerent about it. And cops need to be more respectful of people's rights.

Common courtesy? I don't see any need to be courteous to anyone who starts off a conversation by making demands of my time that I did not agree to.
When you can be detained, searched and have blood forcibly drawn from your body all because you turned around before a DUI checkpoint I would say that's a police state.

When kids get arrested for acting up in school I'd say that's a police state

When cops can put up a fake drug checkpoint sign and then stop detain and search anyone who seems they are trying to avoid said fake checkpoint I'd say we live in a police state.

When people get arrested for filming public employees from a public place I'd say we live in a police state.

When a man gets arrested in his own home because he didn't want the cops using his property for a stake out I'd say we live in a police state.

Now are some places worse?

Of course

And if we don't wise up we'll be worse as well.
You’re obviously unaware of the fact that this type of conduct has always occurred in America, the difference between today and 50 years ago is that we weren’t aware of it 50 years ago. And this conduct by police is just as unacceptable today was it was 50 years ago.
If we weren't aware of it, how do you know so much about it? And if your answer is because you were a cop, then your opinion is biased.

If in fact such police conduct existed fifty years ago and we weren't aware of it, what does that have to do with today -- when we are made aware of it by technological means?

Before the advent of personal recording devices and the web, such incidents were rarely known to the general public, but they happened just the same. Consequently, the notion that the police are more abusive today and that the abuse is on the rise is only perception, not fact.

And we have the element of ignorance, where isolated, incidental, and anecdotal manifestations of ‘abuse’ by law enforcement in no way constitutes a ‘police state,’ nor are such acts representative of law enforcement as a whole.

Again, the OP is engaging in partisan hyperbole and hysteria, attempting to contrive a reality of a ‘police state’ where indeed none exists; otherwise he is merely exhibiting his ignorance on the subject.
It's true that a full-blown police state is not presently manifest, but the mechanisms of a police state are being set in place year after year. One reason we never heard of the kind of incident seen in the video is the kind of road-block inspections that brought about this incident did not exist -- because the Fourth Amendment was still intact and respected by government. I am conscious of a time when a police officer wouldn't dare order a presumed innocent citizen out of his car and search it with a dog. He could be arrested for doing so.
I've been driving since 1967 and DUI check points have been around at least as long.

So calm down with the police state talk.

And remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.
I agree. But he wasn't worried the police would reach through the window and harm him. He was purposely instigating them for a desired reaction, so that he could record it. It worked.
That appears to be true. But I would use the word testing in place of "instigating." And that young fellow had every right to test the strength and validity of his (and your) civil rights. He should be praised, not criticized for it. It is important for citizens to apply such tests from time to time.

I remember when I worked in customer service. Some customers would be purposely difficult, and I could make a smooth process a pain in the ass for them, even if it meant bending the rules to do so. It wasn't right of me, but when somebody is purposely trying to make a stressful job even more difficult for you the temptation to make their life hell because of it is hard to resist. Police officers are human beings, and are prone to the same temptations a lowly CSR would be.
Your analogy is flawed in that we aren't talking about a customer who is deliberately being difficult with a customer service representative. We're talking about a police officer who behaved with belligerent contempt toward a presumed innocent citizen who had politely presented a perfectly legal and valid challenge to the officer's rudely issued command.

What we have seen in the video is an example of police state conduct. And I'm sure the only reason that young man was able to survive that encounter unharmed is those cops became intimidated by the discovered recorder. They could not be certain they were not involved in an internal affairs sting operation.
Why are 15K Russian troops being deployed for things like Super Bowl events and things of this nature? Why has the MSM ignored this fact? Why has Hussein intentionally violated Posse Commitatus?


It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

His window was down. I do the same thing every time. No reason to give them a chance to sniff around and stick their fat heads in my vehicle...

A shame the irony is lost on you that YOU are just the sort of asshole that police go to work everyday as a large part of the reason YOU don't get the piss beaten out of you every single day of your life by normal people who recognize YOU for the annoying little maggot who certainly deserves it. I'm glad that - thanks to your betters - society is largely peaceful and safe enough that a little puissant like you can continue to shoot your mealy little mouth off and still have unbroken bones in your body. It's a true testament to our freedoms and the high character of most of our people. Certainly not YOU, but most.
I've been driving since 1967 and DUI check points have been around at least as long.

So calm down with the police state talk.

And remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.

OMG , another government supremacist retard.

I can only drive from point A to point B if the almighty state lets me.

What a stupid fuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have you ever been to Hitler Germany? But wait, that may not be possible. Have you ever been to any other country in this world that is not considered democratic?

The above question is irrelevant. Visiting another country does not expose one to the subtleties of the average modern police state. They have to get pretty bad to be in your face from the first moment until you leave. North Korea is probably like that, but that is pretty extreme.

As to whether any of us have been to a non-democratic country, that too is irrelevant. What is democratic? The USSR voted for their representatives. You can argue that they were all communist, but all of America's congressmen and senators are capitalist. Many police states allow voting - it is used to control people by letting them vent and feel empowered.

The issue in this thread is whether the US is a police state, not whether other countries are too. All countries have powers and legislation that infringe on personal liberty and freedom. The issue is how often and in what manner infringing powers are used as a part of normal everyday life without due process. I'm a baby boomer. Today's America routinely exercises police powers that in the past were rarely ever used. America today is more militaristic than ever. Police infringe on peoples' liberties more than ever before under the guise of "criminals" or "war" (ie. "on terror"). These are the standard reasons trotted out throughout history – Hitler used them as did Stalin and Mao. The right wing here trots them out in debate regularly.

Is America a police state? Compared to Saudi Arabia, no. Compared to America in the past, yes - IMO.

all of America's congressmen and senators are capitalist.

Except for the ones who are socialist and worse.
I've been driving since 1967 and DUI check points have been around at least as long.

So calm down with the police state talk.

And remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.
Did you watch the video?

Do you believe the driver had a legal right to ask why he was being stopped?

If so, do you believe the cop behaved appropriately?

If so, are you a cop?

If not, do you believe you are an authoritarian/submissive personality who has no problem with being hassled by belligerent cops for whom a DUI stop is a reason or an opportunity to rudely push people around?
Have you ever been to Hitler Germany? But wait, that may not be possible. Have you ever been to any other country in this world that is not considered democratic?

The above question is irrelevant. Visiting another country does not expose one to the subtleties of the average modern police state. They have to get pretty bad to be in your face from the first moment until you leave. North Korea is probably like that, but that is pretty extreme.

As to whether any of us have been to a non-democratic country, that too is irrelevant. What is democratic? The USSR voted for their representatives. You can argue that they were all communist, but all of America's congressmen and senators are capitalist. Many police states allow voting - it is used to control people by letting them vent and feel empowered.

The issue in this thread is whether the US is a police state, not whether other countries are too. All countries have powers and legislation that infringe on personal liberty and freedom. The issue is how often and in what manner infringing powers are used as a part of normal everyday life without due process. I'm a baby boomer. Today's America routinely exercises police powers that in the past were rarely ever used. America today is more militaristic than ever. Police infringe on peoples' liberties more than ever before under the guise of "criminals" or "war" (ie. "on terror"). These are the standard reasons trotted out throughout history – Hitler used them as did Stalin and Mao. The right wing here trots them out in debate regularly.

Is America a police state? Compared to Saudi Arabia, no. Compared to America in the past, yes - IMO.

all of America's congressmen and senators are capitalist.

Except for the ones who are socialist and worse.

The ONLY capitalist senator is Rand Paul.

In a police state when police takes you, you don't know why, you don't know where and you don't know for how long. A country doesn't become a police state just because someone got a cavity search. In a police state, they push you in a 1 by 1 concrete room that you will be spending your god knows how many days, make you shit on the floor and make you eat it.

I don't know where you are from or what you have experienced in the way of political oppression, and I don't know how long you've been living in America, but it's time for you to supply some specifics. And if you've lived in the kind of tyrannical military dictatorship where people are forced to eat their own shit, how did you manage to move about so freely from place to place?

I happen to know someone who lived in East Germany ever since the end of WW-II. East Germany had been the epitome of a police state, but it was not a tyrannical military dictatorship -- and prisoners were not required to eat their own shit. So let's understand the difference between a dictatatorship in some little hell=hole country and a police state in a fully developed nation.

And I'm glad your previous experience has been such that you feel really free here in America, which is a relatively free country. But unless you've lived in such countries as Costa Rica, Iceland, The Netherlands, and some of the Scandinavian nations, you really don't know what you're talking about. But one thing I can tell you for sure, if you had lived in America back in the fifties and sixties you would be conscious of some of today's rather intimidating differences.

So what you are saying is, there is no police brutality or ill treatment in north european countries? Police is just so nice and fair in all western countries, nobody is having any issues with police, but just only in the US along with the other shitholes in the world?

Buddy, you know what, if you want to see yourself in the same shit league with the others, so be it. But you are no different from my friend, who works for a computer company, works 12 hours a day and still complains that was not enough.

Your society did..., well of course I can not say "the best", but a fairly good job when considering the rest of the world, especially on this subject. You may have wanted it to be at least the 3rd spot in the world, but you end up the 5th, or the 6th, damn, make it the 10th, but believe me, this is a pretty good job. What you are saying, you did even better in the before time, which probably 75% of this forum doesn't even know about, while the world was a whole a lot different place, so that means you have the potential to make it better.

So like it or not, from me, :thup: :thup: for your society, for doing a GOD DAMN GOOD JOB...
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I've been driving since 1967 and DUI check points have been around at least as long.

So calm down with the police state talk.

And remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.
Bullshit. If that is the case it should be my right to now pay for tag,registration,insurance and license that goes to maintain those roads I am traveling on.I am not driving I am traveling.

It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

His window was down. I do the same thing every time. No reason to give them a chance to sniff around and stick their fat heads in my vehicle...

A shame the irony is lost on you that YOU are just the sort of asshole that police go to work everyday as a large part of the reason YOU don't get the piss beaten out of you every single day of your life by normal people who recognize YOU for the annoying little maggot who certainly deserves it. I'm glad that - thanks to your betters - society is largely peaceful and safe enough that a little puissant like you can continue to shoot your mealy little mouth off and still have unbroken bones in your body. It's a true testament to our freedoms and the high character of most of our people. Certainly not YOU, but most.
Oh I wish some nazi pig fuck would beat the shit out of me...I would be set for the rest of my fucking life after I get done suing them,the state,county EVERYONE that allowed that crazy nazi fuck to have a badge to do harm to others.
Why are 15K Russian troops being deployed for things like Super Bowl events and things of this nature? Why has the MSM ignored this fact? Why has Hussein intentionally violated Posse Commitatus?


It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

His window was down. I do the same thing every time. No reason to give them a chance to sniff around and stick their fat heads in my vehicle...

...or plant something.
I've been driving since 1967 and DUI check points have been around at least as long.

So calm down with the police state talk.

And remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.
Bullshit. If that is the case it should be my right to now pay for tag,registration,insurance and license that goes to maintain those roads I am traveling on.I am not driving I am traveling.
His window was down. I do the same thing every time. No reason to give them a chance to sniff around and stick their fat heads in my vehicle...

A shame the irony is lost on you that YOU are just the sort of asshole that police go to work everyday as a large part of the reason YOU don't get the piss beaten out of you every single day of your life by normal people who recognize YOU for the annoying little maggot who certainly deserves it. I'm glad that - thanks to your betters - society is largely peaceful and safe enough that a little puissant like you can continue to shoot your mealy little mouth off and still have unbroken bones in your body. It's a true testament to our freedoms and the high character of most of our people. Certainly not YOU, but most.
Oh I wish some nazi pig fuck would beat the shit out of me...I would be set for the rest of my fucking life after I get done suing them,the state,county EVERYONE that allowed that crazy nazi fuck to have a badge to do harm to others.

it is funny when you say this.

Do you know who you complain to, when you got beaten by the police, in a police state? To this --> :eusa_hand:
Lol...complain? Nah..its called taking the cell phone video or video camera video to the media....or just uploading it to youtube it will spread on its own. LAWSUIT BABY!

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