Don't think we live in a police state?

It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....
Ollie, this is a controversy concerning Law in the civilian sector. If you were defending these cops in a civil trial, which is where this incident is likely heading, how would you go about it? I don't think you would refer to the plaintiff's conduct as "being an asshole" -- because the video clearly shows that boy as being perfectly respectful. He was within his rights to ask why he was stopped and being questioned and whether he was being detained. Instead, his car was subjected to a search.

What the video shows is that the kid wanted to cause a confrontation.

And I make no claims on being a lawyer. but I know what i would have to say as a juror...

When you appear to be hiding something, yes I would say the Police would have reasonable cause to ask for a search, and when he refused the search then they were within their rights to bring in a Dog, and whoever it was who claimed the dog was trained to hit on something when the officer wanted it to is another idiot...It's not a game. These officers never know what they are going to walk into every time they stop a car.... Too many times they are met with a gun. And certain people call them the enemy....

I don't think so........
Why are 15K Russian troops being deployed for things like Super Bowl events and things of this nature? Why has the MSM ignored this fact? Why has Hussein intentionally violated Posse Commitatus?


It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

His window was down. I do the same thing every time. No reason to give them a chance to sniff around and stick their fat heads in my vehicle...

And in your case you probably have something to hide......

It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

His window was down. I do the same thing every time. No reason to give them a chance to sniff around and stick their fat heads in my vehicle...

And in your case you probably have something to hide......

Nope not really...just don't want nazi's peaking in my if they wanna give me the money I paid for it I will sell it to them until then fuck off.I had a pig yank my kids door open one I keep the doors locked at all times...and window rolled up most of the way.Plus I had the back windows nicely tinted so they can't see inside.
]I agree. I had a cop in Houston sexually harass me in 1980 and a cop in New Jersey escort me to an ATM machine so I could withdraw $300 cash, and hand it to her after she claimed I bumped her patrol car while trying to parallel park in front of the Elizabeth court house. That was in 1997. So sue? Yeah, this is New Jersey and there's no judge who is going to go against a cop in a situation like that.

But I agree with ACA that most police are assholes and basically authority insecure who have an inherent need to bully others.

Liberal utopia, right :lol:
What the video shows is that the kid wanted to cause a confrontation.
He didn't wish to cause a confrontation and there was no need for confrontation. The driver obviously understands our rights under the Constitution and he behaved in accordance with them. He was respectful, ending every sentence with "Sir." He was not at all belligerent. And he was perfectly within his rights to ask why he was being stopped, why he was asked to roll his window down, and whether or not he was being detained. According to federal law governing such procedures, the cop was 100% wrong every step of the way and I will wager there are several lawyers offering to represent that boy on a contingency basis. (What state did that take place in? Anybody know? I'd like to know what comes of it)

And I make no claims on being a lawyer. but I know what i would have to say as a juror.
And if the boy's lawyer detected that tendency during the voir dire you would be summarily disqualified.

When you appear to be hiding something, yes I would say the Police would have reasonable cause to ask for a search, and when he refused the search then they were within their rights to bring in a Dog, and whoever it was who claimed the dog was trained to hit on something when the officer wanted it to is another idiot...It's not a game. These officers never know what they are going to walk into every time they stop a car.... Too many times they are met with a gun. And certain people call them the enemy....

I don't think so........
The purpose of that stop was a DUI check. Nothing else was legally permissible -- unless something illegal occurred or appeared in plain sight. Those cops had no right to search that man's car. None. They were as wrong as two left feet.

Ollie, I understand your background has conditioned you to think in a certain way and I respect that. But this was not an example of a snot-nose PFC in conflict with a drill sergeant. This issue exists in the civilian sector where the Constitution prevails. The real cause of the problem is the stupidity of a cop who seems to feel the Law doesn't apply to him. If he was smart he would have backed off as soon as he realized that young fellow understands the Law and was skillfully operating within it.

All the cop had to do is politely tell the driver the reason he was stopped and why he wanted the window rolled down. Then if the driver refused to comply the cop would have legal cause to detain him. But The boy played it like a smart hand of poker and that dumb cop will cost his employer a nice piece of change. My guess is something in the neighborhood of a $20,000 out-of-court punitive award. Ten for the boy and ten for the lawyer.
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I've been driving since 1967 and DUI check points have been around at least as long.

So calm down with the police state talk.

And remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.
Bullshit. If that is the case it should be my right to now pay for tag,registration,insurance and license that goes to maintain those roads I am traveling on.I am not driving I am traveling.
His window was down. I do the same thing every time. No reason to give them a chance to sniff around and stick their fat heads in my vehicle...

A shame the irony is lost on you that YOU are just the sort of asshole that police go to work everyday as a large part of the reason YOU don't get the piss beaten out of you every single day of your life by normal people who recognize YOU for the annoying little maggot who certainly deserves it. I'm glad that - thanks to your betters - society is largely peaceful and safe enough that a little puissant like you can continue to shoot your mealy little mouth off and still have unbroken bones in your body. It's a true testament to our freedoms and the high character of most of our people. Certainly not YOU, but most.
Oh I wish some nazi pig fuck would beat the shit out of me....

And yet your courage to spout such empty nonsense extends no further than this internet forum. Interesting...:eusa_whistle:
OMG some people are just incapable of understanding what they're losing by giving cops a break. And this event wasn't even that bad.
Don't think we live in a police state?

Of course we live in a Police STATE.

And it becomes more and more of a POLICE STATE every day.

If you are over 50 and you don't yet realize this?

You must not have been paying attention to what the world was like when you were young.
Don't think we live in a police state?

Of course we live in a Police STATE.

And it becomes more and more of a POLICE STATE every day.

If you are over 50 and you don't yet realize this?

You must not have been paying attention to what the world was like when you were young.

The problem is that younger people have been conditioned to accept less freedom.

They see out of control cops as the norm.
What the video shows is that the kid wanted to cause a confrontation.
He didn't wish to cause a confrontation and there was no need for confrontation. The driver obviously understands our rights under the Constitution and he behaved in accordance with them. He was respectful, ending every sentence with "Sir." He was not at all belligerent. And he was perfectly within his rights to ask why he was being stopped, why he was asked to roll his window down, and whether or not he was being detained. According to federal law governing such procedures, the cop was 100% wrong every step of the way and I will wager there are several lawyers offering to represent that boy on a contingency basis. (What state did that take place in? Anybody know? I'd like to know what comes of it)

And I make no claims on being a lawyer. but I know what i would have to say as a juror.
And if the boy's lawyer detected that tendency during the voir dire you would be summarily disqualified.

When you appear to be hiding something, yes I would say the Police would have reasonable cause to ask for a search, and when he refused the search then they were within their rights to bring in a Dog, and whoever it was who claimed the dog was trained to hit on something when the officer wanted it to is another idiot...It's not a game. These officers never know what they are going to walk into every time they stop a car.... Too many times they are met with a gun. And certain people call them the enemy....

I don't think so........
The purpose of that stop was a DUI check. Nothing else was legally permissible -- unless something illegal occurred or appeared in plain sight. Those cops had no right to search that man's car. None. They were as wrong as two left feet.

Ollie, I understand your background has conditioned you to think in a certain way and I respect that. But this was not an example of a snot-nose PFC in conflict with a drill sergeant. This issue exists in the civilian sector where the Constitution prevails. The real cause of the problem is the stupidity of a cop who seems to feel the Law doesn't apply to him. If he was smart he would have backed off as soon as he realized that young fellow understands the Law and was skillfully operating within it.

All the cop had to do is politely tell the driver the reason he was stopped and why he wanted the window rolled down. Then if the driver refused to comply the cop would have legal cause to detain him. But The boy played it like a smart hand of poker and that dumb cop will cost his employer a nice piece of change. My guess is something in the neighborhood of a $20,000 out-of-court punitive award. Ten for the boy and ten for the lawyer.

I am so fucking tired of assholes telling me how I am conditioned and how I think. Starting right now every one who does so is an automatic Neg. Not a one of you has the right or the intelligence to tell me either.

This boy wanted a confrontation, I don't care how much you deny it you know damned well he did it all on purpose. probably for no other reason than to make a youtube video.

I have zero respect for him and little for those who want to make him a hero.
It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

The dumbass kid could have been through the checkpoint in under 10 seconds but instead he decides to get into a pissing contest to demonstrate his vast constitutional knowledge with a public servant and ends up with the hood of his car scratched up by a dog walking on it.

The moral to this story is don't be a schmuck, pick you battles wisely.
I've been driving since 1967 and DUI check points have been around at least as long.

So calm down with the police state talk.

And remember, driving is a privilege, not a right.
Bullshit. If that is the case it should be my right to now pay for tag,registration,insurance and license that goes to maintain those roads I am traveling on.I am not driving I am traveling.
A shame the irony is lost on you that YOU are just the sort of asshole that police go to work everyday as a large part of the reason YOU don't get the piss beaten out of you every single day of your life by normal people who recognize YOU for the annoying little maggot who certainly deserves it. I'm glad that - thanks to your betters - society is largely peaceful and safe enough that a little puissant like you can continue to shoot your mealy little mouth off and still have unbroken bones in your body. It's a true testament to our freedoms and the high character of most of our people. Certainly not YOU, but most.
Oh I wish some nazi pig fuck would beat the shit out of me....

And yet your courage to spout such empty nonsense extends no further than this internet forum. Interesting...:eusa_whistle:

Wrong as usual but if it makes you feel better then go ahead and believe what you want...If you would you can ask the people who have been with me when I was pulled over by some nazi with a badge and how I reacted and what was said. Just because I forgot or just didn't intend to video tape it doesn't mean it never happened. I let people know when a pig is near by trying to catch someone speeding I alert people online and in person holding a sign letting them know what's ahead....most are like you mindless little sheeple who toe the line and are afraid to step over that line but I do every once in a while get a thank you or a honk in support.
It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

The dumbass kid could have been through the checkpoint in under 10 seconds but instead he decides to get into a pissing contest to demonstrate his vast constitutional knowledge with a public servant and ends up with the hood of his car scratched up by a dog walking on it.

The moral to this story is don't be a schmuck, pick you battles wisely.

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For temporary Security Deserve Neither

Benjamin Franklin

It's a DUI checkpoint, a reasonable request was made for the kid to roll his window down. There is a reason for the request. The kid didn't want to do so. Why? Was he hiding the smell of alcohol or weed? As it turned out he was just being an asshole....

The dumbass kid could have been through the checkpoint in under 10 seconds but instead he decides to get into a pissing contest to demonstrate his vast constitutional knowledge with a public servant and ends up with the hood of his car scratched up by a dog walking on it.

The moral to this story is don't be a schmuck, pick you battles wisely.

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For temporary Security Deserve Neither

Benjamin Franklin


The kid sacrificed his liberty for detainment, harrasment, and a scratched up hood.

Not too smart.
The problem is that younger people have been conditioned to accept less freedom.

They see out of control cops as the norm.
That certainly seems to be the situation.

Another factor is the vast size of the U.S. Because things appear to be one way in their little corner of the world and they fail to see the big picture. For one thing, how many ordinary Americans realize that 40,000 no-knock, forced-entry S.W.A.T. raids took place last year and the number has been rising regularly since the practice became commonplace in the mid-1980s. With very few exceptions these raids are absolutely unnecessary and innocent people are frequently caught up in them -- some of whom are killed.

Botched Paramilitary Police Raids | Cato Institute

Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America | Cato Institute

The average American is blind to this and to all or most of the emerging components of the modern police state. The situation is well described in the analogy of the slowly boiled frog.

This problem is growing like a typical malignancy, slowly but with deadly potential. And once it gets too big, forget about easily reversing it. Because power yields nothing to request.
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The dumbass kid could have been through the checkpoint in under 10 seconds but instead he decides to get into a pissing contest to demonstrate his vast constitutional knowledge with a public servant and ends up with the hood of his car scratched up by a dog walking on it.

The moral to this story is don't be a schmuck, pick you battles wisely.

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For temporary Security Deserve Neither

Benjamin Franklin


The kid sacrificed his liberty for detainment, harrasment, and a scratched up hood.

Not too smart.

I understand you saying that if you are a federal government employee or an avowed socialist.

Those of us who appreciate the Constitution and individual liberty applaud his decision.

The dumbass kid could have been through the checkpoint in under 10 seconds but instead he decides to get into a pissing contest to demonstrate his vast constitutional knowledge with a public servant and ends up with the hood of his car scratched up by a dog walking on it.

The moral to this story is don't be a schmuck, pick you battles wisely.

Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For temporary Security Deserve Neither

Benjamin Franklin


The kid sacrificed his liberty for detainment, harrasment, and a scratched up hood.

Not too smart.
Unless that young man is as uninformed, as unaware, and as naive as you seem to be, this incident is far from over. As previously mentioned, you may rest assured that more than one lawyer will be eager to take it to court on contingency. And that video makes it a slam dunk.
Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For temporary Security Deserve Neither

Benjamin Franklin


The kid sacrificed his liberty for detainment, harrasment, and a scratched up hood.

Not too smart.

I understand you saying that if you are a federal government employee or an avowed socialist.

Those of us who appreciate the Constitution and individual liberty applaud his decision.


Well good for you.

As for me, as a reasonable, mature adult, I'd rather be on my way in under 10 seconds then to spend an hour of my time with a bunch of asshole, redneck cops busting my balls.

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