Don't think we live in a police state?

Here's the difference:

In a real police state, everyone would have gotten the same treatment as our little constitutional scholar got at that DUI stop.

Its not a police state. It just an asshole cop who doesnt like being asked things. People are like that.
Here's the difference:

In a real police state, everyone would have gotten the same treatment as our little constitutional scholar got at that DUI stop.

They're working on it. Just drive through a border control checkpoint in AZ, NM, or CA. Papers please.
So anarchist means small time criminal noW? And you don't know what a police state IS lol....Hint: No juries, secret police everywhere, etc. There are too many angry gop cops, and anti-DUI nuts...I'm against checkpoints- DUI's are no more dangerous than texters....

No doubt you have been stopped by several.........And still haven't learned.....
Here's the difference:

In a real police state, everyone would have gotten the same treatment as our little constitutional scholar got at that DUI stop.

No, In a police state he would have had his head busted open...Just to get his attention....

The capricious inconsistent treatment of citizens is the problem. When cops think they can harass some people for no other reason than they want to is a sign of a police state.
Most people just don't wake up to a full police state. It starts slowly, a little at a time, until through complacency you find yourselves living in one. That's why doing what this young man did is so important to us all. All police officers take an oath to defend and uphold the constitution, and if we don't do our part in correcting them when they step on those constitutional rights guaranteed to us all than who will?

It's funny if you say to a cop that you do not consent to searches they will than say, "You must have something to hide." But if a citizen points a camera at a cop the same does not seem to apply when they threaten you if you do not turn off the camera.
Here's the difference:

In a real police state, everyone would have gotten the same treatment as our little constitutional scholar got at that DUI stop.

No, In a police state he would have had his head busted open...Just to get his attention....

Excuse me "defender of rights"

But the Supreme Court ruled in Salinas vs Texas that if stopped by the police the citizens must :

Ascertain if he has been detained

If detained Miranda applies

if NOT detained get the fuck out of there

The citizen was doing what the SCOTUS directed be done.

Now , what is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!?!?

Most people just don't wake up to a full police state. It starts slowly, a little at a time, until through complacency you find yourselves living in one. That's why doing what this young man did is so important to us all. All police officers take an oath to defend and uphold the constitution, and if we don't do our part in correcting them when they step on those constitutional rights guaranteed to us all than who will?

It's funny if you say to a cop that you do not consent to searches they will than say, "You must have something to hide." But if a citizen points a camera at a cop the same does not seem to apply when they threaten you if you do not turn off the camera.

Now I can agree that we should be able to record any person place or thing that is in the public eye.........

But this punk wanting to cause an incident is just a punk wanting to cause an incident. As i said and as your video pointed out ,there are much bigger problems. This kid doesn't even make it to minnow status.........
Well good for you.

As for me, as a reasonable, mature adult, I'd rather be on my way in under 10 seconds then to spend an hour of my time with a bunch of asshole, redneck cops busting my balls.
If you're in a big hurry that might be the expedient thing to do. But if you have a bit of time to spare you might wish to consider what the ultimate effect will be if most people feel it's best to timidly accept some cop's discourteous belligerence.

While all cops are not authoritarian/dominant personalities most are to some degree, which is why they took that job. Asserting themselves on ordinary civilians quickly becomes a pleasurable habit to them as they gradually acquire a sense of superiority over and detachment from the mainstream of society.

Although there are established limits to police authority, and procedural guidelines affecting their behavior toward civilians, there is a problem in that too many civilians seem to be authoritarian/submissive personalities who regard police officers as some superior form of being, possibly preconscious substitutes for parental authority, and are totally intimidated by them. The problem is those cops who become too accustomed to such submissive behavior by the public evolve into the kind of abusively domineering character we saw in the video.

Chopping these characters down to size is good for the next guy who encounters him, and the next guy, and the next. Because if he isn't taken down to size he will continue to expand in his belligerence. And if we have too many cops like him it contributes to the advancement of a police state atmosphere.

So it's best to let cops like him know he's really not what he'd like to think he is and that civilans are entitled to courteous conduct by their police.
LMAO...the hell they aren't. I have yet in my 28 years on this earth met 1 cop I wouldn't mind shaking hands with much less being friends with..they are all assholes,thugs,criminals,rapists,murderers and just fucking little tyrants little pricks who were bullied in school who became cops because it makes them feel big and bad with that piece of shit badge on their chest...

Don't break the law and treat people with kindness and you might meet alot of police officers you would like to shake hands with. Sure there are some bad ones. But most are reasonable. Some just have the unfortunate luck of being as ignorant as you are.
Yet...they have either infringed or destroyed completely the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th and 10th amendments...The first ain't far behind.Oh actually they have infringed on it as well..with these "free speech zones" I will speak where I want.

I would love you to provide an example of anyone infringing our 3rd amendment rights.
Why are 15K Russian troops being deployed for things like Super Bowl events and things of this nature? Why has the MSM ignored this fact? Why has Hussein intentionally violated Posse Commitatus?

Now that is a very good question.

I'd love to see an answer. Even if we needed troops deployed, why do we need Russians rather than our own?
The SOLUTION to the growth of your local police state is DEFUNDING your local police.
Whoever thinks he/she is living in a police state in the USA, obviously have never been in a police state.

So, the answer is; no, you are not living in a police state. In fact you are living in one of the most free states one can live in, at least on this planet.

BULLSHIT! Hitler would be proud of what the US has become that's for damn sure.

LMAO...the hell they aren't. I have yet in my 28 years on this earth met 1 cop I wouldn't mind shaking hands with much less being friends with..they are all assholes,thugs,criminals,rapists,murderers and just fucking little tyrants little pricks who were bullied in school who became cops because it makes them feel big and bad with that piece of shit badge on their chest...

Don't break the law and treat people with kindness and you might meet alot of police officers you would like to shake hands with. Sure there are some bad ones. But most are reasonable. Some just have the unfortunate luck of being as ignorant as you are.
I only breaks laws that are immoral,illegal or illogical or they go against the constitution. When you put on a uniform of a cop you become my enemy plain and simple. I don't care if you are a damn pacifist that uniform is the uniform of the enemy.

Yet...they have either infringed or destroyed completely the 2nd,3rd,4th,5th and 10th amendments...The first ain't far behind.Oh actually they have infringed on it as well..with these "free speech zones" I will speak where I want.

I would love you to provide an example of anyone infringing our 3rd amendment rights.

Obviously you didn't see the other thread where the family was assaulted,arrested and their house taken over by cops because they refused to let them use it for a stake out.They are now suing for violation of their 3rd amendment.

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