Don't think we live in a police state?

Always be recording. Our Police have a God-Complex. All you can do is document their abuses.
LMAO some yes..most no. LOL greasy little punk...are you scared little boy? I don't want or need pigs around..I avoid them at all costs...I don't call them either...

So, are you one of those "don't be a snitch" wannabe gangstas who wouldn't alert the cops if there was a mass murderer living next door?

LOL...not sure...depends he killing people I don't like? LOL I live in a small town of 5k people no mass murderers here...if there was well when the time came I would figure it out. I don't like involving pigs in anything...

You're entitled to that opinion. And I'll admit the are times where I wish someone would just shoot the bastard instead of wasting tax money jailing them their entire lives. But there needs to be a trial, there needs to be an investigation. And that won't happen unless the cops get involved.
The SOLUTION to the growth of your local police state is DEFUNDING your local police.

The size of the police force is not the problem, it's the attitude.

Part of it is attributed to time in service. After dealing with criminals, dumbasses, and people who seem to be trying to piss you off, some officers lose all patience. Rotating positions between the regular beat and a less stressful position would be a huge help.

A little training in constitutional rights would help a lot as well.

Weeding out asshole cops should be a priority as well, but that would involve fighting the police unions so I doubt that would ever happen.

And just to go back to the kid in the video. If I was a cop at a DUI checkpoint and someone refused to roll down their window, I would tell them to pull over too. Why? Because the first thought that would run through my head is "He's been drinking and doesn't want me to smell his breath".

Exactly, it gives probable cause.......
The reason a cop wants you to roll your window all the way down is so he can see inside the vehicle enough to see what he deems to be suspicious enough to search without your consent. This can be anything. If he see's a wadded up Mickey D's bag he can than claim suspicion to gain access to the interior of your vehicle. I roll my own cigs and the butts look like marijuana roaches. I always close my ashtray when being pulled over by the police to avoid giving them reason to search without consent.

As a member of both CopWatch and CopBlock I have seen numerous videos of the police manufacturing suspicion in order to search, and bypassing the Constitution this way. Cops hate being video taped. Why do they hate it so much? Because more often than not they violate the Constitution during these traffic stops. This is why I support what this young man did. Notice how quickly both cops shut their mouths after noticing the camera was running?
And just to go back to the kid in the video. If I was a cop at a DUI checkpoint and someone refused to roll down their window, I would tell them to pull over too. Why? Because the first thought that would run through my head is "He's been drinking and doesn't want me to smell his breath".
You have either consciously or unconsciously diverted from the facts in this example. The driver did not refuse to do anything. He politely and passively asked two perfectly valid questions: "Why?" (should I roll my window down), and, "Am I being detained?"

The driver has a legal right to ask those questions and the officer is required by law and by official procedure to answer them. Once asked and answered, if the driver then refuses to comply with a lawful request the officer may may act on his suspicion. But not before!

What you and others here need to understand is the Constitution and the Common Law protects law-abiding citizens from any unnecessarily aggressive action by police, such as we saw in the video. When transacting with citizens who are not suspected of any criminal offense police are required to tread lightly -- because their authority in relation to the law-abiding citizen is extremely limited.

This is why most cops are bitterly resentful of recording devices. So the bottom line in this issue is the young man in the video has done something which more law-abiding citizens should do, which in effect is impeding the progress of what in fact is an emerging police state in America. Cops such as the one in the video must be made to understand that America is not (yet) a police state.
Here's the difference:

In a real police state, everyone would have gotten the same treatment as our little constitutional scholar got at that DUI stop.

No, In a police state he would have had his head busted open...Just to get his attention....

Excuse me "defender of rights"

But the Supreme Court ruled in Salinas vs Texas that if stopped by the police the citizens must :

Ascertain if he has been detained

If detained Miranda applies

if NOT detained get the fuck out of there

The citizen was doing what the SCOTUS directed be done.

Now , what is your major malfunction?!?!?!?!?!?


The cops don't stop crime. All they do is show up after the fact.

Are you really this stupid, or is it all some kind of act?

How many times have cops stopped someone from breaking into my home?


How many times have they caught the guys?


How many murders have cops actually prevented compared to those committed?

All cops can do is react after the fact. To think otherwise is stupid.

So you really are this stupid. Wow.
LMAO some yes..most no. LOL greasy little punk...are you scared little boy? I don't want or need pigs around..I avoid them at all costs...I don't call them either...

You're not fooling anyone you weasely little poseur.
LMAO some yes..most no. LOL greasy little punk...are you scared little boy? I don't want or need pigs around..I avoid them at all costs...I don't call them either...

You're not fooling anyone you weasely little poseur.

I don't like involving pigs in anything...

I imagine it's because you are always guilty of something, you greasy little punk bitch. You don't deserve to be a member of society, and you lack the character and intelligence to ever figure out why.

Yeah, yeah, keep running your mouth, you pathetic little fraud. You're not fooling anyone, you pathetic little punk.
Are you really this stupid, or is it all some kind of act?

How many times have cops stopped someone from breaking into my home?


How many times have they caught the guys?


How many murders have cops actually prevented compared to those committed?

All cops can do is react after the fact. To think otherwise is stupid.

So you really are this stupid. Wow.
You're the idiot if you think a cop is going to be there to prevent someone from breaking into your house.
The SOLUTION to the growth of your local police state is DEFUNDING your local police.

The size of the police force is not the problem, it's the attitude.

Part of it is attributed to time in service. After dealing with criminals, dumbasses, and people who seem to be trying to piss you off, some officers lose all patience. Rotating positions between the regular beat and a less stressful position would be a huge help.

A little training in constitutional rights would help a lot as well.

Weeding out asshole cops should be a priority as well, but that would involve fighting the police unions so I doubt that would ever happen.

And just to go back to the kid in the video. If I was a cop at a DUI checkpoint and someone refused to roll down their window, I would tell them to pull over too. Why? Because the first thought that would run through my head is "He's been drinking and doesn't want me to smell his breath".

Exactly, it gives probable cause.......


Seriously how motherfucking retarded are you people?

I mean holy fucking shit
The SOLUTION to the growth of your local police state is DEFUNDING your local police

and remembering that you have done so next time your house or car get robbed, so you don't complain ;)

The cops don't stop crime. All they do is show up after the fact.

They barely even do that now...heck, they will only take a stolen car report over the phone here! They won't even send an officer in person...either you go to the station or make the report on the phone.
Our Police shouldn't get angry because Citizens know their rights. They should instead embrace it. People who watch this video have to ask themselves, did these Police Officers protect and serve this fellow Citizen?

No...there is a NEW slogan now:
The size of the police force is not the problem, it's the attitude.

Part of it is attributed to time in service. After dealing with criminals, dumbasses, and people who seem to be trying to piss you off, some officers lose all patience. Rotating positions between the regular beat and a less stressful position would be a huge help.

A little training in constitutional rights would help a lot as well.

Weeding out asshole cops should be a priority as well, but that would involve fighting the police unions so I doubt that would ever happen.

And just to go back to the kid in the video. If I was a cop at a DUI checkpoint and someone refused to roll down their window, I would tell them to pull over too. Why? Because the first thought that would run through my head is "He's been drinking and doesn't want me to smell his breath".

Exactly, it gives probable cause.......


Seriously how motherfucking retarded are you people?

I mean holy fucking shit

Ever get the feeling you are dealing with a mental patient?

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