Don't think we live in a police state?

Trying to look retarded? No, I'm not the anarchist here who thinks the only good cop is a dead cop.

No one here has said or suggested ". . . the only good cop is a dead cop." That notion occurs in your mind, where much of the fantastic perceptions of yourself and the world around you originate.

Maybe you can get the anarchist to tell us what "Day of Judgement" he is talking about....
Knowing your rights and filming them, does seem to agitate our Police. Why is that? I think it's important we discuss that answer. Those things shouldn't agitate our Police. But clearly they do.

Therein lies the rub, and I understand the police being upset about being filmed by every "Tom, Dick and Harry". It's hard to do your job when you come under scruitny by the lawyers, ACLU, an now the populace with video cameras. You certainly can't take it out on on the Lawyers - they sue and get you fired.

So, the obvious response is "Oh, you want to film me tough guy!?" and they get pissed. I understand how that would piss me off as well.

TOUGH. We live in a world of technology and it works both ways. The police use cameras, wire taps, and surveillance to "watch us", they don't have a right to be upset when WE use that same technology to make certain that we don't become a "statistic". There seems to be far more instances of the police throwing our rights by the wayside today to do as they wish.

I completely understand that it's tough to be a cop. Dont want to play by the rules? Find a new job. Dont like dressing up like an infantryman in Afghanistan? Find a new job. Dont like carrying a fully automatic M4 like a soldier, rather than a cop? Find a new job. Dont feel that Americans have rights? Find a new job.
Knowing your rights and filming them, does seem to agitate our Police. Why is that? I think it's important we discuss that answer. Those things shouldn't agitate our Police. But clearly they do.

Therein lies the rub, and I understand the police being upset about being filmed by every "Tom, Dick and Harry". It's hard to do your job when you come under scruitny by the lawyers, ACLU, an now the populace with video cameras. You certainly can't take it out on on the Lawyers - they sue and get you fired.

So, the obvious response is "Oh, you want to film me tough guy!?" and they get pissed. I understand how that would piss me off as well.

TOUGH. We live in a world of technology and it works both ways. The police use cameras, wire taps, and surveillance to "watch us", they don't have a right to be upset when WE use that same technology to make certain that we don't become a "statistic". There seems to be far more instances of the police throwing our rights by the wayside today to do as they wish.

I completely understand that it's tough to be a cop. Dont want to play by the rules? Find a new job. Dont like dressing up like an infantryman in Afghanistan? Find a new job. Dont like carrying a fully automatic M4 like a soldier, rather than a cop? Find a new job. Dont feel that Americans have rights? Find a new job.

I think can explain this one.

Cops work a thankless job. Its ugly, dirty, dangerous. Hours suck. Pay sucks. Mayors and Governors dont really give a fuck about cops. Lots of stress. Missed holidays and birthdays with families. Lawyers and media hate cops. And really....after a couple years, most cops get tired of arresting people. Its NOT fun taking a persons freedom or money, despite what many people think, and most cops truly dont enjoy doing it, but, are willing to take on that responsibility for the times it is necessary.

Add to it the highly political Police "Brass" and admin people, who are constantly throwing their men under the bus and nitpicking their every living moment at the department..................

And you get a lot of very very stressed out cops.

You're right. "Tough". Thats the job.

BUT, you get cops who still do the job, and do it RIGHT, and dont break laws and rules and policies, and do the best they can.

And, when a person then confronts them with a camera in their face, it's almost accusatory. Like "I KNOW you're gonna do something wrong, and I'm gonna catch you". It basically becomes the cherry on top, and SOME cops react with the idea of "I take bullshit all day from lawyers, mayors, reporters, drug dealers, murderers, command brass...........and always do the right thing and bust my ass...........I'll be damned if some punkass tree hugger is going to accuse me of being dirty".

And thats not a good thing, but it happens. Cops are cut from the same clothe as other alpha males. They are willing to carry a gun and get into a good fight for the duty of protecting a civil society. So, its understandable.

For all the attention and funding put into veterans dealing with stress (and rightfully so, they dont even get nearly enough now) is extremely rare that people care or even sympathize with the stress that cops go through.

Not justifying it or excusing it. Just maybe explaining it a bit.
I completely understand that it's tough to be a cop. Dont want to play by the rules? Find a new job. Dont like dressing up like an infantryman in Afghanistan? Find a new job. Dont like carrying a fully automatic M4 like a soldier, rather than a cop? Find a new job. Dont feel that Americans have rights? Find a new job.

My first FTO in Atlanta, on my very first day, said something to me before he finished his first cup of coffee. I wont mention his name, he still works at APD. But, it was the BEST quote I ever heard about cops, and government in general I'd say, which I believe to this day. It was:

"Here is all you need to know about being a good cop. A GOOD cop is NEVER comfortable with the power he has, and never will be. But, he's willing to take on that responsibility. And because of that, he'll only use it when he knows he must for the good of the city. Now, dont fuck up and spill my coffee kid."

I never forgot that. He was so right. Taking freedom and giving out fines to fellow citizens NEVER became easy, and often I was uncomfortable with it. Mostly because the majority of people are good people. However, there were times when it was justified. And, at those times, I was mature enough to take on the responsibility, do it with integrity and treat the person.....even who committed a serious crime....with basic dignity and do the job professionally.

He is right still to this day. When a cop gets TOO comfortable with his power, he should give it up. Good cops never get comfortable with the power, but are always willing to take on the responsibility that comes with it. Those are the heroes working our streets, and there are FAR FAR more of them than people realize. The media and haters focus on the bad apples. I feel bad, because guys like my FTO suffer through the bad image, and they dont deserve to.
I think can explain this one.

Cops work a thankless job. Its ugly, dirty, dangerous. Hours suck. Pay sucks. Mayors and Governors dont really give a fuck about cops. Lots of stress. Missed holidays and birthdays with families. Lawyers and media hate cops. And really....after a couple years, most cops get tired of arresting people. Its NOT fun taking a persons freedom or money, despite what many people think, and most cops truly dont enjoy doing it, but, are willing to take on that responsibility for the times it is necessary.

Quite the story, bro. What do you figure, perhaps a 3% truth content?

Thankless job? Maybe - but every school child is told that cops are their friend - while the Police Union (SEIU) is telling the kids that businessmen are the enemy.

Its ugly, dirty, dangerous. Maybe, but a lineman for the electric company is at far greater risk of death and disability, for about half the pay.

Hours suck. Yep, that one is true - same as with doctors and fast food workers.

Pay sucks.


More public employee bullshit - no one believes this shit anymore. Typical cop - six figure income and retires at 50 with over 80% salary for life and full benefits. You can argue they deserve it, but the lie about poor pay grows old.

Add to it the highly political Police "Brass" and admin people, who are constantly throwing their men under the bus and nitpicking their every living moment at the department..................

Gangs are structured so that everyone is vyying for the top spot - and let's face it, the Police are a street gang. In theory, they are on our side, but they are still just another gang.

And you get a lot of very very stressed out cops.

You're right. "Tough". Thats the job.

BUT, you get cops who still do the job, and do it RIGHT, and dont break laws and rules and policies, and do the best they can.

And, when a person then confronts them with a camera in their face, it's almost accusatory. Like "I KNOW you're gonna do something wrong, and I'm gonna catch you". It basically becomes the cherry on top, and SOME cops react with the idea of "I take bullshit all day from lawyers, mayors, reporters, drug dealers, murderers, command brass...........and always do the right thing and bust my ass...........I'll be damned if some punkass tree hugger is going to accuse me of being dirty".

And thats not a good thing, but it happens. Cops are cut from the same clothe as other alpha males. They are willing to carry a gun and get into a good fight for the duty of protecting a civil society. So, its understandable.

For all the attention and funding put into veterans dealing with stress (and rightfully so, they dont even get nearly enough now) is extremely rare that people care or even sympathize with the stress that cops go through.

Not justifying it or excusing it. Just maybe explaining it a bit.

I have a wild idea, subject cops to the same laws that the peasants are expected to follow?
Therein lies the rub, and I understand the police being upset about being filmed by every "Tom, Dick and Harry". It's hard to do your job when you come under scruitny by the lawyers, ACLU, an now the populace with video cameras. You certainly can't take it out on on the Lawyers - they sue and get you fired.

So, the obvious response is "Oh, you want to film me tough guy!?" and they get pissed. I understand how that would piss me off as well.

TOUGH. We live in a world of technology and it works both ways. The police use cameras, wire taps, and surveillance to "watch us", they don't have a right to be upset when WE use that same technology to make certain that we don't become a "statistic". There seems to be far more instances of the police throwing our rights by the wayside today to do as they wish.

I completely understand that it's tough to be a cop. Dont want to play by the rules? Find a new job. Dont like dressing up like an infantryman in Afghanistan? Find a new job. Dont like carrying a fully automatic M4 like a soldier, rather than a cop? Find a new job. Dont feel that Americans have rights? Find a new job.


I have hundreds and hundreds of cameras in my work place. Every person is filmed every minute they are on the job.

Somehow, they seem to survive it.
Did ya ask her when she was going back to the kitchen?Kidding....Women pigs are worse than the guys because they think they got something to prove to all the others. So they abuse their power even worse than usual. Actually the only waste of OUR taxpayer dollars was the pigs harassing innocent motorists for no reason other than to show the local sheeple who the boss was still. I would love for it to go to court as well especially they awesome part where they admit the kid knows his rights...that should play well!

If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.

DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

The ‘anarchist’ wants more government dictating to private businesses, and compel them to enforce state police powers.

Guilty till proven Innocent. That's life in the Police State. Is this really what Americans want? Looks like it i guess.

Guilty till proven Innocent. That's life in the Police State. Is this really what Americans want? Looks like it i guess.

Terrorist don't deserve rights.

And Anarchists don't want them.......except for themselves of course......

You stupid old man. This has nothing whatsoever to do with anarchy. Go wave your flag now.
I completely understand that it's tough to be a cop. Dont want to play by the rules? Find a new job. Dont like dressing up like an infantryman in Afghanistan? Find a new job. Dont like carrying a fully automatic M4 like a soldier, rather than a cop? Find a new job. Dont feel that Americans have rights? Find a new job.

My first FTO in Atlanta, on my very first day, said something to me before he finished his first cup of coffee. I wont mention his name, he still works at APD. But, it was the BEST quote I ever heard about cops, and government in general I'd say, which I believe to this day. It was:

"Here is all you need to know about being a good cop. A GOOD cop is NEVER comfortable with the power he has, and never will be. But, he's willing to take on that responsibility. And because of that, he'll only use it when he knows he must for the good of the city. Now, dont fuck up and spill my coffee kid."

I never forgot that. He was so right. Taking freedom and giving out fines to fellow citizens NEVER became easy, and often I was uncomfortable with it. Mostly because the majority of people are good people. However, there were times when it was justified. And, at those times, I was mature enough to take on the responsibility, do it with integrity and treat the person.....even who committed a serious crime....with basic dignity and do the job professionally.

He is right still to this day. When a cop gets TOO comfortable with his power, he should give it up. Good cops never get comfortable with the power, but are always willing to take on the responsibility that comes with it. Those are the heroes working our streets, and there are FAR FAR more of them than people realize. The media and haters focus on the bad apples. I feel bad, because guys like my FTO suffer through the bad image, and they dont deserve to.

Sounds like good advice. Especially the part about the coffee........:eusa_whistle:
Guilty till proven Innocent. That's life in the Police State. Is this really what Americans want? Looks like it i guess.

Terrorist don't deserve rights.

And Anarchists don't want them.......except for themselves of course......

You stupid old man. This has nothing whatsoever to do with anarchy. Go wave your flag now.

You stupid fuck, when you have people who hate the Pigs and wouldn't call them yet are talking about a judgement day for them, That is Anarchy....

Of course he's only a wannabe anarchist because he also says he'll take them to court....

But you are just hatred for anything with common sense attached...Do rant on.....
I can't wait for the day of judgement to come...bastards would be stupid to be walking or driving around in those uniforms.

"Day of judgement"!? The police are not the enemy, regardless of what a few asshole cops may make you think.

The last thing we want is to view our police officers, or any other government employees, as enemies. But when we foolishly grant government the power to violate our rights, we set them up to be seen that way.

The cops don't stop crime. All they do is show up after the fact.

They barely even do that now...heck, they will only take a stolen car report over the phone here! They won't even send an officer in person...either you go to the station or make the report on the phone.

Hold on a sec... So now you guys want cops to wait in front of your houses 24\7, since this is the only way to stop a crime happening, while it is happening.

So the main complain here is that there are too many or too few cops around???

I am all confused now. Someone should specify how many cops in a square mile is ok, so we are sure this is not a police state.

Do you have one of those SPECIAL computers, that lets you read something I never posted? You need to read what I ACTUALLY posted. Comprehend it. Then, and ONLY then, respond. Thank you.
If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.

DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

The ‘anarchist’ wants more government dictating to private businesses, and compel them to enforce state police powers.


I have to say, I did a double take on that one as well.
The Simple fact that he intentionally mentioned his constitutional rights probably triggered the policeman. The police simply do not like when civilians do this, and sure they have every right to react, wouldn't you? But although he may react with disregard he still should not have searched the vehicle at all. It being a DUI checkpoint the policeman had no cause to bring the situation any further than where it began initially. This is America, and it is definitely not perfect, but problems like this shouldn't have to be an issue. Our police protect us and our rights, not obstruct them and unlawfully treat anyone who knows their rights like a criminal. I hope that man pressed charges against this officer.
If your mother or wife or son was killed by a DUI driver, then maybe you'd know why cops setup DUI checkpoints.

Did you know that each year, DUI driver kill more innocent Americans than Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars COMBINED???? Yes, thats right. Drunk drivers are a BIGGER threat to US citizens than the Taliban, Al Qaida, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were....combined.

You have shown such a lack of knowledge of law enforcement and the job they do it is truly a waste of time debating it with you. You come across like the Frat Boy who spends 7 years in college and goes on tirades about the campus police harrassing him.

So let me ask would YOU deal with the threat of DUI drivers.....seeing as it is MORE of a threat to Americans than all the terrorists in the Middle East? Because right now, DUI checkpoints and no-nonsense cops are the answer to it.

Funny....the cop haters point to aggressive police work spreading over the last 20 years..........while crime rates have dropped. Hmmmm. Think about that one for a minute.

DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

The ‘anarchist’ wants more government dictating to private businesses, and compel them to enforce state police powers.


Guess you conveniently missed the part where I said the insurance companies should do these things...No one should be forced but the insurance companies should enact things like that and the bars and places that serve alcohol can choose to abide or not...
The Simple fact that he intentionally mentioned his constitutional rights probably triggered the policeman. The police simply do not like when civilians do this, and sure they have every right to react, wouldn't you? But although he may react with disregard he still should not have searched the vehicle at all. It being a DUI checkpoint the policeman had no cause to bring the situation any further than where it began initially. This is America, and it is definitely not perfect, but problems like this shouldn't have to be an issue. Our police protect us and our rights, not obstruct them and unlawfully treat anyone who knows their rights like a criminal. I hope that man pressed charges against this officer.

I hope so to. By failing to abide a simple request as "roll your window down" he automatically gave Probable cause that he may be hiding something.
DUI checks treat EVERYONE like criminals. You want to end DUI or at least put a nice dent in it...hold the bars accountable. Make them or make the insurance companies that insure them make them check their alcohol levels before they are allowed to leave. If they are drunk call a cab...make them put their keys in a lock box and sign an agreement that you drink you are subject to tests before leaving my establishment.

The ‘anarchist’ wants more government dictating to private businesses, and compel them to enforce state police powers.


Guess you conveniently missed the part where I said the insurance companies should do these things...No one should be forced but the insurance companies should enact things like that and the bars and places that serve alcohol can choose to abide or not...

So you don't give a shit about drunk drivers on the streets either....o you care about anything other than your own little self?
The ‘anarchist’ wants more government dictating to private businesses, and compel them to enforce state police powers.


Guess you conveniently missed the part where I said the insurance companies should do these things...No one should be forced but the insurance companies should enact things like that and the bars and places that serve alcohol can choose to abide or not...

So you don't give a shit about drunk drivers on the streets either....o you care about anything other than your own little self?
I care for my self and family first....seeing how government of all kinds affects our lives every day they are a threat and must be done away with...Sure I am worried about drunk drivers so I stay very alert and usually have no reason to drive at night...unless wife gets off work late...

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