Dont wait til 2014 to understand ObamaCare

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Don't Wait Until 2014 to Understand Obamacare (EHTH, HCA, THC, WLP)

Next year will be the year. Although the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, commonly known as Obamacare, was passed back in 2010, the most significant parts of the major health-reform legislation don't become effective until 2014.

Just because major components don't kick into gear until then, though, doesn't mean you shouldn't understand as much as possible about Obamacare now. Here are some important things you need to know.

Continued at the link -
well, now luddy has become a sales man for Obama..

how cute

stay away from lead bullets though
Granny says, "Dat's right - take the teeth right outta it...
If Defunding Obamacare Isn't Worth Fighting For, 'Nothing Is'
August 28, 2013 -- If defunding Obamacare isn't worth fighting for, nothing is, says Jim DeMint, the former U.S. senator from South Carolina who now serves as president of the conservative Heritage Foundation.
Fox News's Greta Van Susteren asked Demint Tuesday night if he thinks it's "wise" for Republicans to risk a government shutdown by insisting that no taxpayer money go to funding Obamacare: "There's no question, Greta, that if this isn't worth fighting for, nothing is. I've never heard a Republican say they want to shut the government down, and that's not the goal," DeMint said. "The relevant question is, will Obama shut the government down in order to save his failed law? It's unfair. It's unworkable. He's given waivers to Congress, waivers to big business, but not to the average American. So if the president chooses to shut the government down, it's on him. I think Republicans should fund the government, but they should not fund Obamacare." DeMint said he thinks a lot of Republican lawmakers will "change their mind" about funding Obamacare "when they hear from their voters." The effort to pass a continuing resolution that funds the federal government at current levels will begin in earnest when Congress returns after Labor Day.

Van Susteren asked DeMint if he thinks its "appropriate or not appropriate" for President Obama and his Health and Human Services Secretary to link their health care law to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights movement. "Well, it's hard to imagine that something that is going to be so harmful to America can be associated with the civil rights movement," DeMint said. "The president is promising health care for everyone, but he promised it would cost less. He promised people could keep their own insurance. Millions are losing it. He promised, Greta, it would create jobs, improve our economy. People are being moved from full-time to part-time. His promises are not holding true. "And what they're doing, as you know, Greta, is pushing a lot of people onto Medicaid programs that fewer and fewer doctors will see. There are better ways to get health insurance to people. And to wrap it into a package of civil rights is certainly not a fair representation of this. I think civil rights involved freedom and equality, and Americans have a right to own their own health plan and not to be dependent on the government and some bureaucracy to decide what kind of health care they're going to get."

DeMint is about to wrap up a nine-city "Defund Obamacare" town hall tour, an attempt to boost grassroots support for defunding the Democrat-passed law. The final town halls take place tonight in Pittsburgh and tomorrow in Wilmington, Delaware. While Republicans have taken dozens of "symbolic votes" to repeal Obamacare, "the real act of courage is if they get back in September and they pass a bill funding all operations of government except Obamacare," DeMint told a crowd of at one of the town halls organized by Heritage Action.

He told Van Susteren he's heard from "thousands of people," including "a lot of small businesses," on the nationwide tour. "Thousands of Americans are standing up saying, 'We need to stop this bill before it goes any further. We know it's going to hurt health care. It's going to hurt people. It's not going to fulfill the president's promises.' So we think by September, millions of Americans are going to be saying to Congress, Stop this bad law. Let's improve the system we've got. It's the best in the world. Let's don't go down this socialistic health care road."

DeMint: If Defunding Obamacare Isn't Worth Fighting For, 'Nothing Is' | CNS News

Why do you "cha-ching" over and over but never explain what you're trying to say? I ask you for links and you ignore that in favor of posting "cha-ching" again. I'm sorry but that just shows you know as little about this as Stephanie and she only knows how to troll and flame. That's why she always trolls and flames rather than posting anything intelligent backed up with a link.
Obama and this idiot administration doesn't even UNDERSTAND this piece of shit, the keep CHANGING IT..

but they expect us too...this is a sick JOKE that has been played on the people and it is to ENSLAVE you to this Government...

hope and change baby

Why do you "cha-ching" over and over but never explain what you're trying to say? I ask you for links and you ignore that in favor of posting "cha-ching" again. I'm sorry but that just shows you know as little about this as Stephanie and she only knows how to troll and flame. That's why she always trolls and flames rather than posting anything intelligent backed up with a link.

I post 'cha-ching' because this entire campaign, including the shilling of tools like you and Greenbeard, is about insurance industry profits. If you want a 'link' click on the one in your signature, find the portion about the requirement that we all buy corporate health insurance.

But you don't really need to click on it to confirm the veracity of what I'm saying, do you? I thought you'd read it? PPACA uses the power of government to mandate customers for the insurance industry. That's the shit your selling.
... this is a sick JOKE that has been played on the people and it is to ENSLAVE you to this Government ...

PPACA mostly relies on private health insurance companies and private health care providers. How is that enslavement to the government?

Or, are you upset by the mere idea of law? We have all kinds of laws to require performance. Are you upset because Americans will be required to pay for their health care rather than get it free from providers and the government?
Madison warned us about this...................

The internal effects of a mutable policy are still more calamitous. It poisons the blessing of liberty itself. It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?

Why do you "cha-ching" over and over but never explain what you're trying to say? I ask you for links and you ignore that in favor of posting "cha-ching" again. I'm sorry but that just shows you know as little about this as Stephanie and she only knows how to troll and flame. That's why she always trolls and flames rather than posting anything intelligent backed up with a link.

I post 'cha-ching' because this entire campaign, including the shilling of tools like you and Greenbeard, is about insurance industry profits. If you want a 'link' click on the one in your signature, find the portion about the requirement that we all buy corporate health insurance.

But you don't really need to click on it to confirm the veracity of what I'm saying, do you? I thought you'd read it? PPACA uses the power of government to mandate customers for the insurance industry. That's the shit your selling.

Put simply, the ACA's Medical Loss Ratio is a cap on profits (insurance companies hate that) but-----but the MLR mandates that at least 80% of the health insurance consumer's premium be spent on actual health care (health care consumers like that). Insurance companies will have more customers (insurance companies love that) but----but health insurance consumers will get will get more medical care for their insurance premium dollar...

...damn it, Nixon-Dole-Heritage Foundation-Hatch-Grassley-Gingrich-Coburn-et al-et al-et al win.
Madison warned us about this...................

The internal effects of a mutable policy are still more calamitous. It poisons the blessing of liberty itself. It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow. Law is defined to be a rule of action; but how can that be a rule, which is little known, and less fixed?

Then we are doomed. The laws we have are made by our own representatives. If the laws are not to our liking, it is because we have chosen our representatives badly. Blame conservatives. Most are low-effort thinkers who vote for the candidate who panders, who serves them ideas which are easy to believe rather than those which are hard to understand regardless of how much more valuable are the latter than the former.
Blame conservatives. Most are low-effort thinkers who vote for the candidate who panders, who serves them ideas which are easy to believe rather than those which are hard to understand regardless of how much more valuable are the latter than the former.

Really? Conservatives are responsible for the sorry mess of PPACA? Not the reps who voted for it?
Blame conservatives. Most are low-effort thinkers who vote for the candidate who panders, who serves them ideas which are easy to believe rather than those which are hard to understand regardless of how much more valuable are the latter than the former.

Really? Conservatives are responsible for the sorry mess of PPACA? Not the reps who voted for it?

Substantially, yes. Had not they shown themselves so willing to obstruct and obfuscate, we could have gotten a far better solution to our health care access problem. Note, though, I'm not blaming this only on Republicans. Conservative Democrats are as much to blame as the Republicans.

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