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Don't want to shatter your fragile mindsets....

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnliRXAIyIo]Actor Danny Bonaduce meets critic Mark Dice - YouTube[/ame]
And they did not say that the US had anything to do with the 9/11 attacks. They signed a petition that disagrees with elements of the official investigation. And if one questions these people they find out that most only disagree with certain small sections.

way to live in denial.ever occur to you WHY they disagree with many elements of the offical investigation and why they cant get any honest answers from the government?:cuckoo:
Okay then lets see this list of folks who say they believe the US concocted it please... You claim all of those people yet produce no names, either you can produce the names so we can verify it or you can't...

Dude you want to defend one of your claims before telling me what I'm going to do? Defend your claim first then I will decide from there what I will think or do...

So we can assume you cannot produce a list of names....

ask and you shall receive.
Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report
Time for you to admit that you have been a Bush dupe who was brainwashed by the corporate controlled media and our government institutions.You going to do the mature thing and do that now? theres no shame in admitting that.Heck i admit it that I was a brainwashed Bush dupe in the beginning.Like many here,I also fell for the lies and propaganda of the media and government the first three years after 9/11 happened, but then i did something many people here refuse to do,look at the evidence and facts instead of only seeing what they want to see and I woke up and saw the truth that the 9/11 coverup commission was just that with no evidence or facts to back up their fairy tales they told the american sheepies.

Your list does not claim the US did it. The people disagree on different portions of the report. You turds always trot this out. It does not say what you claim.

and YOU turds always run away with your tail between your legs when challenged to watch and refute videos or books referred to you.you have the logic that it does not matter what many credible witnesses including firefighters experienced in explosives or architects and engineers or physists say or expert pilots say or that evidence was removed and destroyed or that FBI agents have said that their superiors threatened them when they had information about terrorist attacks or that the laws of physics that scientists have gone by for thousands of years no longer applies anymore proving you all slept through junior high science classes:lol:

again you turds always run away when challenged to watch videos and refute them since you know you are defeated as evidenced here for example.http://www.usmessageboard.com/consp...how-alex-jones-knew-about-9-11-happening.html

Not One of you loyal Bush dupes took me up on my challenge to comment on the the facts and evidence in this video and say what was wrong with it to try and refute it,you could only sling shit in defeat like the monkeys you all are by making the cowardly posts like you all did...:lol::lol::lol: you werent there then,so I'll give you and the other Bush dupes here that did not post then the opportunity.wont do any good though,as we both know,you'll fling shit in defeat as well just like they all did.
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Did you know that before 9/11 the department of counterterrorism test flighted Boeing passenger planes with remote flying and no pilot?

Did you know that before 9/11 the department of counterterrorism had an office in World Trade Center Building #7 on the 23rd floor where they spent many millions only on that floor reinforcing that floors walls, windows, etc making it literally a treefort or some type of sky bunker within the World Trade Center complexes?

I could go on and on with specific and verifiable facts that show you a picture of what was more likely what really happened on 9/11 but I wouldn't want to shatter your fragile mindsets....

No such thing as a Dept of Counterterrorism

But nice story though
Try not to get sidetracked into non-factors in this discussion. The point was the OP made some claims he cannot back up. His second claim of "prominent members of government, et al., was in fact a lie.. None of the people on the list inside job provided for him were current members of government... And none of them said anything about US concocting it...

Case closed.. More emotionally driven nonsense by the nuts...
9/11 Rimjob is another sterling candidate for USMB Mod.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjKk8qmyJ04]same ho's-Tupac - YouTube[/ame]

so far one loyal Bush dupe who ran away and wont take the challenge to watch that video and refute the evidence.agents Liar ability and Rightwinger still defend the fairy tale that oswald killed kennedy having had their asses handed to them on a platter hundreds of times by many different posters before on that so they have no credibility here. Oh and I dont know about some of the names you mentioned he said except He IS correct on the one of many people in the parliment of japan.thats old news many truthers know about.

thats been all over 9/11 truth sites over the years showing pictures of these prominent people in japen in government who have said the 9/11 commission report is not factual.If you ever did any research on your own instead of listening to the corporate media and the government,you would know about that.:cuckoo:
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Try not to get sidetracked into non-factors in this discussion. The point was the OP made some claims he cannot back up. His second claim of "prominent members of government, et al., was in fact a lie.. None of the people on the list inside job provided for him were current members of government... And none of them said anything about US concocting it...

Case closed.. More emotionally driven nonsense by the nuts...

still another loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth who runs away when asked to refute the evidence in that video in that link I gave,you Bush dupes are way too predicatable.

Retired Sgt,are you going to follow their footsteps and do the same thing? Be a coward and run away without trying to refute the facts in that video with that link I provided? that was posted for YOUR benefit.somehow I already know the answer is yes.
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Did you know that before 9/11 the department of counterterrorism test flighted Boeing passenger planes with remote flying and no pilot?

Did you know that before 9/11 the department of counterterrorism had an office in World Trade Center Building #7 on the 23rd floor where they spent many millions only on that floor reinforcing that floors walls, windows, etc making it literally a treefort or some type of sky bunker within the World Trade Center complexes?

I could go on and on with specific and verifiable facts that show you a picture of what was more likely what really happened on 9/11 but I wouldn't want to shatter your fragile mindsets....

No such thing as a Dept of Counterterrorism

But nice story though

Actually I think there is a Counter Terrorist Unit.
A Guy named Jack Bauer worked there.
I used to see his team in action all the time on TV....
Monday nights they used to show him in action.
I wonder how the US Government allowed the citizens to see actual
operations live like that.

I don't know what happened though.
I haven't seen Jack in a while.
Probably some Lib got their little panties in a bunch over some of the tactics used to get
information... :(
9/11 Rimjob is another sterling candidate for USMB Mod.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjKk8qmyJ04]same ho's-Tupac - YouTube[/ame]

so far one loyal Bush dupe who ran away and wont take the challenge to watch that video and refute the evidence.agents Liar ability and Rightwinger still defend the fairy tale that oswald killed kennedy having had their asses handed to them on a platter hundreds of times by many different posters before on that so they have no credibility here. Oh and I dont know about some of the names you mentioned he said except He IS correct on the one of many people in the parliment of japan.thats old news many truthers know about.

thats been all over 9/11 truth sites over the years showing pictures of these prominent people in japen in government who have said the 9/11 commission report is not factual.If you ever did any research on your own instead of listening to the corporate media and the government,you would know about that.:cuckoo:

Oswald did kill Kennedy. They aint no qwestion about eet.

Watching a video you endorse is beyond ridiculous.

Back a long time ago, I tried to take you seriously, 9/11 Rimjob.

But you proved yourself to be nothing but the most horrific whore. There aint nuthin' you wouldn't suck up.

You buy the most patently absurd "theories" as FACTS. :cuckoo:

You aren't even laughable anymore. You are just tragically pathetic.

It is occasionally a source of minor amusement to mock you. But there is not a single intelligent reason on God's green Earth to EVER take anything you say seriously -- ever again.
Try not to get sidetracked into non-factors in this discussion. The point was the OP made some claims he cannot back up. His second claim of "prominent members of government, et al., was in fact a lie.. None of the people on the list inside job provided for him were current members of government... And none of them said anything about US concocting it...

Case closed.. More emotionally driven nonsense by the nuts...

still another loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth who runs away when asked to refute the evidence in that video in that link I gave,you Bush dupes are way too predicatable.

Retired Sgt,are you going to follow their footsteps and do the same thing? Be a coward and run away without trying to refute the facts in that video with that link I provided? that was posted for YOUR benefit.somehow I already know the answer is yes.

Imbecile, I didn't vote Bush on either election for junior and nor did I vote for Senior... Whether or not you like the truth, its still is the truth..

Fact you have provided nothing but speculation and opinion.

Now please continue your emotional tantrum and I will treat you accordingly..
You know... back in middle school when I had slowly become 'awakened' to many things... many levels of truths and many hidden agendas that NO one around me would even hold a conversation with me about... I escaped into mush books about wild and crazy sex and horror mysteries... I even dabbled with sci fi theoretics... BUT ultimately, I outgrew blaming our government for many, if not most, of whatever I came to realize. Are they responsible? Most likely, on many levels beyond what may ever be known by any of us... Are they going to be held accountable? Well... for what good may ultimately come from such tragedies... I could not say...

Blaming our government and retaining an embittered posture is immature and quite ignorant. It also proves that one has only acquired part of a massive vision that could come if one doesn't slam the doors on the hands that feed...

I refuse to jump on a wagon heading for hell... to ridicule and belittle, mocking our government and slandering their behavior (regardless of how suspicious many things may seem) is NOT the way to go about doing things. We should not ever resort to this. There are wiser ways of addressing the issues revealed.
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Try not to get sidetracked into non-factors in this discussion. The point was the OP made some claims he cannot back up. His second claim of "prominent members of government, et al., was in fact a lie.. None of the people on the list inside job provided for him were current members of government... And none of them said anything about US concocting it...

Case closed.. More emotionally driven nonsense by the nuts...

still another loyal Bush dupe afraid of the truth who runs away when asked to refute the evidence in that video in that link I gave,you Bush dupes are way too predicatable.

Retired Sgt,are you going to follow their footsteps and do the same thing? Be a coward and run away without trying to refute the facts in that video with that link I provided? that was posted for YOUR benefit.somehow I already know the answer is yes.
Did you know that before 9/11 the department of counterterrorism test flighted Boeing passenger planes with remote flying and no pilot?

Did you know that before 9/11 the department of counterterrorism had an office in World Trade Center Building #7 on the 23rd floor where they spent many millions only on that floor reinforcing that floors walls, windows, etc making it literally a treefort or some type of sky bunker within the World Trade Center complexes?

I could go on and on with specific and verifiable facts that show you a picture of what was more likely what really happened on 9/11 but I wouldn't want to shatter your fragile mindsets....
Other than saying it, do you have proof of any of this? A link? A source?

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