Don't You Wish YOU Could Deduct Your Hobby From YOUR Taxes?


Censored for Cynicism
Oct 20, 2008
Clearly there is something wrong with the tax system when rich elitists can pay for slick tax lawyers and get phony deductions like this!!! If Willard isn't an elitist, then I'd like to see the Average Joe try to deduct the cost of their hobby from their taxes and get away with it!

Willard deducts more from his taxes for his dancing horse hobby than the average person makes in a year. Do you think this will be one of the unspecified deductions Willard will eliminate to pay for his tax cuts for the rich??? Discuss:

“Folks,” Mr. Colbert said, “the image of Romney as a privileged princeling ends today, because now Mitt is just your average blue-collar fan of dressage.”

To show it can take a joke, the United States Equestrian Federation distributed 500 foam No. 1 fingers here, a cheeky reference to a prop Mr. Colbert used in his skit as he clutched a beer bottle in his other hand and cheered, “Woo!”

The equestrian federation even recorded spectators waggling the red foam fingers for a YouTube video it planned to offer as a “rebuttal” to Mr. Colbert. Mrs. Romney, too, put one on.

“I think having someone like Mrs. Romney so interested in horses is certainly helpful for our sport, and we’re all very happy,” Mr. Ebeling said. “Bring it on.”

But as Mr. Colbert’s satire suggested, the scrutiny may not be entirely a blessing for Mr. Romney’s image as a man in touch with the concerns of average Americans. As millions tune in to the Olympics in prime time this summer, just before Mr. Romney will be reintroducing himself to the nation at the Republican convention, viewers are likely to see “up close and personal” segments on NBC about the Romneys and dressage, a sport of six-figure horses and $1,000 saddles. The Romneys declared a loss of $77,000 on their 2010 tax returns for the share in the care and feeding of Rafalca, which Mrs. Romney owns with Mr. Ebeling’s wife, Amy, and a family friend, Beth Meyers.
well instead of whining about it, contact your Representatives and BITCH at them about it..

or bore us to death with it.
can I write off the cost of my dogs as a hobby?


I guess if I pretend its a business that is losing money I could.

Ann Romney's horse heading to London to go for Olympic gold - TODAY in London

Is this exciting, or what!?
Cabinet members, or those nominated for the obama cabinet that have had tax issues:

Timothy Geithner
Kathleen Sebelius
Tom Daschle
Nancy Killefer
Bill Richardson
Hilda Solis
Ron Kirk
Susan Tierney
Jane Garvey
Annette Nazareth
Caroline Atkinson
Romney had a $77,000 loss for just a share in caring and feeding a single horse for a year? Does this horse eat gold? Apparently, it doesn't win gold, else there wouldn't be a loss.
I actually think it's an impressive achievement. And, I would say the same if it was Michelle Obama instead of Ann Romney.

I like equestrian events... I've been to several. I hope her horse does great.
Do you have any photos of Michelle's Spain vacation?
The Hawaii trips?
The Martha's Vineyard trips?
Clearly there is something wrong with the tax system when rich elitists can pay for slick tax lawyers and get phony deductions like this!!! If Willard isn't an elitist, then I'd like to see the Average Joe try to deduct the cost of their hobby from their taxes and get away with it!

Willard deducts more from his taxes for his dancing horse hobby than the average person makes in a year. Do you think this will be one of the unspecified deductions Willard will eliminate to pay for his tax cuts for the rich??? Discuss:

“Folks,” Mr. Colbert said, “the image of Romney as a privileged princeling ends today, because now Mitt is just your average blue-collar fan of dressage.”

To show it can take a joke, the United States Equestrian Federation distributed 500 foam No. 1 fingers here, a cheeky reference to a prop Mr. Colbert used in his skit as he clutched a beer bottle in his other hand and cheered, “Woo!”

The equestrian federation even recorded spectators waggling the red foam fingers for a YouTube video it planned to offer as a “rebuttal” to Mr. Colbert. Mrs. Romney, too, put one on.

“I think having someone like Mrs. Romney so interested in horses is certainly helpful for our sport, and we’re all very happy,” Mr. Ebeling said. “Bring it on.”

But as Mr. Colbert’s satire suggested, the scrutiny may not be entirely a blessing for Mr. Romney’s image as a man in touch with the concerns of average Americans. As millions tune in to the Olympics in prime time this summer, just before Mr. Romney will be reintroducing himself to the nation at the Republican convention, viewers are likely to see “up close and personal” segments on NBC about the Romneys and dressage, a sport of six-figure horses and $1,000 saddles. The Romneys declared a loss of $77,000 on their 2010 tax returns for the share in the care and feeding of Rafalca, which Mrs. Romney owns with Mr. Ebeling’s wife, Amy, and a family friend, Beth Meyers.

Jon Stewart net worth - $80 million.
Keep watching. He's depending on you to sustain his elite lifestyle (that you loathe).

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