Dotard does it again.


Comfortably Moderate
Oct 19, 2010
4th Cleanest City in the World-Minneapolis
Here's the guy who's Commander-in-Chief, who is totally unaware about anything military. And he is making strategic military decisions
But Newsweek reports that we may, indeed, still suck. In the pool report of the trip — which was embargoed to help protect the Trumps’ safety in Iraq — the president asked the chaplain of Seal Team Five, Lieutenant Commander Kyu Lee, to take a picture with him, revealing the presence of the special ops team at the al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq. When Trump left Iraqi airspace, he posted a video in which he and the First Lady pause for photos with members of Seal Team Five, decked in full battle gear and night vision goggles.
As president, it is technically within Trump’s job description to declassify that sort of information, but it does violate protocol designed to keep secret locations of special forces secret. “The deployments of special operation forces, including Navy SEALs are almost classified events, as to protect those men and women that are on the front lines of every overt and covert conflict the United States is involved in,” a Defense Department official told Newsweek. “Even during special operation demonstrations for congressional delegations or for the president or vice president, personnel either have their faces covered or their face is digitally blurred prior to a release to the general public.”
Trump Accidentally Exposes the Location, Identities of U.S. Navy Seal Team Five
This what happens, you get a draft dodging President, who needs some kind of PR lift, as his world is crumbling, around him. He does something stupid and endangers our Special Ops and their missions, all for political gain.
Nice move, Dotard!
It could have been headlines

Seal Team 5 too embarrassed to be photographed with Trump.
TDS victims are excited about this latest FAKE NEWS bulletin! :p The FAKE NEWS Newsweek nerd and TDS victims posting this BS did not even look at the uniforms of the soldiers. Amazing "double secret" soldiers were actually taking iPhone pics too! This puts all the special "double secret" plans to liberate Iraq in jeopardy! Wait a sec... George Bush liberated Iraq and Obama was supposed to pull all troops out of Iraq his first day in office. :p 3 years into Hussaine's occupation he claimed he ended the Iraq conflict and that soldiers are all coming home. Hussaine actually claims he was "on schedule" when his campaign promise will to withdraw the troops on his first day in office! The filthy Deep State/MSM suckered so many nerds even back then.

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TDS victims are excited about this latest FAKE NEWS bulletin! :p

Wrong...TDS is about Trumpbots...not Dems.

'Trump Derangement Syndrome
The latest attempt by the alt-right to demonise anybody who thinks that maybe putting a reality TV star who's declared bankruptcy six times in charge of the country might not have been the best idea.
"So what if Trump only told the complete truth throughout 4% of his campaign, and had to settle out of court for that fraud trial, and that he reacts like a spoilt brat on Twitter to any kind of criticism? Geez, you libtard SJW snowflakes just have accept democracy won and stop exercising your right to free speech! You're so negative with your Trump Derangement Syndrome!"

Urban Dictionary: Trump Derangement Syndrome
He never dodged the draft asswipe. He received deferments as did many. Like Biden. 4 deferments for college and one for childhood asthma at 26. Did you know that? Biden got a deferment at 26 for childhood asthma.
A TDS victim needs to scour the internet for pics of Seal Team 5! They are all over and multiplying like crazy! This is going to give Muslim savages more confidence to rape, murder and commit assorted terrorist acts. Oh wait, they do that no matter what.


In fact, Muslim savages need to see what they are up against when limp-wristed faggots like Hussaine Obama/Osama are not in charge of the countries they mess with.
Here's the guy who's Commander-in-Chief, who is totally unaware about anything military. And he is making strategic military decisions
But Newsweek reports that we may, indeed, still suck. In the pool report of the trip — which was embargoed to help protect the Trumps’ safety in Iraq — the president asked the chaplain of Seal Team Five, Lieutenant Commander Kyu Lee, to take a picture with him, revealing the presence of the special ops team at the al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq. When Trump left Iraqi airspace, he posted a video in which he and the First Lady pause for photos with members of Seal Team Five, decked in full battle gear and night vision goggles.
As president, it is technically within Trump’s job description to declassify that sort of information, but it does violate protocol designed to keep secret locations of special forces secret. “The deployments of special operation forces, including Navy SEALs are almost classified events, as to protect those men and women that are on the front lines of every overt and covert conflict the United States is involved in,” a Defense Department official told Newsweek. “Even during special operation demonstrations for congressional delegations or for the president or vice president, personnel either have their faces covered or their face is digitally blurred prior to a release to the general public.”
Trump Accidentally Exposes the Location, Identities of U.S. Navy Seal Team Five
This what happens, you get a draft dodging President, who needs some kind of PR lift, as his world is crumbling, around him. He does something stupid and endangers our Special Ops and their missions, all for political gain.
Nice move, Dotard!

photos with members of Seal Team Five, decked in full battle gear and night vision goggles.
Name this soldier.

Night vision goggles is a pretty good way to prevent identification. I know, those pesky facts, not good for propaganda.

Here's the guy who's Commander-in-Chief, who is totally unaware about anything military. And he is making strategic military decisions
But Newsweek reports that we may, indeed, still suck. In the pool report of the trip — which was embargoed to help protect the Trumps’ safety in Iraq — the president asked the chaplain of Seal Team Five, Lieutenant Commander Kyu Lee, to take a picture with him, revealing the presence of the special ops team at the al-Asad Airbase in western Iraq. When Trump left Iraqi airspace, he posted a video in which he and the First Lady pause for photos with members of Seal Team Five, decked in full battle gear and night vision goggles.
As president, it is technically within Trump’s job description to declassify that sort of information, but it does violate protocol designed to keep secret locations of special forces secret. “The deployments of special operation forces, including Navy SEALs are almost classified events, as to protect those men and women that are on the front lines of every overt and covert conflict the United States is involved in,” a Defense Department official told Newsweek. “Even during special operation demonstrations for congressional delegations or for the president or vice president, personnel either have their faces covered or their face is digitally blurred prior to a release to the general public.”
Trump Accidentally Exposes the Location, Identities of U.S. Navy Seal Team Five
This what happens, you get a draft dodging President, who needs some kind of PR lift, as his world is crumbling, around him. He does something stupid and endangers our Special Ops and their missions, all for political gain.
Nice move, Dotard!
one of the most annoying things about the times we live in these days is the manufactured rage to satisfy the manufactured hate.
He never dodged the draft asswipe. He received deferments as did many. Like Biden. 4 deferments for college and one for childhood asthma at 26. Did you know that? Biden got a deferment at 26 for childhood asthma.

Trump did dodge the draft. Five deferments. He never had any surgery, which would have taken care of the problem. Trump also could have gone through therapy I just can't see a rich kid not getting minor surgery to get rid his bone spurs. Bone Spurs are associated with Plantar Fasciitis, which is something I have had. It took me about six weeks to get ride of my Plantar Fasciitis, I had no surgery, I used orthopedic inserts in mt footwear
and a foot brace to wear when I slept.
For more go to: Heel Spur Causes, Symptoms, Treatments, and Surgery
Secondly, Biden? Just another draft dodger, just like Bill Clinton and John Bolton.
So Dancer, you'd say anything, including using bullshit to defend the indefensible,
They are probably already on their way home thanks to Trump.

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look, a Navy pilot... and the guy in the plaid shirt is a Seal- modern day warriors


they were there 3 hours ....

3 hours, and he hasnt set foot there since he was elected = PHOTO OP

Trump is too stupid to know about these things. Someone on his staff royally fucked up.

But then again, Bone Spur did say he knows more than the generals.
What’s the big deal . It’s not like they are undercover spies .

And as far as I can tell, a some point ever Seal writes a book and goes on tour !
They are probably already on their way home thanks to Trump.

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look, a Navy pilot... and the guy in the plaid shirt is a Seal- modern day warriors


they were there 3 hours ....

3 hours, and he hasnt set foot there since he was elected = PHOTO OP

Fuck you.
The media does a great job blaming their crimes on trump.

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