DOW Futures DOWN 450 Points: 3rd Q Earnings Looking Ugly

I guess we need to roll back the tax cuts, eh comrade?
How about ending the trade wars and the massive liberal tariffs? I’m waiting to buy a washer and dryer that aren’t artificially price hiked up 50% because the dotard and one of his pet billionaires thinks I need to “feel pain.”

How are you cleaning your dresses now?
trade wars are not capitalism.

Not what I asked darling.
trade wars are socialism on an international basis.
What ?
MarketWatch: Stock Market News - Financial News

Trump's trade wars are starting to look good.

Look for more market carnage in the coming days as many companies will be reporting Q3 results.
Cool, we're due for a nice correction. Around 6% so far.

We'll let the wingers do their silly and ignorant partisan slap-fighting over the temporary machinations of the market.

Stocks Drop on Earnings Outlooks, Worries About Global Growth
There is an army on our southern border poised to invade. That has to have some effect.

I can just imagine the MASSIVE amount of market share those tired, poor, homeless, invaders have :777:

It's kinda funny how Trump calls the 'caravan' an "invasion" when through out our history the common phrase was 'illegal immigration'

I think the markets are turning sour today because of China markets & 3rd Q results are turning out to be CRAP for some companies.

I suppose if Trump wants the world to believe the US is being 'invaded' then that won't help & it will make it look like we are pussies that refuse to defend our border.

Some times words have consequences?
MarketWatch: Stock Market News - Financial News

Trump's trade wars are starting to look good.

Look for more market carnage in the coming days as many companies will be reporting Q3 results.
Haven't you lefties been claiming that "this is Obama's economy"? Make up your mind!

'Obama's economy' was that POS train wreck that G. W. ButtBush left Obama that made the Great Depression seem like a 2009 thing but Obama turned that POS into a gift for Orange Fvck Face.
MarketWatch: Stock Market News - Financial News

Trump's trade wars are starting to look good.

Look for more market carnage in the coming days as many companies will be reporting Q3 results.
Haven't you lefties been claiming that "this is Obama's economy"? Make up your mind!

'Obama's economy' was that POS train wreck that G. W. ButtBush left Obama that made the Great Depression seem like a 2009 thing but Obama turned that POS into a gift for Orange Fvck Face.
You people sure flip flop a lot.
Wednesday, October 24, 2018

DJIA is currently DOWN 350 points and the markets still have about 1 hour left before closing.

Maybe the bomb threats from Trump's disciples aint good for the markets?
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Just an anecdote....

Our hospital system is making nearly record profits. I don't think it is any sort of political jiu jitsu taking place; I think you have an unprecedented amount of people who are affluent enough to go to the doctor (either wealth or insurance or other) and a junk food obsessed culture.

Doing great for profit sharing of which almost all of us are enrolled. I wonder how much longer that will be around as I stare out into the night....
Global capital markets are down five weeks in a row loosing more than 8 trillion US $ valuation

I see this going further in a down trend.

so, what is the condition?

Have the wealthiest & the corporations had enuff of sucking your $$$$$ to make it trickle 'up' and are already in the process of formulating the next CRASH?

Keep your eye on bonds.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

No one is paying attention & that is when folks come in & steal what you have.
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