DOW Having A Bad Week.Where Is Obama?,He Said It Was His Economic Boom.Well,Except This Month.Right?

Let's see :

not enough workers for the jobs

Wage growth

Consumer confidence at an all time high

Yeah the real economy is in trouble,
:CryingCow: We have all seen Obama take credit for the Trump boom for two years now. But the few times the DOW has taken a significant downturn, Obama is nowhere to be seen/heard.
Well then, Who's economy is this this week? Trump, Bush, or Obama?
Obama didn't start a trade war.
:CryingCow: We have all seen Obama take credit for the Trump boom for two years now. But the few times the DOW has taken a significant downturn, Obama is nowhere to be seen/heard.
Well then, Who's economy is this this week? Trump, Bush, or Obama?
Don't worry. In a week or two it'll be the Obama economy again.
:CryingCow: We have all seen Obama take credit for the Trump boom for two years now. But the few times the DOW has taken a significant downturn, Obama is nowhere to be seen/heard.
Well then, Who's economy is this this week? Trump, Bush, or Obama?
Don't worry. In a week or two it'll be the Obama economy again.
what week will it be the "Carter Economy" ??
:CryingCow: We have all seen Obama take credit for the Trump boom for two years now. But the few times the DOW has taken a significant downturn, Obama is nowhere to be seen/heard.
Well then, Who's economy is this this week? Trump, Bush, or Obama?

You have it wrong. For two years, Trump has been taking credit for the Obama economic boom and he's been doing everything possible to dismantle the stable economy Obama built over his 8 year term.

It now appears that the damage of the tax cuts, the out of control deficit, and the tariffs are coming home to roost. Trump has done enough damage to destabilize the economy. Once Trump's tax cuts and budget foolishness took effec, it was just a matter of time. It took 8 years for Bush to destroy Clinton's economy.

The US economy is like a big freight train. It takes a long time for changes in direction to impact it. But Trump has done such a bad job economically, that it's happening faster this time.
i wonder how many former presidents will take credit for the 2019 Trump economy
:CryingCow: We have all seen Obama take credit for the Trump boom for two years now. But the few times the DOW has taken a significant downturn, Obama is nowhere to be seen/heard.
Well then, Who's economy is this this week? Trump, Bush, or Obama?
Who inherited an upward trend; and lowered taxes, and started trade wars and talking smack to our trading partners.
alexandria cortez probably thinks that we are still in the Gerry Ford economy
:CryingCow: We have all seen Obama take credit for the Trump boom for two years now. But the few times the DOW has taken a significant downturn, Obama is nowhere to be seen/heard.
Well then, Who's economy is this this week? Trump, Bush, or Obama?

It was his economic boom. Trump inherited it. And just like Bush did with Clintons, will now promptly destroy it.

And after the next melt down, there will never be a trickle down economics, tax cuts for the rich to lift all boats policy ever again.

You little richturds that inherited daddy's money better start making plans for the taxes you will be paying in the coming years.

I'll save the regulations that are coming along with them for another conversation.
The Dow is saying WTF is the deal with these tariffs ?
well if this is the Obama Economy, why wont he talk about this weeks downturn?
The Dow has been rising since 2009. Daffy Donald didn't do that.

But ever since Tariff Man started his failing trade war, the Dow has come to a screeching halt.

I'm not going out on a limb to say G5000 doesn't have an ounce of credibility, and those who believe otherwise are as dishonest and foolish as he is.

2015: The DOW was down for the year.

2016: A bull was triggered by Trump's election. Matter of fact, it rose 2000 points that last two months of the year. I suppose one could argue that was the result of confidence in Trump, but one could equally argue it was due to lack of confidence in Obama and/or Clinton. But in G5000's case, he'd tell you it was "cuz of Obama".
17425 31-Dec-15
17888 4-Nov-16
18848 11-Nov-16
19763 31-Dec-16

Additionally, despite their college indoctrination, progressives don't understand how the market functions. Interest rates have been rising since Trump took office, which has a direct impact on stocks. The rates could not have raised on Obama's watch, because stocks and the housing market would have crashed.
The Dow has been rising since 2009. Daffy Donald didn't do that.

But ever since Tariff Man started his failing trade war, the Dow has come to a screeching halt.

I'm not going out on a limb to say G5000 doesn't have an ounce of credibility, and those who believe otherwise are equally fucked.

2015: The DOW was down for the year.

2016: A bull was triggered by Trump's election. Matter of fact, it rose 2000 points that last two months of the year. I suppose one could argue that was the result of confidence in Trump, but one could equally argue it was due to lack of confidence in Obama and/or Clinton. However in G5000's case, he'd tell you it was "cuz of Obama".
17425 31-Dec-15
17888 4-Nov-16
18848 11-Nov-16
19763 31-Dec-16

Additionally, despite their college indoctrination, progressives don't understand how the market works,. Interest rates have been rising since Trump took office, which has a direct impact on stocks. The rates could not have raised on Obama's watch, because stocks and the housing market would have crashed.
Poor TD. Desperately scrambling to cover for Trump's losses for the year. He didn't mind gloating about Trump raising the Dow, and now he gets all sour when confronted with Trump trashing the Dow for the entire year.

Live by the double-edge sword, die by the double-edged sword, hypocrites.

From January 20, 2015 to January 20, 2017 the Dow climbed 13 percent, and TheDude knows this.

Also, at this point in Obama's Administration, the Dow had climbed 41 percent. It's only climbed about 23 percent for Trump, and he was elected on third base, while Obama was handed a shit sandwich with the economy falling off a cliff.

The Dow had been rising steadily since 2009. Then Trump's trade war brought it all to a a screeching halt since January, the whole year!

Thanks a lot, Tariff Man!
well if this is the Obama Economy, why wont he talk about this weeks downturn?

Trump constantly takes responsibility for good days in the market - all you need to remember on bad days is simple ...

The Dow has been rising since 2009. Daffy Donald didn't do that.

But ever since Tariff Man started his failing trade war, the Dow has come to a screeching halt.

I'm not going out on a limb to say G5000 doesn't have an ounce of credibility, and those who believe otherwise are equally fucked.

2015: The DOW was down for the year.

2016: A bull was triggered by Trump's election. Matter of fact, it rose 2000 points that last two months of the year. I suppose one could argue that was the result of confidence in Trump, but one could equally argue it was due to lack of confidence in Obama and/or Clinton. However in G5000's case, he'd tell you it was "cuz of Obama".
17425 31-Dec-15
17888 4-Nov-16
18848 11-Nov-16
19763 31-Dec-16

Additionally, despite their college indoctrination, progressives don't understand how the market works,. Interest rates have been rising since Trump took office, which has a direct impact on stocks. The rates could not have raised on Obama's watch, because stocks and the housing market would have crashed.
Poor TD. Desperately scrambling to cover for Trump's losses for the year. He didn't mind gloating about Trump raising the Dow, and now he gets all sour when confronted with Trump trashing the Dow for the entire year.

Live by the double-edge sword, die by the double-edged sword, hypocrites.

From January 20, 2015 to January 20, 2017 the Dow climbed 13 percent, and TheDude knows this.

Also, at this point in Obama's Administration, the Dow had climbed 41 percent. It's only climbed about 23 percent for Trump, and he was elected on third base, while Obama was handed a shit sandwich with the economy falling off a cliff.

The Dow had been rising steadily since 2009. Then Trump's trade war brought it all to a a screeching halt since January, the whole year!

Thanks a lot, Tariff Man!

Read what I wrote and G5000's response. He doesn't have an ounce of credibility, and his response proves just that.

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