Dow Tumbles another 519 - Obama blames Bush


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

In early 09 Obama stated " Give me the economy" We did.

Get the message out to the useful idiots Its bush's fault.
If Bush caused all these problems, Mr. President, why didn't you deal with them in your first 2 years of office in which you had control of both houses rather than create an economic disaster with healthcare?
IMHO the only action that will save the economy is to eliminate selling-short and eliminating derivatives. Bring back Glass-Stegal, etc. The stock market now is wasted money, the short-sellers steal it and move it off-shore.
The stock market is pricing what they feel the future profits of stocks will be. They think profits are going to go way down over the near future.
Obama did a bad job on the stock market today. He needs to do better tomorrow
IMHO the only action that will save the economy is to eliminate selling-short and eliminating derivatives. Bring back Glass-Stegal, etc. The stock market now is wasted money, the short-sellers steal it and move it off-shore.
Short-selling is a common scapegoat by those who want to place the blame on something other than the real cause that is more difficult to deal with. Short selling is part of the information-revealing process which is the central aspect and advantage of the free market process. In a world of uncertainty and change, information is the scarcest good, and short selling is an important source of additional information that would otherwise be lost.

When someone's research or information leads them to negative conclusions about a firm, short selling allows them to communicate their less optimistic expectations to others and make a profit if they anticipate the direction the market will later come to agree with. That is, they profit only if they come to "correct" conclusions before others. In the process, they benefit others by revealing accurate information sooner than would otherwise be the case, reducing the mistakes people would have made from relying on the less accurate prices that would otherwise exist.

The fact that the information it reveals is negative does not mean it is invalid or should be outlawed. Outlawing negative information will not stop the negative consequences of bad policy. It will only render us less prepared.
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The stock market is pricing what they feel the future profits of stocks will be. They think profits are going to go way down over the near future.

Yep, They are reacting in the short term to the crisis developing in Europe, and the Downward Revision of our Projected GDP Growth. Another large part of it, has been the dismal Lack of Leadership on Obama's Part. He is basically saying all the wrong things, at the wrong time. That speech he gave the day the DOW lost over 600 was Horrific. It was almost as if he designed it to spur on a sell off, rather than give people confidence.

Wall street believes we are already in, or about to enter, another Recession.

I hope they are wrong, but all the signs seem to be saying they are right. If they are right, Obama is toast. No way he wins if Unemployment actually goes up between now and then, and GDP shrinks.

Americans will hold their Noses and vote in what ever Loser the GOP puts up in that case.
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Let's hope he continues to do this all the way up to the election.

Why on earth would I hope that Americans have to continue to suffer until the election?

I believe he Meant He Hopes Obama continues to blame Bush and not take any responsibility.

I am sure he was not hoping he continues to be a poor leader and make Bad Economic Decisions. Hell even if he made a 180 Degrees turn and started doing what Republicans want, he would still lose, as he would lose most of his base if he did that. So, Unlike a few short weeks ago, when I thought it was silly to say he would lose, I now think it is highly likely he will lose, Despite his Billion Dollars. Especially if he spends that Billion dollars telling people it's not his Fault, and if we just give him 4 More Years, He can fix things. Nobody by Die hard libs are going to buy that now. No time to let your guard down, as he does have a lot of money, and much of the Media on his side, but His Approval Among Independents is down to around 31% as an average of most polls. That is not going to win him another Term.
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The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Of course, if it's not Bush it's the tea party, the American people, you name it, he will point a finger at it. He will never man up.
We have a Congress controlled by Democrats for 4 years. For one year we have had a democratic senate and a republican house. Republicans of course deserve part of the blame. They too supported the philosophy of spending and big government. But to continually blame them for everything at this point in time is simply dishonest and irrational.
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

Of course, if it's not Bush it's the tea party, the American people, you name it, he will point a finger at it. He will never man up.

Don't forget the Disaster in Japan, and the Arab Spring. If he is just saying this BS as cover then he is just an asshole, if he actually believes it, then he has a persecution Complex. I bet he lays awake at night, just sure that people on wall Street are deliberately losing Trillions of Dollars just to make him look bad.

If the guy could just once admit his Policies are not working to do what he claimed they would do, Just once if he could Man Up. I might feel sorry for his situation, So much Hope, So Many Expectations, All on the shoulders of a man with 0 Experiences for the Job, But Alas he simply can not accept blame, So FUCK HIM.
We have a Congress controlled by Democrats for 4 years. For one year we have had a democratic senate and a republican house. Republicans of course deserve part of the blame. They too supported the philosophy of spending and big government. But to continually blame them for everything at this point in time is simply dishonest and irrational.

I am as Conservative as they come, and I am the first to admit. Republicans contributed big time to getting us in the mess. However as you pointed out since 2007 Democrats Have either Controlled all of Congress or, 1 House and the WH. For the better part of 2 Years they held a Super Majority.

So the Brunt of the Blame for our Current situation is on them. Especially for the last 2.5 Years. None of their Grand Ideas have succeeded. They did what Liberal Democrats always due. Through Money at the problem, and in the process set us up for a massive amount of new, Annual Spending obligations. They Bought a tiny Blip in GDP growth, at the cost of Making our underlying Problems worse, and making it even Harder to fix.

They fully own this Economy, and this Melt Down. Anyone who tries to say other wise is a Partisan Hack fool, who you should not even argue with. Because nobody that Partisan can possible be convinced of Anything. It's a waste of time. They will ride their Big Government, Spend spend spend, Regulation Regulate Regulate, Agenda all the way down the shit hole and never admit they are wrong about any of it.
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The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes
This is a perfect example of how CON$ can take anything that is said and twist it to fit their premise, in this case "Obama blames Bush for everything."

Never did Obama name Bush, so this was built on this quote, "We do have a serious problem in terms of debt and deficit, and much of it I inherited."
YOUR link then goes on to connect that quote to Bush with this rationalization, "Using figures from Treasury Direct, in just under two years with Obama at the helm, the national debt has increased by $4.0 trillion as compared to an increase of $4.9 trillion during the entire eight-year Bush tenure."

I won't go into the fact that Bush's 8 fiscal years increased the debt $6.1 trillion" but the more obvious fact that Obama didn't inherit only Bush II's deficits when he took office as the asshole you cited contends, but also the debt from big spenders Reagan and Bush I. The GOP debt was almost $11 trillion the first day Obama took office and he inherited every dollar of it plus the continuing interest on the GOP debt, not just $5 trillion from Bush II alone. But those facts do not fit the "blame Bush" premise, so they are ignored.
The DOW continues it's collapse, dwarfing the 2008 collapse with the largest 7 day sell-off in history.

President Obama, a boil on the ass of American history, showed his unending cowardice and incompetence by reacting to the economic crisis by blaming George W. Bush. After 30 months of mismanagement by Obama and the Keystone Kops of his failed administration, the bumbling fool resorts to his one trick, blaming Bush.

Someone needs to hand this jackass a toga and a fiddle - though that would be unfair to Nero.

Obama Still Blaming Bush for U.S. Economic Woes

In spite of the fact that Republicans have worked so hard with the President to promote jobs in this country. Look at all the jobs bills they passed. I just don't happen to know the names of any.

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