Down Syndrome Woman competes in Miss USA beauty pagent

Mea culpa, being quite typical in that department. :laugh:

The op also included girls in wheel chairs, one of our adopted daughters is in a chair, is she a lesser person due to it? She should be exculded from certain events because of it?


I'm afraid I am not a fan of inclusivity in all things. For example, Danny DiVito should be excluded from the Mr. Universe contest.

Anyone should be allowed to try.

Ya know....that freedom thingy.

There is also freedom to exclude.

You're sorta starting to flounder

How so? You disagree?
The op also included girls in wheel chairs, one of our adopted daughters is in a chair, is she a lesser person due to it? She should be exculded from certain events because of it?


I'm afraid I am not a fan of inclusivity in all things. For example, Danny DiVito should be excluded from the Mr. Universe contest.

Anyone should be allowed to try.

Ya know....that freedom thingy.

There is also freedom to exclude.

You're sorta starting to flounder

How so? You disagree?

Obviously I do. What's it to you if a Downs or chair bound indivudual pursues their dream? I mean really, what's the issue here?
I suspect that the Down’s syndrome girl is being judged on a curve different than the others in the pageant.

That being said, it’s fine with me if the regular world bends the rules once in awhile to bring joy to someone with special needs.
This thread has encouraged me to enter the Mr America contest. Mr Universe is my goal, but I shouldn't start at the top.

If anybody doesn't vote for me, it's because they're bigots!
I'm not trying to be cruel or mean.

But what the heck, they have Special Olympics for people with disabilities and such. Why not a Special Beauty Pageant? ..... :cool:
They want to be treated just like everyone else. They don't want the kiddie pool or the kid's table. I can understand that.

God bless you and them always!!!

Of course she's not beautiful. She's beautiful for someone with Down's Syndrome and received sympathy awards the same way the tranny will always, always, win Prom Queen.

However, it is a big slap upside the head to those who want to kill Down's Syndrome children and for that, it's perfect.

Beauty is skin deep, someone can be beautiful on the inside. Most Downs are.

Down's are great. I've worked with Down's kids.

But interior beauty is not the criteria of these contests. As with any awards program, sympathy applied outside of the contest criteria cheats someone.

The criteria
Competition Rules
The winner of the competition must be confident. She must understand the values of our brand and the responsibilities of the title. She must have the ability to articulate her ambition. A contestant should demonstrate authenticity, credibility and exhibit grace under pressure. The women who compete embody the modern, global aspiration for the potential within all women.

Each competition begins with preliminary interviews that include a swimsuit or athletic wear and evening gown presentation show. These preliminary events are especially important as it will be the first time the judges and fans really get to know the contestants. The preliminary competition is the driving force in selecting the Semifinalists.

The live show and final competition kicks off with an announcement of the Semifinalists. Each of these contestants will walk the runway during the swimsuit or athletic wear segment displaying her dedication to a healthy lifestyle.

The semifinalists move on to the second stage of the competition during the evening gown segment. The judges and fans will see the contestants’ personal style as they walk the stage in their evening gown of choice. However, the exact design of the gown does not count towards the total score and instead the judges focus on how confidently each woman presents herself.

Another quote "
Who We Are
The Miss Universe Organization empowers women to develop the confidence they need to achieve their personal best. A confident woman has the power to make real change, starting in her local community with the potential to reach a global audience. We encourage every woman to get out of her comfort zone, be herself, and continue to define what it means to be Confidently Beautiful."

Miss USA About

Yeah, but here's the thing. They're looking for all that in a woman who's drop-dead gorgeous.

You nailed it. If someone hosted a tennis tournament and your name was Tiger Woods and you showed up with some golf clubs, chances are pretty good that you'd lose.
I'm afraid I am not a fan of inclusivity in all things. For example, Danny DiVito should be excluded from the Mr. Universe contest.

Anyone should be allowed to try.

Ya know....that freedom thingy.

There is also freedom to exclude.

You're sorta starting to flounder

How so? You disagree?

Obviously I do. What's it to you if a Downs or chair bound indivudual pursues their dream? I mean really, what's the issue here?

It's nothing to me. I don't even watch the thing.

Again, I reference Harrison Bergeron.
That being said, it’s fine with me if the regular world bends the rules once in awhile to bring joy to someone with special needs.
And what of all "losers" who'd like a trophy too?
I really doubt the Down’s syndrome girl will win the Miss USA Pagent. But she is somehow taking the slot of miss Minnesota. Life ain’t fair, is it?
"Still sporting her tiara atop perfectly coiffed blonde curls, Mikayla Holmgren couldn't stop smiling as she recalled what it was like to not only compete in but receive two awards at the Miss Minnesota USA pageant."

This Woman Just Became The First Person With Down Syndrome To Compete In A Miss USA State Pageant

So what's next?

Amputees, burn victims, and contestants in wheelchairs?? .... :dunno:

It's a freakin beauty pageant,...... not a handicap charity event.

Time to knock off the crazy PC nonsense. ...... :cool:
You keep reminding cons that Muslims are fellow Conservatives. It's so satisfying.
Down's are great. I've worked with Down's kids.

But interior beauty is not the criteria of these contests. As with any awards program, sympathy applied outside of the contest criteria cheats someone.

Well yeah inner beauty and talent is. Typical male thinking

Mea culpa, being quite typical in that department. :laugh:

The op also included girls in wheel chairs, one of our adopted daughters is in a chair, is she a lesser person due to it? She should be exculded from certain events because of it?

Yes, she absolutely should be excluded from many events because of it. Your adopted daughter will never be an olympic pole vaulter. We might give her a medal for pole vaulting just cause, just cause that's what we do for the inadequate.

Sit down. She already competes, she chair races, she debates at HS level and she confronts her disability head on. A pagent is not something she should be excluded from if she desired too....the same goes for this girl with Downs. Does our daughter have limitations? Yes...a huge one is small minded people such as yourself.

She competes within the limitatations of her disability. Good for her. This downs syndrome girl won because of pity, not because she was really more beautiful or more talented. That's where the damage is done. If we are going to give out pity awards based on who is the most pathetic, then create a catgegory..

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