Down with Black Lives Matter! ALL Lives Matter!

Just so we're clear, you're saying:

1. It is NEVER acceptable or justifiable to punch a black 12-year-old boy in the teeth.
2. It is NEVER acceptable or justifiable to shoot an unarmed (meaning without a firearm or stabbing/slashing/bludgeoning weapon other than his own body/hands/feet/head) colored man.

Do those two statements accurately describe your beliefs?
This is not about me and I'm not into your troll bullshit. I'm not interested in you trying to justify another ruthless act.
It's disgusting you think anyone old enough to know better should be able to go on someone's private property without consequences. The piece of shit is the one that went on this man's property. When he takes the actions of a man, he is no longer treated like a boy. No wonder so many blacks are in prison. They're taught at a young age they can do whatever. When they get older, they do things thinking that way and end up in jail.

I bet you're the kind that believe black thugs should be able to resist arrest with nothing happening to them. Wait, I don't have to bet. You've prove it.
You think kids playing in the street makes them black thugs? You don't some racist prick coming out and threatening kids (with violence) playing in the street is initiating the conflict? Do you always turn your back on someone threatening you? Why is it, nowhere in your post do you have an issue with the actions of the white boy?
It's disgusting you think anyone old enough to know better should be able to go on someone's private property without consequences. The piece of shit is the one that went on this man's property. When he takes the actions of a man, he is no longer treated like a boy. No wonder so many blacks are in prison. They're taught at a young age they can do whatever. When they get older, they do things thinking that way and end up in jail.

I bet you're the kind that believe black thugs should be able to resist arrest with nothing happening to them. Wait, I don't have to bet. You've prove it.
You think kids playing in the street makes them black thugs? You don't some racist prick coming out and threatening kids (with violence) playing in the street is initiating the conflict? Do you always turn your back on someone threatening you? Why is it, nowhere in your post do you have an issue with the actions of the white boy?

Playing in the street or blocking traffic? Either way, they shouldn't have been there nor have gone on the man's private property.

Where was the threat of violence? The kids coming onto his property AFTER being warned not to do so is initiating the conflict.

Let's see. Kids playing where they shouldn't have been playing, blocking traffic which is also something they shouldn't have been doing, someone addressing it under the Liberal concept of "it takes a village", and they come on the man's private property yet you think it's the white person's problem. Where were the baby mamas of these kids? I won't ask about the baby daddies because the baby mamas probably don't know.
Michael Brown was incredibly stupid. Many times "incredibly stupid" ends with "incredibly dead." So be it.
You mean like the perpetuated lie of "hands up, don't shoot" that was shot down, pun intended, by three forensics experts?
No. I'm talking about the deliberate shooting of un-armed civilians of color.
List them. And point out what brought the police to notice him in the first place. Love how you are not concerned about the unarmed WHITE civilians being shot. Certainly there had to be some, from what I understand there are more of those than blacks shot. The damn color doesn't make a difference. If you do not follow the directions of the officer, instead run from them, there could be a consequence and it doesn't follow that a police officer thinks, "He's black. Think I'll shoot and kill him."

You mean like the perpetuated lie of "hands up, don't shoot" that was shot down, pun intended, by three forensics experts?
No. I'm talking about the deliberate shooting of un-armed civilians of color.
List them. And point out what brought the police to notice him in the first place. Love how you are not concerned about the unarmed WHITE civilians being shot. Certainly there had to be some, from what I understand there are more of those than blacks shot. The damn color doesn't make a difference. If you do not follow the directions of the officer, instead run from them, there could be a consequence and it doesn't follow that a police officer thinks, "He's black. Think I'll shoot and kill him."


All people like Billo and Joe see is the shooting. They ignore why the police were there, the actions of the one that was shot, etc. All they see is black skin of the one being shot and automatically go for the first, last, and only thing they think of.

Sad thing is they don't say anything about whites being shot by police which is a higher number.
Michael Brown was incredibly stupid. Many times "incredibly stupid" ends with "incredibly dead." So be it.

Sometimes your actions get what you ask for.

Billo and Joe are the type that if someone purposely put on a blindfold, put in ear plugs, and walked across a major highway at rush hour traffic would blame the driver that hit the person.
You mean like the perpetuated lie of "hands up, don't shoot" that was shot down, pun intended, by three forensics experts?
No. I'm talking about the deliberate shooting of un-armed civilians of color.
List them. And point out what brought the police to notice him in the first place. Love how you are not concerned about the unarmed WHITE civilians being shot. Certainly there had to be some, from what I understand there are more of those than blacks shot. The damn color doesn't make a difference. If you do not follow the directions of the officer, instead run from them, there could be a consequence and it doesn't follow that a police officer thinks, "He's black. Think I'll shoot and kill him."


All people like Billo and Joe see is the shooting. They ignore why the police were there, the actions of the one that was shot, etc. All they see is black skin of the one being shot and automatically go for the first, last, and only thing they think of.

Sad thing is they don't say anything about whites being shot by police which is a higher number.
I would expect that from ignorant posters.
You mean like the perpetuated lie of "hands up, don't shoot" that was shot down, pun intended, by three forensics experts?
No. I'm talking about the deliberate shooting of un-armed civilians of color.
List them. And point out what brought the police to notice him in the first place. Love how you are not concerned about the unarmed WHITE civilians being shot. Certainly there had to be some, from what I understand there are more of those than blacks shot. The damn color doesn't make a difference. If you do not follow the directions of the officer, instead run from them, there could be a consequence and it doesn't follow that a police officer thinks, "He's black. Think I'll shoot and kill him."


All people like Billo and Joe see is the shooting. They ignore why the police were there, the actions of the one that was shot, etc. All they see is black skin of the one being shot and automatically go for the first, last, and only thing they think of.

Sad thing is they don't say anything about whites being shot by police which is a higher number.
I would expect that from ignorant posters.

They're worse than ignorant. They know better yet still say things they say. That's stupidity.
Just so we're clear, you're saying:

1. It is NEVER acceptable or justifiable to punch a black 12-year-old boy in the teeth.
2. It is NEVER acceptable or justifiable to shoot an unarmed (meaning without a firearm or stabbing/slashing/bludgeoning weapon other than his own body/hands/feet/head) colored man.

Do those two statements accurately describe your beliefs?
This is not about me and I'm not into your troll bullshit. I'm not interested in you trying to justify another ruthless act.
At least you're smart enough to know your own position is stupid and not to keep arguing it.
He wasn't shot for jaywalking, idiot, but for being violent to the cop. And it was more like a robbery.

"more like"? Yeah, if you leave out the part where the store staff took his pot and didn't give him his merchandise, which is what the cops did when they selectively released video.
You mean the claim that he supposedly traded pot for store merchandise? Sounds like a good idea! Next time I go to Home Depot, I'll find some drug addict store employee and offer to trade him a few grams of meth for their forklift and 2 company trucks. And if he takes the meth and says "OK," I'll come back later and take it, by force if necessary!

How stupid are you?
Playing in the street or blocking traffic? Either way, they shouldn't have been there nor have gone on the man's private property.

Where was the threat of violence? The kids coming onto his property AFTER being warned not to do so is initiating the conflict.

Let's see. Kids playing where they shouldn't have been playing, blocking traffic which is also something they shouldn't have been doing, someone addressing it under the Liberal concept of "it takes a village", and they come on the man's private property yet you think it's the white person's problem. Where were the baby mamas of these kids? I won't ask about the baby daddies because the baby mamas probably don't know.
So you think its okay to punch a 12 year old boy in the mouth? Why do I think you'd be singing a different tune if that was your kid?

BTW, here's what the 27 year old prick said...

“He was screaming at us, cursing at us, calling us the 'n-word' and he came down to the middle of his yard, and I was like 'who are you talking too,' and he said 'come within arm's reach and I'll show you who I'm talking to,'" said Malikai Villatte, 12-year-old who was punched.

...that's a threat.

Just because a kid walks onto your property, that gives you the right to hit him? How many girl scouts have you beaten up when they came onto your property to sell cookies? How many paper boys have you beaten the shit out of while they were trying to deliver your morning paper?

I would love to finish this conversation in a bar face-to-face. I'd buy you a beer and we could sit down and discuss this like responsible adults.
List them. And point out what brought the police to notice him in the first place. Love how you are not concerned about the unarmed WHITE civilians being shot. Certainly there had to be some, from what I understand there are more of those than blacks shot. The damn color doesn't make a difference. If you do not follow the directions of the officer, instead run from them, there could be a consequence and it doesn't follow that a police officer thinks, "He's black. Think I'll shoot and kill him."

Do you understand the cop was recorded on his dash cam saying he's "gonna kill the guy"? Then he gets out of his car, runs up to the guy's window, throws a gun into the car, then starts shooting. WTF do you call that?
Playing in the street or blocking traffic? Either way, they shouldn't have been there nor have gone on the man's private property.

Where was the threat of violence? The kids coming onto his property AFTER being warned not to do so is initiating the conflict.

Let's see. Kids playing where they shouldn't have been playing, blocking traffic which is also something they shouldn't have been doing, someone addressing it under the Liberal concept of "it takes a village", and they come on the man's private property yet you think it's the white person's problem. Where were the baby mamas of these kids? I won't ask about the baby daddies because the baby mamas probably don't know.
So you think its okay to punch a 12 year old boy in the mouth? Why do I think you'd be singing a different tune if that was your kid?

BTW, here's what the 27 year old prick said...

“He was screaming at us, cursing at us, calling us the 'n-word' and he came down to the middle of his yard, and I was like 'who are you talking too,' and he said 'come within arm's reach and I'll show you who I'm talking to,'" said Malikai Villatte, 12-year-old who was punched.

...that's a threat.

Just because a kid walks onto your property, that gives you the right to hit him? How many girl scouts have you beaten up when they came onto your property to sell cookies? How many paper boys have you beaten the shit out of while they were trying to deliver your morning paper?

I would love to finish this conversation in a bar face-to-face. I'd buy you a beer and we could sit down and discuss this like responsible adults.

Sounds to me like the 12 year old was acting like a man. He got treated like one that runs his mouth.

The girl scouts don't come to my front door. We don't allow soliciting in my neighborhood. I don't buy the paper. However, neither or them are there being assholes. That's the difference.

No you wouldn't. Also, I don't drink and you aren't an adult.
All people like Billo and Joe see is the shooting. They ignore why the police were there, the actions of the one that was shot, etc. All they see is black skin of the one being shot and automatically go for the first, last, and only thing they think of.
Have you ever heard the expression, the "punishment should fit the crime"? What the guy did, did not deserve the cop murdering him.

Sad thing is they don't say anything about whites being shot by police which is a higher number.
Listen asshole, I don't know how many times I have to say this before it sinks in with you hayseed-dickboy-inbred-redneck racists, the reason there are more whites being shot, is because there are 160 million more whites in this country than blacks. Blacks only make up 24% of the population, but are 2.5 times more likely to be killed by police than whites.

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