Dowry Activism: Asian Folk-Tale [Reform Theory]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
In India, dowry-death news reminds people of how fortune/wealth drives human beings towards crime even in this modern age of great capitalism-flowery (e.g., TrumpUSA).

Should capitalism-consciousness inspire more descriptive folk-tales?

What do you think?

I didn't feel comfy posting this 'fortune vignette' in the Writing section of USMB (given its political overtones!), but I welcome any kind of comments/criticism.


Two Marxist robots named Cyclonus and Scourge decided to spy on Earth from the moon and take notes on TrumpUSA capitalism-imagination. Cyclonus and Scourge noted that during the emergence/development of this great modern (21st Century) civilization activity on Earth, the still-traditional Asian nation of India practiced rituals connected to the Caste System (a form of religion-based prestige hierarchy comprised of labor-and-role based distinctions), which gave rise to continued forms of dowry-customs during arranged marriages. A dowry is a gift (usually money or jewelry!) given to the groom's family by the bride's family. A dowry represents the wedding's more 'economic' based considerations and therefore reflected humanity's perspectives on fortune and comfort (and lifestyle!). Sometimes, an unsatisfactory/meager dowry in India results in the cold/brutal execution of the bride by her in-laws(!), and police are unable to prosecute these terrible crimes which are covered up and made to look like bizarre suicides. Cyclonus and Scourge noted that dowry-deaths in India, occurring even during the time of TrumpUSA represented man's inability to bring to fruition wealth/capitalism-gauged moral maturity. Cyclonus/Scourge wondered if man was still 'primitive.'


Cyclonus and Scourge began spying on a recently-married couple in Calcutta (India) named Arupa and Amlan. Because Arupa's in-laws (Amlan's parents!) were unsatisfied with the dowry-gift Arupa's parents/family presented during the wedding rituals, they treated Arupa badly. This inflamed Amlan's immature pride, so the proud husband decided to bring prostitutes into the home he shared with his wife Arupa. Every week, Amlan would engage in adultery with prostitutes while commanding his poor wife Arupa to cook meals for him and his unsavory lovers. Arupa was shattered and knew that her meager dowry led her unfaithful husband Amlan to become cruel/inhuman. Cyclonus and Scourge noticed all this and decided to visit Arupa in a dream (while she slept) and told her to poison Amlan. Arupa decided to perform the killing-act and poisoned Amlan's dinner the next evening, and when he died, Arupa told everyone Amlan ingested poison to commit suicide out of shame/grief that his parents treated Arupa poorly because of her meager dowry.


Cyclonus and Scourge visited Arupa in another dream (while she slept) and told her about American terrorism/patriotism comics called G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero (Hasbro/Marvel). Cyclonus/Scourge told Arupa to buy G.I. Joe comics and dress up like the fictional female terrorist-warrior named Baroness for Halloween and they'd visit her again in an alluring dream in which they'd dress up as Baroness's allies, Cobra Commander and Storm Shadow(!). Arupa did just that, so Cyclonus and Scourge visited her again in her dream (while she slept) during which Arupa dreamed she was Baroness while Cyclonus and Scourge were Cobra Commander and Storm Shadow. In that dream-sequence, Cyclonus/Scourge relayed to Arupa the symbolic value of fortune-meditation in the modern age of great capitalism-flowery (e.g., TrumpUSA).


BARONESS (Arupa): I've learned much about retribution/revenge!
COBRA COMMANDER (Scourge): You've become a 'pupil' of fortune.
STORM SHADOW (Cyclonus): You must feel pensive about capitalism.

BARONESS: I wonder if TrumpUSA is a true tower of democracy!
COBRA COMMANDER: How'd you feel dressing up as a terrorist for Halloween?
STORM SHADOW: Did your Baroness-costume inspire you to think about reform?

BARONESS: It seems 9/11 has shattered our illusions about capitalism-sanctity!
COBRA COMMANDER: Celebrating/honoring capitalism is not simple.
STORM SHADOW: TrumpUSA has to be a lighthouse for all kinds of ethics.

BARONESS: Did I do the right thing by killing my husband (Amlan)?
COBRA COMMANDER: Amlan was a criminal like his parents...
STORM SHADOW: The police couldn't help you, so you acted in self-defense!

BARONESS: Will TrumpUSA spotlights offer more clarity about fortune/ethics?
COBRA COMMANDER: We believe TrumpUSA capitalism can become a 'vehicle.'
STORM SHADOW: This 'vehicle' will create more roads for democratic visions.

BARONESS: Why would Americans care about dowry-deaths in India?
COBRA COMMANDER: Americans are diplomats of 'fortune-imagination.'
STORM SHADOW: America must work with human-rights groups in poor nations!

BARONESS: Perhaps more fortune-imagination will create dowry activism!
COBRA COMMANDER: You should write a 'reform-theory folk-tale' about dowries.
STORM SHADOW: You could become like Phoolan Devi...

BARONESS: May capitalism make Earth more governing.
COBRA COMMANDER: Good journalism can make TrumpUSA a spiritual tower!
STORM SHADOW: We're returning to our home planet; remember the promises.



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