Do'ya think Sarah is ready for the debate?

The only thing that picture needs is a sound clip of an evil "Mwah hahahaha"
There's a version circulating where he has laser beams shooting out of his eyes ...
I had brought up that picture earlier Article. And the thread about Palin not knowing more about the Roe V Wade case. :lol:

Sarah Palin isn't even going to release her tax returns until the day AFTER the debate. Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:
When you look into Putin's eyes in that photo, what do you see?
I had brought up that picture earlier Article. And the thread about Palin not knowing more about the Roe V Wade case. :lol:

Sarah Palin isn't even going to release her tax returns until the day AFTER the debate. Wonder why? :eusa_whistle:

Heh ... sorry I didn't see that you posted it earlier.

Yeah ... she looks stupid yet again by not being able to name any major SC decisions ...

Basically, she's a disaster and I feel bad for those folks who feel like they are obligated to defend her ...
Heh ... sorry I didn't see that you posted it earlier.

Yeah ... she looks stupid yet again by not being able to name any major SC decisions ...

Basically, she's a disaster and I feel bad for those folks who feel like they are obligated to defend her ...

I don't know what you mean by SC decisions? Care to enlighten me?
Heh ... sorry I didn't see that you posted it earlier.

Yeah ... she looks stupid yet again by not being able to name any major SC decisions ...

Basically, she's a disaster and I feel bad for those folks who feel like they are obligated to defend her ...

It's fine and I have a feeling Grampa Mumbles might tag in right before the beginning of the debate and try to debate instead of Palin.

Or dress up as Palin and say he/she's ready to debate. :rofl:
I'd challenge most people to name a Supreme Court Case other than Roe v. Wade honestly. But most people aren't running for VP of the US so she's at a different standard obviously.

I'm torn quite honestly. I want Obama to win that goes without saying, but I'd hate for Palin to get on national television and make a complete idot of herself just for the simple reason that for better or worse she does in fact represent women in this country.

Women in politics already have a hard enough time being taken seriously... I'd at least hope she looks somewhat competent.

quite honestly, I don't think it matters at this point what Sarah Palin does. McCain has lost this election for himself with his erratic behavior and OTT statements.

:thup: You have wrapped this up pretty good. :thup:
It baffles me when people keep making excuses for Palin. Comparing her "Governor Experience" ... of Alaska? Holy shit!!! ..... to the position of Vice President of the United States, is just unbelievable. She would be a heartbeat away from being President .... and these people just do not seem to "get that". They are as naive as Palin and McCain are for thinking she is "experienced" enough to take the position. As I posted before .... being in charge of a state with less than 1 million people to a nation with 300 million is a difference. A BIG difference.

Damn! I think even McDonalds would not hire someone, as a manager, with as little experience that she has. (This is a little bit of a stretch - but probably pretty damn close to the truth).

You must live in an alternate world -Palin is actually far more qualified for the job Obama is running for than HE is! Nothing more irritating than people who don't even know how their own system of government works. Or ignorant enough to believe the job skills required in one branch of government are interchangable with those needed in an entirely different branch of government!

It doesn't matter what state a person is governor. Governors are always qualified for either President or VP -which is why nearly half the Presidents have been governors and more than half of all VPs were governors -and from all sorts of states. Being the governor of one particular state does not make someone more qualified than being governor of a different state. The job is nearly identical for them all and they all deal with nearly identical issues while each state may also have its own unique issues. It requires the same kind of executive and leadership skills to be able to do the job well no matter which state they are in. You can switch the governors of any two states and except for having to learn the unique issues of that different state -they already know how to do the job because its no different. Except for issues of national security and foreign relations, all governors deal with nearly the identical domestic issues a President must deal with on a national level. It is why so many governors go right on to the Presidency. What they are missing is the most easily learned on the job -and what ANYONE taking that job must learn on the job.

But what a novice freshman Senator is missing that is critically necessary for the job he may NEVER learn. Many of our worst Presidents were Senators -because nothing about the job prepares them for the highest executive office in the first place. There is nothing about a legislative job that prepares someone or assists someone to develop executive skills -and not everyone CAN develop them. It is like pretending that because a brilliant singer and a brilliant sculptor both come from the "arts" -that the brilliant singer can be a brilliant sculptor. Shuffling someone from one branch of government to another one when they have NEVER had a job that proved they had the necessary executive and leadership skills required for that kind of job makes far less sense than taking someone who held the second highest elected executive office and giving them the highest one. Which is why so many governors get elected President. 4 of the last 5 Presidents were governors. And with Palin, we are talking about VP, not President. Being a governor makes her qualified, sorry you think otherwise. But then YOU have to explain what was so special about the states where governors went on to become PRESIDENT.

Carter was a peanut farmer from rural Georgia, then governor -then President. Clinton was governor of the hick state of Arkansas -then President. Reagan was "actor, president of the Screen Actor's Guild, governor" and then President. They were ALL qualified for President BECAUSE of the job of governor -not the state where they were governor. And Carter and Clinton were total UNKNOWNS to the nation when they decided to run.

So I find it interesting that you have decided to vote for two Washington legislative insiders. Obviously you must believe not just Washington insiders are the perfect fit here - but two who haven't a speck of executive experience. Just HOPING a guy who has never held an executive position or one of leadership in his entire life can suddenly develop the necessary executive and leadership skills while he's ON THE JOB? In addition to everything else he can only learn on the job?

I personally despise seeing a ticket with nothing BUT Washington insiders on it. And I really dislike seeing a ticket with two Senators on it since it means shuffling people from one branch of government and pretending what makes a good Senator is interchangable with what is required for an effective President. Oh pulleeze.

While you are whining about whether a governor is qualified to be VP when it is a hokey argument and disproven repeatedly by our own history - you are going to vote for THE singlemost unqualified Presidential candidate in over a century. LOL The guy has a pathetically skimpy resume with nothing but three part-time jobs. That's right -unlike the job of governor or President -being a legislator on the state level or Congressional level -is a PART TIME JOB. Jobs that require no executive skills and no leadership skills -and is most often dictated by nothing but partisan politics.
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You must live in an alternate world -Palin is actually far more qualified for the job Obama is running for than HE is! Nothing more irritating than people who don't even know how their own system of government works. Or ignorant enough to believe the job skills required in one branch of government are interchangable with those needed in an entirely different branch of government!

It doesn't matter what state a person is governor. Governors are always qualified for either President or VP -which is why nearly half the Presidents have been governors and more than half of all VPs were governors -and from all sorts of states. Being the governor of one particular state does not make someone more qualified than being governor of a different state. The job is nearly identical for them all and they all deal with nearly identical issues while each state may also have its own unique issues. It requires the same kind of executive and leadership skills to be able to do the job well no matter which state they are in. You can switch the governors of any two states and except for having to learn the unique issues of that different state -they already know how to do the job because its no different. Except for issues of national security and foreign relations, all governors deal with nearly the identical domestic issues a President must deal with on a national level. It is why so many governors go right on to the Presidency. What they are missing is the most easily learned on the job -and what ANYONE taking that job must learn on the job.

But what a novice freshman Senator is missing that is critically necessary for the job he may NEVER learn. Many of our worst Presidents were Senators -because nothing about the job prepares them for the highest executive office in the first place. There is nothing about a legislative job that prepares someone or assists someone to develop executive skills -and not everyone CAN develop them. Shuffling someone from one branch of government to another one when they have NEVER had a job that proved they had the necessary executive and leadership skills required for that kind of job makes far less sense than taking someone who held the second highest elected executive office and giving them the highest one. Which is why so many governors get elected President. 4 of the last 5 Presidents were governors. And with Palin, we are talking about VP, not President. Being a governor makes her qualified, sorry you think otherwise. But then YOU have to explain what was so special about the states where governors went on to become PRESIDENT.

Carter was a peanut farmer from rural Georgia, then governor -then President. Clinton was governor of the hick state of Arkansas -then President. Reagan was "actor, president of the Screen Actor's Guild, governor" and then President. They were ALL qualified for President BECAUSE of the job of governor -not the state where they were governor. And Carter and Clinton were total UNKNOWNS to the nation when they decided to run.

So I find it interesting that you have decided to vote for two Washington legislative insiders. Obviously you must believe not just Washington insiders are the perfect fit here - but two who haven't a speck of executive experience. Just HOPING a guy who has never held an executive position or one of leadership in his entire life can suddenly develop the necessary executive and leadership skills while he's ON THE JOB? In addition to everything else he can only learn on the job?

I personally despise seeing a ticket with nothing BUT Washington insiders on it. And I really dislike seeing a ticket with two Senators on it since it means shuffling people from one branch of government and pretending what makes a good Senator is interchangable with what is required for an effective President. Oh pulleeze.

While you are whining about whether a governor is qualified to be VP when it is a hokey argument and disproven repeatedly by our own history - you are going to vote for THE singlemost unqualified Presidential candidate in over a century. LOL The guy has a pathetically skimpy resume with nothing but three part-time jobs. That's right -unlike the job of governor or President -being a legislator on the state level or Congressional level -is a PART TIME JOB. Jobs that require no executive skills and no leadership skills -and is most often dictated by nothing but partisan politics.

Wow! Glad to see that you actually put some thought into your post! :clap2:

Now if your gal pal has 1% of your brain, she just might have a chance at becoming an intern for McCain, when they lose the election in November. :thup:
Heh ... sorry I didn't see that you posted it earlier.

Yeah ... she looks stupid yet again by not being able to name any major SC decisions ...

Basically, she's a disaster and I feel bad for those folks who feel like they are obligated to defend her ...

Let me know when "journalists" sit down for an interview with Biden -and instead give him a pop quiz. So far HE hasn't been asked to give the details of X number of specific bills Obama has worked on as state legislator. HE hasn't been asked to give the specifics regarding the majority and minority opinions of a SC decision from a few decades ago regarding an issue no one is even running on. And he hasn't because it would be a dumb, pointless diversion that has zero to do with the issues of THIS campaign. They do it to Palin for a reason -and they don't do it to Biden because they know HE can't answer them either. Do you REALLY care if Biden can answer off the top of his head about the majority and minority opinions about a specific court case from a few decades ago that is no part of today's issues? It matters far more to me that ANY of them know where to go to get that information if they end up in a situation where they actually NEED to know it -and know who to discuss it with if they need more detailed information about its implications. I'm pretty sure they can ALL do that. Palin has no need to know the specifics of a 30 yr. old SC decision because THAT isn't an issue anyone is running on in this campaign! The media is only interested in embarassing one of them.
Wow! Glad to see that you actually put some thought into your post! :clap2:

Now if your gal pal has 1% of your brain, she just might have a chance at becoming an intern for McCain, when they lose the election in November. :thup:

McCain may lose the election -but if he does, it won't be because of his VP choice. People don't really vote based on who is on the bottom of the ticket -but who is on the top. Democrats tried this one before when their strategy was to insist the first Bush's VP choice was totally unfit to be VP -he was too young, too "stupid" and hadn't even been a Senator long enough to go to VP. (Odd that last point isn't a concern for Democrats this time around though.) Not only was the media more vicious about Quayle, that guy made FAR more stupid mistakes Palin has ever even thought of making. And he got his clock cleaned in the VP debate in a moment that went down in history.

The Republican strategy was to insist it was the Presidential candidate on the Democrat ticket who was unfit for the office he was running for. I think Dukakis might agree the Republicans focused on criticizing the person that actually mattered most to voters. Even though a lot of people were unhappy with Quayle being on the ticket - including a lot of Republicans -with far more Republicans demanding that Bush drop him from the ticket and get someone else. In the end people will cast their vote based on who is running for President -not who is in the VP slot.
If Sarah Palin has the qualifications for a Vice-Presidenet, the political decorum, the ability to speak with knowledge on subject of vital importance to the country, to demonstrate a presence of being able to speak impromptu and coherently on subject matter of national importance... If she posses all the qualities, then I must give her monumental credit.

It must be a daunting task for her to keep all the qualities and abilities so well hidden from the media and the public at large.
McCain may lose the election -but if he does, it won't be because of his VP choice. People don't really vote based on who is on the bottom of the ticket -but who is on the top. Democrats tried this one before when their strategy was to insist the first Bush's VP choice was totally unfit to be VP -he was too young, too "stupid" and hadn't even been a Senator long enough to go to VP. (Odd that last point isn't a concern for Democrats this time around though.) Not only was the media more vicious about Quayle, that guy made FAR more stupid mistakes Palin has ever even thought of making. And he got his clock cleaned in the VP debate in a moment that went down in history.

The Republican strategy was to insist it was the Presidential candidate on the Democrat ticket who was unfit for the office he was running for. I think Dukakis might agree the Republicans focused on criticizing the person that actually mattered most to voters. Even though a lot of people were unhappy with Quayle being on the ticket - including a lot of Republicans -with far more Republicans demanding that Bush drop him from the ticket and get someone else. In the end people will cast their vote based on who is running for President -not who is in the VP slot.

Do you really think we are stupid, or what? We all know that people do not vote for a VP ... but rational people do realize that a VP could become President. You seem to be missing that point - somewhere in your reasoning.

So I will ask for one favor, please. Will you tell me one thing that she did before 2006, that would qualify her to possibly be the next president of the United States?

Sarah Palin on the Issues
Do you really think we are stupid, or what? We all know that people do not vote for a VP ... but rational people do realize that a VP could become President. You seem to be missing that point - somewhere in your reasoning.

So I will ask for one favor, please. Will you tell me one thing that she did before 2006, that would qualify her to possibly be the next president of the United States?

Sarah Palin on the Issues

I can name you 2
she was born in America and she met the age requirement

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