Dozens of ANTIFA Terrorists Arrested for Violence During ‘Straight Pride Parade’

I will be fair....only the funders of Antifa groups deserve to be hung in the public square as an example. The stupid followers who do the footwork for their paymasters should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. If Mr. Bergstein or whatever his name is hasn't noticed...we prefer to give our dissidents a chance to defend themselves and explain their actions...and unlike fascists, Americans use reason, and even empathy ...when judging others. Unlike Antifa and fascists and other assorted totalitarian filth.

I will be fair too. These stupid Antifa idiots seem to be getting more organized while Cult45 lingers in their superficial "whites are oppressed! OMG!" sloganeering bullshit. I read only a measly 200 Orange fellators attended. Another indication of how far the alt-right cause has fallen: the disgraced Milo Yiannopoulos was a guest speaker. 1000 anti-protestors showed up too. This means numerically, you got your asses handed to you regarding support for your stupid cause. America has wholesale rejected it. See you in the funny papers.
Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.

The democrat Brown Shirts known as ANTIFA were out on another Kristalnacht. If ANTIFA wants to end fascism, they merely need commit suicide.
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Freedom of speech should have consequences. It already does over threats. But it should also include hate speech, and Holocaust denial.
and then he killed over 20 million of his own countrymen.
How many has the United States killed? Timeline of United States military operations - Wikipedia
over 50 million unborn children.

The USA has killed a ton.

Without a doubt between abortion, war, street murders, and military interventions have lead to a mass murder total in the USA similar to Stalin, and Hitler.
That's what states do. Kill. The state is simply the reflection of mankind and who we are in the mirror.

In the case of abortion it is actually a liberty that has killed so many.
Abortion is a woman's right to chose.
Antifa is fighting the Fascists. By all means necessary you fight Fascism.

The democrat Brown Shirts known as ANTIFA were out on another Kristalnacht. If ANTIFA wants to end fascism, they merely need commit suicide.
Hilarious. Antifa aren't fascist. Where would you get a silly idea like that from?

Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.
Nazis were for big business. So much so they had millions of slaves imported in for the gain of big business.
Umm because they are you fucking moron. Any group that declares free speech null and void is by definition fascist.

Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.

Don't be stupid. Collectivists care about POWER. That's all. The rest is merely window dressing to confuse the enemies, and harness the useful idiots.

The British Empire Capitalists, and American Empire Capitalists have probably killed more than the Communists, and Nazis combined.
There have been many murderous regimes. Communists to a lesser degree. They tend to look at famines under communism, and connect them to communist practices. Famines happened in Russia, and China long before communism.
Real Fascists are Nationalists, and social Conservatives. I think the term you are searching for is Totalitarianism.

Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.
Wait a second..

Conservatives by nature are independent/individuals

I can't stand a lot of my fellow conservatives.

But we come together

That's just the boneheaded American definition, botched to the highest degree.

The real definitions isn't individualism. It is tradition like Religious values, cultural values like Nationalism, and Patriotism, and Hierarchy values like Racism, and Social Darwinism.

Individualism is the exact opposite, it is judging everybody as an individual, and selling out the Collective in favor of Individual Capitalist profits into a socially Liberal, and or anti-Nationalist direction.

Just about every societal ill you complain about is instigated by the Capitalists making their profits off of selling Liberalism.
While there had
Some African Americans in Watts have idolized Hitler and organized a Black Gestapo, so why would being Jewish be a bar?

I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

Stalin actually supplied Hitler with a ton of raw materials for his war effort.

Stalin was more of an alliance with Hitler gone south, rather than an actual anti-Fascist.

Stalin was basically a Fascist too. He thought undesirables should be deported, killed, or sent to Gulags.

Stalin was a piece of shit asshole too
Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype.
Russia was basically a serfdom before Communism. Basically anything would have improved it.
No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.

Mass murder wise the Soviets killed more.

But, economically speaking Communism was a slight improvement over Serfdom.
How so? I'm willing to hear you out. But I must warn you...I will push back strongly against the idea Tsarist Russia was worse than communist rule. Let's have a lively debate, no personal attacks.

Serfdom keeps people as slaves, how is that worse than Communism? It is actually pretty similar, just Communists at least have a direction, and plan.

It's not similar, brother. Serfs were not stuck, they just had a harder road to get to the top. Communism says its goal is equality...and that is what they accomplish every time...and it is even more nepotistic than royalty in the long run. Kings had their weak family killed.. commies give them governorships

The serfs of Russia, and China were stuck in illiteracy, and short lifespans. Luckily communism modernized their countries.
I will be fair....only the funders of Antifa groups deserve to be hung in the public square as an example. The stupid followers who do the footwork for their paymasters should be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. If Mr. Bergstein or whatever his name is hasn't noticed...we prefer to give our dissidents a chance to defend themselves and explain their actions...and unlike fascists, Americans use reason, and even empathy ...when judging others. Unlike Antifa and fascists and other assorted totalitarian filth.

I will be fair too. These stupid Antifa idiots seem to be getting more organized while Cult45 lingers in their superficial "whites are oppressed! OMG!" sloganeering bullshit. I read only a measly 200 Orange fellators attended. Another indication of how far the alt-right cause has fallen: the disgraced Milo Yiannopoulos was a guest speaker. 1000 anti-protestors showed up too. This means numerically, you got your asses handed to you regarding support for your stupid cause. America has wholesale rejected it. See you in the funny papers.
When did I say I was alt-right?
over 50 million unborn children.

The USA has killed a ton.

Without a doubt between abortion, war, street murders, and military interventions have lead to a mass murder total in the USA similar to Stalin, and Hitler.
That's what states do. Kill. The state is simply the reflection of mankind and who we are in the mirror.

In the case of abortion it is actually a liberty that has killed so many.
Abortion is a woman's right to chose.
No....its homicide. Plain and simple put.
Communism is just a more modern version of serfdom.
Communism is worse. The individual is more respected in serfdom. Communists look at people as numbers and stats in all cases. The Cultural Marxists of today proudly claim they are commies while clearly not understanding that communism teaches that dying for the cause does not merit you or praise're just another cog in the machine.

No, it's worse. You are EXPECTED to die for the ruling class. That's why all of the fascist countries suffered so much higher casualty rates than the western powers. Millions of soldires died in the soviet, german, and japanese military forces. The US lost 350,000. The British lost 400,000.

There is a reason we suffered fewer casualties. We didn't want to lose the people because we care about them. Fascists don't.

Maybe because Brits, and Americans were protected from Ocean waters, so it limited their direct combat?

Maybe also because Brits, and Americans supplied Soviets to do their fighting for them through Lend-Lease, and other similar programs?
Nah man...Americans are just different than the Old Worlders. We cherish life more than the Old Worlders do. That difference is rapidly going away, sadly. George Washington told us to mind our own and seek to have good relationship with other nations. We became too dumb to get that after a few generations.
Some people claim that is a "protectionist" mindset and therefore evil...those same people will pretend they love our founding documents and those who wrote them. Pfffttt

No, not really. Actually not at all. America is in recent years more war mongering than every country in Europe.
This is true. America has killed many in its wars.
I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the vPolish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

But what about the 60 million that stalin murdered during the collectivization of the farms and the pogroms that he perpetrated against the Jews of his own country? Are you just stupid or is it ok because you happen to like stalin?
It's amazing that the life expectancy of Russia steeply climbed in the face of 60 million, or about half of their country supposedly mass murdered. in 1913 the life expectancy of Russia was 32 by 1950 it was 64.Health in Russia - Wikipedia

Not really. Such advances in developing countries were pretty common.

Industrialization led to much better jobs and mechanized farming led to much greater food supplies, and massive advances in medicine became available...

hell, just being able to afford clean water would have saved millions of children.
9 million people die each year of hunger. 15 Striking World Hunger Statistics | The Borgen Project
What is capitalism doing about it?

It is not the job of an economic system to do anything about anything.

Only a fool or a troll would ask such a question.
Government helped end serfdom.
Communism is worse. The individual is more respected in serfdom. Communists look at people as numbers and stats in all cases. The Cultural Marxists of today proudly claim they are commies while clearly not understanding that communism teaches that dying for the cause does not merit you or praise're just another cog in the machine.

No, it's worse. You are EXPECTED to die for the ruling class. That's why all of the fascist countries suffered so much higher casualty rates than the western powers. Millions of soldires died in the soviet, german, and japanese military forces. The US lost 350,000. The British lost 400,000.

There is a reason we suffered fewer casualties. We didn't want to lose the people because we care about them. Fascists don't.

Maybe because Brits, and Americans were protected from Ocean waters, so it limited their direct combat?

Maybe also because Brits, and Americans supplied Soviets to do their fighting for them through Lend-Lease, and other similar programs?
Nah man...Americans are just different than the Old Worlders. We cherish life more than the Old Worlders do. That difference is rapidly going away, sadly. George Washington told us to mind our own and seek to have good relationship with other nations. We became too dumb to get that after a few generations.
Some people claim that is a "protectionist" mindset and therefore evil...those same people will pretend they love our founding documents and those who wrote them. Pfffttt

No, not really. Actually not at all. America is in recent years more war mongering than every country in Europe.
This is true. America has killed many in its wars.
Wars usually kill people, yes?
No, it's worse. You are EXPECTED to die for the ruling class. That's why all of the fascist countries suffered so much higher casualty rates than the western powers. Millions of soldires died in the soviet, german, and japanese military forces. The US lost 350,000. The British lost 400,000.

There is a reason we suffered fewer casualties. We didn't want to lose the people because we care about them. Fascists don't.

Maybe because Brits, and Americans were protected from Ocean waters, so it limited their direct combat?

Maybe also because Brits, and Americans supplied Soviets to do their fighting for them through Lend-Lease, and other similar programs?
Nah man...Americans are just different than the Old Worlders. We cherish life more than the Old Worlders do. That difference is rapidly going away, sadly. George Washington told us to mind our own and seek to have good relationship with other nations. We became too dumb to get that after a few generations.
Some people claim that is a "protectionist" mindset and therefore evil...those same people will pretend they love our founding documents and those who wrote them. Pfffttt

No, not really. Actually not at all. America is in recent years more war mongering than every country in Europe.
This is true. America has killed many in its wars.
Wars usually kill people, yes?
The United States has been in perpetual war for some time.://
Maybe because Brits, and Americans were protected from Ocean waters, so it limited their direct combat?

Maybe also because Brits, and Americans supplied Soviets to do their fighting for them through Lend-Lease, and other similar programs?
Nah man...Americans are just different than the Old Worlders. We cherish life more than the Old Worlders do. That difference is rapidly going away, sadly. George Washington told us to mind our own and seek to have good relationship with other nations. We became too dumb to get that after a few generations.
Some people claim that is a "protectionist" mindset and therefore evil...those same people will pretend they love our founding documents and those who wrote them. Pfffttt

No, not really. Actually not at all. America is in recent years more war mongering than every country in Europe.
This is true. America has killed many in its wars.
Wars usually kill people, yes?
The United States has been in perpetual war for some time.://
Nah man...Americans are just different than the Old Worlders. We cherish life more than the Old Worlders do. That difference is rapidly going away, sadly. George Washington told us to mind our own and seek to have good relationship with other nations. We became too dumb to get that after a few generations.
Some people claim that is a "protectionist" mindset and therefore evil...those same people will pretend they love our founding documents and those who wrote them. Pfffttt

No, not really. Actually not at all. America is in recent years more war mongering than every country in Europe.
This is true. America has killed many in its wars.
Wars usually kill people, yes?
The United States has been in perpetual war for some time.://
It has killed many people.
No, not really. Actually not at all. America is in recent years more war mongering than every country in Europe.
This is true. America has killed many in its wars.
Wars usually kill people, yes?
The United States has been in perpetual war for some time.://
It has killed many people.
So has every other country that's went to war. So what is your point?
This is true. America has killed many in its wars.
Wars usually kill people, yes?
The United States has been in perpetual war for some time.://
It has killed many people.
So has every other country that's went to war. So what is your point?
Europe is more socialist than America, and isn't killing in war like America is. With the exception of Russia.
So has every other country that's went to war. So what is your point?
Europe is more socialist than America, and isn't killing in war like America is. With the exception of Russia.
Europe expects us to be their protector....they're just as responsible for the wars we fight today as the ones prior.
So has every other country that's went to war. So what is your point?
Europe is more socialist than America, and isn't killing in war like America is. With the exception of Russia.
Europe expects us to be their protector....they're just as responsible for the wars we fight today as the ones prior.
That is total nonsense.
Wrong. You keep getting lost in the minutia. Collectivism is fascism, socialism, communism. They are all the same house, just painted a slightly different color. What they choose to believe in as far as racism and all the other shit is immaterial. They are COLLECTIVIST first. The choice of targets is merely a tool to direct the followers.

Collectivists tend to be far more Socially Conservative, and Nationalistic than the Individualist.

Individualist is by definition the Liberal Left.

You don't get socially Conservative values by being an Individualist.

In fact Individualism is all about the self. It really has no value in the real World.
Wait a second..

Conservatives by nature are independent/individuals

I can't stand a lot of my fellow conservatives.

But we come together

That's just the boneheaded American definition, botched to the highest degree.

The real definitions isn't individualism. It is tradition like Religious values, cultural values like Nationalism, and Patriotism, and Hierarchy values like Racism, and Social Darwinism.

Individualism is the exact opposite, it is judging everybody as an individual, and selling out the Collective in favor of Individual Capitalist profits into a socially Liberal, and or anti-Nationalist direction.

Just about every societal ill you complain about is instigated by the Capitalists making their profits off of selling Liberalism.
While there had
I support Stalin's measures which ended the Holocaust. Stalin killed 5 million Nazis, he liberated Auschwitz the Polish death camp, and even helped found Israel through supplies, and training.

Stalin actually supplied Hitler with a ton of raw materials for his war effort.

Stalin was more of an alliance with Hitler gone south, rather than an actual anti-Fascist.

Stalin was basically a Fascist too. He thought undesirables should be deported, killed, or sent to Gulags.
Stalin was a piece of shit asshole too
Wrong. That's an excuse for the Bolshevik atrocities. Don't buy the hype.
No. Bolshevism made it worse. At least the Tsar saw his people as property to maintain and defend, take care of them...even if for selfish reasons. The Bolshiviks treated the people as chattel.

Mass murder wise the Soviets killed more.

But, economically speaking Communism was a slight improvement over Serfdom.
How so? I'm willing to hear you out. But I must warn you...I will push back strongly against the idea Tsarist Russia was worse than communist rule. Let's have a lively debate, no personal attacks.

Serfdom keeps people as slaves, how is that worse than Communism? It is actually pretty similar, just Communists at least have a direction, and plan.
It's not similar, brother. Serfs were not stuck, they just had a harder road to get to the top. Communism says its goal is equality...and that is what they accomplish every time...and it is even more nepotistic than royalty in the long run. Kings had their weak family killed.. commies give them governorships
The serfs of Russia, and China were stuck in illiteracy, and short lifespans. Luckily communism modernized their countries.

You're a fucking weirdo
So has every other country that's went to war. So what is your point?
Europe is more socialist than America, and isn't killing in war like America is. With the exception of Russia.
Europe expects us to be their protector....they're just as responsible for the wars we fight today as the ones prior.
That is total nonsense.
How so?

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