Dozens of Arabs hurling rocks at cars in Jerusalem - 5 injured


Gold Member
Jun 15, 2013
Five Injured in Rock Barrage Near Jerusalem

Dozens of Arabs hurling rocks at cars on the Tekoa – Har Homa road south of the capital.

By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 10/22/2013, 11:56 AM

Five people have been lightly injured in a large scale rock ambush by Arab attackers near Jerusalem Tuesday.

Voice of Israel pubic radio reported that dozens of Arabs were hurling rocks at cars on the Tekoa – Har Homa road south of the capital.

The Shin Bet summary for September counted 133 terror attacks, compared to 99 in August. Most of the attacks were in the Biblical heartland of Judea and Samaria, where there were 104 attacks, compared to 68 in August.

The Shin Bet statistics for terror attacks do not include rock attacks, although these have killed and maimed many victims over the years as detailed here. Mother of Adelle Bitton: Prayers Work! - Jewish World - News - Israel National News

Read the full article here.
Five Injured in Rock Barrage Near Jerusalem - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
If they keep screwing around like that, somebody's gonna shoot 'em in the eye with a rubber bullet.
When people on here object to the Israelis taking children for questioning this, among other terrorist attacks, is the reason.

Rock Attack: Arab Mob ‘Had Murder in Their Eyes’

A victim of Tuesday morning’s mass rock attack says women, children were among those attacking Jewish drivers.

By Maayana Miskin
First Publish: 10/22/2013, 3:46 PM

Five people were injured Tuesday morning in a massive rock ambush near Jerusalem. An Arab mob hurled large stones at passing cars with Israeli license plates.

Arutz Sheva spoke to one of the injured, Rabbi Kfir Getz. In a conversation held as an ambulance took him to a Jerusalem hospital, Rabbi Getz recalled the terrifying attack, and the split-second change that he says saved his life.

Rabbi Getz was on his way to his place of work near Gilo in Jerusalem when he encountered the mob. “I saw a boy around 13 years old with murder in his eyes and a giant stone,” he recalled.

A split second later, his windshield shattered and glass flew into the car as the first rocks hit.

Rabbi Getz lost control of his car. Here his story took a “miraculous” twist that saved his life, he said. The out-of-control car spun ninety degrees, heading straight for the mob. Many of the attackers jumped aside, “so I was saved from about fifty percent of the rocks they would have thrown.”

“It’s a miracle my family wasn’t with me, or it would have ended very differently,” he added.

Rabbi Getz quickly regained control of his car and hurried to escape. He called soldiers, who dispersed the mob – but in the meantime, several other drivers had come under attack, and some were injured. Rabbi Getz required medical attention for an injury to his arm.

A student of Rabbi Getz’s was among those who drove past the mob before soldiers arrived on the scene. However, due to his appearance and the appearance of his car, the attackers apparently believed he was an Israeli Arab, and let him pass in peace.

The mob contained not only Arab men and teenage boys, but women and children as well, Rabbi Getz reported.

He expressed upset at the IDF’s response to the incident. Soldiers arrived at the scene only 15 minutes after drivers reported the mob attack, despite being just a short distance away, he accused. In addition, he said, soldiers at a nearby checkpoint failed to inform passing Israeli drivers that they were likely to come under attack.

An IDF spokesperson confirmed the attack.

“Approximately 50 Palestinians from the village of Beit Sahour rioted and threw rocks at Israeli cars… As a result, five Israelis were lightly injured and six vehicles were damaged. IDF forces responded with anti-riot measures,” they said.[/URL

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