Dr Fauci needs to go

The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
Its your country

do as you please

We never had a problem with your soldiers. But it's interesting to hear for me that you suddenly change into an anti-american course. What's your real nationality? Are you a Russian?

I’m not anti American

but I suspect you might be

Aha. You are not an anti-American. And you don't care about the death toll of US-Americans in context Corona.

I dont care haw many germans die

That's s what all anti-German extremists say worldwide - and many people in Europe, in the world of the Slaws and in the English speaking world are educating anti-German extremists. I remember in this context a German, who was robbed in Australia from an Australian aborigine with the words "Gimme your money, Nazi". Very amusing. Still I have to laugh about this story. I hope he survived (he=the aborigene) but even if he got the money, I guess he will not be rich now. Wrong method. But in all primitive cultures men waste their money and time with weapons and with hate propaganda.

because its not my country to worry about

So your logic without heart says the USA is not your country, because you don't worry about the survival and you don't care about the lifes of the people in the USA. It's even in the opposite. You risk the life of US-Americans. In your form of logic I am an US-American, because I care. But you don't see your own logic objectively because you are not experienced in philosophy.

you should try minding your own business too

That's not a problem for a German. Many of us do what they do no reason they do what we do. What we do is our business - even if it means to do nothing. I'm sure no one - perhaps except a Japanese - is as perfect in doing nothing as a German, who decides to do nothing. But that's not my way. ... Ahem: And what do you say is your real nationality now? Who is most far from perfectionism - even from the very perfect perfectionism not to be perfect, because the perfect is not perfect? ... Difficult to say - but you are far from any form of serios spirituality - you don't believe in god, isn't it? Do you hate god? God gives rules.

Now your feelings are hurt

You don't have any idea about my feelings.

no one invited you to stick your nose into American domestic issues

Who cares?

but you did

I do.

even going so far as to ask me what I think about kicking all the Americans out of germany

to which I reply “go ahead”

its your country after all and none of my business what you do

and that upset you even more

all of which could have been avoided if you were not sticking your german nose into our business

And what did you say is your real anti-american nationality?
The word "liberal" in Europe means something what's totally different from the word "liberal" in the USA.
here are many differences between euros and Americans

Both are idiots - specially the Europeans, who are Americans?

which is why you should stay out of our politics

What do you think about to throw out of Europe all US-Americans, because of your insane anti-European nationalism and racism?
We landed on the moon first. ;)
Sure. With a modified German rocket. And indeed is no wall between the Earth and the moon. And somehow killed this rocket (and Bruce Springsteen and others) some years later the wall in Berlin.

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Fauci is a retard. Like all doctors they believe in "treat the symptom" Simple. Think on it. See the fallacy.

The NEVER look at the root cause.

Analogy of a DR? "Oh my, smoke coming out the windows of my house!!!" Treatment? "Close the windows, no more smoke"
Dumb dumb dumb.
And what do you compare when you compare David Bowie with Elvis Presley? Elvis was a crooner. The only song I loved from Elvis was "In the ghetto".

Zaanger, Vince Taylor is who David Bowie based the Ziggy character on apparently!

Zaanger, Elvis was a super talent. And he inspired many musicians to perfect their craft!

Somehow this appeared in my You Tube suggested vids. Folks, I saw the Surf Punks sometime in the 80's at the Whiskey, not sure if this was it.

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I never in my life was very impressed from Elvis Presley. As I said: The only song I loved from him was "In the ghetto". But this means not Elvis was a bad musician.

And : What do you speak about and why? I do not expect from musicians or other artsist to have to save the world or something like this. Musicians express something in context of time. I think no one should forget to listen sometimes and no one should forget to sing - whatever happens - and whatever this has to do with each other or not.

Zaanger,with Elvis we are talking Big Band era (a lot of classically trained musicians) to Blues era in which 4 musicians (3 if the guitarist is a really good singer or an exceptional guitarist) who listened to those guys!


When will you start to try to understand that my "call number" is what you think what the name "zaangalewa" is? If you change the digits of a number then it is just simple another number and a computer not knows what to do with this number.

with Elvis we are talking Big Band era (a lot of classically trained musicians) to Blues era in which 4 musicians (3 if the guitarist is a really good singer or an exceptional guitarist) who listened to those guys!

Meanwhile, the orange dumbass continued to go on his hoax tour for another month.
Trump didn't want to torpedo the economy. If the president talks about a possible pandemic, it could cause the market to crash.

Then let "the markets" - whatever this really is - crash. But I guess real markets never crash. Example: In case you have invested into the beauty of tulips: What will happen? If no one needs tulips now - then hopefully soon everyone will need "anti-Corona-Tulips" for the victory celebrations - and when we will lose the fight against Corona - funeral tulips are much more sad, but still beautiful. And if all mankind dies out because Corona mutates and kills everyone: Who cares about markets?

Under all circumstances we need to fight Corona. The less Corona - the better.

And I don't think Trump knows what he wants on whatever senseful reasons. Trump wants Trump - that's all.
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Zanger, please cleanse yourself of the douchebaggery you have been fed and have digested and observe the real world for a moment. The Kung Flu is a variation of the typical flu. The pandemic is a hoax. Or let me guess, you a paid fake news, artificial intelligence bot, or a superstitious African!
Fauci is a bureaucrat who used to be a doctor ages ago. He put out erroneous information during the AIDS outbreak in the 80s. And he has been putting out erroneous information during the COVID-19 outbreak. It is a shame he refuses to listen to all the medical experts who are warning that one-size-fits-all lockdowns do not work and that such measures might lead to more waves of the virus because they are preventing us from developing herd immunity.
Tiny Tony Fraudi has been promising an HIV vaccine for over 50 years. It is time people wake up to the fact he is a Crooked Hillary fraud. Douchebag Tiny Tony Fraudi has worked for Crooked Hillary for over 20 years.

Still you do not adress the user-name zaangalewa.

please cleanse yourself of the douchebaggery you have been fed and have digested and observe the real world for a moment. The Kung Flu is a variation of the typical flu.

Influenca and covid-19 are very different. You know this. Everyone is able to know this.

The pandemic is a hoax.

:lol: A good one. ... How do you murder people? By sending them over streets, where no car drives?

Or let me guess, you a paid fake news, artificial intelligence bot, or a superstitious African!

Sure, suicider. Have a lot of fun in your weird world. And best greetings to your master weirdo Donaldo Trumpo.

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Zanglia, "Covid" is the Chinese name they programmed dummies to refer to that particular Chinese flu variation! Not saying you are a dummy because you do provide insight, despite the fact you seem at the level of an inbred of a typical Ethiopian savage street person. The reality is the hoax Kung Flu is less deadly than a typical East Asian flu, except for obese folks and other who immune compromised for being disgusting savages.
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Zanglia, "Covid" is the Chinese name they programmed dummies to refer to that particular Chinese flu variation! Not saying you are a dummy because you do provide insight, despite the fact you seem at the level of an inbred of a typical Ethiopian savage street person. The reality is the hoax Kung Flu is less deadly than a typical East Asian flu, except for obese folks and other who immune compromised for being disgusting savages.

Drugs? Alcohol? Medicaments? Psychological disease? Brainwash? ...

covid -19 is English and means just simple "coronavirus disease 2019". The virus, which creates this disease, is called SARS-CoV-2. Influenca is a very dramatic and dangerous disease - what you can see very good, when you take a look what the pandemic "spanish influenca" (which was made in the USA in 1917) did do worldwide. And covid-19 is not influenca, it is covid-19. Covid-19 is a damned dangerous pandemic disease.

By the way: ... the 23 million US-Americans, who lost their jobs in the Corona crisis ... Do they still have an health insurance? ...
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Zanglio, there are quite a number of viruses and bacterias in the world, billions maybe? Most creatures above the level of amoebas have immune systems that amazingly adapt and destroy the invading items! Can you clarify your allusion to burgers? Maybe some kind of language issue. No offense but when you post to you process your content through Google translator or similar low quality translator?

You do not like to learn, isn't it? You seem to think your will is important and your will defines reality. But it is not so. My "phone nunber" here is "zaangalewa".

othere are quite a number of viruses and bacterias in the world, billions maybe? Most creatures above the level of amoebas have immune systems that amazingly adapt and destroy the invading items!

Or not. In theory a virus was able to kill all dinosauri - and to disappear together with them.

Can you clarify your allusion to burgers?

Some people get a lot of money for to be as stupid as possible, isn't it? And when afterwards everything breaks down, they are used to ask for compensation for their idiocies, their crimes or their criminal idiocies, while they don't waste a nano second to think about their victims.

Maybe some kind of language issue. No offense but when you post to you process your content through Google translator or similar low quality translator?

Oh by the way: I guess we will need within the next one or two decades a new lingua franka in international affairs, which has to replace the English language. Which language is the most easy, which you never had learned in your life?
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Faucci is a hero, stands up to the pussygrabber, tells the truth to the country, deserves another medal...
Once again Dr. Faucci stands up to king pussygrabber I, today delusional pussygrabber stated that covid may not recurr in the fall, Dr. Faucci came right after to say covid will for sure return in the fall, ha ha ha makes pussygrabber look like the moron he is...

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