Dr Fauci needs to go

You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.

do u have a link to Fauci saying things that Trump wanted him to say, or are you just imagining that? My guess is imagination

No, it's not imagination. When this first came out, Fauci was downplaying it like Trump wanted him to. When the research started to show what was happening with the virus, Fauci modified what he was saying, and he said it was worse than they first thought. When Fauci started to say that and no longer downplay it, that is when Trump and his followers turned on him.

Back in Feb, Fauci was downplaying this and said that people could continue to go about their lives as usual. But, that was before it started to get bad. And, Fauci was saying that in support of Trump downplaying it. If you want the whole timeline, I've given a link, but it's a long read. Here is what he actually said.......................

February 29, 2020: Fauci says that Americans do not need to change their daily practices and the current risk is low, but could change.

On the Today Show, Dr. Fauci says, “There’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change.”

Here’s the full exchange:

Question: “So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?”
Fauci: “No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread.”
Question: “Dr. Fauci, quickly, how does this all end?”
Fauci: “You know, it ends if you — it depends on the nature of the outbreak. I mean, this could be a major outbreak. I hope not. Or it could be something that’s reasonably well controlled. At the end of the day, this will ultimately go down. Hopefully we could protect the American public from any serious degree of morbidity or mortality. That’s the reason why we’ve got to do the things that we have in our plan.”

I appreciate the link, but I don’t see the relevance it has to your claim. I’m fully aware doctor Fauci changed his tune on COVID 19, but you’re jumping to a major conclusion that doesn’t bode well for Trump or dr. Fauci if you’re telling us Fauci was parroting what Trump wanted him to. These are serious accusations you’re leveling against both of them with no proof whatsoever. Now I do agree with you there have been some dumbasses on the right that have unleashed some politically motivated attacks on dr. Fauci that I think are shameful, but you’re also calling into question his integrity based on no evidence. You can’t expect the response to a global pandemic to be perfect. No one is denying we were late to the party. We meaning most of the experts and government. As a matter of fact everyone was late because the Chinese government was involved in a cover up job. I believe Fauci is a man of integrity who’s sole aim is to save lives. No matter what you think of Trump and his response to this crisis, and you’re free to speculate to your heart’s desire, there is zero evidence, meaning zilch that Trump put a muzzle on any expert or coerced them to say anything about COVID 19.
You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.

do u have a link to Fauci saying things that Trump wanted him to say, or are you just imagining that? My guess is imagination
It difficult to say with fauci
You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.

do u have a link to Fauci saying things that Trump wanted him to say, or are you just imagining that? My guess is imagination
It difficult to say with fauci

Why are you so skeptical of the man?
Rocko, if there is one thing that we all learned, there are no experts in the Deep State medical establishment. Worse yet there are propagandists like Tiny Tony Fraudi who intentionally present destructive and expensive policy. The only solution to preventing contagious diseases is to do exactly what President Trump did, stop import of individuals who are not checked for diseases. His only mistake was not realizing that a lot of selfish individuals who entered the NYC area who had connections to China.
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Now I know why the Clintons had people executed. Facui is a Hillary sympathizer. A lazy do nothing democrat!
Fauci could be the most brilliant man in the world and you would still hate him simply because you're a dumb bigot and he's a Jew.
Isn't Tiny Tony Fraudi an Italiani?

Rocko, if there is one thing that we all learned, there are no experts in the Deep State medical establishment, worse yet there are propagandists like Tiny Tony Fraudi who intentionally present destructive and expensive policy.
Most of the world has taken drastic, painful measures to combat this v
Now I know why the Clintons had people executed. Facui is a Hillary sympathizer. A lazy do nothing democrat!
Fauci could be the most brilliant man in the world and you would still hate him simply because you're a dumb bigot and he's a Jew.
He’s Italian
Rocko, if there is one thing that we all learned, there are no experts in the Deep State medical establishment. Worse yet there are propagandists like Tiny Tony Fraudi who intentionally present destructive and expensive policy. The only solution to preventing contagious diseases is to do exactly what President Trump did, stop import of individuals who are not checked for diseases. His only mistake was not realizing that a lot of selfish individuals who entered the NYC area who had connections to China.

Hey stupid.......................did you know that the main part of the infection that hit NYC was from Europe, and NOT from China like you claim?

And yeah, that is news from 3 different sources, that are all saying the same thing, even FOX news is in the links. No, the primary source of the virus when it hit NYC came from EUROPE and not China as you claim.
You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.

do u have a link to Fauci saying things that Trump wanted him to say, or are you just imagining that? My guess is imagination
It difficult to say with fauci

Why are you so skeptical of the man?
Why are you so skeptical of the man?
I have learned to be suspicious of every career government employee in Washington DC

In the case of fauci, reports that he is a hillary clinton supporter combined with interviews he has given that first obliquely criticize trump and then later walk it back in public make me more suspicious of him
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No, the primary source of the virus when it hit NYC came from EUROPE and not China as you claim.

I did not say Chinese folks, I said folks with connections to China. The New York epidemic started with a Rabbi in New Rochelle. The Connecticut epidemic started with a Bar Mitzfah or similar in Westport in which the vector was from a synagogue in South Africa. I simply assumed the vectors somehow had business dealings in China. My bad! Now you know why Israel was quick to send the anti-malaria drug over though. This is not the only reason I am not on the blame China bandwagon. It is insufficient screening of incoming foreigners and that is because the left wing establishment characterizes common sense as "racist." The other issue is certain jewish areas in the New York area (famous for measles, deadly cases of herpes with infants, etc.) will never ever consider a vaccine, and most likely are violating all the rules goyem have to follow at the moment.

But getting back to Tiny Tony Fraudi, did anyone see the Ingraham Angle in which Tiny Tony Fraudi was asked about there being no vaccine for HIV after 50 years and billions and billions of taxpayer dollars? :p

Notice Tiny Tony blinks like Rachel "Blinky" Maddow when the host mentions Pelosi, Tiny Tony's good friend! And he does not even comprehend the host's play on words. :p
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Rocko, if there is one thing that we all learned, there are no experts in the Deep State medical establishment. Worse yet there are propagandists like Tiny Tony Fraudi who intentionally present destructive and expensive policy. The only solution to preventing contagious diseases is to do exactly what President Trump did, stop import of individuals who are not checked for diseases. His only mistake was not realizing that a lot of selfish individuals who entered the NYC area who had connections to China.

Hey stupid.......................did you know that the main part of the infection that hit NYC was from Europe, and NOT from China like you claim?

And yeah, that is news from 3 different sources, that are all saying the same thing, even FOX news is in the links. No, the primary source of the virus when it hit NYC came from EUROPE and not China as you claim.
Correction: Some of the CCP virus came to NYC from China via Europe.
Rocko, if there is one thing that we all learned, there are no experts in the Deep State medical establishment. Worse yet there are propagandists like Tiny Tony Fraudi who intentionally present destructive and expensive policy. The only solution to preventing contagious diseases is to do exactly what President Trump did, stop import of individuals who are not checked for diseases. His only mistake was not realizing that a lot of selfish individuals who entered the NYC area who had connections to China.

Hey stupid.......................did you know that the main part of the infection that hit NYC was from Europe, and NOT from China like you claim?

And yeah, that is news from 3 different sources, that are all saying the same thing, even FOX news is in the links. No, the primary source of the virus when it hit NYC came from EUROPE and not China as you claim.
Europe has strong interaction with china

Italy for instance has a lot of low paid chinese workers up north in the garment industry

germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly
This is how the Kung Flu entered the NY metro area apparently, through "religious" freedom of the racial kind.

A rabbi at the temple Young Israel of New Rochelle, which is where the 50-year-old attorney who was the first person to be diagnosed with COVID-19 in Westchester is a member, has tested positive for the disease, according to a statement Friday by Yeshiva University, where the rabbi teaches classes.

Ari Berman, president of the university, identified him as Rabbi Reuven Frank. Berman said that Frank is in self-quarantine. The university has recommended that his students self-quarantine as a precautionary measure until further notice. Berman teaches two classes at the university’s Washington Heights campus.

WESTPORT — More than a dozen people who attended a private party in town last week are now suffering flu-like symptoms and one of the guests who does not live in the U.S. is believed to have the coronavirus, officials said Wednesday.

The Westport government officials are so deep in the can with the lobbiests who put them in office, they actually refused to release much info as to who the vector contacted. And now Tiny Tony Fraudi wants innocent victims to expose themselves as to all the folks they come in contact with? Shouldn't there be lawsuits against the original vectors of this variation of the flu?
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You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.

do u have a link to Fauci saying things that Trump wanted him to say, or are you just imagining that? My guess is imagination

The link is your ears.
This is how the Kung Flu entered the NY metro area apparently, through "religious" freedom of the racial kind.

A rabbi at the temple Young Israel of New Rochelle, which is where the 50-year-old attorney who was the first person to be diagnosed with COVID-19 in Westchester is a member, has tested positive for the disease, according to a statement Friday by Yeshiva University, where the rabbi teaches classes.

Ari Berman, president of the university, identified him as Rabbi Reuven Frank. Berman said that Frank is in self-quarantine. The university has recommended that his students self-quarantine as a precautionary measure until further notice. Berman teaches two classes at the university’s Washington Heights campus.

WESTPORT — More than a dozen people who attended a private party in town last week are now suffering flu-like symptoms and one of the guests who does not live in the U.S. is believed to have the coronavirus, officials said Wednesday.

The Westport government officials are so deep in the can with the lobbiests who put them in office, they actually refused to release much info as to who the vector contacted. And now Tiny Tony Fraudi wants innocent victims to expose themselves as to all the folks they come in contact with? Shouldn't there be lawsuits against the original vectors of this variation of the flu?

What the hell are you talking about? And why the childish and stupid name-calling? That is very Trumpish--feckless, childlike and stupid.
And yeah, that is news from 3 different sources, that are all saying the same thing, even FOX news is in the links. No, the primary source of the virus when it hit NYC came from EUROPE and not China as you claim.

Where from virus came to Europe?

View attachment 324486

If you like to hate someone for spreading the virus all over the globe then you have to hate for example rich drunken English speaking tourists. And if you like to help someone try for example to help your poor old neighbors.
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... germany runs auto factories in china and has employees flying back and forth constantly

Sure - howelse could we infect you with Corona and wipe you from this planet with the help of the wrong decisions of your president?

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Rocko, if there is one thing that we all learned, there are no experts in the Deep State medical establishment. Worse yet there are propagandists like Tiny Tony Fraudi who intentionally present destructive and expensive policy. The only solution to preventing contagious diseases is to do exactly what President Trump did, stop import of individuals who are not checked for diseases. His only mistake was not realizing that a lot of selfish individuals who entered the NYC area who had connections to China.

By the way. What do you do after a brain amputation in the USA? How do you fill this vacuum afterwards? With fox news and other forms of drump propaganda?

Beati quorum via integra est,
qui ambulant in lege Domini.

Wohl denen, die ohne Tadel leben,
die im Gesetz des Herrn wandeln!

Beati quelli che sono integri nelle loro vie,
che camminano secondo la legge del Signore.

Blessed are the undefiled in the way,
who walk in the law of the Lord.
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