Dr Fauci needs to go

Zaang, do you consider everyone who tells the truth about McCain a "Nazi?" :auiqs.jpg:
I said you and others use Nazi-methods of propaganda against Senator McCain as well as you and your criminals - one man alone is not able to so stupid - are using Nazi-propaganda against Dr. Anthony Fauci. But not only Nazis use Nazi-methods. Commmies also do. Islamists do . And other terrorists for sure do too. Trump is also doing. In the moment Trump for example makes the WHO to a scapegoat for his own sins. For Trump it is only important to win - whatever it is what he will win - than to be able to work together with others.

In case of Donald Trump I guess he has psychopathological problems. In your case I think you are an idiot who is not able to separate delusions or illusions and reality, but perhaps someone will be able to enlighten again the extinct wick of the candle of your mind. I not, I presume. In case of Bleipriester I think he will end in a jail.

All three of you use darwinistic (racist) elements - use a different brown tone shade of Nazism. The problem: The brown color of the Nazis looks like Earth - but is a poison which kills souls. And killed souls kill.
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Of course Trumpers want Fauci gone.

His competence and steady honest comments make Trump look more unhinged than usual
Fauci is fast becoming an egomaniac who is in love with the spotlight. Contradicting his own statements to stretch this out to give himself more camera time. Trump would be much better off canning this egomaniac and letting Brix take over.
Again, try reading Fauci’s OWN COMMENTS in his February USA Today interview. Contradicting everything he’s saying now so he can keep getting his tv time. It’s still Trump’s decision when to reopen, NOT Fauci’s. No matter what the egomaniac Fauci thinks.
In this country, we follow the constitution. DId you forget?
If it were Obama's unilateral decision, then your head would explode.

Remember why you wanted 2nd amendment rights?
Because the government might have total authority.
Sigh. You idiots cried he didn’t shut the whole country down. Now you say he can’t reopen it. Make up your damn minds! If you want to listen to a camera hungry desk doctor on economic issues, then by all means stay home and continue to hide under your bed. Most of us want to get back to work and tell these Dim power grabbing governor said you fuck off.
We cant open stuff back up because Trump took so long to shut it down. Actually he never shut it down, the governors did.

back to work?
I have a job which I can do from home.
In some ways better, other ways its lonely.
Basically just as productive.
Congratulations. You showed how big an idiot Heather Campbell is. Can’t open the country? Yes Trump can. And he should. What the moron whose tweet you put up forgets is there’s no vaccine for a lot of things. Just another uninformed ignorant snowflake. Fits right in with you leftards.
Fauci is fast becoming an egomaniac who is in love with the spotlight. Contradicting his own statements to stretch this out to give himself more camera time. Trump would be much better off canning this egomaniac and letting Brix take over.
Again, try reading Fauci’s OWN COMMENTS in his February USA Today interview. Contradicting everything he’s saying now so he can keep getting his tv time. It’s still Trump’s decision when to reopen, NOT Fauci’s. No matter what the egomaniac Fauci thinks.

When Corona appeared over the horizon, Trump did not do only absolutelly nothing to save the life of the citizens of the USA. What he did was even absolutelly counterproductive. And now this xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx seem to think no one remembers any longer his criminal failure and he asks for the power of an absolute monarch of the 18th century? How senile is the USA? Why did you found the USA? What for heavens sake has this man any longer to do with the traditional values of the USA? Nothing at all, isn't it? Your governors had to start to fight against Corona. And now Trump tries to stop this fight and to destroy the success they made. Question: Do you confuse serial numbers on bank notes with identidy numbers of citizens of the USA? To protect the life of the citizens of the USA is the first duty of the president of the USA. That's why a president gets power from the people. And now it looks like he dreams to become an absolute monarch of the USA on a throne of money. What about to let him awake in a waste paper basket? Fire him. That's perhaps the real place of history for an antiamerican Trump like him.

Get back to us when you learn English. That pile of garbage you just typed is gibberish.
Fauci is fast becoming an egomaniac who is in love with the spotlight. Contradicting his own statements to stretch this out to give himself more camera time. Trump would be much better off canning this egomaniac and letting Brix take over.
Again, try reading Fauci’s OWN COMMENTS in his February USA Today interview. Contradicting everything he’s saying now so he can keep getting his tv time. It’s still Trump’s decision when to reopen, NOT Fauci’s. No matter what the egomaniac Fauci thinks.

When Corona appeared over the horizon, Trump did not do only absolutelly nothing to save the life of the citizens of the USA. What he did was even absolutelly counterproductive. And now this xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxxxx seem to think no one remembers any longer his criminal failure and he asks for the power of an absolute monarch of the 18th century? How senile is the USA? Why did you found the USA? What for heavens sake has this man any longer to do with the traditional values of the USA? Nothing at all, isn't it? Your governors had to start to fight against Corona. And now Trump tries to stop this fight and to destroy the success they made. Question: Do you confuse serial numbers on bank notes with identidy numbers of citizens of the USA? To protect the life of the citizens of the USA is the first duty of the president of the USA. That's why a president gets power from the people. And now it looks like he dreams to become an absolute monarch of the USA on a throne of money. What about to let him awake in a waste paper basket? Fire him. That's perhaps the real place of history for an antiamerican Trump like him.

Get back to us when you learn English.

Should it not be "... when you will have learned English?"

That pile of garbage you just typed is gibberish.

Keeps the problem that 3-4 generations of US-Americans will have to live with the effects of the political sins of president Donald Trump. And perhaps the whole western world will not survive any longer this "leader". Trumps destroys with the farts of his ass what long generations had raised with their hands. With him and his extremes a corrupt lazyness of loyal spitlickers became the new standard of the USA. A fight against philosophy, enlightenment and science became a new standard. Facts and realities are only a play of a rotten pseudo-moral and lousy thoughts any longer. And instead to ban a man like him "you" made him to your president. :eek: If this would not be so unbelievable sad I had to laugh about it. And indeed most people in the world laugh about this living caricature of a president of the USA. On the other side he shows many autocrats in the world, that to use a continuous stream of daily lies is a very good way to make thankful betrayed masses of people. Oh how strong the little USA now is. It is strong enough to be able to fight against the WHO. Reason: Trump had anti-saved the life of US-Americans :21: and he is the very best doctor and greatest of all greatest genius the world ever had seen. Or is he only a jinn who lives in a sea of whiskey on the ground of an uncorked bottle? Then cork the bottle and throw it into the deepest sea. The world has other problems to solve than to solve the problem "Trump" now. If this idiot could just simple say some days nothing - in his perfect native English, if it is English what he speaks - it would be for everyone else much more easy to do the own important job and to fight against Corona and for better living conditions of all mankind.

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Why blame fauci, it's his job to cry as a doctor

It was Trumps job to be a chad and bear it, he pussied out
Why blame fauci...

Tiny Tony Fraudi is the propaganda arm of the corrupt medical establishment. President Trump's only mistakes during his presidency was trusting Deep State officials that he innocently thought were legit. Tiny Tony Fraudi insisted millions of US citizens would die if the economy was not shut down. Everyone with an IQ above 85 knew Tiny Tony Fraudi lied then and even low IQ folks like democrats and Europhobes like Zaang realize he lied at this point. Sure delusional, ignorant social justice warriors like Zaang say they admire and worship Deep State scum like the filthy, traitorous John McCain, but the fact is the Deep State scum hate Zaang just as much as they do the monkeys they terrorize in cages in their taxpayer funded labs and deep down 'tards like Zaang know it. Now the Deep State medical establishment took it to the next level and is experimenting with human beings.
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Why blame fauci...

Tiny Tony Fraudi is the propaganda arm of the corrupt medical establishment. President Trump's only mistakes during his presidency was trusting Deep State officials that he innocently thought were legit. Tiny Tony Fraudi insisted millions of US citizens would die if the economy was not shut down. Everyone with an IQ above 85 knew Tiny Tony Fraudi lied then and even low IQ folks like democrats and Europhobes like Zaang realize he lied at this point. Sure delusional, ignorant social justice warriors like Zaang say they admire and worship Deep State scum like the filthy, traitorous John McCain, but the fact is the Deep State scum hate Zaang just as much as they do the monkeys they terrorize in cages in their taxpayer funded labs and deep down 'tards like Zaang know it. Now the Deep State medical establishment took it to the next level and is experimenting with human beings.
Paranoid idiotic rambling. The "Deep State" is those doctors and nurses trying to save your miserable useless life
Lesh, physicians and nurses can't do a single thing in regards to the flu except put immune comprised individuals on modern day iron lungs (ventilators) which Anrew "DroopyDog" Cuomo admitted results in death 80% of the time. There is a simple cure, the anti-malaria drug with zinc. IMO everyone's family who has a relative in the hospital who dies should sue to see if they at least tried the anti-malaria drug. Folks, then you might realize when you enter a hospital, not only do you sign your right to sue away, you are subject to multiple viruses and bacteria and professional "doctors" who will use you like Tiny Tony Fraudi uses lab monkeys.
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I think Fauci has done an incredibly great service to this nation. Besides the stimulus checks hiring Fauci may be one of the best things Trump has done since being elected.
Perhaps when this is all done more people will spend less than they used to and save more. Less eating out, less trips to stores, less spending on non essentials. Perhaps people are more financially stable because they learn to spend less. Not a bad thing.
Why blame fauci...

Tiny Tony Fraudi is the propaganda arm of the corrupt medical establishment. President Trump's only mistakes during his presidency was trusting Deep State officials that he innocently thought were legit. Tiny Tony Fraudi insisted millions of US citizens would die if the economy was not shut down. Everyone with an IQ above 85 knew Tiny Tony Fraudi lied then and even low IQ folks like democrats and Europhobes like Zaang realize he lied at this point. Sure delusional, ignorant social justice warriors like Zaang say they admire and worship Deep State scum like the filthy, traitorous John McCain, but the fact is the Deep State scum hate Zaang just as much as they do the monkeys they terrorize in cages in their taxpayer funded labs and deep down 'tards like Zaang know it. Now the Deep State medical establishment took it to the next level and is experimenting with human beings.
Paranoid idiotic rambling. The "Deep State" is those doctors and nurses trying to save your miserable useless life

No it's not.

The Deep State is the bureaucrats that run the Hospitals and tell them what drugs they are allowed to use, and how they must fill out the forms on the death certificates.
The Deep State is the bureaucrats that run the Hospitals and tell them what drugs they are allowed to use, and how they must fill out the forms on the death certificates.
Trump needs a second term to drain the entire swamp, including the Deep State.
Why blame fauci...

Tiny Tony Fraudi is the propaganda arm of the corrupt medical establishment. President Trump's only mistakes during his presidency was trusting Deep State officials that he innocently thought were legit. Tiny Tony Fraudi insisted millions of US citizens would die if the economy was not shut down. Everyone with an IQ above 85 knew Tiny Tony Fraudi lied then and even low IQ folks like democrats and Europhobes like Zaang realize he lied at this point. Sure delusional, ignorant social justice warriors like Zaang say they admire and worship Deep State scum like the filthy, traitorous John McCain, but the fact is the Deep State scum hate Zaang just as much as they do the monkeys they terrorize in cages in their taxpayer funded labs and deep down 'tards like Zaang know it. Now the Deep State medical establishment took it to the next level and is experimenting with human beings.
Paranoid idiotic rambling. The "Deep State" is those doctors and nurses trying to save your miserable useless life

No it's not.

The Deep State is the bureaucrats that run the Hospitals and tell them what drugs they are allowed to use, and how they must fill out the forms on the death certificates.
Utter bullshit.

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