Dr Fauci needs to go

Why blame fauci...

Tiny Tony Fraudi is the propaganda arm of the corrupt medical establishment. President Trump's only mistakes during his presidency was trusting Deep State officials that he innocently thought were legit. Tiny Tony Fraudi insisted millions of US citizens would die if the economy was not shut down. Everyone with an IQ above 85 knew Tiny Tony Fraudi lied then and even low IQ folks like democrats and Europhobes like Zaang realize he lied at this point. Sure delusional, ignorant social justice warriors like Zaang say they admire and worship Deep State scum like the filthy, traitorous John McCain, but the fact is the Deep State scum hate Zaang just as much as they do the monkeys they terrorize in cages in their taxpayer funded labs and deep down 'tards like Zaang know it. Now the Deep State medical establishment took it to the next level and is experimenting with human beings.

What does any of that have to do with Trump bending over tho/

It's his job to stand firm, week knees
Fauci really shocked and disappointed the lib news media during the Woodshed Press Conference when he told libs to pound sand

they were so surprised that one female lib reporter asked if he was being forced to exonerate trump by trump himself

contrary to expectations libs and china are floundering during the chinese disease pandemic

That's just a decoy, to let us think he's "neutral"

He also said he doesn't think it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on election day, November 3rd.

There you go, Democrat's plant has spoken.
Fauci really shocked and disappointed the lib news media during the Woodshed Press Conference when he told libs to pound sand

they were so surprised that one female lib reporter asked if he was being forced to exonerate trump by trump himself

contrary to expectations libs and china are floundering during the chinese disease pandemic

That's just a decoy, to let us think he's "neutral"

He also said he doesn't think it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on election day, November 3rd.

There you go, Democrat's plant has spoken.
Fauci is a motor mouth who is really enjoying the attention he’s getting
Thank you Dr Fauci thank you thank you thank you for your service. You have been amazing and your expertise in this pandemic has been greatly needed.
Thank you Dr Fauci thank you thank you thank you for your service. You have been amazing and your expertise in this pandemic has been greatly needed.

Mindless leftists are somehow managing to be even more annoying than mindless liberals, a truly astonishing feat.
Fauci really shocked and disappointed the lib news media during the Woodshed Press Conference when he told libs to pound sand

they were so surprised that one female lib reporter asked if he was being forced to exonerate trump by trump himself

contrary to expectations libs and china are floundering during the chinese disease pandemic

That's just a decoy, to let us think he's "neutral"

He also said he doesn't think it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on election day, November 3rd.

There you go, Democrat's plant has spoken.
Probably so

fauci flip flops pretty often
That's just a decoy, to let us think he's "neutral"
Haha, right. Whenever the facts don't align with your cultism, then everyone's lying. You fucking people...embarrassing....

You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.


He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.

Exactly. He is a doctor. A health professional. He deals in facts. Not fanciful back to normal by Easter predictions and hydroxychloriquine shouted and touted as a wonder drug. Reality is exactly what I want from my health professionals. Because if they open this back up too soon and the virus blooms again, you're actually going to wish Pence was President. The article you linked was actually pretty positive. Dr Fauci's remarks were grounded in reality but he does speak to some hope here. Not sure why you are getting all worked up about it. All he's saying is that we'll probably never be able to go back to what we considered normal (before the virus outbreak). I'm not a health professional but I could have told you that on the night of March 11th.
Why do they get upset if a Dr. contradicts diaper donnie? #Becauseitsacult.
Get serious.....if Trump sidelined the little prick he'd be sitting in the editor's office at the NYTimes within 15 minutes making shit up about Trump. He knows this and is showing no fear of the President. The President knows this and won't lift a finger in Fauci's direction before November. This is what happens when New Yawkers butt heads......it escalates before anybody can get it stopped.

The "little prick" is licking Trump's ass so that he won't be fired. He knows that Trump has no idea as to what to do and Fauci
doesn't want to leave this disaster in the hands of our feckless president and his inexperienced advisors. The divisive
grifter is pounding WHO at this moment since he never takes responsibility for his fuck-ups and always blames someone else.
The sad part is that the uninformed, ignorant followers let him get away with this stuff. Let's not forget that he could 'shoot someone on 5th ave and keep his followers'. He would deny it anyway. A sorry situation, to say the least.
You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.

do u have a link to Fauci saying things that Trump wanted him to say, or are you just imagining that? My guess is imagination
Fauci really shocked and disappointed the lib news media during the Woodshed Press Conference when he told libs to pound sand

they were so surprised that one female lib reporter asked if he was being forced to exonerate trump by trump himself

contrary to expectations libs and china are floundering during the chinese disease pandemic

That's just a decoy, to let us think he's "neutral"

He also said he doesn't think it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on election day, November 3rd.

There you go, Democrat's plant has spoken.
Fauci is a motor mouth who is really enjoying the attention he’s getting
I love the Irony on this forum.....:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
You know, when this virus first came out, NOBODY knew much about it, how it was transmitted or how bad the infection could be. During that time, Fauci was willing to say the hopeful things that Trump wanted him to say, because nobody knew much, and they were basing guesses on what they had seen other viruses of the same family do.

Then, it got worse, doctors started to do serious research on it, and new information came out. We then found out it was much more dangerous than previously thought (partially because of faulty information from China), and they started to modify what they said about it.

Fauci is just keeping up with the science and what the doctors are saying as they get more information. Prior to just a couple of weeks ago, most people didn't know that one of the signs of this disease is that you lose your sense of smell and taste. Another sign that doctors have finally said is part of this virus is that red spots show up on your feet and hands, kinda looking like spider bites, but that is because it causes some blood vessels to burst.

And, yet more information has come out on this today. Another thing that doctors are noticing is that people with this virus can actually end up having strokes because of it.

do u have a link to Fauci saying things that Trump wanted him to say, or are you just imagining that? My guess is imagination

No, it's not imagination. When this first came out, Fauci was downplaying it like Trump wanted him to. When the research started to show what was happening with the virus, Fauci modified what he was saying, and he said it was worse than they first thought. When Fauci started to say that and no longer downplay it, that is when Trump and his followers turned on him.

Back in Feb, Fauci was downplaying this and said that people could continue to go about their lives as usual. But, that was before it started to get bad. And, Fauci was saying that in support of Trump downplaying it. If you want the whole timeline, I've given a link, but it's a long read. Here is what he actually said.......................

February 29, 2020: Fauci says that Americans do not need to change their daily practices and the current risk is low, but could change.

On the Today Show, Dr. Fauci says, “There’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change.”

Here’s the full exchange:

Question: “So, Dr. Fauci, it’s Saturday morning in America. People are waking up right now with real concerns about this. They want to go to malls and movies, maybe the gym as well. Should we be changing our habits and, if so, how?”
Fauci: “No. Right now, at this moment, there’s no need to change anything that you’re doing on a day by day basis. Right now the risk is still low, but this could change. I’ve said that many times even on this program. You’ve got to watch out because although the risk is low now, you don’t need to change anything you’re doing. When you start to see community spread, this could change and force you to become much more attentive to doing things that would protect you from spread.”
Question: “Dr. Fauci, quickly, how does this all end?”
Fauci: “You know, it ends if you — it depends on the nature of the outbreak. I mean, this could be a major outbreak. I hope not. Or it could be something that’s reasonably well controlled. At the end of the day, this will ultimately go down. Hopefully we could protect the American public from any serious degree of morbidity or mortality. That’s the reason why we’ve got to do the things that we have in our plan.”
The "little prick" is licking Trump's ass so that he won't be fired. He knows that Trump has no idea as to what to do and Fauci
doesn't want to leave this disaster in the hands of our feckless president and his inexperienced advisors.
An actual journalist needs to ask Tiny Tony Fraudi why he approves of the torture of animals in bizarre psychological and biology experiments at the NIH.

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