Dr Fauci needs to go

Imagine that...a doctor and recognized expert on infectious disease, contradicting a politician.

Trump has obviously stopped listening to the squirt and is listening instead to the doctors who are saving lives using the HCQ. Trump has moved on and Fauci has taken to sitting by the wall looking perplexed at the end of his sudden fame. There comes a time when projections bump into real world results and Fauci's numbers are becoming a joke. It's like the car business....the designers can do their algebra, carve out their clay modeling, and make suppositions, but sooner or later somebody has to bend the sheet metal....that's what Trump does.
HCQ isn't the only treatment out there. Plasma donations from people who had the virus and recovered are also being used. Matter of fact, there's a woman who is using social media to try to find a donor for her sick father.

Exactly. He is a doctor. A health professional. He deals in facts. Not fanciful back to normal by Easter predictions and hydroxychloriquine shouted and touted as a wonder drug. Reality is exactly what I want from my health professionals. Because if they open this back up too soon and the virus blooms again, you're actually going to wish Pence was President. The article you linked was actually pretty positive. Dr Fauci's remarks were grounded in reality but he does speak to some hope here. Not sure why you are getting all worked up about it. All he's saying is that we'll probably never be able to go back to what we considered normal (before the virus outbreak). I'm not a health professional but I could have told you that on the night of March 11th.

All of the models they are putting out there concerning this outbreak have been wrong. Not just a little wrong, but way WAY wrong and it's these models all of these governors were basing their decisions on when they shut down their states and put millions out of work and grossly infringing on people's civil liberties. All we heard nonstop was that Armageddon was coming and those of us who told you it was all bullshit got ridiculed for it. Well, we're turning out to be closer to correct than you guys are. Armageddon didn't come and it's not because of the social distancing methods because those were already factored into the models. Outside of New York, hospitals aren't being overwhelmed like we were told they were and even in NY they haven't hit capacity. Some states are now giving away ventilators to others because they didn't end up needing them. My state has been on a stay at home order since March 17th and we've had a mere 2000 cases and 80 deaths out of a population of 3,000,000 people and our governor actually just implemented MORE restrictions last night. More, over the deaths of .0026% of the state population. In 2018 we lost 331 people to car accidents, but these 80 fatalities justify shutting down the state economy and causing financial pain for months, possibly years to come for millions?

And the idea that there will never be "normal" again like before the outbreak is fucking absurd. Spanish Influenza killed exponentially more people than this around the world and things returned to normal. The Black Plague wiped out a third of Europe and life went back to normal. Give me a break. God knows the statists out there would certainly love to take advantage of this situation and sink their claws permanently into people's personal liberties.
Well said. You articulated what I couldn't perfectly.
My mom told me about her trials with the 1918 virus. She was ten years old living on a rural farm in the middle of Michigan and her mother gave her tonic water (which was infused with quinine) and Arm and Hammer baking powder. She pretended to take it along with some pill from the country doctor, then when nobody was looking pitched the whole concoction out her bedroom window. :lol:

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
I found out today he is a liberal. I understand why he is doing what he us. He needs to be fired.
I have ZERO knowledge of him or his past. I just know that his brand of doom & gloom is not what Americans need. Especially in times like these.

Even if not fired he needs to be extricated from any further press briefings or at least not given the mic.
He can have his opinion but the facts are in stark contrast to his statements. That alone is a recipe for STFU

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
I found out today he is a liberal. I understand why he is doing what he us. He needs to be fired.
I have ZERO knowledge of him or his past. I just know that his brand of doom & gloom is not what Americans need. Especially in times like these.

Even if not fired he needs to be extricated from any further press briefings or at least not given the mic.
He can have his opinion but the facts are in stark contrast to his statements. That alone is a recipe for STFU

You ought to hold Trump to that standard.

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Hes loving the attention more than a little too much

He is a doctor. Not an economist. Not a business. Not a fortune teller. Not a stock broker. Not a carpenter. Not a preacher. Not a bus driver.
His PERSONAL feelings are irrelevant. In fact what is "normal" for him may have no impact on another person.

Why is Trump allowing him to spew his doom and gloom, woe is me and general negative outlook on this situation.

What the American people need to hear is that we are going to get through this via TEMPORARY hard choices and sacrifices.
What they don't need is the asinine guess work about how we are screwed and can't recover.
We are and have always been a nation of achievers. We've overcome MANY devastating obstacles throughout our history and ALWAYS come out ahead in the long run.

This kind of pessimistic bullshit needs to be nipped in the bud. Americans need hope not fear.
Hard choices and sacrifices? I don’t know if I should believe it’s just a flu and no big deal or people over 50 have lived long enough, let em die. Oh it’s both.
If I need a cheerleader I will call my ex girlfriend.
On and on goes the conservative rights advice.
The models were not wrong. They were models. Idiots.
Models which we based the destruction of the country on, idiot!
It's not too late to salvage this mess.

Keep high infection zones on some type of quarantine & restrict travel if necessary but this shit needs to end for the majority of the nation.
I love how dumb fuck Trumpers think they know better than a world renowned infectious disease specialist. These dumb fucks would rather listen to Donald Dumbass for guidance then someone who has spent over 30 years in his position and is respected around the world. Fauci’s advice is saving lives. Tens of thousands of lives.

It is not for nothing that I believe that there is a brain eating maggot that resides in the brains of all Trumpers. Their stupidity is beyond explanation.
As we're finding out..."low infection zones" become HIGH infection zones as soon as we do stupid shit like you're promoting.

Weren't we told just the other day that Idaho was Corona free?

Not so much now

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