Dr. Fauci: There's No Reason People Can't Vote Safely in Person

Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No we sign for them. I am on the list and I mail it back and I receive a ballot.

Tramp lies they don't send out ballots to everyone.

Beside 60 and over everyone gets a mail in ballot if they desire and also the disabled.
Sending out ballots to everyone is precisely what Dim douchebags mean by "mail-in voting."

They are not sending ballots to everyone.
That's what they propose to do: send ballots to every registered voter, including the dead ones and the cartoon characters.

Dead people can't vote, and Mnuchin made the same mistake, they sent checks to dead people.
They can if some Dim gets their mail-in ballot and votes for them.

First you deny that they can vote. Then you admit they can.

It would be hard for dead people to vote, the laws for someone to do fraud are so strict, so few people break them. They would have to be hard up to break the laws.

PS: I never said dead people vote.

Someone's CAT was mailed a ballot.

That's how well it's being handled.

Why do you hang on every thing tramp said, give me a link where a cat received a ballot.

First, I don't even know who tramp is, second, I hang on nothing anyone else says, I have my own mind and third, can you read and, have the ability to look up stuff? Do it yourself.

Tramp is the donald.

In Georgia, the SOS probably sent it as a scam. And excuse me it was an absentee application.

My comment stands, I think for myself.

You can go to the polls in you want, me- I'll vote at home.
Not if I have anything to say about it.

You don't have any say in the matter.
Sure I do. I vote. The voters get the final say on how we vote.

Sorry no you don't . In Mi we already voted in 2018.:)
After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."

There is absolutely no way anyone including myself can ever vote in person in my state.

My state has been 100% mail in ballot since 2005.

If you want to vote in person go for it. No one is stopping you or anyone from doing that.

What I have a very big problem with is trump and you trump supporters doing all you can to prevent people from voting mail in ballot.

That's the difference. You don't believe in freedom and trump is a hypocrite. trump votes by mail in ballot so does melania.

You believe you have the right to force what you want on the whole nation.

You don't have that right.

People like me want people to vote. I don't care how they do it. In person or mail in. All I care is that they get off their lazy fat butts and vote.

trump and you supporters of trump can't honestly say that.

trump has now gone to the extreme of trying to destroy the USPS just so that ballots from those who vote by mail won't get counted. He's had mail boxes removed in cities. He's had over 600 sorting machines removed from processing centers. Mostly in large urban areas.

It's disgusting what trump is doing.

It's disgusting that you and the rest of his followers support it and have no problem with what he's now doing to the post office to win.
Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No one gets a ballot just because they have an address.

The only people who get ballots are those who are legally registered to vote.

You know this.

Stop lying.

No one has to do anything in my state to get a ballot in the mail beyond registering to vote. No one has to request or do anything after they register to vote. The ballot is sent to them.

If they don't register to vote, they don't get a ballot.

Stop lying.
Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No we sign for them. I am on the list and I mail it back and I receive a ballot.

Tramp lies they don't send out ballots to everyone.

Beside 60 and over everyone gets a mail in ballot if they desire and also the disabled.
Sending out ballots to everyone is precisely what Dim douchebags mean by "mail-in voting."

They are not sending ballots to everyone.
That's what they propose to do: send ballots to every registered voter, including the dead ones and the cartoon characters.

Stop lying.

Only registered voters can get a ballot.

A dead person can't nor can a cartoon character.

Stop lying.
Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No we sign for them. I am on the list and I mail it back and I receive a ballot.

Tramp lies they don't send out ballots to everyone.

Beside 60 and over everyone gets a mail in ballot if they desire and also the disabled.
Sending out ballots to everyone is precisely what Dim douchebags mean by "mail-in voting."

They are not sending ballots to everyone.
But the DEMOCRAT ADMINISTRATION DID BREAK THE LAW by illegally sending out REQUESTS for ballots. That is supposed to originate with the VOTER, not the Democrat POLITICIAN
After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."

There is absolutely no way anyone including myself can ever vote in person in my state.

My state has been 100% mail in ballot since 2005.

If you want to vote in person go for it. No one is stopping you or anyone from doing that.

What I have a very big problem with is trump and you trump supporters doing all you can to prevent people from voting mail in ballot.

That's the difference. You don't believe in freedom and trump is a hypocrite. trump votes by mail in ballot so does melania.

You believe you have the right to force what you want on the whole nation.

You don't have that right.

People like me want people to vote. I don't care how they do it. In person or mail in. All I care is that they get off their lazy fat butts and vote.

trump and you supporters of trump can't honestly say that.

trump has now gone to the extreme of trying to destroy the USPS just so that ballots from those who vote by mail won't get counted. He's had mail boxes removed in cities. He's had over 600 sorting machines removed from processing centers. Mostly in large urban areas.

It's disgusting what trump is doing.

It's disgusting that you and the rest of his followers support it and have no problem with what he's now doing to the post office to win.

We're the ones getting up off our butts and going to vote! Just like you just said!

You're the one staying home! LOL

Why haven't Democrats been so animate about mail-in voting before now?

Fauci just said its safe to go to the polls, Democrats trust him, don't they?

I suppose, many presidents and first ladies have voted by mail, because of the mere fact, they're very high profile.
Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No we sign for them. I am on the list and I mail it back and I receive a ballot.

Tramp lies they don't send out ballots to everyone.

Beside 60 and over everyone gets a mail in ballot if they desire and also the disabled.
Sending out ballots to everyone is precisely what Dim douchebags mean by "mail-in voting."

They are not sending ballots to everyone.
That's what they propose to do: send ballots to every registered voter, including the dead ones and the cartoon characters.

Dead people can't vote, and Mnuchin made the same mistake, they sent checks to dead people.
They can if some Dim gets their mail-in ballot and votes for them.

First you deny that they can vote. Then you admit they can.

No one can vote for a dead person.

The signature won't match.

I was in an accident that caused nerve damage to my hands. The first year of voting I got a letter from the county auditor saying there was a problem with my ballot and it wasn't counted. I had to go to the auditor's office in person to clear it up so my ballot would be counted.

My signature no longer matched the one they had on file. I had to sign a new signature card, show ID so that my ballot could be counted and would be counted from then on.

You are lying. What you say can't and doesn't happen. Sure some dead person may get a ballot but if someone actually tries to use it, it won't be counted.

States like mine have a law that if a person doesn't vote in two consecutive elections, they are automatically removed from the voting rolls and won't get a ballot again until they register to vote again.

There are many safeguards in place which is why vote fraud is nearly impossible to do and is rare to happen.

Stop lying.
Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No one gets a ballot just because they have an address.

The only people who get ballots are those who are legally registered to vote.

You know this.

Stop lying.

No one has to do anything in my state to get a ballot in the mail beyond registering to vote. No one has to request or do anything after they register to vote. The ballot is sent to them.

If they don't register to vote, they don't get a ballot.

Stop lying.

The deceased cat was a registered voter?
Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No one gets a ballot just because they have an address.

The only people who get ballots are those who are legally registered to vote.

You know this.

Stop lying.

No one has to do anything in my state to get a ballot in the mail beyond registering to vote. No one has to request or do anything after they register to vote. The ballot is sent to them.

If they don't register to vote, they don't get a ballot.

Stop lying.
Dead people can be legally registered to vote. That's a prescription for fraud.
The “right” is our preordained right to go about our business
There is no right as the libbies try to falsely contend that we need to stay locked down to calm liberals fake fears and impositions
The “right” is our preordained right to go about our business
There is no right as the libbies try to falsely contend that we need to stay locked down to calm liberals fake fears and impositions
The left always recasts its demands in terms of rights. Their demand that you give up your guns becomes their right to be free from "fear." Government could never enforce such a "right" and would turn this country into a police state in the process. Of course, that's exactly what the left wants.

Now the bootlickers claim you have a right to be free from COVID. Again, you have no such right.
After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."
Yes and? It is still safer to vote from home.
It's safer for the country if turds like you aren't allowed to manufacture votes for Democrats.
Oh? And how do "turds like me manufacture votes" exactly? (Keeping in mind that incidents of voter fraud are extremely rare. In fact,

The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.​
Let’s put that data in perspective.​
One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast.​
Oregon is the state that started mailing ballots to all voters in 2000 and has worked diligently to put in place stringent security measures, as well as strict punishments for those who would tamper with a mailed ballot. For that state, the following numbers apply: With well over 50 million ballots cast, there have been only two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in convictions for mail-ballot fraud in 20 years. That is 0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.​
After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."
Yes and? It is still safer to vote from home.
It's safer for the country if turds like you aren't allowed to manufacture votes for Democrats.
Oh? And how do "turds like me manufacture votes" exactly? (Keeping in mind that incidents of voter fraud are extremely rare. In fact,

The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.​
Let’s put that data in perspective.​
One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast.​
Oregon is the state that started mailing ballots to all voters in 2000 and has worked diligently to put in place stringent security measures, as well as strict punishments for those who would tamper with a mailed ballot. For that state, the following numbers apply: With well over 50 million ballots cast, there have been only two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in convictions for mail-ballot fraud in 20 years. That is 0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.​

"The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. It does not capture all cases and certainly does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted. "
After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."

There is absolutely no way anyone including myself can ever vote in person in my state.

My state has been 100% mail in ballot since 2005.

If you want to vote in person go for it. No one is stopping you or anyone from doing that.

What I have a very big problem with is trump and you trump supporters doing all you can to prevent people from voting mail in ballot.

That's the difference. You don't believe in freedom and trump is a hypocrite. trump votes by mail in ballot so does melania.

You believe you have the right to force what you want on the whole nation.

You don't have that right.

People like me want people to vote. I don't care how they do it. In person or mail in. All I care is that they get off their lazy fat butts and vote.

trump and you supporters of trump can't honestly say that.

trump has now gone to the extreme of trying to destroy the USPS just so that ballots from those who vote by mail won't get counted. He's had mail boxes removed in cities. He's had over 600 sorting machines removed from processing centers. Mostly in large urban areas.

It's disgusting what trump is doing.

It's disgusting that you and the rest of his followers support it and have no problem with what he's now doing to the post office to win.

We're the ones getting up off our butts and going to vote! Just like you just said!

You're the one staying home! LOL

Why haven't Democrats been so animate about mail-in voting before now?

Fauci just said its safe to go to the polls, Democrats trust him, don't they?

I suppose, many presidents and first ladies have voted by mail, because of the mere fact, they're very high profile.

If we are to be honest about all this, the reason Democrats are so behind mail in voting is because a percentage of their base will not come out to vote if they have to put any effort into it. That's why in the past they got rides to the polls, polls open for a week at a time so there are no lines to worry about, mail in voting, motor voting, fighting against Voter-ID and so forth.

People who are not willing to do a little work to vote don't really care about voting all that much. Why should they? They know very little about politics yet alone issues and representatives. It doesn't affect their world very much.

Democrats heavily rely on the uninformed voters to win elections. Lazy people who won't drag their ass to vote in person. Obama Phone ladies and Obama money people.

So all mail in voting is the solution to their problems. If you get a ballot at home, you vote even if you have no idea WTF you are voting on. It's easy, all you do after your vote is put the stupid thing back in your mailbox for the post officer worker to pickup the next morning.

The problem is the more politically ignorant people we have voting, the less quality of representatives our country ends up with. Or in other words, more Democrat leaders.
After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."
Yes and? It is still safer to vote from home.
It's safer for the country if turds like you aren't allowed to manufacture votes for Democrats.
Oh? And how do "turds like me manufacture votes" exactly? (Keeping in mind that incidents of voter fraud are extremely rare. In fact,

The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.​
Let’s put that data in perspective.​
One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast.​
Oregon is the state that started mailing ballots to all voters in 2000 and has worked diligently to put in place stringent security measures, as well as strict punishments for those who would tamper with a mailed ballot. For that state, the following numbers apply: With well over 50 million ballots cast, there have been only two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in convictions for mail-ballot fraud in 20 years. That is 0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.​

"The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. It does not capture all cases and certainly does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted. "

Again, yes and? Fraud is not rampant and the push to have registered voters vote by mail is about keeping Americans safe during a deadly pandemic...even complete douchebags like you.
Not in MI, we voted for no excuse absentee ballots in 2018, so everyone that wants one is a ok.

Deal with that.
You still have to go sign for them. They don't get mailed to you just because you have an address.

No we sign for them. I am on the list and I mail it back and I receive a ballot.

Tramp lies they don't send out ballots to everyone.

Beside 60 and over everyone gets a mail in ballot if they desire and also the disabled.
Remember kids, Democrats lie about everything, because it's who they are and lying to you or stealing from you is just a tool to get what they want.

Again here, you see Putrid Penelope try to deceive everyone by leaving out important facts.

It's who they are and what they do.

Say no to the party of lies this Fall. Say No to the Marxist Mask. And Say No to Mail in Ballots.

Off Topic, trolling, wrapped in a vulgar personal attack.
After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."
Dr. Fauci is correct. Unfortunately, right-wingers and most centrists believe the United States Constitution specifically outlines their right to ignore government mandated safety orders designed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus.

Most Americans have seen the viral videos of these arrogant/ignorant individuals spewing their constitutional misinformation, threatening employees when informed face masks are required by the business, or physically attacking those who point out face mask regulations.

The impeached president trump's devoted fanatics are far more uncivilized than the BLM protesters they criticize constantly.

After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."
Yes and? It is still safer to vote from home.
It's safer for the country if turds like you aren't allowed to manufacture votes for Democrats.
Oh? And how do "turds like me manufacture votes" exactly? (Keeping in mind that incidents of voter fraud are extremely rare. In fact,

The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.​
Let’s put that data in perspective.​
One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast.​
Oregon is the state that started mailing ballots to all voters in 2000 and has worked diligently to put in place stringent security measures, as well as strict punishments for those who would tamper with a mailed ballot. For that state, the following numbers apply: With well over 50 million ballots cast, there have been only two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in convictions for mail-ballot fraud in 20 years. That is 0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.​

"The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. It does not capture all cases and certainly does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted. "

Again, yes and? Fraud is not rampant and the push to have registered voters vote by mail is about keeping Americans safe during a deadly pandemic...even complete douchebags like you.

Actually, White Power Matters started a new topic on the subject:

After they have been telling us that Fauci is infallible, watch all the TDS morons scramble to claim Fauci is wrong now that they've been trying to justify mail-on voting:

One of the most highly contentious issues of the 2020 presidential cycle is whether it will be safe for Americans to vote in person on November 3, 2020.
For weeks Democrats have held up crucial Wuhan coronavirus relieve packages while demanding billions of dollars for the Post Office in order to bolster mass mail in voting. In California, a state without voter identification laws and outdated registration records, Governor Gavin Newsom plans to mail every registered voter a ballot ahead of election day. Recent elections in New York, New Jersey and West Virginia have proven mass mail in voting schemes lead to fraud and extremely delayed results.
But according to Dr. Anthony Fauci, an original member of President Trump's Wuhan Coronavirus Taskforce, voting in person can be done safely.
"What about voting? So many people are concerned. We are in an election year. Some people are going to be heading to the polls in the next few weeks, can people go out and vote in person given there is so much concern about the vote?" ABC News' Deborah Roberts asked Fauci during a recent interview.
"I think if carefully done according to the guidelines, there's new reason I can see that not being the case. For example, when you look at going to a grocery stores now in regions and counties and cities that are doing it correctly, they have x's every six or more feet and it says don't leave this spot until the person in front of you left their spot, and you an do that. If you go and wear a mask, if you observe the physical distancing and don't have a crowded situation, there's no reason why you shouldn't be able to do that," Fauci said. "There's no reason we shouldn't be able to vote in person."
Yes and? It is still safer to vote from home.
It's safer for the country if turds like you aren't allowed to manufacture votes for Democrats.
Oh? And how do "turds like me manufacture votes" exactly? (Keeping in mind that incidents of voter fraud are extremely rare. In fact,

The Heritage Foundation maintains an online database of election fraud cases in the United States and reports that there have been just over 1,200 cases of vote fraud of all forms, resulting in 1,100 criminal convictions, over the past 20 years. Of these, 204 involved the fraudulent use of absentee ballots; 143 resulted in criminal convictions.​
Let’s put that data in perspective.​
One hundred forty-three cases of fraud using mailed ballots over the course of 20 years comes out to seven to eight cases per year, nationally. It also means that across the 50 states, there has been an average of three cases per state over the 20-year span. That is just one case per state every six or seven years. We are talking about an occurrence that translates to about 0.00006 percent of total votes cast.​
Oregon is the state that started mailing ballots to all voters in 2000 and has worked diligently to put in place stringent security measures, as well as strict punishments for those who would tamper with a mailed ballot. For that state, the following numbers apply: With well over 50 million ballots cast, there have been only two fraud cases verifiable enough to result in convictions for mail-ballot fraud in 20 years. That is 0.000004 percent — about five times less likely than getting hit by lightning in the United States.​

"The Heritage Foundation’s Election Fraud Database presents a sampling of recent proven instances of election fraud from across the country. This database is not an exhaustive or comprehensive list. It does not capture all cases and certainly does not capture reported instances that are not investigated or prosecuted. "

Again, yes and? Fraud is not rampant and the push to have registered voters vote by mail is about keeping Americans safe during a deadly pandemic...even complete douchebags like you.
Wrong. It's about facilitating voter fraud.
I'm voting by mail. A third party vote. My patriotic duty. Both major parties are corrupt and full of filth. Fact.

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