Dr. Feynman on Climatologists

The results always contradict denier psuedoscience claims. Hence, according to Feynmann, denier pseudoscience claims are wrong, no matter how elegant deniers cultists think those theories are.

It really is that simple. Deniers are bitter pseudoscience cultists, because that's what the hard data says.

Denialism isn't the actual cult, of course. Right-wing authoritarianism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras which that cult's acolytes are ordered to chant.

The two sides are total opposites.

Denialism is entirely about politics. If right-wing authoritarianism vanished, denialism would instantly vanish along with it.

The real science is only about the science, and crosses all political boundaries all across the world. If left-wing politics vanished, climate science wouldn't change at all.
Fucking scientists grant-writers etc. get all the money for their "research" from George Soros and the usual crew of secular white Jewish DEMOCRATs.

You can't breathe a word against the liberal Establishment on any of those university campuses, or else you're flat out on your butt on slid row in a cardboard box just like everyone else don't even date step on university property again in your life.

That's how they keep fellow DEMOCRATs in line. Any smart scientist or researcher is told to make a liberal ass out of himself on video for the public or lose his tenure track career.
The results always contradict denier psuedoscience claims. Hence, according to Feynmann, denier pseudoscience claims are wrong, no matter how elegant deniers cultists think those theories are.

It really is that simple. Deniers are bitter pseudoscience cultists, because that's what the hard data says.

Denialism isn't the actual cult, of course. Right-wing authoritarianism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras which that cult's acolytes are ordered to chant.

The two sides are total opposites.

Denialism is entirely about politics. If right-wing authoritarianism vanished, denialism would instantly vanish along with it.

The real science is only about the science, and crosses all political boundaries all across the world. If left-wing politics vanished, climate science wouldn't change at all.

Spoken like a true pseudo scientist.
Fucking scientists grant-writers etc. get all the money for their "research" from George Soros and the usual crew of secular white Jewish DEMOCRATs.

Not all deniers are anti-semetic, but most are, to some extent. Most try to hide it by saying "globalists" instead of "Jews". But everyone knows what they mean.

There's an obvious reason why you can only whimper out anti-semetic conspiracy theories. It's because all the science says you and all deniers are open frauds. Being honest about the science is not an option to you, because your fascist political party forbids it. Thus, you see telling really big and really dumb lies as being your only viable option.
Not all deniers are anti-semetic, but most are, to some extent. Most just try to hide it by saying "globalists" instead of "Jews".
Globalists are, more or less by definition, the nations, "goyim," gentiles, specifically the non-Jewish elite, Bilderberg Meetings, Trilateral Commission, and other groups who if anything have gone out of their way to exclude Jews from participation in interstate and foreign commerce. Surely it cannot be considered anti-Semitic to oppose their New World Order agenda.

Too many globalists carry a token drop of Jewish blood, and pull that anti-Semitic card out from their shirtsleeve and lay it on the table to claim the whole stake at the same poker game where they sold out our gun rights as a bargaining chip for communism.
The classic (and Worse) 'argument from authority Fallacy.'
Feynman knew nothing about the topic AND
He died in 1988, after getting a "football size" cancer removed in 1978.

So when was that interview?
40 years ago, 50 YEARS ago?
Would he have changed his mind in light of All the DATA since?

It's academic and 99% IRRELEVANT.

The classic (and Worse) 'argument from authority Fallacy.'
Feynman knew nothing about the topic AND
He died in 1988, after getting a "football size" cancer removed in 1978.

So when was that interview?
40 years ago, 50 YEARS ago?
Would he have changed his mind in light of All the DATA since?

It's academic and 99% IRRELEVANT.


It doesn't matter. The scientific method is the scientific method. His armpit hair was smarter than you will ever be.
It doesn't matter. The scientific method is the scientific method. His armpit hair was smarter than you (Aboo Afoo) will ever be.

Even Feynman's pubic hair is smarter than Aboo Afoo whose name reminds me of the YouTube video of a smiling Arab drinking camel urine he catches with his open hand, and washing his face with it.
Winter weather adviser in the mountain area of Washington and Montana October 13. Another normal winter approaching. Why can't radical global warmers accept it?
He describes the modern era of climatology....exactly.

Richard Feynman is one of the great geniuses of quantum physics
The funny thing is I am not even smart enough to understand a word of his amazing discoveries lol
The results always contradict denier psuedoscience claims. Hence, according to Feynmann, denier pseudoscience claims are wrong, no matter how elegant deniers cultists think those theories are.

It really is that simple. Deniers are bitter pseudoscience cultists, because that's what the hard data says.

Denialism isn't the actual cult, of course. Right-wing authoritarianism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras which that cult's acolytes are ordered to chant.

The two sides are total opposites.

Denialism is entirely about politics. If right-wing authoritarianism vanished, denialism would instantly vanish along with it.

The real science is only about the science, and crosses all political boundaries all across the world. If left-wing politics vanished, climate science wouldn't change at all.

The word "Consensus" instantly identifies someone as an anti-science Moonbat
Fucking scientists grant-writers etc. get all the money for their "research" from George Soros and the usual crew of secular white Jewish DEMOCRATs.

Not all deniers are anti-semetic, but most are, to some extent. Most try to hide it by saying "globalists" instead of "Jews". But everyone knows what they mean.

There's an obvious reason why you can only whimper out anti-semetic conspiracy theories. It's because all the science says you and all deniers are open frauds. Being honest about the science is not an option to you, because your fascist political party forbids it. Thus, you see telling really big and really dumb lies as being your only viable option.
Richard Feynman was talking conceptually about pseudo-science. He wasn't talking politics, he wasn't specifying climate science, but all of you AGW types leaped into action throwing anti-Semitism, political parties and and anything else you can toss into the air as a distraction. What did Mr. Feynman say that was wrong, or made you uncomfortable? Be specific.
The results always contradict denier psuedoscience claims. Hence, according to Feynmann, denier pseudoscience claims are wrong, no matter how elegant deniers cultists think those theories are.

It really is that simple. Deniers are bitter pseudoscience cultists, because that's what the hard data says.

Denialism isn't the actual cult, of course. Right-wing authoritarianism is the cult. Denialism is just one of many reality-defying mantras which that cult's acolytes are ordered to chant.

The two sides are total opposites.

Denialism is entirely about politics. If right-wing authoritarianism vanished, denialism would instantly vanish along with it.

The real science is only about the science, and crosses all political boundaries all across the world. If left-wing politics vanished, climate science wouldn't change at all.

Why did you think he was talking about your AGW Cult?

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