Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
Why did the Women's March threaten you so much? There is no reason to criticize it and dismiss it like that. If there is any hope of real civilization in this country, I would trust the women (and men) at that march to bring it to us.
Women standing up and agreeing in large numbers has to be very frightening to men.......that's why they spend a lot of effort trying to divide and ridicule us.
Last edited:
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?
If Trump can get away with it Republicans think they ALL can
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
Why did the Women's March threaten you so much? There is no reason to criticize it and dismiss it like that. If there is any hope of real civilization in this country, I would trust the women (and men) at that march to bring it to us.
It did not threaten me

I'm just not a Madonna or poetry fan which all the March accomplished
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
Why did the Women's March threaten you so much? There is no reason to criticize it and dismiss it like that. If there is any hope of real civilization in this country, I would trust the women (and men) at that march to bring it to us.
It did not threaten me

I'm just not a Madonna or poetry fan which all the March accomplished
It was a networking experience and a message to the President and all the politicians in Washington that they are out there and that they are watching.
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
If your neighbor cuts your fence and you saw it but no one else did, and you go to the police and report it, do you expect to be called a drunken loser and a lying piece of shit while the police refuse to look into it?
You do know she has a phalanx of advisors. As far as filing in a state it didn't happen in ......who would investigate? Play on .....while we vote.
That'd be great Now we have an abuser of women a cheat and crook in our WH and 2 perverts on our SC Well done idiot republicans........Roy Moore next for SC??
Well, Moore has endorsed Kavanaugh. What next? Hastert endorsing him?
Trump called him a very very fine man That coming from the idiot who paid off one lady and had 18 others speak out against his molesting speaks so well for the tramp entering our sc


Can't say when the attack happened.

Can't say where the attack happened.

Told her shrink there were 4 men in the room, now says there were two.

Waited 30 years to tell anyone, and spoke up when Romney said Kavanaugh was on his list.

Named 4 people at the party, Kavanaugh, Smyth, Mark, and Keyser...Keyser is her BFF from school...all sent letters, under oath and denied it happened.


States she did not see Kavanaugh do what she said he did.

No one who was allegedly at the party says this happened.

She says she couldn't remember the event until she spent 6 days with her democrat lawyer.

Those are the facts of the case.
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
If your neighbor cuts your fence and you saw it but no one else did, and you go to the police and report it, do you expect to be called a drunken loser and a lying piece of shit while the police refuse to look into it?

and you go to the police and report it, do you expect to be called a drunken loser and a lying piece of shit while the police refuse to look into it

But that isn't the timeline, is it? She didn't go to the police...ever.....she didn't tell anyone. She doesn't know where the fence cutting happened or when it happened and she named 4 people who she said was at the fence cutting, and then all 4, under oath, state the fence cutting never happened....do you see the problem?

The same thing for Ramirez.....stated She Did Not See Kavanaugh do What she Claims He did......to repeat......She herself states she did not see Kavanaug do what she claims he did...........


Can't say when the attack happened.

Can't say where the attack happened.

Told her shrink there were 4 men in the room, now says there were two.

Waited 30 years to tell anyone, and spoke up when Romney said Kavanaugh was on his list.

Named 4 people at the party, Kavanaugh, Smyth, Mark, and Keyser...Keyser is her BFF from school...all sent letters, under oath and denied it happened.


States she did not see Kavanaugh do what she said he did.

No one who was allegedly at the party says this happened.

She says she couldn't remember the event until she spent 6 days with her democrat lawyer.
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations

Do you realize not many people actually believe her? And that she won't fly across country won't look so great either?

I hope they vote on Monday or Wed at the latest, no matter what she does.
What makes you think that "not many people" believe her? I think the opposite is true. Maybe not in the conservative echo chamber but everywhere else certainly.
only 25% of women believe her.. there are now three polls showing that just 26% of the public think she is credible.... die hard libs and that's all the rest of us see the lie! your meme is falling apart.. and the midterm polls are now dead even...

Smart people admit that they don't know yet whether she is credible or not.
Then your not very smart... I've done this for a living ( 30 years LEO)... The evidence presented is so full of holes the boat would sink to the bottom in about 30 seconds...
So...you did a full investigation, did you?
DeRpHate, they can simply have the confirmation vote on Monday and put Justice Kavanaugh on the court.

You Communists have no cards. You fabricated this to delay, and you delayed for a week.

Cool, we'll hide and watch your Roger Ramjet tactic implode. Won't be pretty!

Yeah, because you Stalinists have the votes.

Oh, wait...

Oh, and stupid - lying kunt Ford was given dozens of opportunities to lie before the Senate. But since the ONLY objective is to STALL, DELAY, STALL, DELAY, she and her DNC hack team have only stalled and delayed.

Time to kick you evil fucks in the nuts and put the Judge on the SCOTUS, ensuring the Constitution for another generation.
"lying kunt Ford".....keep showing us your misogynist side, Righties.
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
Why did the Women's March threaten you so much? There is no reason to criticize it and dismiss it like that. If there is any hope of real civilization in this country, I would trust the women (and men) at that march to bring it to us.
Women standing up and agreeing in large numbers has to be very frightening to men.......that's why they spend a lot of effort trying to divide us.
Not at all I have seen massive numbers of women cheering on Madonna for decades. Few care and Madonna fans are no threat
If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out

[“What I would say is I have known Brett since I was maybe 16, and I still know him today,” Carr, 51, said. “I knew him in all kinds of social situations and what is being described—I also, by the way, know Mark Judge, obviously—and the scenario that is being described is not one that I could ever put either one of those guys in, even under the influence of alcohol or any of that.”/QUOTE]
Well, in light of this weekend, THIS is an Ironic post.
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
If your neighbor cuts your fence and you saw it but no one else did, and you go to the police and report it, do you expect to be called a drunken loser and a lying piece of shit while the police refuse to look into it?

and you go to the police and report it, do you expect to be called a drunken loser and a lying piece of shit while the police refuse to look into it

But that isn't the timeline, is it? She didn't go to the police...ever.....she didn't tell anyone. She doesn't know where the fence cutting happened or when it happened and she named 4 people who she said was at the fence cutting, and then all 4, under oath, state the fence cutting never happened....do you see the problem?

The same thing for Ramirez.....stated She Did Not See Kavanaugh do What she Claims He did......to repeat......She herself states she did not see Kavanaug do what she claims he did...........


Can't say when the attack happened.

Can't say where the attack happened.

Told her shrink there were 4 men in the room, now says there were two.

Waited 30 years to tell anyone, and spoke up when Romney said Kavanaugh was on his list.

Named 4 people at the party, Kavanaugh, Smyth, Mark, and Keyser...Keyser is her BFF from school...all sent letters, under oath and denied it happened.


States she did not see Kavanaugh do what she said he did.

No one who was allegedly at the party says this happened.

She says she couldn't remember the event until she spent 6 days with her democrat lawyer.

yeahbutt it's the seriousness of the false allegations that should disqualify Kavanaugh
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
Due Process and Presumption of Innocence....IN .... A .... COURT .... OF .... LAW.
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
Why did the Women's March threaten you so much? There is no reason to criticize it and dismiss it like that. If there is any hope of real civilization in this country, I would trust the women (and men) at that march to bring it to us.
It did not threaten me

I'm just not a Madonna or poetry fan which all the March accomplished
It was a networking experience and a message to the President and all the politicians in Washington that they are out there and that they are watching.
I'm sure it was meant to be all of that.

It ended up being Nothing more and another outrage and stay famous opportunity for madonna
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
If your neighbor cuts your fence and you saw it but no one else did, and you go to the police and report it, do you expect to be called a drunken loser and a lying piece of shit while the police refuse to look into it?
If you are female and they are male.....probably.

Doesn't even remotely answer my question. Wanna try again, troll?

Not a matter of "believing Ford". It's a matter of optics. The R Party would be taken more seriously with more women and more diversity.
They look nothing like America looks.
I would have no problem with either Murkowski or Collins and would be happy to see either on the SJC.
WHO's trolling?

There you have it. The cuckolded Democrats are using the victims of real sexual assault for the purpose of optics.

Let that sink in.
guess you believe all 18 women who called trump a pervert a molester were all lying?

I don’t care how many cuckolded men try to pull this crap, it doesn’t make you look any less pussywhipped.
And another misogynist trumpanzee tells it like it is.....................in trumpanzeeland.
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
If your neighbor cuts your fence and you saw it but no one else did, and you go to the police and report it, do you expect to be called a drunken loser and a lying piece of shit while the police refuse to look into it?
If I wait 40 years and the fence shows no sign of damage? Yes.
Thank you democrats.....you finally managed to wake up conservatives and republicans who might have stayed home in November since Trump is doing such a great job, the country is in great shape. They support him at 90% rate but the rest of the coward republicans? Not so much...but you asshat democrats have given them no choice......your vile, disgusting attacks on Kavanaugh and your minions stating they will not only impeach Trump but will now impeach Kavanaugh are waking up the sleeping Trump supporters and republicans...

I can't wait to vote in November...
Remember all those women who marched the day after trump was sworn in in 2017? They are all still awake and even more are awake now. Remember, there are more women than men in this country.
Yes and this is not a women vs men issue or a women vs good issue.

It is a feminist vs civilization issue.

When you say the women's March you must mean the Madonna show with bad poetry reading by Ashley Judd opening act.
"Feminist vs. civilization"? you mean men assaulting women without consequences is civilization?

I mean due process and presumption of innocence are two of the most vital protections in any civilization.

Feminists oppose both of these protections for select men.
Due Process and Presumption of Innocence....IN .... A .... COURT .... OF .... LAW.

Of you throw it out when making accusations outside of court you merely start and extra judicial witch hunt.

No one deserves that.
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations

Well, someone pointed out in another thread that there was a statute of limitations at the time this incident allegedly happened, therefore, she’s SOL on that.

They may be holding out a little longer in hopes that Kavanaugh will withdraw his nomination just so they can avoid the optics.

These are establishment Republicans with no real loyalty to President Trump or the American people. They just want power like the Democrats do.

I couldn't get past the lie in your first sentence.

There is no statute of limitations on rape or attempted rape in Maryland.

You might want to look up the law in Maryland:

No time limit for prosecution of any felony sexual offenses (Smallwood v. State, 51 Md.App. at 468, 443 A.2d at 1006, (in this State a prosecution for a felony “may be instituted anytime during the life of the offender.”))

MD. CODE, CTS. & JUD. PROC. § 5-106 Prosecution for misdemeanors
In principle, within one year after commission ofhe offense
No time limit for prosecution of misdemeanors punishable by penitentiary.
For prosecution of sexual offense in the fourth

How many fucking times does this need to be posted!!!

Maryland Statutes of Limitations for Sexual Abuse | LegalMatch Law Library

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