Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out

[“What I would say is I have known Brett since I was maybe 16, and I still know him today,” Carr, 51, said. “I knew him in all kinds of social situations and what is being described—I also, by the way, know Mark Judge, obviously—and the scenario that is being described is not one that I could ever put either one of those guys in, even under the influence of alcohol or any of that.”/QUOTE]
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten
Do you realize not many people actually believe her? And that she won't fly across country won't look so great either?

I hope they vote on Monday or Wed at the latest, no matter what she does.
What makes you think that "not many people" believe her? I think the opposite is true. Maybe not in the conservative echo chamber but everywhere else certainly.
According to the poll I saw on the news last night, only about thirty-some percent believe her and another thirty-some percent quite sensibly say they don't know.
So over 70% do not believe the accusations at this point... nice.. And that was a far left poll... that should scare the hell outa you dimwits..
I have been looking at this, from the time Kennedy announced his retirement, as inevitable that a conservative will be appointed to the court. Even if the Dems take both houses, are they going to block the President's nominations for the next two years in hopes a Democrat replaces him in 2020?
Nothing scary here as far as I'm concerned.
Most looked at it as the reason not to vote for Hillary.

So if one of them were black they would believe Ford? What if one of them were Asian? Cite your supporting evidence, please. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are also white and they are someone sympathetic to Ford, but according to you, they shouldn't be.. How are them being white have any relevancy whatsoever?


Doesn't even remotely answer my question. Wanna try again, troll?

Not a matter of "believing Ford". It's a matter of optics. The R Party would be taken more seriously with more women and more diversity.
They look nothing like America looks.
I would have no problem with either Murkowski or Collins and would be happy to see either on the SJC.
WHO's trolling?

There you have it. The cuckolded Democrats are using the victims of real sexual assault for the purpose of optics.

Let that sink in.
guess you believe all 18 women who called trump a pervert a molester were all lying?

I don’t care how many cuckolded men try to pull this crap, it doesn’t make you look any less pussywhipped.
Yeah he's just getting lucky all over the place

Lucky? I wouldn't give Trumps troubles to a MONKEY ON A ROCK!
Policy wise duh.....

Yeah, WINNING! :rolleyes:


What a Hoot...…..

You have no idea how ignorant and misinformed you are.

Every post you make solidifies your stupidity…………………….

Trump holds all the cards..

You TARDS are in danger of losing it all….

Is life Great or what?

We're highly unlikely to see you after 11-6 :)

We shall see....

But I think your libtard Freak Show is in Deep Shit...….
Cept you got nothing......in the real world facts matter
In the real world, perception matters more, when it comes to politics.

Spoken like a true lying libtard…………..
Which part, you crybaby? Damn Deno, you are the whiniest old man I have met. Are you saying that perception doesn't matter more than facts, in politics? What an odd thing for a Trump cultist to say, if so.

This was true in the past when your lying

Left wing media controlled the news and all the polls….

We are in a new day….

Now it’s the TRUTH that MATTERS and this

Is very bad news for all you libtards.
TRUTH?? lol you republican traitors dare mention that word when you support the worlds greatest liar EVER to step a foot into our WH ?

Name one bigger than....

If you like your Doctor you can keep him, you Dip Shit
Cept you got nothing......in the real world facts matter
In the real world, perception matters more, when it comes to politics.

Spoken like a true lying libtard…………..
Which part, you crybaby? Damn Deno, you are the whiniest old man I have met. Are you saying that perception doesn't matter more than facts, in politics? What an odd thing for a Trump cultist to say, if so.

This was true in the past when your lying

Left wing media controlled the news and all the polls….

We are in a new day….

Now it’s the TRUTH that MATTERS and this

Is very bad news for all you libtards.

You are one of a kind Deno - Gonna be a hard fall! :lol:

It's you libtards that are in for a hard fall.
Cept you got nothing......in the real world facts matter
In the real world, perception matters more, when it comes to politics.

Spoken like a true lying libtard…………..
Which part, you crybaby? Damn Deno, you are the whiniest old man I have met. Are you saying that perception doesn't matter more than facts, in politics? What an odd thing for a Trump cultist to say, if so.

This was true in the past when your lying

Left wing media controlled the news and all the polls….

We are in a new day….

Now it’s the TRUTH that MATTERS and this

Is very bad news for all you libtards.
Cohen and Manafort are going to give you so much truth you and trump wil vomit all over yourselves

You should sue cnn for your ignorance...…..
What makes you think that "not many people" believe her? I think the opposite is true. Maybe not in the conservative echo chamber but everywhere else certainly.

26% think the accusation is credible. Believe it.

And 28% think it's not. According to that poll there are also less than 35% who think he should be confirmed.

Polls rarely say anything meaningful.

Moving those goalposts all around. You wanted the polling numbers; now that you have them, they're not meaningful.

Fact is, about half the people who have heard her story don't find it credible. Doesn't matter what they think about Kavanaugh; he was going to be confirmed with those numbers anyway. People are not going ballistic over Ford. She's just not all that credible and it was a long time ago. Those are the facts.
A. I didn't ask for polling numbers.

2. I think she's very credible.

C. You wanted him confirmed even though most folks didn't? Why?

1. You asked me what made me think "not very many" people think she's credible. What was I supposed to provide: my opinion, my husband's opinion and my neighbor's opinions? What did you want other than polls? That's how opinions are tracked. SMH

2. Okay. Again. About half the people who have heard her story do not.

3. He's very qualified and he will hold the conservative line. Leftists are petrified about this because they push their agenda through via the Court. Too bad, so sad, you lost. Deal. With. It. :dance:
Judges aren't supposed to "hold the line".
And 28% think it's not. According to that poll there are also less than 35% who think he should be confirmed.

Polls rarely say anything meaningful.

Moving those goalposts all around. You wanted the polling numbers; now that you have them, they're not meaningful.

Fact is, about half the people who have heard her story don't find it credible. Doesn't matter what they think about Kavanaugh; he was going to be confirmed with those numbers anyway. People are not going ballistic over Ford. She's just not all that credible and it was a long time ago. Those are the facts.
A. I didn't ask for polling numbers.

2. I think she's very credible.

C. You wanted him confirmed even though most folks didn't? Why?

1. You asked me what made me think "not very many" people think she's credible. What was I supposed to provide: my opinion, my husband's opinion and my neighbor's opinions? What did you want other than polls? That's how opinions are tracked. SMH

2. Okay. Again. About half the people who have heard her story do not.

3. He's very qualified and he will hold the conservative line. Leftists are petrified about this because they push their agenda through via the Court. Too bad, so sad, you lost. Deal. With. It. :dance:
Judges aren't supposed to "hold the line".

Judges are supposed to hold the line.

The Constitution is the line and they’re supposed to say “you may go no further”.
If Kavenaugh is a sexual predator, why haven't other women come forward ?

OH WAIT, they have !!!

EXCLUSIVE: Longtime Female Friend Who Signed Letter Supporting Kavanaugh Speaks Out
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten
What makes you think that "not many people" believe her? I think the opposite is true. Maybe not in the conservative echo chamber but everywhere else certainly.
According to the poll I saw on the news last night, only about thirty-some percent believe her and another thirty-some percent quite sensibly say they don't know.
So over 70% do not believe the accusations at this point... nice.. And that was a far left poll... that should scare the hell outa you dimwits..
I have been looking at this, from the time Kennedy announced his retirement, as inevitable that a conservative will be appointed to the court. Even if the Dems take both houses, are they going to block the President's nominations for the next two years in hopes a Democrat replaces him in 2020?
Nothing scary here as far as I'm concerned.
Most looked at it as the reason not to vote for Hillary.

View attachment 217934
I love this meme, I'm gonna steal it.
And 28% think it's not. According to that poll there are also less than 35% who think he should be confirmed.

Polls rarely say anything meaningful.

Moving those goalposts all around. You wanted the polling numbers; now that you have them, they're not meaningful.

Fact is, about half the people who have heard her story don't find it credible. Doesn't matter what they think about Kavanaugh; he was going to be confirmed with those numbers anyway. People are not going ballistic over Ford. She's just not all that credible and it was a long time ago. Those are the facts.
A. I didn't ask for polling numbers.

2. I think she's very credible.

C. You wanted him confirmed even though most folks didn't? Why?

1. You asked me what made me think "not very many" people think she's credible. What was I supposed to provide: my opinion, my husband's opinion and my neighbor's opinions? What did you want other than polls? That's how opinions are tracked. SMH

2. Okay. Again. About half the people who have heard her story do not.

3. He's very qualified and he will hold the conservative line. Leftists are petrified about this because they push their agenda through via the Court. Too bad, so sad, you lost. Deal. With. It. :dance:
Judges aren't supposed to "hold the line".

Judges are supposed to hold the line.

The Constitution is the line and they’re supposed to say “you may go no further”.
She wants him to reverse things that other judges have agreed we're constitutional for decades. "Hold the conservative line" is the exact phrase used. No mention of constitutionality.
Moving those goalposts all around. You wanted the polling numbers; now that you have them, they're not meaningful.

Fact is, about half the people who have heard her story don't find it credible. Doesn't matter what they think about Kavanaugh; he was going to be confirmed with those numbers anyway. People are not going ballistic over Ford. She's just not all that credible and it was a long time ago. Those are the facts.
A. I didn't ask for polling numbers.

2. I think she's very credible.

C. You wanted him confirmed even though most folks didn't? Why?

1. You asked me what made me think "not very many" people think she's credible. What was I supposed to provide: my opinion, my husband's opinion and my neighbor's opinions? What did you want other than polls? That's how opinions are tracked. SMH

2. Okay. Again. About half the people who have heard her story do not.

3. He's very qualified and he will hold the conservative line. Leftists are petrified about this because they push their agenda through via the Court. Too bad, so sad, you lost. Deal. With. It. :dance:
Judges aren't supposed to "hold the line".

Judges are supposed to hold the line.

The Constitution is the line and they’re supposed to say “you may go no further”.
She wants him to reverse things that other judges have agreed we're constitutional for decades. "Hold the conservative line" is the exact phrase used. No mention of constitutionality.

Some would argue that the conservative line is the constitutional line.

Many believe the Supreme Court got it wrong on Roe v Wade.

The Constitution doesn’t grant the federal government the right to regulate abortion nor does it provide protection of abortion as an intrinsic right of the individual. The Constitution is silent on the matter which means it’s supposed to be reserved to the states or the individuals where the state remains silent.
I'll give this to Love.....at least the guy has balls. He's wrong on shit more consistently than anybody else in here.....by far.....but keeps posting up threads all the same.
Many believe the Supreme Court got it wrong on Roe v
So what? Many believe the Earth is flat. But most don't.

There was a time most believed the world was flat. Then someone proved that was wrong.
And there was a time when most people thought abortion should be illegal. And Roe v Wade proved them wrong. Now, most people think it should not be illegal, or even restricted from elective status.
Many believe the Supreme Court got it wrong on Roe v
So what? Many believe the Earth is flat. But most don't.

There was a time most believed the world was flat. Then someone proved that was wrong.
And there was a time when most people thought abortion should be illegal. And Roe v Wade proved them wrong. Now, most people think it should not be illegal, or even restricted from elective status.

Roe v Wade didn’t prove anyone wrong if someone manages to prove Roe v Wade is wrong.

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