Dr Ford is outplaying these wrinkly white octogenarians - and they don't even know it!

At least the fake DrLove has finally outed himself as a racist by putting "white" in the thread title. .... :thup:
yea she claims she is an independent too...another one who always backs the democrats,just like most real independents do...

Not true, a butt-ton of Indies voted for Trump. They are suffering buyers remorse at this point.
Of course, Trump is neither a conservative nor a Republican. :wink:
i was talking about you not everyone else.....

Ahhh, but you would be wrong about that Harry my boy. My first two votes for POTUS were for Ronald Reagan. And I didn't vote for Hillary and have voted for Republicans MANY times since.

I'll give ya one more swing ;)

If you think anyone to believe someone who uses actual sex abuse victims for OPTICS, you a dumber cuck then I even thought.
If you think anyone to believe someone who uses actual sex abuse victims for OPTICS, you a dumber cuck then I even thought.

"If you think anyone to believe"

Until you're able to use sentence structure that proves you weren't homeschooled by Granny from the Hillbillies?
Go away ;)
lets see you say ....democrats suck and the party should go straight to hell right behind the republicans....if you repeat that here in these threads i will believe you....

Yeah whatever - Anyone who has paid attention knows that I think the Dems messaging has SUCKED Donkey dicks, that Hillary was a MISERABLE candidate (same as she was in 2008) - and that Obama's Afghan surge was a horrific mistake.

But none of that compares to the human (status still in question) disaster that is Donald Drumpf who is neither a Republican nor a conservative.
many democrats have said the same here....a real independent would have no problem repeating what i asked....so yeah whatever....nice dance though....
lets see you say ....democrats suck and the party should go straight to hell right behind the republicans....if you repeat that here in these threads i will believe you....

Yeah whatever - Anyone who has paid attention knows that I think the Dems messaging has SUCKED Donkey dicks, that Hillary was a MISERABLE candidate (same as she was in 2008) - and that Obama's Afghan surge was a horrific mistake.

But none of that compares to the human (status still in question) disaster that is Donald Drumpf who is neither a Republican nor a conservative.
many democrats have said the same here....a real independent would have no problem repeating what i asked....so yeah whatever....nice dance though....

I don't parrot the words of others, but said essentially the same thing.
Nite Harry
Yep,just like that. Clearly, all are paid liars. Ford, too. Just ask a USMB swamp creature.

Ford is lying for abortion. Abortion is your religion. Abortion is her religion. You fear that Kavanaugh might keep a baby alive. You'll do or say anything to keep that from happening.

Top to bottom this is about abortion and only abortion. All of you Nazi scum seek to destroy Kavanaugh because abortion is your god.
Just yesterday they were claiming that if Kav was guilty, then "more women would have come forward".
By that logic - They've gotta know Drumpf the Pussy Grabber is guilty as sin!

According to you Nazis, an accusation is guilt. No matter how absurd the accusation is (I don't know what year it was or what planet it happened on,) being accused is guilt.

Yes you evil pigs demand "guilty until proven innocent," but there is no proof of innocence you Nazis will accept.

Hard to prove he wasn't at a particular party when you Nazis don't say what year the party was held, or where.

He is guilty because he is Juden.
Poll of the week: A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds that 34% of Americans support the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, while 38% are opposed. This poll is in line with a recent poll from Gallup in which 39% of Americans were for confirmation and 42% were opposed.
Looney liberals and their worship of poll numbers. ... :cuckoo:

Polls say Hillary to win by 98% landslide. ... :lol: :lol:
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations
Exactly why does being wrinkly and white make one less credible?

Exactly. Dianne Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer can't help that they're older than DC itself. Geez.
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations

Do you realize not many people actually believe her? And that she won't fly across country won't look so great either?

I hope they vote on Monday or Wed at the latest, no matter what she does.

Jake believes her!

Oh does he? Bless his sweet heart. I have him on ignore. You know he thinks I'm a foreigner, right? Because I have "unusual syntax and grammar", so that MUST mean I'm not a native English speaker. Him and the horse guy were in on this together and wouldn't let it go. I asked if either of them were linguists or some-such. Of course not, they just play a couple of dopey experts on the internet. Heh
So if one of them were black they would believe Ford? What if one of them were Asian? Cite your supporting evidence, please. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are also white and they are someone sympathetic to Ford, but according to you, they shouldn't be.. How are them being white have any relevancy whatsoever?


Doesn't even remotely answer my question. Wanna try again, troll?

Not a matter of "believing Ford". It's a matter of optics. The R Party would be taken more seriously with more women and more diversity.
They look nothing like America looks.
I would have no problem with either Murkowski or Collins and would be happy to see either on the SJC.
WHO's trolling?

Nothing like a mindless sycophant worshiping at the Altar of Diversity.

You've learned their lessons so well. Congrats on the brainwashing. I would say it looks good on you but, it doesn't.
If you think anyone to believe someone who uses actual sex abuse victims for OPTICS, you a dumber cuck then I even thought.

"If you think anyone to believe"

Until you're able to use sentence structure that proves you weren't homeschooled by Granny from the Hillbillies?
Go away ;)

You KNOW they don't want to answer the question when they pick on your word choices or typos. Cowardly.
If you think anyone to believe someone who uses actual sex abuse victims for OPTICS, you a dumber cuck then I even thought.

"If you think anyone to believe"

Until you're able to use sentence structure that proves you weren't homeschooled by Granny from the Hillbillies?
Go away ;)

Wow, what a weakassed response. Easy to tell you’ve been cuckolded.
If you think anyone to believe someone who uses actual sex abuse victims for OPTICS, you a dumber cuck then I even thought.

"If you think anyone to believe"

Until you're able to use sentence structure that proves you weren't homeschooled by Granny from the Hillbillies?
Go away ;)

You KNOW they don't want to answer the question when they pick on your word choices or typos. Cowardly.

What do you expect from the pussy whipped?
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations

DeRpHate, they can simply have the confirmation vote on Monday and put Justice Kavanaugh on the court.

You Communists have no cards. You fabricated this to delay, and you delayed for a week.
we have cards Rape cards pussy grabbing cards child molesting cards I could fill a whole deck of cards thanks to all the scumbags in Republican party
Obviously, she was paid to lie by the RNC.

Comrade, you spew stupidity, it is your job for the party.

Still, the "lawyers" (thugs) for Ford are proven Soros paid operatives, not rumor, not sarcasm, proven Soros thugs.

Kavanaugh Accuser's Lawyer is Vice Chair of Soros-Funded Organization Opposing Kavanaugh - Geller Report

Show that this person is in any way connected to the RNC?
Haha, freaks like you can always be counted on to do the footwork of the paid liars.

Clearly, the people speaking out against ford are paid liars. Right? I mean, if you freaks get to make shit up with a straight face, then so do I.
Just like the 18 calling trump a molester and abuser of women were all liars too ? IF just one was telling the truth trump should be yanked from the presidency and beaten

Just yesterday they were claiming that if Kav was guilty, then "more women would have come forward".
By that logic - They've gotta know Drumpf the Pussy Grabber is guilty as sin!

Kavenaugh doesn't have a pattern of sexual assaults, or in this era of the #MeToo hysteria others would have piled on by now.
We do however have many other women who have come forward and stood up for his honor and character.

If this incident happened at all, I'm betting it was just teenagers having a drinking house party with wrestling around and roughhousing.
You guys are attempting to smear this man as being a Bill Cosby, or Harvey Weinstein, and it's obviously not the case.
if 17 more came up and accused him like 18 did with trump you'd still be calling bs
I bet ya she is at the Betty Ford clinic right now getting IVs pumped in her veins


So if one of them were black they would believe Ford? What if one of them were Asian? Cite your supporting evidence, please. Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski are also white and they are someone sympathetic to Ford, but according to you, they shouldn't be.. How are them being white have any relevancy whatsoever?


Doesn't even remotely answer my question. Wanna try again, troll?

Not a matter of "believing Ford". It's a matter of optics. The R Party would be taken more seriously with more women and more diversity.
They look nothing like America looks.
I would have no problem with either Murkowski or Collins and would be happy to see either on the SJC.
WHO's trolling?

There you have it. The cuckolded Democrats are using the victims of real sexual assault for the purpose of optics.

Let that sink in.
guess you believe all 18 women who called trump a pervert a molester were all lying?
One would think that they'd have realized by now that they have no good options? And for the record, if she decides not to show on Wednesday, she could immediately file a lawsuit against Bart O'Kavanaugh in Maryland - where there is no statute of limitation on rape or attempted rape.

Well, it seems that the Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee will continue to play stupid games with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, and with the possibility of her appearing before them next week, when all their kangaroo suits will come back from the cleaners. She wants to appear on Thursday. They now have offered Wednesday, after insisting for several days on a hearing on Monday next. From Politico:

Haven't these people learned yet that they can't make Dr. Ford do anything she doesn't want to do? Haven't they figured out yet that they really don't have decent options? They extended their deadline for Dr. Ford to respond on Friday, and they've already backed off a Monday hearing. They are negotiating very badly, as will often be the case when you have no good negotiating position at all. So, they're scrambling while Kavanaugh's polling numbers sink into the Potomac.

Not only that, but Dr. Ford's team knows very well how to press an advantage.

The GOP has been told that Ford does not want to fly from her California home to Washington, according to a Republican senator, which means she may need to drive across the country to make the hearing. Ford has reportedly told friends she is uncomfortable in confined spaces, indicating a physical difficulty in making the trip by plane.

I wonder why she might be uncomfortable in confined spaces?​

Christine Blasey Ford Is Beating Senate Republicans in Brett Kavanaugh Hearing Negotiations
I will not testify on a boat,
I will not testify with a goat.
I will not testify, Here nor there.
I will not testify anywhere.
I will not testify first. Or last.
I will not testify slow or fast.
There's nothing more for me to say.
I can't remember, anyway.

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