Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde?


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
Looks like Biden is the JeKILL now.

He had voted against federal funding for abortion until now, citing his faith as the reason. Well it looks like his faith no longer plays a factor with Joe anymore, not that it ever really did.

I see this as a miscalculation, however. Joe thinks that he needs to make the flip in order to appease the radical left in his own party. In other words, he does not believe he can win the nomination without going full bore infanticide, but I think the democrats feel like they needed Joe in order to appear a little more normal and a little less like they truly are, which is anti-White, anti-male, and anti-life. Democrats will show up in droves no matter the empty suit or dress that wins the nomination, knowing they will appoint all radical far left judges to keep abortion federally funded and legal no matter what they have said in the past about such things as the Hyde amendment.
Looks like Biden is the JeKILL now.

He had voted against federal funding for abortion until now, citing his faith as the reason. Well it looks like his faith no longer plays a factor with Joe anymore, not that it ever really did.

I see this as a miscalculation, however. Joe thinks that he needs to make the flip in order to appease the radical left in his own party. In other words, he does not believe he can win the nomination without going full bore infanticide, but I think the democrats feel like they needed Joe in order to appear a little more normal and a little less like they truly are, which is anti-White, anti-male, and anti-life. Democrats will show up in droves no matter the empty suit or dress that wins the nomination, knowing they will appoint all radical far left judges to keep abortion federally funded and legal no matter what they have said in the past about such things as the Hyde amendment.

Perhaps the truest testament to the Democrat Party's mania and madness is in its psychotic competition with itself to move farther to the left, as if doing so will make them more popular with an American citizenry in general who want nothing to do with postmodern cultural changes. So in effect, the Democrats are pandering to no one but themselves, to their own internal ideological base, who are comprised largely of hardcore radicalized intelligentsia, their twitter mob acolytes and their bought and paid for mercenary media and Hollywood ideologue mogul propagandists. The American People want sane. The Democratic Party seeks only to centralize power for power's sake. If a fair election is even possible at this point, the Democratic Party should never win another election, at least not until their postmodernist core has been purged.
Looks like Biden is the JeKILL now.

He had voted against federal funding for abortion until now, citing his faith as the reason. Well it looks like his faith no longer plays a factor with Joe anymore, not that it ever really did.

I see this as a miscalculation, however. Joe thinks that he needs to make the flip in order to appease the radical left in his own party. In other words, he does not believe he can win the nomination without going full bore infanticide, but I think the democrats feel like they needed Joe in order to appear a little more normal and a little less like they truly are, which is anti-White, anti-male, and anti-life. Democrats will show up in droves no matter the empty suit or dress that wins the nomination, knowing they will appoint all radical far left judges to keep abortion federally funded and legal no matter what they have said in the past about such things as the Hyde amendment.

Politicians, democrats in particular will tell you whatever they think you want to hear until they get in office. Trump is that rare person who actually tells you what he really thinks no matter what you might think of it! But instead of being lauded for his honesty, he is attacked. America doesn't want honesty in a president. They want an ACTOR.
Looks like Biden is the JeKILL now.

He had voted against federal funding for abortion until now, citing his faith as the reason. Well it looks like his faith no longer plays a factor with Joe anymore, not that it ever really did.

I see this as a miscalculation, however. Joe thinks that he needs to make the flip in order to appease the radical left in his own party. In other words, he does not believe he can win the nomination without going full bore infanticide, but I think the democrats feel like they needed Joe in order to appear a little more normal and a little less like they truly are, which is anti-White, anti-male, and anti-life. Democrats will show up in droves no matter the empty suit or dress that wins the nomination, knowing they will appoint all radical far left judges to keep abortion federally funded and legal no matter what they have said in the past about such things as the Hyde amendment.
The left never met a moral value they wouldn't betray for political gain
Looks like Biden is the JeKILL now.

He had voted against federal funding for abortion until now, citing his faith as the reason. Well it looks like his faith no longer plays a factor with Joe anymore, not that it ever really did.

I see this as a miscalculation, however. Joe thinks that he needs to make the flip in order to appease the radical left in his own party. In other words, he does not believe he can win the nomination without going full bore infanticide, but I think the democrats feel like they needed Joe in order to appear a little more normal and a little less like they truly are, which is anti-White, anti-male, and anti-life. Democrats will show up in droves no matter the empty suit or dress that wins the nomination, knowing they will appoint all radical far left judges to keep abortion federally funded and legal no matter what they have said in the past about such things as the Hyde amendment.

Perhaps the truest testament to the Democrat Party's mania and madness is in its psychotic competition with itself to move farther to the left, as if doing so will make them more popular with an American citizenry in general who want nothing to do with postmodern cultural changes. So in effect, the Democrats are pandering to no one but themselves, to their own internal ideological base, who are comprised largely of hardcore radicalized intelligentsia, their twitter mob acolytes and their bought and paid for mercenary media and Hollywood ideologue mogul propagandists. The American People want sane. The Democratic Party seeks only to centralize power for power's sake. If a fair election is even possible at this point, the Democratic Party should never win another election, at least not until their postmodernist core has been purged.
They are playing to the states with the most electors.
Floppy Joe will believe in the tooth fairy, as long as there's a vote in it for him.

Sad that we are serving the politicians.
They were supposed to serve 'We the People'.
Something changed along the way on the yellow brick road.

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