Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

MLK was not in favor of interracial marriage. He wanted to keep the black race pure.

HIs view of equality was quite different from yours and the current race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and BLM.

Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL- so you believe Martin Luther King Jr. was against interracial marriage because he specifically said he was for interracial marriage being legal

NO, dingleberry, its the second part of the quote you need to read and try to comprehend. "not his brother in law, but his brother"
Name some

welfare, food stamps, AIDC, all encourage women to produce as many kids as possible and not marry. All of those programs contain a financial penalty for marriage.

You are partially right. Our welfare laws which prohibit a father from living in the household encourage single parenting

do you favor or oppose those laws?

I favor laws that feed poor children

me too. I was asking about laws that reward women for having more kids without a husband.

When you punish single women for having more children ....who pays the price?
The woman or the children?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade

Choosing to celebrate and support illegitimacy has certainly been the policy.

And we don't have "Free Trade". We have trading partners aggressively pursuing their interests while we bend over and take it.

Reduce competition for good jobs from immigrants. Bring back good jobs. Stop celebrating illegitimacy.

Watch the black family grow stronger, watch crime drop.

And you have responded by turning up the panic mongering and propaganda to 12.

We need to be consistent on our welfare policy

We either need to encourage welfare families to form strong family units or not. Right now, we punish families for having a male in the house. The male is told, get a job or else....regardless of whether there are jobs or not
So his natural reaction is to distance himself from the family
Removing benefits from single mothers as punishment is not the answer
Nobody in poverty has ever done better because of reduced benefits

How about some of our black leaders condemning rap culture that refers to women as "hos" and "bitches" ? Has Obama ever said anything against that? NO, he invited the gangstas to the whitehouse instead.

Who cares?

Listening to rap does not cause pregnancy
Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL- so you believe Martin Luther King Jr. was against interracial marriage because he specifically said he was for interracial marriage being legal

NO, dingleberry, its the second part of the quote you need to read and try to comprehend. "not his brother in law, but his brother"

Which does absolutely nothing to negate his stated support of Interracial marriage

Have you always struggled with the English language?
welfare, food stamps, AIDC, all encourage women to produce as many kids as possible and not marry. All of those programs contain a financial penalty for marriage.

You are partially right. Our welfare laws which prohibit a father from living in the household encourage single parenting

do you favor or oppose those laws?

I favor laws that feed poor children

me too. I was asking about laws that reward women for having more kids without a husband.

When you punish single women for having more children ....who pays the price?
The woman or the children?

not the point. If there was no financial reward do you think they might keep their legs together? Many of these ghetto moms are producing kids solely for the extra money. Stop feeling sorry for everyone and wake up to whats really going on.

I too feel for these kids and they need our help. But the system is fucked up and needs fixing.
The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade

Choosing to celebrate and support illegitimacy has certainly been the policy.

And we don't have "Free Trade". We have trading partners aggressively pursuing their interests while we bend over and take it.

Reduce competition for good jobs from immigrants. Bring back good jobs. Stop celebrating illegitimacy.

Watch the black family grow stronger, watch crime drop.

And you have responded by turning up the panic mongering and propaganda to 12.

We need to be consistent on our welfare policy

We either need to encourage welfare families to form strong family units or not. Right now, we punish families for having a male in the house. The male is told, get a job or else....regardless of whether there are jobs or not
So his natural reaction is to distance himself from the family
Removing benefits from single mothers as punishment is not the answer
Nobody in poverty has ever done better because of reduced benefits

How about some of our black leaders condemning rap culture that refers to women as "hos" and "bitches" ? Has Obama ever said anything against that? NO, he invited the gangstas to the whitehouse instead.

Who cares?

Listening to rap does not cause pregnancy

not directly, but it degrades our culture, especially the black culture. Listen to Ben Carson or Alan West on this. There are many black leaders who understand, too bad that you refuse to.
Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL- so you believe Martin Luther King Jr. was against interracial marriage because he specifically said he was for interracial marriage being legal

NO, dingleberry, its the second part of the quote you need to read and try to comprehend. "not his brother in law, but his brother"

Which does absolutely nothing to negate his stated support of Interracial marriage

Have you always struggled with the English language?

Sorry dude, but the one with the comprehension problem is you. Acknowledging that something should be legal does not mean that you approve of it. If he approved of it why would he say "not my brother in law, but my brother" ?
You are partially right. Our welfare laws which prohibit a father from living in the household encourage single parenting

do you favor or oppose those laws?

I favor laws that feed poor children

me too. I was asking about laws that reward women for having more kids without a husband.

When you punish single women for having more children ....who pays the price?
The woman or the children?

not the point. If there was no financial reward do you think they might keep their legs together? Many of these ghetto moms are producing kids solely for the extra money. Stop feeling sorry for everyone and wake up to whats really going on.

I too feel for these kids and they need our help. But the system is fucked up and needs fixing.

Most people fuck for other than financial reasons

LOL- so you believe Martin Luther King Jr. was against interracial marriage because he specifically said he was for interracial marriage being legal

NO, dingleberry, its the second part of the quote you need to read and try to comprehend. "not his brother in law, but his brother"

Which does absolutely nothing to negate his stated support of Interracial marriage

Have you always struggled with the English language?

Sorry dude, but the one with the comprehension problem is you. Acknowledging that something should be legal does not mean that you approve of it. If he approved of it why would he say "not my brother in law, but my brother" ?

OK...explain what that means

Do you know what brotherhood means?
do you favor or oppose those laws?

I favor laws that feed poor children

me too. I was asking about laws that reward women for having more kids without a husband.

When you punish single women for having more children ....who pays the price?
The woman or the children?

not the point. If there was no financial reward do you think they might keep their legs together? Many of these ghetto moms are producing kids solely for the extra money. Stop feeling sorry for everyone and wake up to whats really going on.

I too feel for these kids and they need our help. But the system is fucked up and needs fixing.

Most people fuck for other than financial reasons

very true, however when you also get paid for it-------------------------------------

LOL- so you believe Martin Luther King Jr. was against interracial marriage because he specifically said he was for interracial marriage being legal

NO, dingleberry, its the second part of the quote you need to read and try to comprehend. "not his brother in law, but his brother"

Which does absolutely nothing to negate his stated support of Interracial marriage

Have you always struggled with the English language?

Sorry dude, but the one with the comprehension problem is you. Acknowledging that something should be legal does not mean that you approve of it. If he approved of it why would he say "not my brother in law, but my brother" ?

OK...explain what that means

Do you know what brotherhood means?

Sorry, I am not here to be your English teacher but since you asked. "not my brother in law" = I don't want you marrying my sister. "but my brother" = all men are brothers regardless of race.
LOL- so you believe Martin Luther King Jr. was against interracial marriage because he specifically said he was for interracial marriage being legal

NO, dingleberry, its the second part of the quote you need to read and try to comprehend. "not his brother in law, but his brother"

Which does absolutely nothing to negate his stated support of Interracial marriage

Have you always struggled with the English language?

Sorry dude, but the one with the comprehension problem is you. Acknowledging that something should be legal does not mean that you approve of it. If he approved of it why would he say "not my brother in law, but my brother" ?

OK...explain what that means

Do you know what brotherhood means?

Sorry, I am not here to be your English teacher but since you asked. "not my brother in law" = I don't want you marrying my sister. "but my brother" = all men are brothers regardless of race.

It is an encouragement of the "brotherhood of all races" not a condemnation of interracial marriage which he says HE SUPPORTS
NO, dingleberry, its the second part of the quote you need to read and try to comprehend. "not his brother in law, but his brother"

Which does absolutely nothing to negate his stated support of Interracial marriage

Have you always struggled with the English language?

Sorry dude, but the one with the comprehension problem is you. Acknowledging that something should be legal does not mean that you approve of it. If he approved of it why would he say "not my brother in law, but my brother" ?

OK...explain what that means

Do you know what brotherhood means?

Sorry, I am not here to be your English teacher but since you asked. "not my brother in law" = I don't want you marrying my sister. "but my brother" = all men are brothers regardless of race.

It is an encouragement of the "brotherhood of all races" not a condemnation of interracial marriage which he says HE SUPPORTS

Yeah sure, and I have some prime ocean front property in Kansas that you can buy cheap.

The brainwashing and indoctrination of the left is shown daily in your postings.
So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade

Choosing to celebrate and support illegitimacy has certainly been the policy.

And we don't have "Free Trade". We have trading partners aggressively pursuing their interests while we bend over and take it.

Reduce competition for good jobs from immigrants. Bring back good jobs. Stop celebrating illegitimacy.

Watch the black family grow stronger, watch crime drop.

And you have responded by turning up the panic mongering and propaganda to 12.

We need to be consistent on our welfare policy

We either need to encourage welfare families to form strong family units or not. Right now, we punish families for having a male in the house. The male is told, get a job or else....regardless of whether there are jobs or not
So his natural reaction is to distance himself from the family
Removing benefits from single mothers as punishment is not the answer
Nobody in poverty has ever done better because of reduced benefits

So, what is the answer?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade

Choosing to celebrate and support illegitimacy has certainly been the policy.

And we don't have "Free Trade". We have trading partners aggressively pursuing their interests while we bend over and take it.

Reduce competition for good jobs from immigrants. Bring back good jobs. Stop celebrating illegitimacy.

Watch the black family grow stronger, watch crime drop.

And you have responded by turning up the panic mongering and propaganda to 12.

We need to be consistent on our welfare policy

We either need to encourage welfare families to form strong family units or not. Right now, we punish families for having a male in the house. The male is told, get a job or else....regardless of whether there are jobs or not
So his natural reaction is to distance himself from the family
Removing benefits from single mothers as punishment is not the answer
Nobody in poverty has ever done better because of reduced benefits

So, what is the answer?

he doesn't have one. he, like all libs, just feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels for everyone. no common sense, just emooooooooooooooootions.
Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL...did you read your quote

He approves of interracial marriage

duh, "not to be his brother in law but his brother" Read the entire quote in context, it is quite clear that he did not support interracial marriage. He said it happened, that's all.

King On Intermarriage
"In a truly integrated society, in¬ terracial marriage should be legal. This is not a true problem, since individuals marry, not races. School integration has not led to an in¬ crease in such marriages. The basic aim of the Negro is not to become the white man's brother-in-law, but his brother."


LOL- and once again Redfish swings and misses.

Martin Luther King Jr. says interracial marriage should be legal- and never says anything against inter-racial marriage.

Swing and miss.
Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL...did you read your quote

He approves of interracial marriage

duh, "not to be his brother in law but his brother" Read the entire quote in context, it is quite clear that he did not support interracial marriage. He said it happened, that's all.

King On Intermarriage
"In a truly integrated society, in¬ terracial marriage should be legal. This is not a true problem, since individuals marry, not races. School integration has not led to an in¬ crease in such marriages. The basic aim of the Negro is not to become the white man's brother-in-law, but his brother."


LOL- and once again Redfish swings and misses.

Martin Luther King Jr. says interracial marriage should be legal- and never says anything against inter-racial marriage.

Swing and miss.

"The basic aim of the Negro is not to become the white man's brother-in-law, but his brother."

what exactly do you think that means, dingleberry? If he was for interracial marriage he would have said ".... to become his brother in law and his brother"

MLK did great things, it does him a disservice to lie about him like you libs continually do.

BTW, his son and niece voted for and support Trump. Are they traitors to his memory, or are they intelligent thinking americans?
Television saved this country. If not for the televising of the Civil Rights movement...it wouldn't have gone anywhere.....the democrats and their crime against innocent blacks shown on the news....woke Americans up and then they made the changes necessary. When there was no television.....and they couldn't see what democrats were doing to black Americans...it wasn't on their minds....
Television saved this country. If not for the televising of the Civil Rights movement...it wouldn't have gone anywhere.....the democrats and their crime against innocent blacks shown on the news....woke Americans up and then they made the changes necessary. When there was no television.....and they couldn't see what democrats were doing to black Americans...it wasn't on their minds....

It was Conservatives behind the fire hoses and attack dogs
Not much has changed

LOL...did you read your quote

He approves of interracial marriage

duh, "not to be his brother in law but his brother" Read the entire quote in context, it is quite clear that he did not support interracial marriage. He said it happened, that's all.

King On Intermarriage
"In a truly integrated society, in¬ terracial marriage should be legal. This is not a true problem, since individuals marry, not races. School integration has not led to an in¬ crease in such marriages. The basic aim of the Negro is not to become the white man's brother-in-law, but his brother."


LOL- and once again Redfish swings and misses.

Martin Luther King Jr. says interracial marriage should be legal- and never says anything against inter-racial marriage.

Swing and miss.

"The basic aim of the Negro is not to become the white man's brother-in-law, but his brother."

what exactly do you think that means, dingleberry? If he was for interracial marriage he would have said ".... to become his brother in law and his brother"

MLK did great things, it does him a disservice to lie about him like you libs continually do.

BTW, his son and niece voted for and support Trump. Are they traitors to his memory, or are they intelligent thinking americans?

LOL- who is lying? I mean other than you?

Martin Luther King said nothing against inter-marriage in that statement- you just want to imagine that he did.

Why would anyone be a traitor to anyone by how they voted?

Unlike yourself- I consider all Americans to be intelligent thinking Americans.

The question is why don't you consider the 90% of African Americans who voted for Hillary Clinton to be intelligent Americans?

Meanwhile- what his niece said:
“I pray that all polar opposites learn to Agape Love, live and work together as brothers and sisters—or perish as fools,” she told the American Thinker, responding to a question about whether she hopes Trump will be a pro-life president. “While I voted for Mr. Trump, my confidence remains in God, for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Prayers for President-elect Trump, Congressman Lewis, and everyone including leaders.”

And his son? No record of him voting for Trump- just meeting with him.

And his wife? She is denounced Trump's AG pick long ago

Coretta Scott King's Scathing Takedown Of Jeff Sessions Is A Must-Read | The Huffington Post

Author Coretta Scott King, the widow of Martin Luther King Jr., wrote a scathing testimony against Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) when he was being considered for federal judgeship in 1986. In a letter sent to then-Sen. Strom Thurmond (R-S.C.), King wrote that Sessions “lacks the temperament, fairness, and judgement to be a federal judge” and said that his appointment “would irreparably damage the work of my husband.”

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