Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Dr King would be appalled at a country that could elect Donald Trump

More Blacks and other Minorities voted for Trump than they did Romney or McCain so I think Dr. King would find that interesting.

Ummmmm.......maybe because Romney and McCain were running against a black candidate?

You are not making sense. Trump is supposedly a racist but more blacks and minorities are voting for him because he's not running against a black candidate? Make up your mind.
Dr King would be appalled at a country that could elect Donald Trump

More Blacks and other Minorities voted for Trump than they did Romney or McCain so I think Dr. King would find that interesting.

Ummmmm.......maybe because Romney and McCain were running against a black candidate?

You are not making sense. Trump is supposedly a racist but more blacks and minorities are voting for him because he's not running against a black candidate? Make up your mind.

Ummmmm....you do realize those guys ran against OBAMA don't you?
When JFK became President he wanted no part of Civil Rights. He urged MLK to be patient and that change would come when the time was right

MLK wanted no part of it. He knew that events were moving too fast. MLK did insist on a peaceful movement even though members were being met with extreme violence

Anyone else would have said, I have had enough and returned violence with violence

MLK realized that if they were violent, the blame would be placed on the blacks. As it was, peaceful blacks withstanding violent attacks was a powerful image
THe rampant illegitimacy, the high crime rate, the poor education numbers, ect. ect ect. is an embarrassment to the nation, and to the memory of MLK.

If you would have asked him to describe the state of black american 2017, it would NOT be like it is today.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

In terms of the plight o blacks in our inner cities, I think he would blame the same people that had to be kicking and screaming to the table on integration and equal rights. Some refer to this as the 200 year plan. MLK would also see in play what Booker T. Washington warned us.

“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” Martin Luther King –Speechto Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.
When JFK became President he wanted no part of Civil Rights. He urged MLK to be patient and that change would come when the time was right

MLK wanted no part of it. He knew that events were moving too fast. MLK did insist on a peaceful movement even though members were being met with extreme violence

Anyone else would have said, I have had enough and returned violence with violence

MLK realized that if they were violent, the blame would be placed on the blacks. As it was, peaceful blacks withstanding violent attacks was a powerful image

Yes, it was.

And whom was that image powerful TO?
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

In terms of the plight o blacks in our inner cities, I think he would blame the same people that had to be kicking and screaming to the table on integration and equal rights. Some refer to this as the 200 year plan. MLK would also see in play what Booker T. Washington warned us.

“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” Martin Luther King –Speechto Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and India.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not
Last edited:

THe rampant illegitimacy, the high crime rate, the poor education numbers, ect. ect ect. is an embarrassment to the nation, and to the memory of MLK.

If you would have asked him to describe the state of black american 2017, it would NOT be like it is today.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

MLK was not in favor of interracial marriage. He wanted to keep the black race pure.

HIs view of equality was quite different from yours and the current race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and BLM.

Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
In terms of the plight o blacks in our inner cities, I think he would blame the same people that had to be kicking and screaming to the table on integration and equal rights. Some refer to this as the 200 year plan. MLK would also see in play what Booker T. Washington warned us.

“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” Martin Luther King –Speechto Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

I agree and the welfare system has continued that scenario of unemployed black males and the breakdown of the black family unit.

We are now rewarding women financially for having children out of wedlock, as well as rewarding men financially for not taking responsibility for the actions of their penises.

THe rampant illegitimacy, the high crime rate, the poor education numbers, ect. ect ect. is an embarrassment to the nation, and to the memory of MLK.

If you would have asked him to describe the state of black american 2017, it would NOT be like it is today.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

MLK was not in favor of interracial marriage. He wanted to keep the black race pure.

HIs view of equality was quite different from yours and the current race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and BLM.

Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage
In terms of the plight o blacks in our inner cities, I think he would blame the same people that had to be kicking and screaming to the table on integration and equal rights. Some refer to this as the 200 year plan. MLK would also see in play what Booker T. Washington warned us.

“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” Martin Luther King –Speechto Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” Martin Luther King –Speechto Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?
THe rampant illegitimacy, the high crime rate, the poor education numbers, ect. ect ect. is an embarrassment to the nation, and to the memory of MLK.

If you would have asked him to describe the state of black american 2017, it would NOT be like it is today.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

MLK was not in favor of interracial marriage. He wanted to keep the black race pure.

HIs view of equality was quite different from yours and the current race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and BLM.

Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

the ones that destroyed the black family unit. Try to keep up.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

MLK was not in favor of interracial marriage. He wanted to keep the black race pure.

HIs view of equality was quite different from yours and the current race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and BLM.

Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL...did you read your quote

He approves of interracial marriage

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