Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

I don't claim his as my own. He would be rolling in his grave if he knew how those that claim to follow what he said actually did things. He said he wanted people to be judged by the content of their character not by their skin. Sad part is those that claim to follow him support programs that emphasize skin color when the content doesn't match up.

Yet MLK supported affirmative action programs because he knew our society needed them
Fair enough but do Affirmative Action programs in 2017 need to be on the same level as 1965?

I was in the workforce in the early 70's
Affirmative action is nowhere close today to what it was when I started working

It's worse.
Affirmative action was much more numerical at the time and there was much more resistance. Most companies automatically comply today...it is a no brainer

What's a no brainer is a dumb piece of shit like you. As I've said, neither of my female family members you referenced needed it. They earned it. If any of yours did, it's because they weren't up to par and had to have the help of thinking a vagina was a qualification.

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

I don't claim his as my own. He would be rolling in his grave if he knew how those that claim to follow what he said actually did things. He said he wanted people to be judged by the content of their character not by their skin. Sad part is those that claim to follow him support programs that emphasize skin color when the content doesn't match up.

Yet MLK supported affirmative action programs because he knew our society needed them

He knew his people needed them. Sad part is he preached content of character but, according to you, he supported color of skin.
Actually, you can do both

Black people were not being hired on the basis of the color of their skin. They were also not being considered for certain occupations because black people were not suited for those jobs.

Affirmative acton took care of the latter

Not according to King. He said judged by the content of their character NOT by then color of their skin.

If not hiring on the basis of skin color was wrong, using skin color to benefit is just as wrong. Hypocrite.

Here comes the republicans to claim him as one of their own, happens every year.

I don't claim his as my own. He would be rolling in his grave if he knew how those that claim to follow what he said actually did things. He said he wanted people to be judged by the content of their character not by their skin. Sad part is those that claim to follow him support programs that emphasize skin color when the content doesn't match up.

Yet MLK supported affirmative action programs because he knew our society needed them

He knew his people needed them. Sad part is he preached content of character but, according to you, he supported color of skin.
Actually, you can do both

Black people were not being hired on the basis of the color of their skin. They were also not being considered for certain occupations because black people were not suited for those jobs.

Affirmative acton took care of the latter

Not according to King. He said judged by the content of their character NOT by then color of their skin.

If not hiring on the basis of skin color was wrong, using skin color to benefit is just as wrong. Hypocrite.
Once again you totally miss Dr Kings quote
He never said you do not help people who need help

Affirmative action was definitely needed and Dr King advocated for it. You could pass all the laws you want, but racist employers were not going to hire minorities unless they were forced to
I don't claim his as my own. He would be rolling in his grave if he knew how those that claim to follow what he said actually did things. He said he wanted people to be judged by the content of their character not by their skin. Sad part is those that claim to follow him support programs that emphasize skin color when the content doesn't match up.

Yet MLK supported affirmative action programs because he knew our society needed them

He knew his people needed them. Sad part is he preached content of character but, according to you, he supported color of skin.
Actually, you can do both

Black people were not being hired on the basis of the color of their skin. They were also not being considered for certain occupations because black people were not suited for those jobs.

Affirmative acton took care of the latter

Not according to King. He said judged by the content of their character NOT by then color of their skin.

If not hiring on the basis of skin color was wrong, using skin color to benefit is just as wrong. Hypocrite.
Once again you totally miss Dr Kings quote
He never said you do not help people who need help

Affirmative action was definitely needed and Dr King advocated for it. You could pass all the laws you want, but racist employers were not going to hire minorities unless they were forced to

Then he was a liar being that he said he wanted people judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. If he supported AA, he supported the latter.

It's a disgrace that a day is set aside for him.
Yet MLK supported affirmative action programs because he knew our society needed them

He knew his people needed them. Sad part is he preached content of character but, according to you, he supported color of skin.
Actually, you can do both

Black people were not being hired on the basis of the color of their skin. They were also not being considered for certain occupations because black people were not suited for those jobs.

Affirmative acton took care of the latter

Not according to King. He said judged by the content of their character NOT by then color of their skin.

If not hiring on the basis of skin color was wrong, using skin color to benefit is just as wrong. Hypocrite.
Once again you totally miss Dr Kings quote
He never said you do not help people who need help

Affirmative action was definitely needed and Dr King advocated for it. You could pass all the laws you want, but racist employers were not going to hire minorities unless they were forced to

Then he was a liar being that he said he wanted people judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. If he supported AA, he supported the latter.

It's a disgrace that a day is set aside for him.

Why must conservatives always take things literally?

They are incapable of considering context
He was an impressive man but to say he saved the country is a bit of an overstatement.

He saved us from ourselves

Are you proud of being a country that officially established second class citizens?
He knew his people needed them. Sad part is he preached content of character but, according to you, he supported color of skin.
Actually, you can do both

Black people were not being hired on the basis of the color of their skin. They were also not being considered for certain occupations because black people were not suited for those jobs.

Affirmative acton took care of the latter

Not according to King. He said judged by the content of their character NOT by then color of their skin.

If not hiring on the basis of skin color was wrong, using skin color to benefit is just as wrong. Hypocrite.
Once again you totally miss Dr Kings quote
He never said you do not help people who need help

Affirmative action was definitely needed and Dr King advocated for it. You could pass all the laws you want, but racist employers were not going to hire minorities unless they were forced to

Then he was a liar being that he said he wanted people judged on the content of their character and not the color of their skin. If he supported AA, he supported the latter.

It's a disgrace that a day is set aside for him.

Why must conservatives always take things literally?

They are incapable of considering context

I go based on what King SAID.

The word "NOT" put it in context. It means doing this instead of that, not doing both.

Which one is it. Do blacks want to be judged by their skin color or content or their character. If they say skin color, so much for having character. If they say character, goodbye to AA.
I bet MLK could have done for us what Mugabe has done for Zimbabwe.

dimocraps would love that
He was an impressive man but to say he saved the country is a bit of an overstatement.

He saved us from ourselves

Are you proud of being a country that officially established second class citizens?
Every country has ugly stuff in it's past I have never pretened America was perfect nor will I pretend one person alone solved our problems MLK was an important figure in the fight for equality but it did not begin with him there were many others leading up to him without them he couldn't have been the man he was and did the things he did.
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He was an impressive man but to say he saved the country is a bit of an overstatement.

He saved us from ourselves

Are you proud of being a country that officially established second class citizens?
Every country has ugly stuff in it's past I have never pretened America was perfect nor will I pretend one person alone solved our problems MLK was an important figure in the fight for equality but it did not begin with him there were many others leading up to him without them he couldn't have been the man he was and did the things he did.

Very true

And George Washington didn't win the Revolutionary War and Lincoln didn't win the Civil War

But we like to honor our leaders
Dr King would be appalled at a country that could elect Donald Trump

THe rampant illegitimacy, the high crime rate, the poor education numbers, ect. ect ect. is an embarrassment to the nation, and to the memory of MLK.

If you would have asked him to describe the state of black american 2017, it would NOT be like it is today.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

And yet, the tone of the community is more like that of the violent radicals he took pains to NOT be.

I've never see a photo of him NOT wearing a suit and tie.

What do you think he would think of the stereotypical yute with his pants half down his ass?
Dr King would be appalled at a country that could elect Donald Trump

i doubt that is true. MLK had to deal with REAL racists, who supported REAL racist polices.

The hysteria of the modern left over someone who wants to deport illegals, would stun and confuse him.

A KKK, with 5 thousand members? He would see today's white America as a Dream come true.

THe rampant illegitimacy, the high crime rate, the poor education numbers, ect. ect ect. is an embarrassment to the nation, and to the memory of MLK.

If you would have asked him to describe the state of black american 2017, it would NOT be like it is today.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

In terms of the plight o blacks in our inner cities, I think he would blame the same people that had to be kicking and screaming to the table on integration and equal rights. Some refer to this as the 200 year plan. MLK would also see in play what Booker T. Washington warned us.

“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” Martin Luther King –Speechto Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.

THe rampant illegitimacy, the high crime rate, the poor education numbers, ect. ect ect. is an embarrassment to the nation, and to the memory of MLK.

If you would have asked him to describe the state of black american 2017, it would NOT be like it is today.
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

In terms of the plight o blacks in our inner cities, I think he would blame the same people that had to be kicking and screaming to the table on integration and equal rights. Some refer to this as the 200 year plan. MLK would also see in play what Booker T. Washington warned us.

“And one day we must ask the question, ‘Why are there forty million poor people in America? And when you begin to ask that question, you are raising questions about the economic system, about a broader distribution of wealth.’ When you ask that question, you begin to question the capitalistic economy. And I’m simply saying that more and more, we’ve got to begin to ask questions about the whole society…” Martin Luther King –Speechto Southern Christian Leadership Conference Atlanta, Georgia, August 16, 1967.

And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

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