Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

the ones that destroyed the black family unit. Try to keep up.
Name some
MLK was not in favor of interracial marriage. He wanted to keep the black race pure.

HIs view of equality was quite different from yours and the current race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and BLM.

Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL...did you read your quote

He approves of interracial marriage

duh, "not to be his brother in law but his brother" Read the entire quote in context, it is quite clear that he did not support interracial marriage. He said it happened, that's all.
SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

the ones that destroyed the black family unit. Try to keep up.
Name some

welfare, food stamps, AIDC, all encourage women to produce as many kids as possible and not marry. All of those programs contain a financial penalty for marriage.
Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL...did you read your quote

He approves of interracial marriage

duh, "not to be his brother in law but his brother" Read the entire quote in context, it is quite clear that he did not support interracial marriage. He said it happened, that's all.
In a truly integrated society, interracial marriage should be legal

Dr King celebrated the Loving vs Virginia decision as a victory for civil rights
I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

the ones that destroyed the black family unit. Try to keep up.
Name some

welfare, food stamps, AIDC, all encourage women to produce as many kids as possible and not marry. All of those programs contain a financial penalty for marriage.

You are partially right. Our welfare laws which prohibit a father from living in the household encourage single parenting
Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL...did you read your quote

He approves of interracial marriage

duh, "not to be his brother in law but his brother" Read the entire quote in context, it is quite clear that he did not support interracial marriage. He said it happened, that's all.
In a truly integrated society, interracial marriage should be legal

Dr King celebrated the Loving vs Virginia decision as a victory for civil rights

yes, legal. abortion is legal. that doesn't make it right.

interpret his words any way you choose, your opinions are of very little value. About as valuable as the dead leaves on my lawn. Maybe good for mulch or fertilizer, but not much else.
So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

the ones that destroyed the black family unit. Try to keep up.
Name some

welfare, food stamps, AIDC, all encourage women to produce as many kids as possible and not marry. All of those programs contain a financial penalty for marriage.

You are partially right. Our welfare laws which prohibit a father from living in the household encourage single parenting

do you favor or oppose those laws?
Which policy?

the ones that destroyed the black family unit. Try to keep up.
Name some

welfare, food stamps, AIDC, all encourage women to produce as many kids as possible and not marry. All of those programs contain a financial penalty for marriage.

You are partially right. Our welfare laws which prohibit a father from living in the household encourage single parenting

do you favor or oppose those laws?

I favor laws that feed poor children
And we tried your way for 50 years. And it has been an utter failure.
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Since MLK said that in 1967, we embraced supply side economics which made the distribution of wealth even worse

SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade
I wouldn't go that far

We have a black President, black CEOs, black managers in sports, black astronauts increased black participation in all fields of our economy. Blacks and whites can marry, neighborhoods and schools are desegregated

I think he would be quite pleased

In terms of the plight of blacks in our inner cities, I think he would place the blame someplace other than you think

MLK was not in favor of interracial marriage. He wanted to keep the black race pure.

HIs view of equality was quite different from yours and the current race baiters like Sharpton, Jackson, Farrakhan, and BLM.

Interesting ...never heard that
Do you have a quote on MLK and wanting to keep the race pure?

Jesse Jackson was a close MLK advisor and protege

Jackson would be an embarrassment to King, as would be Sharpton and Lewis.

King was into interracial sex but not interracial marriage. Sad but true.
Show a quote where he opposed interracial marriage


LOL- so you believe Martin Luther King Jr. was against interracial marriage because he specifically said he was for interracial marriage being legal
King was a communist who cheated on his wife frequently. He was a tremendous advocate for Negro self-sufficiency and a color blind society.
So we honor his memory by not working,not going to school etc.

Trump used to be a Democrat!

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SUpply side didn't hit the scene till the 80s.

The negative trends in the economy and black culture were already in full swing and had been for over a generation.

IMO, it's "Free Trade" and Illegitimacy that caused the damage.

I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade

Choosing to celebrate and support illegitimacy has certainly been the policy.

And we don't have "Free Trade". We have trading partners aggressively pursuing their interests while we bend over and take it.

Reduce competition for good jobs from immigrants. Bring back good jobs. Stop celebrating illegitimacy.

Watch the black family grow stronger, watch crime drop.

And you have responded by turning up the panic mongering and propaganda to 12.
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are


Martin Luther King was a great man. A man who did the things he did knowing full well that some racist asshole would probably kill him.

A truly great man and one who is deeply missed.
I basically agree with you

After WWII, the U.S. Manufacturing base was the only intact base in the world. We had no competition and jobs were plentiful. Even minorities did well despite of discrimination
As the world base became competitive, at first with Japan and Germany and later China and Indai.......the jobs started to dry up
Minorities were hit the hardest and when manufacturing left the big cities, they were left behind
Black men who had good paying jobs created strong family units. Unemployed fathers did not

So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade

Choosing to celebrate and support illegitimacy has certainly been the policy.

And we don't have "Free Trade". We have trading partners aggressively pursuing their interests while we bend over and take it.

Reduce competition for good jobs from immigrants. Bring back good jobs. Stop celebrating illegitimacy.

Watch the black family grow stronger, watch crime drop.

And you have responded by turning up the panic mongering and propaganda to 12.

We need to be consistent on our welfare policy

We either need to encourage welfare families to form strong family units or not. Right now, we punish families for having a male in the house. The male is told, get a job or else....regardless of whether there are jobs or not
So his natural reaction is to distance himself from the family
Removing benefits from single mothers as punishment is not the answer
Nobody in poverty has ever done better because of reduced benefits
the ones that destroyed the black family unit. Try to keep up.
Name some

welfare, food stamps, AIDC, all encourage women to produce as many kids as possible and not marry. All of those programs contain a financial penalty for marriage.

You are partially right. Our welfare laws which prohibit a father from living in the household encourage single parenting

do you favor or oppose those laws?

I favor laws that feed poor children

me too. I was asking about laws that reward women for having more kids without a husband.
So, why are you determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Which policy?

The policies you just agreed with me on, as causing the damage, ie "Free Trade" and illegitimacy.

WHy are you so determined to fight against reversing those policies?
Illegitimacy is not a policy
No, I don't propose abolishing free trade

Choosing to celebrate and support illegitimacy has certainly been the policy.

And we don't have "Free Trade". We have trading partners aggressively pursuing their interests while we bend over and take it.

Reduce competition for good jobs from immigrants. Bring back good jobs. Stop celebrating illegitimacy.

Watch the black family grow stronger, watch crime drop.

And you have responded by turning up the panic mongering and propaganda to 12.

We need to be consistent on our welfare policy

We either need to encourage welfare families to form strong family units or not. Right now, we punish families for having a male in the house. The male is told, get a job or else....regardless of whether there are jobs or not
So his natural reaction is to distance himself from the family
Removing benefits from single mothers as punishment is not the answer
Nobody in poverty has ever done better because of reduced benefits

How about some of our black leaders condemning rap culture that refers to women as "hos" and "bitches" ? Has Obama ever said anything against that? NO, he invited the gangstas to the whitehouse instead.

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