Dr Paul Craig Roberts exposes The Osama Bin Laden myth


Diamond Member
Mar 1, 2008
The Osama bin Laden Myth - PaulCraigRoberts.org

many posters here foolishly claim that this video alledgedly found by military troops in nov 2001 proves Bin Laden did it blatanly ignoring the fact that this is obviously an imposter,that this man is wearing a ring which is forbidden in muslin religions and that he is seen in some videos with that same hand writing right handed when it was known that Bin laden was left handed as well.they always blatantly ignore the fact as well that he got younger all the time.Looks like he decided to dye his beard black over the years.:lol::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Theres another Dan Rather video out there of his newscast I posted a long time ago that I will dig up later and post another time when i find it where even he does not ignore that foreign report of Bin Laden saying he did not do it as well.
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