Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room: Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus”


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room:

Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus”

10 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
Via: Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic
I wouldn't put it passed the CCP to develop a virus this dangerous. Why stop at Covid Corona viruses when you can develop something with an 88% lethality?
This is not a mutation, itwas created at the CCP Wuhan lab(s).

Let's hope that it stays in China and doesn't come tpo America.

"And yet he does routinely slip into speculation that turns out to be misleading or, as in the segment on Bannon’s show, plainly false. For instance, he recently tweeted that, according to an unnamed “Israeli scientist,” Pfizer and the Israeli government have an agreement not to release information about adverse effects for 10 years, which is hard to believe given that the country’s health ministry has already warned of a link between the Pfizer shot and rare cases of myocarditis. Malone’s LinkedIn account has twice been suspended for supposedly spreading misinformation."

The guy is a hack, a quack, and deserves no slack.
Biden's COVID response has been murderous. He and Fauci would rather protect Pfizer's profits than protect American lives. Now it looks like Fauci's buddies in Red China have created another killer virus and we have a mentally challenged President charged with handling it. It doesn't look good. But the big question is why the hell aren't the people messing with this gain of function bullshit not arrested and charged with terrorism and mass murder.
Leftists weren't mentioned
[Sigh] Let's not cry till we're hurt.

I admit that would explain the strange severe lockdown of three cities in China as of this morning; it doesn't make sense to me that it could be for Omicron, or even Delta, but the Chinese do things strangely, so maybe that's all it is.

I don't believe hemorrhagic fevers are spreading around the world. I think out-of-control clickbait is spreading around the world.

"And yet he does routinely slip into speculation that turns out to be misleading or, as in the segment on Bannon’s show, plainly false. For instance, he recently tweeted that, according to an unnamed “Israeli scientist,” Pfizer and the Israeli government have an agreement not to release information about adverse effects for 10 years, which is hard to believe given that the country’s health ministry has already warned of a link between the Pfizer shot and rare cases of myocarditis. Malone’s LinkedIn account has twice been suspended for supposedly spreading misinformation."

The guy is a hack, a quack, and deserves no slack.
The Atlantic.....roflmfao
Of course, Ebola is transmitted by direct exposure to human body fluids of an infected person. The cure for Ebola is washing your hands ... something third-world countries apparently don't do well.
HANDWASHING has always been the #1 way to fight virus's. It's a shame that HANDWASHING has been pushed more with covid.

Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room:

Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus”

10 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
Via: Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic
I wouldn't put it passed the CCP to develop a virus this dangerous. Why stop at Covid Corona viruses when you can develop something with an 88% lethality?
This is not a mutation, itwas created at the CCP Wuhan lab(s).

Let's hope that it stays in China and doesn't come tpo America.

This guy is sure milking his 15 minutes of fame.

Oh ,and he is not the the inventor of the mRNA vaccines, not even close. His work with mRNA ended more than 30 years ago.

Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room:

Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus”

10 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
Via: Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic
I wouldn't put it passed the CCP to develop a virus this dangerous. Why stop at Covid Corona viruses when you can develop something with an 88% lethality?
This is not a mutation, itwas created at the CCP Wuhan lab(s).

Let's hope that it stays in China and doesn't come tpo America.
This is probably the only time you’re ever going to hear about this. There is no Ebola or whatever going through China. It’s bullshit.

But it’s the kind of bullshit that everyone forgets about when they move onto the next kind of bullshit.

Dr. Robert Malone Fires Off Warning Shot on The War Room:

Latest Disease Spreading Across China an “Ebola-Like Hemorrhagic Fever Virus”

10 Jan 2022 ~~ By Jim Hoft
This has many experts worried including Dr. Malone who is the inventor of the mRNA vaccines. Dr. Malone today told the War Room audience that he is hearing the current disease that is spreading across China is reportedly an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.” The regime is hiding the true nature of this disease from the public and from the global community — Just like last time!
Today there are 5.5 million people dead (and counting) from the last China pandemic.
Now we could be talking about an “Ebola-like hemorrhagic fever virus.”
Via: Steve Bannon’s War Room: Pandemic
I wouldn't put it passed the CCP to develop a virus this dangerous. Why stop at Covid Corona viruses when you can develop something with an 88% lethality?
This is not a mutation, itwas created at the CCP Wuhan lab(s).

Let's hope that it stays in China and doesn't come tpo America.
God help us! We saw how horribly xiden handled the ebola outbreak when he was VP and how deadly he has currently handled the Xiden variant pandemic today…this really would bring the deadly winter he promised

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