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Dr Shelby Steele says Black problems are not because of Racism but because of freedom.

Racism never comes to an end. As long as there are different races, there will be those within those races that will be racists. The playing field has been leveled for all with equal opportunity laws, anti discrimination laws, empowerment zones, etc. You just want to keep it alive and say that you are treated badly.

No that has not happened.
All of it has happened. I know that ruins your self imposed victimhood narrative but I don’t really give a rats ass.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Teflon Theory of History
Nice little rant. Completely meaningless. You never do address the issues or question at hand. You always have some preloaded diatribe at your fingertips that you think is profound or indicting. They never are. The fact is anti discrimination laws are here and puts everyone on the same footing.. Blacks, Asians, Italians are equally as protected as any other race. Your complaints are hollow.

I did address your issue. You believe Teflon history. Anti discrimination laws are not followed.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

The unemployment rate for African Americans in 2017 (the last full year of data) was 7.5 percent, 0.8 percentage points higher than it was in 1968 (6.7 percent). The unemployment rate for whites was 3.8 percent in 2017 and 3.2 percent in 1968.3

The unemployment data for these two years, almost 50 years apart, demonstrate a longstanding and unfortunate economic regularity: the unemployment rate for black workers is consistently about twice as high as it is for white workers.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Workers of color are far more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers

Racial inequalities in wages, income, and wealth show that MLK’s work remains unfinished

Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment

Unequal unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics

Black workers in right-to-work (RTW) states tend to have lower wages than in Missouri and other non-RTW states

The racial wealth gap: How African-Americans have been shortchanged out of the materials to build wealth

You live in a lie.
You are the one in an alternate world. Discrimination laws are followed daily. Stop crying, buck up and get out in the real world. You pathetic self imposed liar victims are a disgrace. I just hope you don’t have influence over a child. If you do you are doing them a disservice and they will grow up with the same ignorant ideology you have. Jesus, people like you are disgusting.
What still exists in America is personal Racism. Institutional Racism that erected real barriers to Black progress has been gone for at least 40 years. In fact Institutional Racism has been replaced with Institutional favoritism toward Black people which ironically contributes to their extended under performance as a group.

Black leaders continue to shovel the crap that Whitey is keeping you down in order for them to maintain power. And any Black leaders that deviate from that message are shouted down or dismissed as a sellout.

Why do you whites think you can tell us these lies when we see what's going on?
Because it’s the truth. You my racist friend are the liar.

No it's not the truth.
It is the complete truth. You chose to live in a victim world and expound racist mantra every chance you have.

It's a lie and you are the racist.
You are a liar, a racist, ignorant, and a racebaiter. Everyone on these threads knows it. You are pathetic.
Thanks for showing once again clearly that Whites do everything better than other races. Work more, Earn more, Pay more.

All you do better is deny people of color the same chances. Because you know you cannot compete.

HOW DO I DENY YOU OR ANYONE ANYTHING? All the same opportunities that are out there for me are out there for you. Show me an employment agency or jobs list that specifies a single job for a white or black applicant only? There you go with yet another racist, race-oriented, race-hating attitude. It oozes from your pores. The jobs are there. The opportunity is there. You even have decades of affirmative action on your side and companies trying to meet quotas. That's the essence of competition, and you are simply failing to compete, you are losing at competition, but rather than address it, fix the shortcomings within yourself to make yourself more competitive, you sit at home reading articles telling yourself what you WANT to hear---- that you are some sort of victim; you are too much a coward and hide behind your own failings by trying to make it someone else's problem. You just want to sit on your fat, lazy ass and keep trying to get free, undeserved "reparations." You don't want opportunity, you want a free ride. Don't hold your hand out towards me or I'll slap it right back in your face.


You assume much based upon white race baited bullshit. I am a master degreed man who served in executive capacities for several organizations for 30 years until I retired at 52 and now work on my own projects.

Whites got free rides for at least 188 years. Whites have been given more by the government than anyone else. You want the handouts. You want free shit. Quotas were 100 percent white for at least 188 years. This is the race and racism section son. Race will be discussed by blacks here.

You ever walked into a Post Office or DMV office....?:auiqs.jpg:

Wow he saw some blacks working in 2 places and that means racism is over.

Blacks used to be the sol workers when it came to concrete work.
Dont see a one anymore...taken over by hispanics.
Racism never comes to an end. As long as there are different races, there will be those within those races that will be racists. The playing field has been leveled for all with equal opportunity laws, anti discrimination laws, empowerment zones, etc. You just want to keep it alive and say that you are treated badly.

No that has not happened.
All of it has happened. I know that ruins your self imposed victimhood narrative but I don’t really give a rats ass.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Teflon Theory of History
Nice little rant. Completely meaningless. You never do address the issues or question at hand. You always have some preloaded diatribe at your fingertips that you think is profound or indicting. They never are. The fact is anti discrimination laws are here and puts everyone on the same footing.. Blacks, Asians, Italians are equally as protected as any other race. Your complaints are hollow.

I did address your issue. You believe Teflon history. Anti discrimination laws are not followed.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

The unemployment rate for African Americans in 2017 (the last full year of data) was 7.5 percent, 0.8 percentage points higher than it was in 1968 (6.7 percent). The unemployment rate for whites was 3.8 percent in 2017 and 3.2 percent in 1968.3

The unemployment data for these two years, almost 50 years apart, demonstrate a longstanding and unfortunate economic regularity: the unemployment rate for black workers is consistently about twice as high as it is for white workers.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Workers of color are far more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers

Racial inequalities in wages, income, and wealth show that MLK’s work remains unfinished

Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment

Unequal unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics

Black workers in right-to-work (RTW) states tend to have lower wages than in Missouri and other non-RTW states

The racial wealth gap: How African-Americans have been shortchanged out of the materials to build wealth

You live in a lie.
Going out and getting a job fixes that. How is it that Asians don’t suffer the same unemployment? How is it that native Americans don’t suffer the same unemployment? Nor do Russians, or other nationalities or races. Could it be that they aren’t told by their dysfunctional elders ( you ) that they are owed something? Stop your bullshit whining and do something positive.
His opinion doesn’t matter. He’s only half black. Real blacks like Jesse Jackson, Jeremiah Wright and al Sharpton have been working hard (and lining their pockets) to advance black Americans for decades. The fact that they have absolutely no progress should be overlooked because......well because they are black.
They are not black I have found that we are all hi-bred and not all white or black. Unless you are talking about skin color. In that case we are mostly the "other".
Whites got free rides for at least 188 years.
Wrong, cupcake. Whites invented the car and invented the ride.

Whites have been given more by the government than anyone else.
That's because whites invented government, too.

Whites didn't invent government. This post is lunacy.

Sumerians invent writing - White.
Roman Republic founded - White.
Euclid, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - White.
Code of Civil Law by Justinian - White.
Peace and Truce of God - White.
Henry II establishes Common Law - White.

White. White. White. White. White. White. WHITE.
No that has not happened.
All of it has happened. I know that ruins your self imposed victimhood narrative but I don’t really give a rats ass.

Teflon Theory of History

The Teflon Theory of American History says that anything that took place over 30 years ago is Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on the present. Or not much. Unless it was something good like the light bulb or the Declaration of Independence. Therefore those who make a big deal of the bad stuff in the past, like slavery, are Living in the Past and need to Get Over It.

For example:

Jim Crow laws were overturned by the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s. Therefore according to Teflon Theory the Jim Crow period is now Ancient History. It has Absolutely No Effect on how White Americans alive today think and act. None whatsoever. Or not much. So racism is pretty much dead.

Instead of Jim Crow’s effect slowly weakening over time like you would expect, Teflon Theory would have you suppose that it just disappeared like magic one afternoon sometime in the late 1960s. Even though many White Americans alive now were alive back in Jim Crow times. Even though many others were brought up and shaped by those who were alive back then: parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, teachers, writers, film directors, television producers, news editors and so on.

Teflon Theory of History
Nice little rant. Completely meaningless. You never do address the issues or question at hand. You always have some preloaded diatribe at your fingertips that you think is profound or indicting. They never are. The fact is anti discrimination laws are here and puts everyone on the same footing.. Blacks, Asians, Italians are equally as protected as any other race. Your complaints are hollow.

I did address your issue. You believe Teflon history. Anti discrimination laws are not followed.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

The unemployment rate for African Americans in 2017 (the last full year of data) was 7.5 percent, 0.8 percentage points higher than it was in 1968 (6.7 percent). The unemployment rate for whites was 3.8 percent in 2017 and 3.2 percent in 1968.3

The unemployment data for these two years, almost 50 years apart, demonstrate a longstanding and unfortunate economic regularity: the unemployment rate for black workers is consistently about twice as high as it is for white workers.

50 years after the Kerner Commission: African Americans are better off in many ways but are still disadvantaged by racial inequality

Workers of color are far more likely to be paid poverty-level wages than white workers

Racial inequalities in wages, income, and wealth show that MLK’s work remains unfinished

Black unemployment is significantly higher than white unemployment regardless of educational attainment

Unequal unemployment for African Americans and Hispanics

Black workers in right-to-work (RTW) states tend to have lower wages than in Missouri and other non-RTW states

The racial wealth gap: How African-Americans have been shortchanged out of the materials to build wealth

You live in a lie.
Going out and getting a job fixes that. How is it that Asians don’t suffer the same unemployment? How is it that native Americans don’t suffer the same unemployment? Nor do Russians, or other nationalities or races. Could it be that they aren’t told by their dysfunctional elders ( you ) that they are owed something? Stop your bullshit whining and do something positive.
Like Dr Steele said, there has never in modern history been a bigger reparations payoff to a particular race than what has happened with American Blacks over the past 50 years. Thank good old LBJ for starting that rock rolling downhill. He was a diabolical genius really. We all know of his famous quote and judging by Blacks voting Democrat >90% of the time, he has been proven right. It is up to Blacks now to prove him wrong.
All you do better is deny people of color the same chances. Because you know you cannot compete.

HOW DO I DENY YOU OR ANYONE ANYTHING? All the same opportunities that are out there for me are out there for you. Show me an employment agency or jobs list that specifies a single job for a white or black applicant only? There you go with yet another racist, race-oriented, race-hating attitude. It oozes from your pores. The jobs are there. The opportunity is there. You even have decades of affirmative action on your side and companies trying to meet quotas. That's the essence of competition, and you are simply failing to compete, you are losing at competition, but rather than address it, fix the shortcomings within yourself to make yourself more competitive, you sit at home reading articles telling yourself what you WANT to hear---- that you are some sort of victim; you are too much a coward and hide behind your own failings by trying to make it someone else's problem. You just want to sit on your fat, lazy ass and keep trying to get free, undeserved "reparations." You don't want opportunity, you want a free ride. Don't hold your hand out towards me or I'll slap it right back in your face.


You assume much based upon white race baited bullshit. I am a master degreed man who served in executive capacities for several organizations for 30 years until I retired at 52 and now work on my own projects.

Whites got free rides for at least 188 years. Whites have been given more by the government than anyone else. You want the handouts. You want free shit. Quotas were 100 percent white for at least 188 years. This is the race and racism section son. Race will be discussed by blacks here.

You ever walked into a Post Office or DMV office....?:auiqs.jpg:

Wow he saw some blacks working in 2 places and that means racism is over.

Blacks used to be the sol workers when it came to concrete work.
Dont see a one anymore...taken over by hispanics.
The guy down he road has worked stone and concrete for 33 years, one heck of a businessman. He uses Legal Mexicans and is going to sell his business to a guy from Mexico for a ton of money.
Whites got free rides for at least 188 years.
Wrong, cupcake. Whites invented the car and invented the ride.

Whites have been given more by the government than anyone else.
That's because whites invented government, too.

Whites didn't invent government. This post is lunacy.

Sumerians invent writing - White.
Roman Republic founded - White.
Euclid, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - White.
Code of Civil Law by Justinian - White.
Peace and Truce of God - White.
Henry II establishes Common Law - White.

White. White. White. White. White. White. WHITE.
Writing China
Gun powder China
currency China

Guns China.
Whites got free rides for at least 188 years.
Wrong, cupcake. Whites invented the car and invented the ride.

Whites have been given more by the government than anyone else.
That's because whites invented government, too.

Whites didn't invent government. This post is lunacy.

Sumerians invent writing - White.
Roman Republic founded - White.
Euclid, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - White.
Code of Civil Law by Justinian - White.
Peace and Truce of God - White.
Henry II establishes Common Law - White.

White. White. White. White. White. White. WHITE.
Writing China
Gun powder China
currency China

Guns China.

Sorry but the Sumarians invented writing. Chinese invented PRINTING PRESS. That, guns and currency have nothing to do with creating GOVERNMENT. Besides, the mongoloids were an offshoot stemming from the Caucasoids anyway.
Whites got free rides for at least 188 years.
Wrong, cupcake. Whites invented the car and invented the ride.

Whites have been given more by the government than anyone else.
That's because whites invented government, too.

Whites didn't invent government. This post is lunacy.

Sumerians invent writing - White.
Roman Republic founded - White.
Euclid, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - White.
Code of Civil Law by Justinian - White.
Peace and Truce of God - White.
Henry II establishes Common Law - White.

White. White. White. White. White. White. WHITE.
Writing China
Gun powder China
currency China

Guns China.

Sorry but the Sumarians invented writing. Chinese invented PRINTING PRESS. That, guns and currency have nothing to do with creating GOVERNMENT. Besides, the mongoloids were an offshoot stemming from the Caucasoids anyway.

Yeah we know.:cuckoo:
And why do you think I haven't "made it"?
Because if you had you wouldn’t be such a bitter and twisted racist twat who whines and plays the victim 24/7.
And why do you think I haven't "made it"?
Because if you had you wouldn’t be such a bitter and twisted racist twat who whines and plays the victim 24/7.

Seems to me you are the bitter one. A victim would jut sit and accept white racism without trying to fight it. Kinda like Shelby Steele. You 've got it ass backwards lady.
Is he right or wrong? Why is he right or why is he wrong?

Shelby Steele?


Are the only blacks you guys read sellouts?

Is that the same as an Uncle Tom?

Would you agree with a woman who says that woman's place is in the home and that she should do nothing but obey her husband cook, clean and have babies?

Can’t you answer the question?
Are you saying he’s an Uncle Tom?
And why do you think I haven't "made it"?
Because if you had you wouldn’t be such a bitter and twisted racist twat who whines and plays the victim 24/7.

Seems to me you are the bitter one. A victim would jut sit and accept white racism without trying to fight it. Kinda like Shelby Steele. You 've got it ass backwards lady.
Nope. If you were successful you wouldn’t be crying like a baby with your begging bowl out 24/7. Those are not the habits of a successful happy person, but rather of an envious bitter failure.
Wrong, cupcake. Whites invented the car and invented the ride.

That's because whites invented government, too.

Whites didn't invent government. This post is lunacy.

Sumerians invent writing - White.
Roman Republic founded - White.
Euclid, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - White.
Code of Civil Law by Justinian - White.
Peace and Truce of God - White.
Henry II establishes Common Law - White.

White. White. White. White. White. White. WHITE.
Writing China
Gun powder China
currency China

Guns China.

Sorry but the Sumarians invented writing. Chinese invented PRINTING PRESS. That, guns and currency have nothing to do with creating GOVERNMENT. Besides, the mongoloids were an offshoot stemming from the Caucasoids anyway.

Yeah we know.:cuckoo:

Simple matter of having an education vs. wishful ignorance:

Distribution of races around time of Pleistocene:

Screen Shot 2018-02-07 at 11.18.01 AM.jpg

Obviously, the Caucasoid race grew out from northern Africa, spread east and west, out of which the mongoloid race evolved.

Approximate racial and ethic distribution 500 years BC.:


And finally, civilization distribution around time of Christ:


Nuff said.
And why do you think I haven't "made it"?
Because if you had you wouldn’t be such a bitter and twisted racist twat who whines and plays the victim 24/7.

Seems to me you are the bitter one. A victim would jut sit and accept white racism without trying to fight it. Kinda like Shelby Steele. You 've got it ass backwards lady.
Nope. If you were successful you wouldn’t be crying like a baby with your begging bowl out 24/7. Those are not the habits of a successful happy person, but rather of an envious bitter failure.

Like I said you've got things ass backwards. I'm quite sure I've done better than you and I didn't marry into my wealth or situation. Nor am I here crying abut having to pay taxes or genocides and racism that no one white can actually prove happens to them. You are the whiner. That means YOU are not successful by your own claims.

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