Draft-Dodger GOP Opposed Iran Deal (Cheney)! General Powell Supported Now Winning Deal!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Monied-Man Bush eventually opted to Go-It-Alone in the Iraq Atrocity. House Speaker Boehner, of monied GOP, more or less opted to snub even US international procedures, inviting the leader of Israel to lobby from the dais of the U. S. House of Representatives. The Conservative leader of Israel seems to have seen an opportunity at last--to show all the World how sound-minded he is not(?)! Donald Trump--no stranger to the monied brand--would go it alone, policy-free, announcing that essentially--he does know to payoff elected officials of all parties--mostly Republicans, all signing on(?)!

So the deal itself now seems to find itself in the "Done" level category, and subsequent the Democratic Party showing in the Midterms(?). Boehner and the GOP seem to have known what the elections were really about(?), apparently after all(?)!

Senate Democrats Secure Votes to Block Iran Disapproval Resolution

General Powell is previously noted to have shown himself supportive of anything even starting to derail the Iranian weapons progress. Vice President Cheney--not of distinguished Vietnam War Fame, (having elected to not sit out the war in a camp, behind the lines--learning how to flap his arms, looking like a mudhen trying to take off in flight)--The Vice President would not support the attempt to derail the on-going process. Boehner and the Leader of Israel would also go forward instead, to want to be like Cheney. . . and use the happy hunt to mainly shoot a lot of lawyer lobbyists in the face. Where once there was an Israel Lobby. . . . .

Some would otherwise note that lack of sound-mindedness is like that. Some even in the NRA(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe now needed in Washington D. C., for every e-mail server: "Put a Security Fence Around It."
yeah and you have no problems with a President who didn't serve in the military at all is running around making deals with People who has more than one stated they would like to see: Death to America and the citizens who lives there?

and you talk about people who are draft dodger yet you put one in as the President of our country

and get a load of this crap from this nasty person who it and the nasty rag who put it out, the MSN/USnews
Vice President Cheney--not of distinguished Vietnam War Fame, (having elected to not sit out the war in a camp, behind the lines--learning how to flap his arms, looking like a mudhen trying to take off in flight)--

this suppose to be from some upstanding and Unbiased media outlet? that is leftwing hate garbage posing as some legitimate news source
yeah and you have no problems with a President who didn't serve in the military at all is running around making deals with People who has more than one stated they would like to see: Death to America and the citizens who lives there?

and you talk about people who are draft dodger yet you put one in as the President of our country

and get a load of this crap from this nasty person who it and the nasty rag who put it out, the MSN/USnews
Vice President Cheney--not of distinguished Vietnam War Fame, (having elected to not sit out the war in a camp, behind the lines--learning how to flap his arms, looking like a mudhen trying to take off in flight)--

this suppose to be from some upstanding and Unbiased media outlet? that is leftwing hate garbage posing as some legitimate news source
Are all of you this uneducated or is your particular brand of stupidity confined to a geographic region?
I see no way that the USA can stop a nuclear program in Iran-----HOWEVER---why the USA would want to lift economic sanctions on a country fomenting war
in both Syria and Yemen ----is beyond me.
I see no way that the USA can stop a nuclear program in Iran-----HOWEVER---why the USA would want to lift economic sanctions on a country fomenting war
in both Syria and Yemen ----is beyond me.

I agree and that agreement they are all touting isn't worth the paper its written on.

Iran will continue with its nuke program and anyone who thinks any agreement they make with people they hold in contempt is one fucking idiot.

This little peace train won't last long and these idiots can continue to pat themselves on the back for a job well done. At least until they find out how useless it is.
Humans with money have generally, in history, considered their money to be an inalienable right, mainly for themselves. In the Worst Case, called Western Civilization, money is deity anointed. The anointed are special, and reason specially. On the one hand, the anointed allege a special mental prescience, creating special capabilities in them that others do not posses. On the other hand, the anointed allege a special value of themselves--in the Holy Land, famously putting a security fence around the hapless, harassing, victimized. You jump into the pool to save your child, even though the lifeguard is busily doing that, competently already: The anointed maybe then sue the lifeguard, after screwing up the rescue completely.

Anyone would say that the Iran Deal is not a final solution to the Presbyterian Question: "Just where is all this money going to come from?"

In the subjugation brand of Christian Witness, then in Matthew 25:14-30, the "servants" are entrusted, and not directly paid. The household(ER) is enriched the five talents, plus the two talents. The one talent entrusted "Should have put the talent to the money changers (usury)," instead of doing what the entrusted thought best. It may not sprout into a crop, but neither will it be stolen, or lost in some exchange. The ultimate subjugation is that the householder is self-described a kind of robber baron, and the other two servants are promised further "subjugation" activities, for themselves. The one talent level servant winds up facing some primitive level of foreclosure.

So in contrast to go-it-alone diplomacy, and as practiced by all of Israel(?), then a planet-wide, complexity of negotiations was set in motion, possibly worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize. Many might wonder if the instigator-in-charge, already had one. The lifting of the sanctions may tend to support a technology hungry, Middle Level manager, explosion of prosperity. The deity can be praised for all the blessings. The international world of trade and commerce can commence again. Except for the Christian Witness brand, Western Civilization, it is not entirely clear who will want to blow that up(?).

More likely someone will discover, even email server capability. The cry will go up! "Put a Security Fence Around It(?)!"

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Probably real money betting that GOP means creating a border wall, built and paid for by the Cartels! Head Bribery Officer in charge admits to knowing how to bribe all kinds of elected officials! In some national governments, that may even be a widely shared skill(?)!
yeah and you have no problems with a President who didn't serve in the military at all is running around making deals with People who has more than one stated they would like to see: Death to America and the citizens who lives there?

and you talk about people who are draft dodger yet you put one in as the President of our country

and get a load of this crap from this nasty person who it and the nasty rag who put it out, the MSN/USnews
Vice President Cheney--not of distinguished Vietnam War Fame, (having elected to not sit out the war in a camp, behind the lines--learning how to flap his arms, looking like a mudhen trying to take off in flight)--

this suppose to be from some upstanding and Unbiased media outlet? that is leftwing hate garbage posing as some legitimate news source
Are all of you this uneducated or is your particular brand of stupidity confined to a geographic region?

I missed it ------what is the nature of the "stupidity"? ----Iran is saturating
Syria and Yemen with weapons-----and urging conflict------the conflict is a
manifestation of Iranian imperialist ambitions----that ----once won----will
have a huge effect on the USA access to shipping trade routes. USA
military boys and girls will likely face those very same weapons that Iran is
so eagerly handing out. Saudi arabia is building its own GREAT WALL
and the streets of Yemen run red with blood.....not to mention Syria and children
drowning on the way out
Any Persian imperial agenda has likely already been thoroughly stopped by ISIS. Mostly, the empire of Persia tends to predate the prophet Mohammed, who would himself not note the famous New Testament, Christian Witness stories--Matthew 25:14-30, and Matthew 20:1-16. Obama-biden had to provide the Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax Credit, an inverse usury remedy to the usury problem. The Republicans took that away, two years later. ISIS arises out of Syria. It threatens Iraq. The concept of Shia is now more fundamentally Iranian, than any Persian Empire problem. Who rules what is more the on-going question. Empire is not at issue.

The Republicans don't want the ISIS advances contained? Sound-Minded Israel finds containment threatening? Then there are the international players, including in the Middle East. The Saudis are mainly actually supporting the President of Yemen against the rebelling former president. Actually, Republicans do know themselves how to create a genocidal environment, even with slaves at $2200.00 per(?). Take the value away. The region and the race are destroyed for generations! The allies took everything away from the Germans, after WWI. What a wonderful, causal, creation that was.

The Iran Deal is now a counter to sanctions. Germany subsequent the Democratic Party of the United States, (The Marshall Plan), has turned to issues of refugee settlements--possibly noting that Israel has not(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes, maybe rename Norway, "Land of Nobel Pizza Prize instead: Helping to re-educated, Lands of Many Nations(?)!)
Any Persian imperial agenda has likely already been thoroughly stopped by ISIS. Mostly, the empire of Persia tends to predate the prophet Mohammed, who would himself not note the famous New Testament, Christian Witness stories--Matthew 25:14-30, and Matthew 20:1-16. Obama-biden had to provide the Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax Credit, an inverse usury remedy to the usury problem. The Republicans took that away, two years later. ISIS arises out of Syria. It threatens Iraq. The concept of Shia is now more fundamentally Iranian, than any Persian Empire problem. Who rules what is more the on-going question. Empire is not at issue.

The Republicans don't want the ISIS advances contained? Sound-Minded Israel finds containment threatening? Then there are the international players, including in the Middle East. The Saudis are mainly actually supporting the President of Yemen against the rebelling former president. Actually, Republicans do know themselves how to create a genocidal environment, even with slaves at $2200.00 per(?). Take the value away. The region and the race are destroyed for generations! The allies took everything away from the Germans, after WWI. What a wonderful, causal, creation that was.

The Iran Deal is now a counter to sanctions. Germany subsequent the Democratic Party of the United States, (The Marshall Plan), has turned to issues of refugee settlements--possibly noting that Israel has not(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes, maybe rename Norway, "Land of Nobel Pizza Prize instead: Helping to re-educated, Lands of Many Nations(?)!)

lay off the booze The Saudis are resisting SHIITE AGGRESSION bought and paid for by Iran. The Saudis will support any President of Yemen who is sunni and pro-Saudi arabia and not AL Qaeda-------the former guy whose name I do not
recall-------absconded and somehow joined up with Shiites (I think it is saleh---which is a giant surprise) Beyond its port cities and the oil in and around aden-----and Iran' s desire to attack Saudi arabia FROM YEMEN-----no one cares about Yemen
The matthew parable as presented in the ??NIV translation-----does not make sense--------money changers were not bankers ..... NIV seems to want to make
Matthew seem insane
Any Persian imperial agenda has likely already been thoroughly stopped by ISIS. Mostly, the empire of Persia tends to predate the prophet Mohammed, who would himself not note the famous New Testament, Christian Witness stories--Matthew 25:14-30, and Matthew 20:1-16. Obama-biden had to provide the Make-Work-Pay-Refundable-Income-Tax Credit, an inverse usury remedy to the usury problem. The Republicans took that away, two years later. ISIS arises out of Syria. It threatens Iraq. The concept of Shia is now more fundamentally Iranian, than any Persian Empire problem. Who rules what is more the on-going question. Empire is not at issue.

The Republicans don't want the ISIS advances contained? Sound-Minded Israel finds containment threatening? Then there are the international players, including in the Middle East. The Saudis are mainly actually supporting the President of Yemen against the rebelling former president. Actually, Republicans do know themselves how to create a genocidal environment, even with slaves at $2200.00 per(?). Take the value away. The region and the race are destroyed for generations! The allies took everything away from the Germans, after WWI. What a wonderful, causal, creation that was.

The Iran Deal is now a counter to sanctions. Germany subsequent the Democratic Party of the United States, (The Marshall Plan), has turned to issues of refugee settlements--possibly noting that Israel has not(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes, maybe rename Norway, "Land of Nobel Pizza Prize instead: Helping to re-educated, Lands of Many Nations(?)!)

lay off the booze The Saudis are resisting SHIITE AGGRESSION bought and paid for by Iran. The Saudis will support any President of Yemen who is sunni and pro-Saudi arabia and not AL Qaeda-------the former guy whose name I do not
recall-------absconded and somehow joined up with Shiites (I think it is saleh---which is a giant surprise) Beyond its port cities and the oil in and around aden-----and Iran' s desire to attack Saudi arabia FROM YEMEN-----no one cares about Yemen
The matthew parable as presented in the ??NIV translation-----does not make sense--------money changers were not bankers ..... NIV seems to want to make
Matthew seem insane

You see how this is put out there. Of how it has to pass because OBAMBAM wants it? it's like we the people don't exist with him being our dictator or as if he's someone special.

Face it. we all know how the left/Obot cult members would have reacted if Bush had put this out there or any Republican did. then the left and their Masters in the Democrat party, Obama himself would be AGAINST IT.

What a sad gawddam state when they care more FOR Obama getting this passed then they do how the people feels about or if it's even crap for us and our country.
So there is acknowledgement that Iran is Shia, Saudi Arabia is Sunni, ISIS is Sunni, and Iraq is Shia. The Socialists Baathists were not allowed to re-build Iraq, as the mainly skilled governing class. The Shia left the Iraqi Sunni out of their former pre-eminent positions. Now Iraq is divided. Many might say that the Saudis have more at stake along their border with Yemen, and less to be concerned about with Sunni retaking Iraq. Sunni might say that they are winning again. Then there are easily sub-loyalties in the groups. In the Matthew 25 household, the profiteering servants are to be given subjugating empowerment, over yet others. The Subjugation Witness of Christ is more about Europe and the colonized Americas, even those emerging--allegedly from it.

Disengaging Iran from the current and lifeless existence more likely empowers a moderate stance, confronting the assembled nations in support of the ending of the sanctions.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes come to Lands of Many Nations, seeking truth of New Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," From Whom many blessings flow!)

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