Drag Queen Story Hour organizer, and LGBQT fund raiser... yeah... just got arrested for child pornography


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010

Gee - who would have ever predicted this???
A man who sexually gets off on dressing like a woman in front of children... is sexually attracted to children.
A man who organizes groups to sexualize and groom children - is a child predator.

How do the stupid fucking parents who just LOOOOVED to have their children involved with this sick fuck feel now???
Parents who puts virtue signaling in front of their OWN CHILDREN!!!! Victimizing their own children!!!

Here he is in a Drag Queen story hour:


Here is is after getting busted for jerking off to child pornography:

I became a Grandfather this past December.
This shit hits home. I have little doubt after a few years of Biden/Harris in the White House, these sick groups will be encouraged to infiltrate not just our public libraries... but start going straight to public schools. Parents at work, thinking their preschool child is learning his/her ABC's - is instead being groomed and brainwashed by over sexed monsters.

Don't think for a fucking minute it won't happen. These could be your children, your grand children paraded around child predators.
You're making a mistake if you think that the left cares about child molestation.
I care about it.
I just had my first grand child.
I know the left puts virtue signaling ahead of their own children... I DO NOT... but how the hell will I know it isn't happening anyway when the left starts allowing these sick fucks in our public schools without our knowledge??
Don't think for a second it isn't coming.
Here is an example of a drag queen outright grooming children, and here we see stupid fucking parents cheering the sick fuck for doing so:

Go ahead watch it and feel like vomiting - coming to a school near you.


Gee - who would have ever predicted this???
A man who sexually gets off on dressing like a woman in front of children... is sexually attracted to children.
A man who organizes groups to sexualize and groom children - is a child predator.

How do the stupid fucking parents who just LOOOOVED to have their children involved with this sick fuck feel now???
Parents who puts virtue signaling in front of their OWN CHILDREN!!!! Victimizing their own children!!!

Here he is in a Drag Queen story hour:

View attachment 469244

Here is is after getting busted for jerking off to child pornography:

View attachment 469245
He named himself Brett Blomme? And they elected him a judge? Hmmmmmmm, standards seem to be slipping in Milwaukee.
I became a Grandfather this past December.
This shit hits home. I have little doubt after a few years of Biden/Harris in the White House, these sick groups will be encouraged to infiltrate not just our public libraries... but start going straight to public schools. Parents at work, thinking their preschool child is learning his/her ABC's - is instead being groomed and brainwashed by over sexed monsters.

Don't think for a fucking minute it won't happen. These could be your children, your grand children paraded around child predators.

It's already happening.

It Begins: California Begins Indoctrinating Children Into The LGBT Lifestyle Against Parents Wishes

Gee - who would have ever predicted this???
A man who sexually gets off on dressing like a woman in front of children... is sexually attracted to children.
A man who organizes groups to sexualize and groom children - is a child predator.

How do the stupid fucking parents who just LOOOOVED to have their children involved with this sick fuck feel now???
Parents who puts virtue signaling in front of their OWN CHILDREN!!!! Victimizing their own children!!!

Here he is in a Drag Queen story hour:

View attachment 469244

Here is is after getting busted for jerking off to child pornography:

View attachment 469245
He named himself Brett Blomme? And they elected him a judge? Hmmmmmmm, standards seem to be slipping in Milwaukee.
Much worse... his organization is called "Cream City".... Gee... wonder where that name comes from?

Gee - who would have ever predicted this???
A man who sexually gets off on dressing like a woman in front of children... is sexually attracted to children.
A man who organizes groups to sexualize and groom children - is a child predator.

How do the stupid fucking parents who just LOOOOVED to have their children involved with this sick fuck feel now???
Parents who puts virtue signaling in front of their OWN CHILDREN!!!! Victimizing their own children!!!

Here he is in a Drag Queen story hour:

View attachment 469244

Here is is after getting busted for jerking off to child pornography:

View attachment 469245
He named himself Brett Blomme? And they elected him a judge? Hmmmmmmm, standards seem to be slipping in Milwaukee.
Much worse... his organization is called "Cream City".... Gee... wonder where that name comes from?

So gross.
Much worse... his organization is called "Cream City".... Gee... wonder where that name comes from?

It would be funny if it weren't so disgusting.
Yeah... FFS... no one paused for a second to ponder about an organization, founded by a gay cross dresser, called Cream City - should be putting on shows in front of preschoolers??
No one thought??
No they didn't - because, again, they are more interested in virtue signaling than protecting their children

Gee - who would have ever predicted this???
A man who sexually gets off on dressing like a woman in front of children... is sexually attracted to children.
A man who organizes groups to sexualize and groom children - is a child predator.

How do the stupid fucking parents who just LOOOOVED to have their children involved with this sick fuck feel now???
Parents who puts virtue signaling in front of their OWN CHILDREN!!!! Victimizing their own children!!!

Here he is in a Drag Queen story hour:

View attachment 469244

Here is is after getting busted for jerking off to child pornography:

View attachment 469245
The cockamamie Spokane city council allowed this sick fuck to come in and read to the kids at the library a couple years back. Good riddance. I hope they put this deviant away for a long time.
You're making a mistake if you think that the left cares about child molestation.
I care about it.
I just had my first grand child.
I know the left puts virtue signaling ahead of their own children... I DO NOT... but how the hell will I know it isn't happening anyway when the left starts allowing these sick fucks in our public schools without our knowledge??
Don't think for a second it isn't coming.
Yeah, Just keep voting democrat. I wouldn't let a democrat on my property--don't want the pollution.

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