Drag Queen Story Hour organizer, and LGBQT fund raiser... yeah... just got arrested for child pornography

Okay DrLove
What specifically do you disagree with in the OP?
That he got arrested for Child Porn?
That he is an LGBQT organizer?
That he organized and performed in Drag Queen Story hours?

What do you disagree with?

I disagree with your obsession. Have any of these drag queens been arrested for molesting the children they read to? If not, stop being fearful and F the F Off! :)

You're a sick little shit.
Okay DrLove
What specifically do you disagree with in the OP?
That he got arrested for Child Porn?
That he is an LGBQT organizer?
That he organized and performed in Drag Queen Story hours?

What do you disagree with?

I disagree with your obsession. Have any of these drag queens been arrested for molesting the children they read to? If not, stop being fearful and F the F Off! :)
Go Fuck yourself you sick fucking Democrat.
Well here is the thing... Dr. Love, whoever the hell this person is... has the right to his opinions. And the right to be whatever it is he wants.
He doesn't have the right to include our preschoolers in on it without our explicit approval. And even then, I will also exercise ny right to the opinion that people who choose to expose their preschool kids to hyper-sexed individuals - are child abusers.

And parents have a right to know if this suck fuck gets anywhere near kids. Branding on the forehead would work.

Gee - who would have ever predicted this???
A man who sexually gets off on dressing like a woman in front of children... is sexually attracted to children.
A man who organizes groups to sexualize and groom children - is a child predator.

How do the stupid fucking parents who just LOOOOVED to have their children involved with this sick fuck feel now???
Parents who puts virtue signaling in front of their OWN CHILDREN!!!! Victimizing their own children!!!

Here he is in a Drag Queen story hour:

View attachment 469244

Here is is after getting busted for jerking off to child pornography:

View attachment 469245
And just like that, he was exposed. That's all I have to say about that.
And damn all those mothers who allow this, allowed their children to be part of these disgusting events. The same fucking dolts who vote for Biden and leftist DemonRats but get offended by Trump tweets.
Yeah. I'm the luckiest man on the planet, I found a sane woman :p
If you want to go to drag clubs and do drag stuff with other adults that's fine.

But anyone that's into drag that wants to involve children shouldn't be allowed around children. A few might be harmless but on the whole you're probably a pedophile.

For every one that gets arrested there are probably 50 that haven't been caught yet.
Weird begets weird despite forced attempts to mainstream and have us all embrace it.
Just15 years ago I was forever banned from a site for declaring that the homosexual mainstreaming was a first step in normalizing pedophilia


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Weird begets weird despite forced attempts to mainstream and have us all embrace it.
Just15 years ago I was forever banned from a site for declaring that the homosexual mainstreaming was a first step in normalizing pedophilia

And you will still get banned at a lot of sites now, too.
Homosexual serial killer dubbed "killer clown" John Wayne Gacy confessed to Cops "if you are dressed like a clown you can get away with anything". Why would a grown man put on a dress and a wig to read to little kids? He gets off on it.

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