Zone1 Drag Queens Have NO Place In The Church

That doesn't apply here.
Children are innocent and defenseless.....and it's up to us to keep them safe and away from pedophiles.
Not just parents....but every adult has a responsibility to prevent the perversion of children by degenerates who have been supported by the communists in the Democrat Party.
When your kid's teacher is wearing green behoves you to find out what she's teaching your kids.
Where do you get the idea that drag queens are pedophiles anyway? I suspect that the percentage of drag queens that are pedo's matches the percentage of hetero men. Might even be lower~ hair is your red line? Too funny!
Lol, why would I worry about it one way or another? Not upto me. I am not going to tell them how to dress nor question their reasons for being there. That is between them and God. I will choose a church I am comfortable in but will not qualify nor disqualify any one else. A life guard shows up in swim suite and whistle I will likely giggle a bit about it but not going to tell them to leave. Lol. Judge not seems pretty simple to understand.
Church is a gathering place where people place what is spiritual over the physical aspects of life. If I bring my sewing machine, a clock maker brings a clock to repair, a dairy farmer arrives with a cow to milk, and a drag queen comes ready to perform, the rest of the congregation has every right to be concerned that the spiritual purpose of their gathering is not only being shoved aside, but eclipsed for other purposes.

Many Native American reservations have a holy ground where they ask people not to venture in. Ask yourself this: If a visitor to that reservation came in dressed in drag, and went onto their holy grounds and began to perform, are you just as willing to shrug aside that disrespect to what is a holy ground to that community? Would you just "lol"?
so jesus made mistakes? these people you hate for some reason are jesus' mistake? perhaps you should read the bible and figure out wjwd

How many times have you read the Bible, cover to cover?

Me? Plenty enough times to know that Jesus judged those He encountered on earth, and the Great Throne Judgment is coming. When folks say "don't judge", what they really mean is, "don't judge our special pet sins"....which are almost always pervy sexual sins. Isn't that a kick in the head?
you dont want to convert me? or witness to me? and you havent answered ....jesus makes mistakes....yes or no ..simple as that

Perhaps you're one of whom Jesus said: wipe the dust from your feet and move on.

Or, don't throw your pearls before swine.

Or, if you go into a house and they accept your peace, fine. If not, let your peace return to you.

Jesus said all these things.

Some people are beyond witnessing to. They are lost, bones. Even Jesus knew it. Are you lost beyond redemption?
Sure on here casting stones though huh. You would be better off worrying about your own relationship with god than others. Judge not lest thee be judged.

The casting of stones was to kill. We are not going to kill a drag queen.

The issue is: does a drag queen belong in OUR worship--the worship of Jesus Christ. And the answer is no.

Don't like it? Too bad.
Lol, you are deciding that a part of the population is unworthy of God's word but you are worthy of it. Lol, not something I would want to explain to Saint Pete at the pearly gates. I know when I get there I will have absolutely no comments on others worthiness for entry. Way above anyone's pay grade other than God's from what I understand

No one is worthy. No, not one. Not one human being since Adam and all the way down, but Jesus Christ.

When you approach the gate the only question that will matter is: who is your Lord and Savior. And at that moment, it cannot be a fake. Like, "I know what I SHOULD say, thought I never believed it." To those Jesus says, "Depart from Me, I never knew you."

In this life:

If you love Jesus Christ you believe His Word.

If you believe His Word, you don't believe dressing up in drag is a great use of your time. Not especially for entertainment in the CHURCH.

You certainly don't read the NT and then bring this into worship. It is an abomination.
The casting of stones was to kill. We are not going to kill a drag queen.

The issue is: does a drag queen belong in OUR worship--the worship of Jesus Christ. And the answer is no.

Don't like it? Too bad.
Lol, sure thing there retard. You go with that. Hilarious. The good news for me is that although you speak as though you have some sort of authority. You are no one and make no rules. I don't like you and it is not to bad because you have zero effect on my life. God will decide final judgment not your retarded ass. Thank God for that. I rest assured that my fate lies in the hands of a far superior being than your self.
Lol, sure thing there retard. You go with that. Hilarious. The good news for me is that although you speak as though you have some sort of authority. You are no one and make no rules. I don't like you and it is not to bad because you have zero effect on my life. God will decide final judgment not your retarded ass. Thank God for that. I rest assured that my fate lies in the hands of a far superior being than your self.

1. I have no authority, but my God does
2. You don't have to like me. Truth is truth.
3. I also thank God He will judge us and not me. I am just human whereas He is perfect.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, first the public school system and now he's hit God's house. Satan is on a roll since the Democrats have been in power.
Really? There was never drag queens before. I’m gobbsmacked. How are they affecting younpersonally?
Now more than ever we need people to vote Republican for the next election and people probably will never vote Democrat again. This blasphemy and child abuse needs to end.
Blasphemy and child abuse? How are drag queens abusing children? I know lots of clergy that are kiddy fiddlers but not drag queens.

That bloody Satan. Why can’t some god just blow him away? Is he necessary for society? Haven’t seen him for a while though. Must be living in churches I suppose.
Jesus never made anybody a drag queen. And He certainly doesn't condone exposing children to it. Those are choices influenced by the devil. For only Satan condones harm to children either mentally, physically, or both.
Do you mean how religion threatens children with hell, sins and eternal punishment? No Satan required. All pure god.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, first the public school system and now he's hit God's house. Satan is on a roll since the Democrats have been in power.

Now more than ever we need people to vote Republican for the next election and people probably will never vote Democrat again. This blasphemy and child abuse needs to end.

I don't think that voting Republican or not will have any effect on the United Methodist Religion and their decision to bring she-males into the ministry.

This whole idea just doesn't seem very wholesome to me and doesn't seem like it would appeal to families or other normative people, I wonder in the LGBTQ+ will start becoming United Methodists now in droves to make up for the normatives who will be leaving.

My guess is not. The She-males and Shims I've seen over the years just didn't impress me as being that religious.
I don't think that voting Republican or not will have any effect on the United Methodist Religion and their decision to bring she-males into the ministry.

This whole idea just doesn't seem very wholesome to me and doesn't seem like it would appeal to families or other normative people, I wonder in the LGBTQ+ will start becoming United Methodists now in droves to make up for the normatives who will be leaving.

My guess is not. The She-males and Shims I've seen over the years just didn't impress me as being that religious.

The worst part about it is I'm Methodist.
That's right ladies and gentlemen, first the public school system and now he's hit God's house. Satan is on a roll since the Democrats have been in power.

Now more than ever we need people to vote Republican for the next election and people probably will never vote Democrat again. This blasphemy and child abuse needs to end.

Then what in the hell is this guy doing in church?

Gayest shit I've ever seen.
Actually Jesus said that anyone who abuses children have a special place in Hell.

"If anyone causes one of these little ones — those who believe in me — to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to stumble! Such things must come, but woe to the person through whom they come!" - Jesus

The same thing goes for anyone who abuses people who are defenseless thru sex-trafficking and abusing those who have Dementia.
The depths of the sea with a millstone around their neck? Sounds good to me. This being a millstone for those who recently went to public school:

Then what in the hell is this guy doing in church?
Interesting story, that. Back in the day when men wore everyday robes, they also had dress robes. You might recall Jesus spoke of people being required to wear the proper dress garment to a wedding.

Styles change. Men began to wear pants! Oh, those wearing those modern fashions! What were the day's youth up to and what were they going to think up next! The Church elected to remain staid and old fashioned with traditional garments. A robe for everyday, but the dressier robes for celebrations.
What's the use in even talking to you if you don't listen to a thing I say. 🙄
Now maybe you have SOME idea what it's like trying to lead you out of your sins

Like talking to a wall, isn't it

O that there were such an heart in them, that they would fear me, and keep all my commandments always, that it might be well with them, and with their children

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