Zone1 Drag Queens Have NO Place In The Church

The only difference is I know when to just give up and drop it.
And yet you continue to post thread that offend homosexuals and homosexual sympathisers.

Just as you support those who speak out against this, so do I speak out on a thing or two that you don't want to hear.

I didn't create a thread attacking any individual. YOU DID. I didn't create a thread attacking any group (like homosexuals). YOU DID.

I only respond to threads about IDEAS, not PEOPLE. Only YOU have done that.

I will place you on ignore so that you can continue to try to rally your demon worshipping troops in the Flame Zone. I won't read down there anyway
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I will place you on ignore so that you can continue to try to rally your demon worshipping troops in the Flame Zone. I won't read down there anyway

Good! That way I can still see your political threads and you can leave me the heck alone.
so now you are claiming to love the sinner? you would need to turn your attention to the sexualization of children in this society
Do you claim to know the bible? If so any who have read it a few x can clearly see-99% minimum mislead at any given moment after the rebellion in Eden. The only possible time the number isnt that high is maybe when Israel stood strong, but the number didnt drop that much, and they fell over and over. today=99% mislead.
And yet you continue to post thread that offend homosexuals and homosexual sympathisers.

Just as you support those who speak out against this, so do I speak out on a thing or two that you don't want to hear.

Exactly! :clap::clap::clap:

It reminds me of people who angrily speak out against animal abuse towards dogs and cats... but then they attack people who speak out against abuse toward other animals (the ones they eat) simply because they don't like hearing things that confront their own choices...they want to continue in blissful cognitive dissonance.

The thing is, if they can speak out against SOME things that may offend SOME people... they should be able to defend their own views that others point out are wrong or unbiblical. Instead of running away from it or attacking the person who is simply speaking the truth. Having an unteachable spirit is not good for any christian. I hope we can all agree on that. :dunno:
so jesus made mistakes? these people you hate for some reason are jesus' mistake? perhaps you should read the bible and figure out wjwd
Jesus has already addressed your query/question: Its God that defines law and morality.....not man, those who call the Holy Spirit of God a lying God (ignoring the words revealed in the Holy Scriptures....all having been inspired by God-- 2 Tim. 3:16) blaspheme against God and God will give them over to the wages of their "reprobate mind". (Romans 1:28). Jesus defined this type of attitude toward essence calling God a liar, a false god is called "Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit" unforgivable sin. (1 John 5:6, Mark 3:22-30)

There are many people that THINK or REASON other than what the word of God reveals to be law...and assume that because they are engaged in what socieity deems GOOD DEEDS.......God will allow them entrance into the kingdom regardless of their other acts of lawlessness. What did Jesus say?

"Many will say to Me in that day (judgment), 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your Name......cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name?' And then I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice LAWLESSNESS!'. -- Matthew 7:22-23

When any "drag queen" or "homosexual" claims that such perversion from that which is natural......God does not define as Sin......they are blaspheming against the Holy Spirit of God who inspired "ALL SCRIPTURE"......scripture that cleary defines such practice, perversions against nature.

Jesus' position on pretending to be something you are not......a man pretending to be woman, and inversely a woman pretending to be a man? Jesus clearly stated, "Have you not read that He who created from the beginning made them male and female..........." -- Matt. 19:4-6. There is only one type of marriage that God defines as righteous......marriage between a man and a woman. Those who claim that God endoreses homosexual marriage are blaspheming against the Holy Spirit of calling the Spirit of God a lying God.

Paul an Apostle of Christ, inspired by the same Holy Spirit of God has recorded that marriage was made for a male and a female (1 Cor. 7) this record comes right after the Apostle declared the human body is not made for immorality (1 Cor.6), among those not inheriting the Kingdom of God/church are listed as such. FORNICATORS (sex outside of marriage, any type of sex), Adulterers, EFFEMINATE (your drag queen) and HOMOSEXUALS (1 Cor. 6:9-10)

Those who call God a lying spirit are quilty of blaspheming. Socieity might evolve.....truth does not. What was true 2000 years ago is just as true today. Its Truth that shall set you free.........not social mores'
That's right ladies and gentlemen, first the public school system and now he's hit God's house. Satan is on a roll since the Democrats have been in power.

Now more than ever we need people to vote Republican for the next election and people probably will never vote Democrat again. This blasphemy and child abuse needs to end.

That depends on how " Christian " the church actually is. Because of your diatribe, your church is most likely not a very "Christian " one.
Lol, supposed Christians deciding who is good enough to hear the word of God. Hilarious if it was not sad. Well if ya want to make decisions reserved for the almighty then we'll good luck with that! Let me know what he thinks when ya tell him you know better than him.
Lol, supposed Christians deciding who is good enough to hear the word of God. Hilarious if it was not sad. Well if ya want to make decisions reserved for the almighty then we'll good luck with that! Let me know what he thinks when ya tell him you know better than him.

Everyone is "good enough to hear the Word of God". Everyone. If a drag queen came in to church to worship--I mean you might wonder why they would do that--but I can't think of a church that would say "you have to leave".

This was PROMOTED by the church, as in featured as a speaker. Churches also would not have someone speak on adultery, drunkenness, etc. We would definitely have those folks TO church (and we are all sinners) but again, it's what you PROMOTE.
Everyone is "good enough to hear the Word of God". Everyone. If a drag queen came in to church to worship--I mean you might wonder why they would do that--but I can't think of a church that would say "you have to leave".

This was PROMOTED by the church, as in featured as a speaker. Churches also would not have someone speak on adultery, drunkenness, etc. We would definitely have those folks TO church (and we are all sinners) but again, it's what you PROMOTE.
So you allign with me on this. The wise let the almighty do the almighty work. I shall defer all judgements to him he is infinitely more qualified than myself.
So you allign with me on this. The wise let the almighty do the almighty work. I shall defer all judgements to him he is infinitely more qualified than myself.

Partly. Anyone can come and worship, of course. We don't close church to sinners--there would be no one left to come! but the church should not be promoting drag queens. And esp not to CHILDREN
so jesus made mistakes? these people you hate for some reason are jesus' mistake? perhaps you should read the bible and figure out wjwd
You make some faulty assumptions in this post.

People CHOOSE. More often than not, they make BAD PERSONAL CHOICES.

Society has also made poor choices in accepting this insanity
Everyone is "good enough to hear the Word of God". Everyone. If a drag queen came in to church to worship--I mean you might wonder why they would do that--but I can't think of a church that would say "you have to leave".
They would have to leave from GODS CHURCH

John the Baptizer turned people away and told them to come back when they could present "fruit fitting of repentance."
Partly. Anyone can come and worship, of course. We don't close church to sinners--there would be no one left to come! but the church should not be promoting drag queens. And esp not to CHILDREN
Lol, I don't worry about it either way. The church has but a small role in raising my children. That is my role and responsibility. While my children were minors my value system was imposed based on my reading not only of scripture but also knowledge ascertained by God's unabridged version of the lords word. The lords intentions can also be ascertained through studying his creation. Every thing around us is the continued word of God we are standing on and in the lords word. Once my children are adults it is for them to decipher the lords intentions for them with out judgment from me. Life lasts 100 years if you are lucky. This is the tiniest fraction when compared to fore ever. I have faith that the lords judgements shall be fair and made at the end of what we call this life. I also have faith that my guidance to my children will serve them well and guide them to the right choices. I was never very concerned about outside influence on my children as I always had faith they were given enough information to fend off such influence. I thought them to have faith in their upbringing and themselves. I have no fear that they may make the wrong choices when it comes to right and wrong.
Everyone is "good enough to hear the Word of God". Everyone. If a drag queen came in to church to worship--I mean you might wonder why they would do that--but I can't think of a church that would say "you have to leave".

This was PROMOTED by the church, as in featured as a speaker. Churches also would not have someone speak on adultery, drunkenness, etc. We would definitely have those folks TO church (and we are all sinners) but again, it's what you PROMOTE.
Unfortunately, I can think of many so-called "Christian " churches that would do that. By the way most drag queens in the US that declare a religious affiliation are Christian. The Unitarian, Episcopalian, Metropolitan and other gay-friendly churches welcome them without judgement. Throughout Europe churches that still discriminate represent a minority. The world is finally changing for the better in that respect at least.
Everyone is "good enough to hear the Word of God". Everyone. If a drag queen came in to church to worship--I mean you might wonder why they would do that--but I can't think of a church that would say "you have to leave".

This was PROMOTED by the church, as in featured as a speaker. Churches also would not have someone speak on adultery, drunkenness, etc. We would definitely have those folks TO church (and we are all sinners) but again, it's what you PROMOTE.
Mortals arent any ones judge. All sin, and to God all sin carries the same penalty= death. Thus all are equal in sin. If one wants to follow Jesus, they must repent and turn around(stop practicing sins that God hates) to the best of their abilities.
Mortals arent any ones judge. All sin, and to God all sin carries the same penalty= death. Thus all are equal in sin. If one wants to follow Jesus, they must repent and turn around(stop practicing sins that God hates) to the best of their abilities.
And we must understand that what some Christian churches call sin is not sin. Just prejudice and hatred in the guise of religious doctrine.

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