Draining the Swamp


1. Democrats must win the House in November to get the Articles of Impeachment passed.

2. You lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove.

3. Impeachment is pointless unless you can do number two and a waste of time and money.

Final thought:

Trump could be impeached but will remain in office because of the lack of votes in the Senate for removal...

Hmm...that sounds familiar....was there another time in this country when we spent 6 years and 80 million dollars to impeach a POTUS in the House knowing it would be pointless in the Senate?

I guess there is a precedent for such actions as you listed.

With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

That's easy. None and that's what's got these lefty loon salivating.

They think Meuller will find collusion which he won't.

Wonder what they will say when Muellers report finds no collusion between Trump and the Russians??

If he had proof of it then he would close the case now and the report would be in front of Congress. Two years this shit has been going on. No proof yet.

1. Democrats must win the House in November to get the Articles of Impeachment passed.

2. You lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove.

3. Impeachment is pointless unless you can do number two and a waste of time and money.

Final thought:

Trump could be impeached but will remain in office because of the lack of votes in the Senate for removal...

Why do you assume Republicans won't turn on him?

1. Democrats must win the House in November to get the Articles of Impeachment passed.

2. You lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove.

3. Impeachment is pointless unless you can do number two and a waste of time and money.

Final thought:

Trump could be impeached but will remain in office because of the lack of votes in the Senate for removal...

Hmm...that sounds familiar....was there another time in this country when we spent 6 years and 80 million dollars to impeach a POTUS in the House knowing it would be pointless in the Senate?

I guess there is a precedent for such actions as you listed.

With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

But that crime was not what the Special Prosecutor was tasked to find, he was tasked to deal with White Water, and yet his went off the path and dug for anything and everything he could find. Which seems to be what is happening now as well..just following the example of years gone by

Oh, I agree with that.

I'm still waiting for the Trump haters to tell me what they want him impeached for though.

1. Democrats must win the House in November to get the Articles of Impeachment passed.

2. You lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove.

3. Impeachment is pointless unless you can do number two and a waste of time and money.

Final thought:

Trump could be impeached but will remain in office because of the lack of votes in the Senate for removal...

Impeached for what?

1. Democrats must win the House in November to get the Articles of Impeachment passed.

2. You lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove.

3. Impeachment is pointless unless you can do number two and a waste of time and money.

Final thought:

Trump could be impeached but will remain in office because of the lack of votes in the Senate for removal...

Hmm...that sounds familiar....was there another time in this country when we spent 6 years and 80 million dollars to impeach a POTUS in the House knowing it would be pointless in the Senate?

I guess there is a precedent for such actions as you listed.

With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

But that crime was not what the Special Prosecutor was tasked to find, he was tasked to deal with White Water, and yet his went off the path and dug for anything and everything he could find. Which seems to be what is happening now as well..just following the example of years gone by

Oh, I agree with that.

I'm still waiting for the Trump haters to tell me what they want him impeached for though.

I personally think it would be a terrible thing for it to happen unless something real comes out. It would set a very dangerous precedent and our country would suffer for it.

1. Democrats must win the House in November to get the Articles of Impeachment passed.

2. You lack the votes in the Senate to Convict and Remove.

3. Impeachment is pointless unless you can do number two and a waste of time and money.

Final thought:

Trump could be impeached but will remain in office because of the lack of votes in the Senate for removal...

Hmm...that sounds familiar....was there another time in this country when we spent 6 years and 80 million dollars to impeach a POTUS in the House knowing it would be pointless in the Senate?

I guess there is a precedent for such actions as you listed.

With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

But that crime was not what the Special Prosecutor was tasked to find, he was tasked to deal with White Water, and yet his went off the path and dug for anything and everything he could find. Which seems to be what is happening now as well..just following the example of years gone by

Oh, I agree with that.

I'm still waiting for the Trump haters to tell me what they want him impeached for though.

I personally think it would be a terrible thing for it to happen unless something real comes out. It would set a very dangerous precedent and our country would suffer for it.

I agree. We can't impeach for purely political reasons. WE NEED A CRIME.

I'm just getting tired of all these impeach threads from folks that are disgusted with Trump, yet they don't say what they want him impeached for.

What is the crime? What has he done that every other president hasn't done? I just don't see it.
Hmm...that sounds familiar....was there another time in this country when we spent 6 years and 80 million dollars to impeach a POTUS in the House knowing it would be pointless in the Senate?

I guess there is a precedent for such actions as you listed.

With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

But that crime was not what the Special Prosecutor was tasked to find, he was tasked to deal with White Water, and yet his went off the path and dug for anything and everything he could find. Which seems to be what is happening now as well..just following the example of years gone by

Oh, I agree with that.

I'm still waiting for the Trump haters to tell me what they want him impeached for though.

I personally think it would be a terrible thing for it to happen unless something real comes out. It would set a very dangerous precedent and our country would suffer for it.

I agree. We can't impeach for purely political reasons. WE NEED A CRIME.

I'm just getting tired of all these impeach threads from folks that are disgusted with Trump, yet they don't say what they want him impeached for.

What is the crime? What has he done that every other president hasn't done? I just don't see it.

Were you tired of hearing about it for 8 years under Obama?
With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

But that crime was not what the Special Prosecutor was tasked to find, he was tasked to deal with White Water, and yet his went off the path and dug for anything and everything he could find. Which seems to be what is happening now as well..just following the example of years gone by

Oh, I agree with that.

I'm still waiting for the Trump haters to tell me what they want him impeached for though.

I personally think it would be a terrible thing for it to happen unless something real comes out. It would set a very dangerous precedent and our country would suffer for it.

I agree. We can't impeach for purely political reasons. WE NEED A CRIME.

I'm just getting tired of all these impeach threads from folks that are disgusted with Trump, yet they don't say what they want him impeached for.

What is the crime? What has he done that every other president hasn't done? I just don't see it.

Were you tired of hearing about it for 8 years under Obama?

First, yes, I was.

Second, I knew what the crimes were. Every time someone in Obama's administration refused a congressional subeona, I was outraged.

Every time the establishment refused to charge someone in the administration with a clear violation of a crime that everyone knew was a crime? It was outrageous. We knew what the crimes were.

If you can show me where this administration has destroyed evidence, link me to it. If you can show me where this administration has used federal agencies, like the FBI or the IRS, to spy on it's opponents, show it. Everyone knows that this had occurred during the previous administration. Yet nothing was ever done. The previous administration prosecuted more whistle blowers than any other administration, and disregarded the whistle blower protection act. The documented violations are legion. The corruption in the judiciary is legion. But, since there are no convictions, ignorant Americans think it was a non-corrupt, non-criminal administration.

The fact is, it was only a compliant administration to the entrenched interests. If it opposed the Deep State, and instead tried to represent the interests of the voters rather than global corporations and global elites, we would have seen what we are seeing now.

The Fates of American Presidents Who Challenged the Deep
The Fates of American Presidents Who Challenged the Deep State (1963-1980) (1963-1980) | The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus
We took care of two swamp rats yesterday in Manafort and Cohen

Mike Flynn is on deck

When they all become rats and tell their story.....Kushner and Lil Donnie will leave the swamp next

The Big Yellow Swamp Rat?
He will accept an offer like Nixon....Resign and we won’t press charges

Actually... two more you forgot. The Republican Congressman and his wife from California that was busted for misuse of campaign funds.
We took care of two swamp rats yesterday in Manafort and Cohen

Mike Flynn is on deck

When they all become rats and tell their story.....Kushner and Lil Donnie will leave the swamp next

The Big Yellow Swamp Rat?
He will accept an offer like Nixon....Resign and we won’t press charges

What a joke. Manafort guilt has zero Trump impact. None, nada.

Cohen’s big lgotcha to Trump so far is paying for an NDA on a private issue from before he was elected. Let us know when you are going to prosecute Obama for spending millions to keep his college years private.

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Zero impact?
Then what was Trump worried about

Manafort was Trumps campaign manager when all those Russian shenanigans were going on. He, along with Flynn knew what was discussed behind the scenes

And it wasn’t what are we going to do about Russian adoption?

What limited respect I did have for the intelligence of Democrat operatives is fading fast. I believe a point has to be made to help them clarify their hatred of all things Trump.

It is not illegal, unethical, or immoral to talk to Russians, on any subject, or at any time, as long as classified information is not involved. And, it does not matter, one hill of beans, whether or not, that Russian is connected in some way to the Russian government.

The only evidence pointing to a conspiracy to collude with the Russians involves Hillary Clinton, the DNC, and a cadre of FBI and DOJ employees.
I can talk to Russians...so can you
However, if you are running for President you must report all contacts with foreign agents. A man as intelligent as Trump should know that
Now, if Russian agents have committed crimes to get information that will help you win, and you meet with them to get that information, you are complicit in that crime
If you offered services in return for that information, we are looking at treason
Hmm...that sounds familiar....was there another time in this country when we spent 6 years and 80 million dollars to impeach a POTUS in the House knowing it would be pointless in the Senate?

I guess there is a precedent for such actions as you listed.

With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

But that crime was not what the Special Prosecutor was tasked to find, he was tasked to deal with White Water, and yet his went off the path and dug for anything and everything he could find. Which seems to be what is happening now as well..just following the example of years gone by

Oh, I agree with that.

I'm still waiting for the Trump haters to tell me what they want him impeached for though.

I personally think it would be a terrible thing for it to happen unless something real comes out. It would set a very dangerous precedent and our country would suffer for it.

I agree. We can't impeach for purely political reasons. WE NEED A CRIME.

I'm just getting tired of all these impeach threads from folks that are disgusted with Trump, yet they don't say what they want him impeached for.

What is the crime? What has he done that every other president hasn't done? I just don't see it.

Election fraud, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, collusion in a crime, Money Laundering, tax fraud......possible treason

Ample grounds for impeachment
With one important difference.

At that time, there was an actual crime, lying to the investigator.

Will someone, anyone, please tell me what crime Trump is guilty of?

But that crime was not what the Special Prosecutor was tasked to find, he was tasked to deal with White Water, and yet his went off the path and dug for anything and everything he could find. Which seems to be what is happening now as well..just following the example of years gone by

Oh, I agree with that.

I'm still waiting for the Trump haters to tell me what they want him impeached for though.

I personally think it would be a terrible thing for it to happen unless something real comes out. It would set a very dangerous precedent and our country would suffer for it.

I agree. We can't impeach for purely political reasons. WE NEED A CRIME.

I'm just getting tired of all these impeach threads from folks that are disgusted with Trump, yet they don't say what they want him impeached for.

What is the crime? What has he done that every other president hasn't done? I just don't see it.

Election fraud, obstruction of justice, malfeasance, collusion in a crime, Money Laundering, tax fraud......possible treason

Ample grounds for impeachment

So far, none of this is fact. Even after a year of digging.

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