Draper's new book: Secret Meeting by GOP to take down Obama

That was 2009.

right after the fucking republican party crashed the entire worlds economy.

The top priority was not jobs, the economy, the American people?

Nope it was partisan poltics

here we are back with the Republicans crashed the ENTIRE WORLDS ECONOMY..

we had a thing called 9/11 and I sure as hell didn't see THE WORLD fall apart.

you lefties are good at your hysterical LYING
in denial much?
the world has changed drastically since 911...

and that's our fault too?
Well, obviously you don't care, but that has no bearing on anything.

Having said that, why did you go on and do all that tl;dr writing.

I don't care about a "secret" (whoooo...scary...scary...) meeting, Boop because it didn't really matter WHAT the GOP was doing in 2009 because the Democrats were calling the shots. That is reality. All this nonsense from Deanie and TM is just a desperate attempt to excuse what Barack Obama DID with his super-majorities.

Again. Your opinion. If you don't give a shit, then leave the thread.

no, its a statement of fact, the gop didn't control anything, period, unless you wish to post inforamtion proving otherwise.

and lets get real, for this to have any impact at all its got be something , uhm new or something that has not been practiced before. so, is your position that the democrats say in 2001 were all hot to work with bush? The opposition is the opposition, that why its called- opposition.
I just finished the book. Excellent read, was rather disappointed that the last 30% was acknowledgments, citations, etc.

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